< 1 Thessalonians 1 >
1 [I], Paul, [am writing this letter]. Silas and Timothy [are with me]. [We(exc) are sending this letter] to [you who are] the congregation [of believers] in Thessalonica [city]. We [(inc)] all [worship] (OR, [trust in]) God [our] Father [MET] and [our] Lord Jesus Christ. [We three desire/pray that God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, will continue to] act kindly toward you and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
१देवपिता व प्रभू येशू ख्रिस्ता याच्यात असलेली थेस्सलनीका शहरातील मंडळी हिला पौल, सिल्वान व तीमथ्य ह्याच्याद्वारे तुम्हास कृपा व शांती असो.
2 We always thank God for you all [when] we mention you while we pray (OR, [when] we pray [for you]).
२आम्ही आपल्या प्रार्थनांमध्ये तुमची आठवण करीत सर्वदा तुम्हा सर्वांविषयी देवाची उपकारस्तुती करतो.
3 [We thank God because] we continually remember that you work [for God because] you trust [in him] and you earnestly/energetically help people because you love them. You also endure [it when people cause you to suffer]. You endure it because you confidently expect that our Lord Jesus Christ [will soon return from heaven to rescue you]!
३आपल्या देवपित्यासमोर तुमचे विश्वासाने केलेले काम, प्रीतीने केलेले श्रम व आपल्या प्रभू येशू ख्रिस्तावरच्या आशेमुळे धरलेली सहनशीलता ह्यांची आम्ही निरंतर आठवण करतो.
4 My fellow believers whom God loves, we [also thank him because] we know that he chose you [to become his people].
४बंधूंनो, तुम्ही देवाचे प्रिय आहात, तुमची झालेली निवड आम्हास ठाऊक आहेच;
5 We know that he chose you because [when] we told that message to you, we did not speak only words. The Holy Spirit [helped us to speak] powerfully/effectively, and he strongly assured [us that he was powerfully working in you by means of] the message [about Christ] that we [told to you. You yourselves know that], because you know how we spoke and how we conducted ourselves when we were with you, in order that [we might help] you.
५कारण आमची सुवार्ता केवळ शब्दाने नव्हे, तर सामर्थ्याने, पवित्र आत्म्याने व पूर्ण खात्रीने तुम्हास कळविण्यात आली तसेच तुमच्याकरिता आम्ही तुमच्याबरोबर असताना कसे वागलो हे तुम्हास ठाऊक आहे.
6 We also [know that God chose you] because we have now heard that you have endured your troubles when [people] caused you to suffer very much [because you believed in Christ]. You endured just like the Lord [Jesus Christ] endured, and just like we did [when people caused us to suffer]. At that time you were joyful because the Holy Spirit caused you to be joyful.
६तुम्ही फार संकटात असताना पवित्र आत्म्याच्या आनंदाने वचन अंगीकारुन आमचे व प्रभूचे अनुकरण करणारे झाला;
7 As a result [of your joyfully enduring your troubles], all the believers who live in Macedonia and Achaia [provinces have heard how firmly you trust God. So they know that they should firmly trust in God] as you do.
७अशाने मासेदोनिया व अखया ह्यांतील सर्व विश्वास ठेवणाऱ्यांना तुम्ही उदाहरण असे झाला आहात.
8 Other people have heard you tell the message [from] the Lord [Jesus]. Then they also have proclaimed the message to people who live throughout Macedonia and Achaia [provinces]. Not only that, but [people who live] in many far-away places [HYP] have heard that you trust in God. As a result, we do not need to tell people [what God has done in your lives].
८मासेदोनिया व अखया ह्यात तुमच्याकडून प्रभूच्या वचनाची घोषणा झाली आहे; इतकेच केवळ नव्हे तर देवावरील तुमच्या विश्वासाची बातमीही सर्वत्र पसरली आहे; ह्यामुळे त्याविषयी आम्हास काही सांगायची गरज नाही.
9 People [who live far from you are telling others what happened when we were with you]. They also report that you stopped [worshipping things that] ([you/your ancestors]) [considered to be] gods and now you worship God. [As a result], you serve the God who is all-powerful and who is the real God.
९कारण तुम्हामध्ये आमचे येणे कोणत्या प्रकारचे झाले, हे ते आपण होऊन आम्हाविषयी सांगतात; तुम्ही मूर्तींपासून देवाकडे कसे वळला आणि जिवंत व खऱ्या देवाची सेवा करण्यास,
10 They tell us that now you wait expectantly for his Son [to return to earth] from heaven. You firmly believe that God caused him to live again after he died. You believe also that Jesus will rescue [all of] us, [who trust in him], from [God’s] punishing us [MTY].
१०आणि त्याचा पुत्र येशू याची स्वर्गांतून येण्याची वाट पाहण्यास, तो पुत्र म्हणजे येशू ज्याला देवाने मरण पावलेल्यातून उठवले व तो आपल्याला भावी क्रोधापासून सोडविणारा आहे.