< 1 Timothy 4 >

1 [God’s] Spirit has clearly told us that in later times some people will stop believing the [teaching] that [all of us] believe. Instead, they will listen to [evil] spirits who deceive [people. They will also believe the false] doctrines/teachings that [they receive from] these evil spirits.
Fa ny Fanahy milaza marina fa amin’ ny andro aoriana dia hihemotra amin’ ny finoana ny sasany, manaiky fanahy mamitaka sy fampianaran’ ny demonia,
2 The people who teach those false doctrines/teachings are liars! And they do not feel at all guilty [MET] [when they teach such teachings]!
amin’ ny fihatsaram-belatsihin’ ny mpilaza lainga, ka voapetaky ny vy mahamay ny fieritreretany,
3 [For example], they forbid [believers] to marry [because they say that it makes us unacceptable to God]. They also [command] that people abstain from [eating certain] foods. But God created such foods in order that we can eat them! We who believe [in Christ] know the true [teaching], and we thank [God for the food that he gives us. That is why we] can eat it.
izay mandrara tsy hanam-bady, ary mampifady hanina, izay nataon’ Andriamanitra ho an’ izay mino sady mahalala ny marina, mba horaisiny amin’ ny fisaorana.
4 [We can eat all kinds of food] because God has created all [food], and it is all good. We should not refuse to eat certain kinds of food if we thank [God for it] when we eat it.
Fa ny zavatra rehetra nataon’ Andriamanitra dia tsara avokoa, ka tsy misy tokony holavina, raha raisina amin’ ny fisaorana,
5 It is acceptable [to God] because God [long ago] said [that all things that he made are good], and because we pray that God will bless it.
satria hamasinin’ ny tenin’ Andriamanitra sy ny fivavahana izany.
6 When you teach these things to your fellow believers, you will be showing that you, [whom] Christ Jesus [appointed], serve them well. You will have become strong [spiritually] (by holding fast/by obeying) the true message that [we all] believe.
Raha manoro hevitra ny rahalahy ny amin’ izany zavatra izany ianao, dia ho mpanompo tsara an’ i Kristy Jesosy, tezaina amin’ ny tenin’ ny finoana sy ny fampianarana tsara izay efa narahinao.
7 You must completely reject godless, silly/foolish stories [from your ancestors that old people tell]. Keep training yourself so that you have more (godly behavior/behavior that pleases God).
Fa ny anganongano ratsy fanaom-bavy antitra dia lavo, ka mampiasà ny tenanao ho amin’ ny toe-panahy araka an’ Andriamanitra.
8 [Some people say], “It helps us in some ways if we exercise our bodies.” But [I say that] people benefit very much if they live (in a godly way/in a way that pleases God), because [if people live in a godly way, that] will benefit them both while they live now and when they live in the future life [in heaven].
Fa mahasoa kely ihany ny fampiasana ny tena; fa ny toe-panahy araka an’ Andriamanitra no mahasoa amin’ ny zavatra rehetra ka manana ny teny fikasana ny amin’ ny fiainana ankehitriny sy ny ho avy koa.
9 Those are words that are absolutely true, and everybody should believe them!
Mahatoky izao teny izao ka tokony hekena amin’ ny fankasitrahana rehetra.
10 This is the reason why we work so hard [DOU] [for others], because we confidently expect that God, who is all-powerful, [will do the things that he has promised]. He is the one who [wants to] save all people, [so he protects them]. He certainly [protects us] who believe [in Christ]!
Fa izany no ikelezanay aina sy iezahanay, satria izahay manantena an’ Andriamanitra velona, Izay Mpamonjy ny olona rehetra, indrindra fa izay mino.
11 Command these things and teach these things.
Izany zavatra izany no andidio sy ampianaro.
12 [Timothy], by the way you conduct your life, show the believers [in your congregation] how they should conduct their lives. Specifically, speak [good things], conduct yourself [well], love [people], trust [God], and be pure in every way. If you do all that, no one will [have any reason] (to belittle/to treat you disrespectfully) because of your being young.
Aoka tsy hisy olona hanao tsinontsinona anao noho ny hatanoranao; fa aoka ho tonga fianarana ho an’ ny mino ianao amin’ ny fiteny, amin’ ny fitondran-tena, amin’ ny fitiavana, amin’ ny finoana, amin’ ny fahadiovana.
13 Until I come, be sure that you read [the Scriptures to the congregation] and that you exhort/urge them [to obey the Scriptures], and teach them.
Mandra-pihaviko tandremo ny famakian-teny, ny fananarana, ny fampianarana.
14 Do not forget [to use] the [abilities that God] gave to you as a result of [people/us] (prophesying/telling what God revealed to them) [about you], and as a result of the elders putting their hands on you [to commission/appoint you to do God’s work].
Aza tsy mitandrina ny fanomezam-pahasoavana izay ao anatinao, izay nomena anao tamin’ ny faminaniana sy ny fametrahan-tànan’ ny loholona.
15 Do these things [that I have told] you to do! (Concentrate on them/Do them [sincerely and] wholeheartedly) in order that everyone may see that you are improving [in how you do them].
Mazotoa hihevitra izany zavatra izany, dia mikeleza aina fatratra amin’ izany, mba hiseho amin’ ny olona rehetra ny fandrosoanao.
16 Be careful that you [conduct] yourself well. By continuing to do that, you will save yourself. And if you continue [to teach the good] doctrine/teaching, the result of your teaching will be that [God] will save the people who listen to you.
Tandremo ny tenanao sy ny fampianaranao, ka mahareta amin’ izany; fa raha manao izany ianao, dia hamonjy ny tenanao sy izay mihaino anao.

< 1 Timothy 4 >