< 1 Thessalonians 1 >

1 [I], Paul, [am writing this letter]. Silas and Timothy [are with me]. [We(exc) are sending this letter] to [you who are] the congregation [of believers] in Thessalonica [city]. We [(inc)] all [worship] (OR, [trust in]) God [our] Father [MET] and [our] Lord Jesus Christ. [We three desire/pray that God, our Father, and Jesus Christ, our Lord, will continue to] act kindly toward you and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
Paŭlo kaj Silvano kaj Timoteo al la eklezio de la Tesalonikanoj en Dio, la Patro, kaj la Sinjoro Jesuo Kristo: Graco al vi kaj paco.
2 We always thank God for you all [when] we mention you while we pray (OR, [when] we pray [for you]).
Ni ĉiam dankas Dion pri vi ĉiuj, memorigante pri vi en niaj preĝoj;
3 [We thank God because] we continually remember that you work [for God because] you trust [in him] and you earnestly/energetically help people because you love them. You also endure [it when people cause you to suffer]. You endure it because you confidently expect that our Lord Jesus Christ [will soon return from heaven to rescue you]!
memorante senĉese vian laboron de fido kaj penadon de amo kaj paciencon de espero al nia Sinjoro Jesuo Kristo, antaŭ nia Dio kaj Patro;
4 My fellow believers whom God loves, we [also thank him because] we know that he chose you [to become his people].
sciante, fratoj, amataj de Dio, vian elekton,
5 We know that he chose you because [when] we told that message to you, we did not speak only words. The Holy Spirit [helped us to speak] powerfully/effectively, and he strongly assured [us that he was powerfully working in you by means of] the message [about Christ] that we [told to you. You yourselves know that], because you know how we spoke and how we conducted ourselves when we were with you, in order that [we might help] you.
ĉar nia evangelio venis al vi ne nur parole, sed ankaŭ kun potenco kaj kun la Sankta Spirito kaj plena certigo; vi scias, kiaj homoj ni ĉe vi montriĝis pro vi.
6 We also [know that God chose you] because we have now heard that you have endured your troubles when [people] caused you to suffer very much [because you believed in Christ]. You endured just like the Lord [Jesus Christ] endured, and just like we did [when people caused us to suffer]. At that time you were joyful because the Holy Spirit caused you to be joyful.
Kaj vi fariĝis imitantoj de ni kaj de la Sinjoro, ricevinte la vorton en multe da aflikto, kun ĝojo de la Sankta Spirito;
7 As a result [of your joyfully enduring your troubles], all the believers who live in Macedonia and Achaia [provinces have heard how firmly you trust God. So they know that they should firmly trust in God] as you do.
tiel, ke vi fariĝis modelo por ĉiuj kredantoj en Makedonujo kaj en la Aĥaja lando.
8 Other people have heard you tell the message [from] the Lord [Jesus]. Then they also have proclaimed the message to people who live throughout Macedonia and Achaia [provinces]. Not only that, but [people who live] in many far-away places [HYP] have heard that you trust in God. As a result, we do not need to tell people [what God has done in your lives].
Ĉar de vi la vorto de la Sinjoro estas diseĥita ne nur en Makedonujo kaj la Aĥaja lando, sed en ĉiu loko via fido al Dio disvastiĝis, tiel, ke ni ne bezonas diri ion.
9 People [who live far from you are telling others what happened when we were with you]. They also report that you stopped [worshipping things that] ([you/your ancestors]) [considered to be] gods and now you worship God. [As a result], you serve the God who is all-powerful and who is the real God.
Ĉar ili mem pri ni rakontas, kian alvenon ni havis ĉe vi; kaj kiel vi vin turnis al Dio for de idoloj, por servi vivantan kaj veran Dion,
10 They tell us that now you wait expectantly for his Son [to return to earth] from heaven. You firmly believe that God caused him to live again after he died. You believe also that Jesus will rescue [all of] us, [who trust in him], from [God’s] punishing us [MTY].
kaj atendi Lian Filon el la ĉielo, la Filon, kiun Li levis el la mortintoj, Jesuon, kiu nin savas de la estonta kolerego.

< 1 Thessalonians 1 >