< 1 Timothy 6 >
1 As for slaves [DOU] [who are believers, teach them that they] should consider that it is right for them to honor their masters in every way. If they do that, people will not speak (against/evil about) God [MTY] and they will not speak (against/evil about) that which [we apostles] teach, [because they will see that the slaves are being respectful of their masters].
Którzykolwiek słudzy są pod jarzmem, niech rozumieją panów swych godnych być wszelakiej czci, aby imię Boże i nauka nie była bluźniona.
2 [Slaves] who have masters who believe [in Christ] must not be disrespectful to their masters just because their masters are fellow believers. Instead, they should serve [their masters] even better because [their masters] are fellow believers whom [God] loves and who benefit when [the slaves] serve them well. As you teach these things [to your congregation], exhort/urge [people] that they do them.
A którzy mają panów wiernych, niech nimi nie gardzą, dlatego iż są braćmi, ale tem raczej niech służą, iż są wierni i mili, dobrodziejstwa Bożego uczestnicy. Tego nauczaj i do tego upominaj.
3 Some people teach things that are different. What they teach (does not agree with/is not like) the correct teaching that our Lord Jesus Christ [taught] (OR, that is about our Lord Jesus Christ). They do not say that we should conduct our lives (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]).
Jeźli kto inaczej uczy, a nie przystępuje do zdrowych mów Pana naszego, Jezusa Chrystusa, i do tej nauki, która jest według pobożności,
4 Such people are very proud and do not understand anything [HYP]. Instead, they abnormally/wrongly desire to [argue about unimportant] matters and about certain words. As a result, [people who listen to them] (envy [others/] to have what others have). They quarrel [with others and with one another]. They say bad things about [others. They] suspect/think that [others] have evil ([motives/reasons for doing what they do]).
Taki nadęty jest i nic nie umie, ale szaleje około gadek i sporów o słowa, z których pochodzi zazdrość, swar, złorzeczenia, złe podejrzenia,
5 Their whole way of thinking has become completely wrong [because] they have rejected the true [doctrine/teaching]. As a result, they [mistakenly] think that (by practicing religion/by saying that they believe in God) they will gain a lot of [money].
Przewrotne ćwiczenia ludzi umysłu skażonego i którzy pozbawieni są prawdy, którzy rozumieją, że pobożność jest zyskiem cielesnym; odstąpże od takich.
6 [Well, we] truly do gain great [benefit] when we conduct our lives (in a [godly manner/] a [manner that pleases God]) and we are content [with what we have].
A jestci wielki zysk pobożność z przestawaniem na swem;
7 We brought nothing into the world [when we were born], and we cannot take anything out [of it when we die],
Albowiem niceśmy nie przynieśli na ten świat, bez pochyby że też wynieść nic nie możemy;
8 so if we have food and clothing, we should be satisfied with these.
Ale mając żywność i odzienie, na tem przestawać mamy.
9 But some people strongly desire to be rich. As a result, they [do wrong things to get money, and this will cause them to] be caught/trapped [MET] as animals get caught in traps. They foolishly desire many things, and those desires cause them to get hurt. And God will completely reject [them]!
Bo którzy chcą bogatymi być, wpadają w pokuszenie i w sidło, i w wiele głupich i szkodliwych pożądliwości, które pogrążają ludzi na zatracenie i zginienie.
10 All kinds of bad things will happen to people who [PRS] desire to have a lot of money. Because some people longed for money, they have stopped believing the doctrine/teaching [that all of us believe] and they have caused themselves much grief/sadness.
Albowiem korzeń wszystkiego złego jest miłość pieniędzy, których niektórzy pragnąc, pobłądzili od wiary i poprzebijali się wieloma boleściami.
11 But as for you, who are a man who [serves God], (keep completely away from such love of money/do not be like the people who love money). Decide that you will do what is right, and that you will (be godly/do what pleases God). Decide that you will trust [God], and that you will love [others]. Endure [difficult circumstances]. Always be gentle [with people].
Ale ty, człowiecze Boży! chroń się takich rzeczy, a naśladuj sprawiedliwości, pobożności, wiary, miłości, cierpliwości, cichości.
12 Try earnestly and with all your energy/strength [MET] to live in accordance with what you believe. [Continue to do your tasks well in order that] you will know for sure that you will live eternally. Remember that [God] chose you to [live with him], and that when many elders were listening you said strongly ([what you believe/that you trust in Christ]). (aiōnios )
Bojuj on dobry bój wiary, chwyć się żywota wiecznego, do któregoś też powołany, i wyznałeś dobre wyznanie przed wieloma świadkami. (aiōnios )
13 God, who gives life to all things, knows everything that you do. Christ Jesus also knows everything that you do. He strongly declared what was true when [he was on trial before] Pontius Pilate.
Rozkazuję ci przed Bogiem, który wszystko ożywia i przed Chrystusem Jezusem, który oświadczył przed Ponckim Piłatem dobre wyznanie,
14 I command you that as you keep all that in mind, in every way you (hold fast/obey) to what Christ has commanded us [DOU]. (Hold fast/obey) to those teachings in a way that our Lord Jesus Christ cannot (criticize you about/say that what you did was wrong), until he comes again.
Abyś zachował to przykazanie, będąc bez zmazy, bez nagany, aż do objawienia Pana naszego, Jezusa Chrystusa,
15 [Remember that God] will cause Jesus to come again at the proper time. God is awesome! He is the only Ruler! He rules over all other people who rule!
Które czasów swoich okaże on błogosławiony i sam możny król królujących i Pan panujących;
16 He is the only one who will never die, [and he lives in heaven surrounded by] light [that is so bright that] no one can approach it! He is the one whom no person has ever seen and whom no person is able to see! My desire is that all people will honor him and that he [will rule] powerfully [MTY] forever! (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōnios )
Który sam ma nieśmiertelność i mieszka w światłości nieprzystępnej, którego nie widział żaden z ludzi, ani widzieć może; któremu niech będzie cześć i moc wieczna. Amen. (aiōnios )
17 Tell [the believers] who are rich here in this present world that they should not be proud, and that they should not trust in their many [possessions], because they cannot be certain [how long they will have them]. Teach them that instead of [trusting in their wealth, they should trust] in God. He is the one who generously gives us everything we have in order that we may enjoy it. (aiōn )
Bogaczom w tym teraźniejszym wieku rozkaż, aby nie byli wysokomyślnymi, ani nadziei pokładali w bogactwie niepewnem, ale w Bogu żywym, który nam wszystkiego obficie ku używaniu dodaje: (aiōn )
18 Also, tell them that their good deeds must be as plentiful [as their money]. Specifically, they should share very generously with others [what they have].
Aby innym dobrze czynili, w uczynki dobre bogatymi byli, radzi dawali, a radzi udzielali,
19 If they do that, [Jesus will give them a great reward. It will be as though] they are piling up [in heaven] treasure for themselves that will (be a good [basis on which they may rely] for/result in their) receiving a great reward in the future (OR, which will be [as] solid [as] the foundation [MET] [of a house]). By doing this they will experience what real life is like.
Skarbiąc sami sobie grunt dobry na przyszły czas, aby otrzymali żywot wieczny.
20 Timothy, faithfully proclaim/protect the true message (OR, do the work) that [Jesus] has given [to you]. (Avoid/Do not listen to) [people who want to] chatter about things that are not important to God. (Avoid/Do not listen to) [people who claim/say that they have] ‘true knowledge’ but who say things that oppose/contradict [our true teaching].
O Tymoteuszu! strzeż tego, czegoć się powierzono, a brzydź się świecką próżnomównością i sprzeczaniem około fałszywie nazwanej umiejętności,
21 ([Keep completely away from/Reject completely]) [such teaching. Remember that] some people who claim [to have this ‘knowledge’] have stopped believing what [all of us] believe. ([I desire that/May]) [God continue to act] kindly toward you all.
Którą się niektórzy szczycąc z strony wiary, celu uchybili. Łaska niech będzie z tobą. Amen.