< 1 Timothy 3 >

1 Anyone who aspires to be an elder [in the congregation] (OR, a bishop) desires a noble/honorable task.
Věrnáť jest tato řeč, žádá-li kdo biskupství žeť výborné práce žádá.
2 [Since that is a task that others should respect], an overseer must [live] in such a way that [no one] can truly (say that he has done [anything that is] wrong/find fault with him). Specifically, [he must be] faithful to his wife. He must think clearly [about what he does]. He must be able to control his behavior. He must be sensible. He must be dignified/respectable. He must welcome and care for guests. He must be able to teach [God’s truth] well.
Ale musíť biskup býti bez úhony, jedné manželky muž, bedlivý, středmý, vážný, k hostem přívětivý, způsobný k učení.
3 He must not be a drunkard. He must not be ready/quick to fight [those who make him angry]. On the contrary, he must be gentle and he must not be quarrelsome. He must not be greedy for a lot of money.
Ne pijan vína, ne bitec, ani mrzkého zisku žádostivý, ale mírný, ne svárlivý, ne lakomec,
4 He must lead and care for his own household/family well. For example, he must be a man whom his children obey and completely respect,
Kterýž by dům svůj dobře spravoval, a dítky své měl v poddanosti se vší šlechetností.
5 because if anyone does not know how he should lead well and care for well the people who live in his own house, (he certainly cannot care for God’s congregation!/how can he care for God’s congregation?) [RHQ]
(Nebo jestliže kdo domu svého spraviti neumí, kterak o církev Páně pečovati bude?)
6 He must not be one who has just recently [trusted in Jesus], because [if you choose a man] like that, he might become conceited/proud [because you chose him so soon]. As a result of his being conceited/proud, God will condemn him like he condemned the devil [because he was conceited/proud].
Ne novák, aby snad nadut jsa, neupadl v potupení ďáblovo.
7 Moreover, [an elder must live] in such a way that non-Christians speak well of him, because [if he conducts himself like] that, people will not say evil things about him, and the devil will not capture/trap him [MET] [like people capture animals] in a trap.
A musíť také i svědectví dobré míti od těch, kteříž jsou vně, aby neupadl v pohanění a v osidlo ďáblovo.
8 [Those whom you choose to serve as] deacons likewise [must be ones who conduct themselves suitably/appropriately. Specifically], they must be (serious/worthy that people respect them). They must (be sincere/mean what they say). They must not like to drink a lot of alcohol. They must not (be greedy/have a strong desire to get money).
Takž podobně jáhnové musejí býti poctiví, ne dvojího jazyku, ne mnoho vína pijící, ne žádostiví mrzkého zisku,
9 They must sincerely believe the message that [God] has now revealed [to us].
Mající tajemství víry v svědomí čistém.
10 [Like you do for the elders], you must examine ([their character/how they conduct their lives]) [before you appoint them to serve]. Then if they are without fault, let them serve as deacons.
A ti také ať jsou nejprv zkušeni, a tak ať přisluhují, jsouce bez úhony.
11 Their wives (OR, The women who are deacons) likewise [must conduct themselves suitably/appropriately. Specifically, they must be] (serious/worthy that people respect them). They must not speak evil about people. They must not drink a lot of alcohol. They must be faithful in everything that they do.
Též i manželky jejich musejí býti šlechetné, neutrhavé, středmé, ve všem věrné.
12 Deacons must be faithful to their wives, and they must lead well and care well for their children and [other] people in their houses.
Jáhnové buďtež jedné manželky muži, kteříž by své dítky dobře spravovali i své domy.
13 Because if deacons serve well, people will respect them, and they will be able [to speak] very boldly/confidently about what they believe concerning Christ Jesus.
Nebo kteříž by dobře přisluhovali, dobrého stupně sobě dobudou, a mnohé doufanlivosti u víře, kteráž jest v Kristu Ježíši.
14 Although I hope that I will come and visit you soon, I am writing these things to you [now]
Totoť píši tobě, maje naději, že brzo přijdu k tobě.
15 in order that if I (am delayed/things prevent me from visiting to you soon), you will know how believers should conduct their lives [and you will be able to teach that to them]. [I am talking about] all those who are members of God’s family, all the congregations that belong to the all-powerful God, all those who uphold/support [MET] the true [message].
Pakliť prodlím, abys věděl, kterak máš v domu Božím chovati se, jenž jest církev Boha živého, sloup a utvrzení pravdy.
16 It is certainly true that [the message that God] has now revealed is very wonderful! From it, we learn this spiritual truth that we say/sing about [Christ] (OR, We affirm this teaching to be true and very important.) It is what shows us how to live (in a godly manner/in a manner that pleases God). It is what God has now revealed, even though it was not known before. [We] ([affirm/say that it is true]) concerning Jesus Christ that, He is the one who appeared on the earth in a human body. God’s Spirit showed/demonstrated that he is/was truly the Messiah (OR, that he always acted righteously); Angels saw him; people preached about him in many nations; People in many parts of the world believed the message about him. God took him up into heaven.
A v pravdě velikéť jest tajemství zbožnosti, že Bůh zjeven jest v těle, ospravedlněn v Duchu, ukázal se andělům, kázán jest pohanům, uvěřeno jemu na světě, vzhůru přijat jest ve slávu.

< 1 Timothy 3 >