< 2 Chronicles 10 >
1 All the people of Israel went to Shechem [city] in order to appoint Rehoboam to be their king. So Rehoboam also went there.
Rehabeam begav sig til Sikem, thi derhen var hele Israel stævnet for at hylde ham som Konge.
2 Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, had fled to Egypt [to escape] from King Solomon. But when he heard [about the people wanting to appoint Rehoboam to be their king], he returned [to Israel] from Egypt
Men da Jeroboam, Nebats Søn, der opholdt sig i Ægypten, hvorhen han var flygtet for Kong Salomo, fik Nys derom, vendte han hjem fra Ægypten.
3 So the [leaders of the northern tribes] summoned him, and he went with them [to talk] to Rehoboam. They said to Rehoboam,
Man sendte da Bud og lod ham kalde. Og Jeroboam kom. Da sagde hele Israel til Rehabeam:
4 “Your father [Solomon] forced us to work very hard for him. If you do not force us to work that hard, and if you charge us less taxes than we were paying to him, we will serve you [faithfully].”
»Din Fader lagde et haardt Aag paa os, men let du nu det haarde Arbejde for os, som din Fader krævede, og det tunge Aag, han lagde paa os, saa vil vi tjene dig!«
5 He replied, “Come back three days from now [and I will give you my answer].” So those leaders [and Jeroboam] left.
Han svarede dem: »Gaa bort, bi tre Dage og kom saa til mig igen!« Saa gik Folket.
6 Then King Rehoboam consulted his older men who had advised his father Solomon while he was still alive. He asked them, “What shall I say to answer these men?”
Derpaa raadførte Kong Rehabeam sig med de gamle, der havde staaet i hans Fader Salomos Tjeneste, dengang han levede, og spurgte dem: »Hvad raader I mig til at svare dette Folk?«
7 They replied, “If you will be kind to these people and do things that will please them, and if you say kind things to them when you answer them, they will always serve you.”
De svarede: »Hvis du i Dag vil være venlig mod dette Folk og føje dem og give dem gode Ord, saa vil de blive dine Tjenere for bestandig!«
8 But he ignored what the older men advised him to do. Instead, he consulted the younger men who had grown up with him, who were now his advisors.
Men han fulgte ikke det Raad, de gamle gav ham; derimod raadførte han sig med de unge, der var vokset op sammen med ham og stod i hans Tjeneste,
9 He said to them, “How should I answer the men who are asking me to reduce the [work and taxes] that my father required from them?”
og spurgte dem: »Hvad raader I os til at svare dette Folk, som kræver af mig, at jeg skal lette dem det Aag, min Fader lagde paa dem?«
10 The young men who had grown up with him replied, “[Those men] have said that your father forced them to work very hard for him, so they want you to reduce the [work and taxes] that your father required from them. But this is what you should tell them: ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist.
De unge, der var vokset op sammen med ham, sagde da til ham: »Saaledes skal du svare dette Folk, som sagde til dig: Din Fader lagde et tungt Aag paa os, let du det for os! Saaledes skal du svare dem: Min Lillefinger er tykkere end min Faders Hofter!
11 What I mean is that my father required you to [work hard and pay high taxes]. But I will make those loads heavier. [It was as though] my father whipped you, but I will whip you with whips that have pieces of metal in them.’”
Har derfor min Fader lagt et tungt Aag paa eder, vil jeg gøre Aaget tungere; har min Fader tugtet eder med Svøber, vil jeg tugte eder med Skorpioner!«
12 Three days later, Jeroboam and all the leaders came to King Rehoboam again, which is what he had told them to do.
Da Jeroboam og alt Folket Tredjedagen kom til Rehabeam, som Kongen havde sagt,
13 The king ignored the advice of the older men and spoke harshly to the Israeli leaders.
gav han dem et haardt Svar, og uden at tage Hensyn til de gamles Raad
14 [He told them what the younger men had advised.] He said, “My father put heavy burdens [of work and taxes] on you, but I will put heavier burdens on you. [It was as though] he beat you with whips, but I will beat you with whips that have pieces of metal in them!”
sagde han efter de unges Raad til dem: »Har min Fader lagt et tungt Aag paa eder, vil jeg gøre det tungere; har min Fader tugtet eder med Svøber, vil jeg tugte eder med Skorpioner!«
15 So the king did not pay any attention to the Israeli leaders. But this happened in order that what Yahweh had told the prophet Ahijah about Jeroboam would happen.
Kongen hørte ikke paa Folket, thi Gud føjede det saaledes for at opfylde det Ord, HERREN havde talet ved Ahija fra Silo til Jeroboam, Nebats Søn.
16 When the Israeli leaders realized that the king did not pay any attention to what they said, they shouted, “We do not want anything to do with this descendant of King David! We will not pay attention to what this grandson of Jesse says! You people of Israel, let’s go home! As for this descendant of David, he can rule his own kingdom!” So the Israeli leaders returned to their homes.
Men da hele Israel mærkede, at Kongen ikke hørte paa dem, gav Folket Kongen det Svar: »Hvad Del har vi i David? Vi har ingen Lod i Isajs Søn! Til dine Telte, Israel! Sørg nu, David, for dit eget Hus!« Derpaa vendte Israel tilbage til sine Telte.
17 And [after that, the only Israeli] people whom Rehoboam ruled over were those who lived in the territory of [the tribes of] Judah [and Benjamin].
Men over de Israeliter, der boede i Judas Byer, blev Rehabeam Konge.
18 Then King Rehoboam went with Adoniram [to talk to the Israeli people]. Adoniram was the man who supervised [all the men who were] forced to work [for Rehoboam]. But the Israeli people killed him by throwing stones at him. When that happened, King Rehoboam quickly got in his chariot and escaped to Jerusalem.
Nu sendte Kong Rehabeam Adoniram, der havde Opsyn med Hoveriarbejdet, ud til dem, men Israeliterne stenede ham til Døde. Da steg Kong Rehabeam i største Hast op paa sin Stridsvogn og flygtede til Jerusalem.
19 Ever since that time, [the people of the northern tribes of] Israel have been rebelling against the descendants of [King] David.
Saa brød Israel med Davids Hus, og saaledes er det den Dag i Dag.