< 1 Timothy 4 >
1 [God’s] Spirit has clearly told us that in later times some people will stop believing the [teaching] that [all of us] believe. Instead, they will listen to [evil] spirits who deceive [people. They will also believe the false] doctrines/teachings that [they receive from] these evil spirits.
А Духът изрично казва, че в послешните времена някои ще отстъпят от вярата, и ще слушат измамителни духове и бясовски учения,
2 The people who teach those false doctrines/teachings are liars! And they do not feel at all guilty [MET] [when they teach such teachings]!
чрез лицемерието на човеци, които лъжат, чиято съвест е пригоряла,
3 [For example], they forbid [believers] to marry [because they say that it makes us unacceptable to God]. They also [command] that people abstain from [eating certain] foods. But God created such foods in order that we can eat them! We who believe [in Christ] know the true [teaching], and we thank [God for the food that he gives us. That is why we] can eat it.
които запрещават жененето и заповядват въздържание от ястия, които Бог създаде, за да се употребяват с благодарение от ония, които вярват и разбират истината.
4 [We can eat all kinds of food] because God has created all [food], and it is all good. We should not refuse to eat certain kinds of food if we thank [God for it] when we eat it.
Защото всяко нещо, създадено от Бога, е добро, и нищо не е за отхвърляне, ако се приема с благодарение;
5 It is acceptable [to God] because God [long ago] said [that all things that he made are good], and because we pray that God will bless it.
Понеже се освещава чрез Божието слово и молитва.
6 When you teach these things to your fellow believers, you will be showing that you, [whom] Christ Jesus [appointed], serve them well. You will have become strong [spiritually] (by holding fast/by obeying) the true message that [we all] believe.
В това като съветваш братята, ще бъдеш добър служител Исус Христов, хранен с думите на вярата и доброто учение, което си следвал до сега.
7 You must completely reject godless, silly/foolish stories [from your ancestors that old people tell]. Keep training yourself so that you have more (godly behavior/behavior that pleases God).
А отхвърляй скверните и бабешките басни и обучавай себе си в благочестие.
8 [Some people say], “It helps us in some ways if we exercise our bodies.” But [I say that] people benefit very much if they live (in a godly way/in a way that pleases God), because [if people live in a godly way, that] will benefit them both while they live now and when they live in the future life [in heaven].
Защото телесното обучение е за малко полезно; а благочестието е за всичко полезно, понеже има обещанието и за сегашния и за бъдещия живот.
9 Those are words that are absolutely true, and everybody should believe them!
Това слово е вярно и заслужава приемане;
10 This is the reason why we work so hard [DOU] [for others], because we confidently expect that God, who is all-powerful, [will do the things that he has promised]. He is the one who [wants to] save all people, [so he protects them]. He certainly [protects us] who believe [in Christ]!
понеже за това се трудим и подвизаваме, защото се надяваме на живия Бог, Който е Спасител на всички човеци, а най-вече на вярващите.
11 Command these things and teach these things.
Това заръчвай и учи.
12 [Timothy], by the way you conduct your life, show the believers [in your congregation] how they should conduct their lives. Specifically, speak [good things], conduct yourself [well], love [people], trust [God], and be pure in every way. If you do all that, no one will [have any reason] (to belittle/to treat you disrespectfully) because of your being young.
Никой да не презира твоята младост; но бъди пример на вярващите в слово, в поведение, в любов, във вяра, в чистота.
13 Until I come, be sure that you read [the Scriptures to the congregation] and that you exhort/urge them [to obey the Scriptures], and teach them.
Докато дойда, внимавай на прочитането, на увещанието на проучването.
14 Do not forget [to use] the [abilities that God] gave to you as a result of [people/us] (prophesying/telling what God revealed to them) [about you], and as a result of the elders putting their hands on you [to commission/appoint you to do God’s work].
Не пренебрегвай, дарбата която имаш, която ти се даде, съгласно с пророчеството, чрез ръкополагането от презвитерите.
15 Do these things [that I have told] you to do! (Concentrate on them/Do them [sincerely and] wholeheartedly) in order that everyone may see that you are improving [in how you do them].
В това прилежавай, на това се предавай, за да стане явен на всички твоят напредък.
16 Be careful that you [conduct] yourself well. By continuing to do that, you will save yourself. And if you continue [to teach the good] doctrine/teaching, the result of your teaching will be that [God] will save the people who listen to you.
Внимавай на себе си и на поучението си, постоянствувай в това; защото, като правиш това, ще спасиш и себе си и слушателите си.