< 1 Samuel 1 >

1 There was a man named Elkanah who lived in Ramah [town] in the hilly area where [the tribe of] Ephraim lived. His father was Jeroham, his grandfather was Elihu, and his great-grandfather was Tohu. He belonged to the Zuph clan.
Det var en mann fra Ramata'im-Sofim i Efra'im-fjellene; han hette Elkana og var sønn av Jeroham, sønn av Elihu, sønn av Tohu, sønn av Suf, en efra'imitt
2 He had two wives: Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had several children, but Hannah had no children.
Han hadde to hustruer; den ene hette Hanna og den andre Peninna; og Peninna hadde barn, men Hanna hadde ikke.
3 Once every year Elkanah went up [with his family] from Ramah to Shiloh [city]. He went there to worship Yahweh, [the commander] of the armies [of angels], and to offer sacrifices to him. The two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, [helped their father to do the work as] priests of Yahweh there.
Denne mann drog år efter år op fra sin by for å tilbede og ofre til Herren, hærskarenes Gud, i Silo; der var Elis to sønner, Hofni og Pinehas, prester for Herren.
4 Each time Elkanah offered sacrifices there, he gave some of the meat to Peninnah and some to each of her sons and daughters.
Og når dagen kom da Elkana bar frem sitt offer, da gav han sin hustru Peninna og alle hennes sønner og hennes døtre hver sitt stykke av offeret;
5 But even though he loved Hannah very much, he gave her only one special amount of meat because Yahweh had not permitted her to give birth to any children.
men Hanna gav han et dobbelt stykke, for han elsket Hanna, enda Herren hadde tillukket hennes morsliv,
6 And his other wife, Peninnah, would ridicule Hannah to make her feel miserable, because Yahweh had not allowed her to bear children.
og hennes medbeilerske krenket henne også sårt for å egge henne til vrede, fordi Herren hadde lukket for hennes morsliv.
7 This happened every year. When they went up to the temple of Yahweh [at Shiloh], Peninnah ridiculed Hannah so much that Hannah cried and would not eat.
Således gjorde han år efter år, så ofte hun drog op til Herrens hus, og således krenket Peninna henne, og hun gråt og vilde ikke ete.
8 Then Elkanah would say to her, “Hannah, (why are you crying?/please quit crying!) [RHQ] (Why are you not eating?/Please eat something!) [RHQ] Why are you so upset/sad? You have me; is that not more important to you than if you had ten sons? (OR, I [love you] more than your sons [would love you], even if you had ten sons.)”
Da sa Elkana, hennes mann, til henne: Hanna, hvorfor gråter du, og hvorfor eter du ikke? Hvorfor er du så sorgfull? Er jeg ikke mere for dig enn ti sønner?
9 One year, after they had finished eating and drinking at Shiloh, Hannah stood up [to pray]. Eli the priest was nearby, sitting on a chair by the doorway of the sacred tent of Yahweh.
Da de nu engang hadde ett og drukket i Silo, og mens Eli, presten, satt på sin stol ved dørposten i Herrens tempel, stod Hanna op,
10 Hannah was very distressed, and she cried very sorrowfully as she prayed to Yahweh.
og i sin hjertesorg bad hun til Herren og gråt sårt.
11 She made a vow saying, “O Almighty Commander of the armies of angels, if you will look at me and see how miserable I am, and think about me and allow me to give birth to a son, then I will dedicate him to you [to serve you] for the rest of his life. And [to show that he is dedicated to you], (no one will ever [be allowed to] cut his hair/his hair will never be cut).”
Og hun gjorde et løfte og sa: Herre, hærskarenes Gud! Dersom du vil se til din tjenerinne i hennes nød og komme mig i hu og ikke glemme din tjenerinne, men la din tjenerinne få en sønn, så vil jeg gi ham til Herren for hele hans levetid, og det skal ikke komme rakekniv på hans hode.
12 As she was praying like that to Yahweh, Eli the priest saw Hannah’s lips [moving as she was praying].
Således bad hun lenge for Herrens åsyn, og Eli gav akt på hennes munn;
13 But Hannah was only praying silently; she was not making any sound. So Eli thought that she was drunk.
for det var i sitt hjerte Hanna bad; bare hennes leber rørte sig, men hennes røst hørtes ikke. Derfor tenkte Eli at hun var drukken,
14 He said to her, “How long will you continue to get drunk [RHQ]? (Throw away your wine/Quit drinking wine)!”
og han sa til henne: Hvor lenge vil du te dig som drukken? Se til å bli av med ditt rus!
15 Hannah replied, “Sir, I am not drunk! I have not been drinking wine or any other alcoholic drink. I feel very distressed and I have been telling Yahweh about how I feel.
Da svarte Hanna og sa: Nei, min herre! Jeg er en kvinne som bærer på en tung sorg i sitt hjerte; vin og sterk drikk har jeg ikke drukket, men jeg utøste min sjel for Herrens åsyn.
16 Do not think that I am a worthless/wicked woman! I have been praying like this because I am very distressed [DOU].”
Hold ikke din tjenerinne for en ryggesløs kvinne! For jeg har hele tiden talt av min store sorg og gremmelse.
17 Eli replied, “I wish/desire that things will go well for you. I desire that God, the one we Israeli people [worship], will give you what you requested from him.”
Da svarte Eli og sa: Gå bort i fred, og Israels Gud skal gi dig det du har bedt ham om.
18 She replied, “I want you to think highly/well about me.” Then she returned [to her family] and after she ate something, her face no longer looked sad.
Hun sa: La din tjenerinne finne nåde for dine øine! Så gikk kvinnen sin vei, og nu åt hun og så ikke mere så sorgfull ut.
19 Early the next morning, Elkanah and his family got up and worshiped Yahweh [again], and then they returned to their home at Ramah. Elkanah (slept with/had sex with) Hannah. Then Yahweh answered her prayer,
Morgenen efter stod de tidlig op og tilbad for Herrens åsyn; så vendte de tilbake og kom hjem igjen til Rama. Og Elkana holdt sig til Hanna, sin hustru, og Herren kom henne i hu;
20 and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, [which sounds like the words in the Hebrew language that mean ‘heard by God’], because she said “Yahweh [heard me when] I requested from him [a son].”
og innen året var omme, blev Hanna fruktsommelig og fødte en sønn, og kalte ham Samuel; for sa hun jeg har bedt Herren om ham.
21 The following year, Elkanah again went up [to Shiloh] with his family to make the kind of sacrifice he made each year, and also to give a special offering to God that he had promised [to give him previously].
Da så mannen - Elkana - drog op igjen med hele sitt hus for å ofre til Herren det årlige offer og sitt løfteoffer,
22 But Hannah did not go [with them]. She said to her husband, “After I have weaned the baby, I will take him [to Shiloh and present him] to Yahweh, and he will stay there for the rest of his life.”
drog Hanna ikke med op, men sa til sin mann: Jeg vil vente til gutten er avvent; da vil jeg ta ham med mig, så han kan fremstilles for Herrens åsyn og bli der all sin tid.
23 Elkanah said, “Do what seems the best to you. Stay here until you have weaned him. What I desire is that Yahweh will [enable you to] do what you have promised.” So Hannah stayed at home and nursed her son until she weaned him.
Elkana, hennes mann, sa til henne: Gjør hvad du finner for godt; bli hjemme til du har avvent ham; bare Herren vil holde sitt ord! Så blev kvinnen hjemme, og hun gav sin sønn die til hun hadde avvent ham.
24 After she weaned him, even though Samuel was very young, she took him to the temple/house of Yahweh at Shiloh. [To offer as a sacrifice], she took along a three-year-old bull, [a sack containing] (20 pounds/9 kg.) of flour, and a container of wine.
Og så snart hun hadde avvent ham, reiste hun op med ham og hadde med sig tre okser og en efa mel og en skinnsekk med vin, og hun bar ham inn i Herrens hus i Silo - han var bare en ganske liten gutt.
25 After the priest had slaughtered the bull [and offered it to Yahweh on the altar], Hannah and Elkanah brought the boy to Eli.
Så slaktet de oksen og førte gutten inn til Eli.
26 Then Hannah said to him, “Sir, (Do you remember me?/I solemnly affirm), I am the woman who prayed as I stood here beside you [several years ago].
Og hun sa: Hør mig, min herre! Så sant du lever, min herre: Jeg er den kvinne som stod her hos dig og bad til Herren.
27 I prayed that Yahweh would enable me to give birth to a child, and this is the child whom I requested Yahweh to give me.
Denne gutt var det jeg bad om, og Herren har gitt mig det jeg bad ham om.
28 So now I am presenting him to Yahweh. He will belong to Yahweh as long as he lives.” Then Elkanah [and his family] worshiped Yahweh there.
Og nu gir jeg ham tilbake til Herren for all den tid han er til; det var for Herrens skyld jeg bad om ham. Og de tilbad Herren der.

< 1 Samuel 1 >