< 1 Samuel 9 >
1 There was a rich and influential man whose name was Kish. He belonged to the tribe descended from Benjamin. Kish was the son of Abiel and the grandson of Zeror. He was from the family of Becorath and from the clan of Aphiah.
Kwakulomuntu wakoBhenjamini, indoda elesithunzi, ibizo layo lalinguKhishi indodana ka-Abhiyeli, indodana kaZerori, indodana kaBhekhorathi, indodana ka-Afiya owakoBhenjamini.
2 Kish had a son whose name was Saul. He was more handsome than any of the other Israeli men, and he was a head/foot taller than any of the other Israeli men.
Wayelendodana ethiwa nguSawuli, ijaha elilesithunzi kungekho ongalinganiswa lalo phakathi kwama-Israyeli, edlula abantu bonke ngobude kusukela emahlombe kusiya ekhanda.
3 One day, some of Kish’s female donkeys wandered off. So Kish told Saul, “Take one of my servants with you, and go and search for the donkeys!”
Ngalesisikhathi obabhemi bakaKhishi uyise kaSawuli balahleka, uKhishi wasesithi kuSawuli indodana yakhe, “Thatha enye yezinceku uhambe layo ukuyadinga obabhemi.”
4 So Saul did that. He took a servant, and they walked through the hilly area where the descendants of Ephraim lived, and then they went through the areas named Shalishah and Shaalim, and then they went through all the area where the descendants of Benjamin lived, but they could not find the donkeys.
Ngakho wadabula elizweni lamaqaqa elako-Efrayimi lasemangweni ozungeze iShalisha, kodwa kababatholanga. Baqhubeka baya esifundeni saseShalimi, kodwa obabhemi babengekho. Wadabula phakathi kwelizwe lakoBhenjamini, kodwa kabawatholanga.
5 Finally, they came to the area of Zuph. Then Saul said to the servant, “Let’s go back home. If we do not do that, my father will stop worrying about the donkeys and start worrying about us.”
Kwathi sebefikile esifundeni saseZufi, uSawuli wathi encekwini eyayilaye, “Woza, kasibuyele, hlezi ubaba ekele ukucabanga ngabobabhemi aqalise ukukhathazeka ngathi.”
6 But the servant said, “I have another idea [IDM]. There is one of God’s prophets who lives in this town. People respect him very much, because everything he predicts comes true. Let’s go [talk] to him. Perhaps he can tell us where we can go [to find the donkeys].”
Kodwa inceku yaphendula yathi, “Khangela, kulumuzi kulomuntu kaNkulunkulu; uyahlonitshwa kakhulu, njalo konke akutshoyo kuyenzakala. Kasiye khona khathesi nje. Mhlawumbe angasitshela ukuthi siqonde ngaphi.”
7 Saul replied to the servant, “If we go talk with him, [we should give a gift to him, but] what can we give to him? We have no more food in our sacks. Do we have anything else to give to him?”
USawuli wasesithi encekwini, “Singaya kuye, sizamnikani umuntu lowo na? Ukudla kakusekho emigodleni yethu. Kasilasipho esingahamba laso emuntwini kaNkulunkulu. Kuyini esilakho na?”
8 The servant replied, “Look [at this]! I have a small silver coin. I can give this to him, and then he will tell us where to go [to find the donkeys].”
Inceku yaphendula njalo yathi, “Khangela, ngilokwesine kweshekeli elesiliva. Ngizakunika umuntu kaNkulunkulu ukuze asitshele ukuthi siqonde ngaphi.”
9 Saul said, “Okay, let’s go [talk to him.”] So they went to the town where the prophet lived. As they were going up the hill into the town, they met some young women who were coming out of the town to get some water [from a well]. One of them asked the women, “Is the seer in the town [today]?” [They said that because] previously, if people [in Israel] wanted a message from God, they would say, “Let’s go to the seer,” and people who now are called prophets were at that time called ‘those who see [(visions from God/all that God sees)].’
(Ngaphambilini ko-Israyeli, lapho umuntu esiyabuza uNkulunkulu, wayesithi, “Woza, kasiye kumboni,” ngoba umphrofethi wakhathesi wayethiwa ngumboni.)
USawuli wasesithi encekwini yakhe, “Kuhle. Woza kasihambe.” Ngakho basuka baya emzini okwakuhlala khona umuntu kaNkulunkulu.
Besaqansa uqaqa besiya kulowomuzi bahlangana lamantombazana ayephume ukuyakukha amanzi basebewabuza besithi, “Kulomboni lapha na?”
12 The women replied, “Yes, he is in the town. In fact, he is [walking on the road] ahead of you. He has just arrived in the town, because the people are going to offer a sacrifice on the altar where the people gather [to worship God].
Aphendula athi, “Ukhona. Uphambidlana kwenu. Phangisani khathesi; usanda kufika emzini wethu lamhla, ngoba abantu balomhlatshelo endaweni ephakemeyo.
13 If you go quickly, you will [have time to talk to him] before he goes there. The people who have been invited will not start eating until he arrives there and (blesses/asks God to bless) the sacrifice.”
Khonokho nje lingena umuzi, lizamfica engakaqanseli phezulu endaweni ephakemeyo ukuyakudla. Abantu kabayikuqalisa ukudla aze afike, ngoba kumele abusise umhlatshelo; emva kwalokho bazakudla-ke labo abanxusiweyo. Hambani-ke, lizamthola khathesi nje.”
14 So Saul and the servant entered the town. As they went through the gates, they saw Samuel as he was coming toward them, on the way to where people were going to offer sacrifices.
Baya kulowomuzi, kwathi lapho bengena kuwo, babona uSamuyeli esiza kubo eqansela endaweni ephakemeyo.
15 On the previous day, Yahweh had told Samuel,
Ngosuku uSawuli engakafiki, uThixo wayeveze lokhu kuSamuyeli wathi,
16 “At this time tomorrow, I will send to you a man from the land where the descendants of Benjamin live. Pour olive oil on his [head] to [indicate that he will] be the leader of my Israeli people. I have seen that my people are suffering [because the Philistine people are oppressing them], and I have heard my people as they have called out to me [for help]. The man on whose [head] you pour olive oil will rescue my people from the [MTY] Philistine people.”
“Ngesikhathi esingaba yisonalesi kusasa ngizaletha kuwe umuntu ovela elizweni lakoBhenjamini. Mgcobe ukuba ngumkhokheli wabantu bami u-Israyeli; uzakhulula abantu bami esandleni samaFilistiya. Ngibakhangele abantu bami, ngoba ukukhala kwabo sekufikile kimi.”
17 When Samuel saw Saul, Yahweh said to him, “This is the man I told you about yesterday! He is the one who will rule my people!”
Kwathi uSamuyeli ebona uSawuli, uThixo wathi kuye, “Lo nguye umuntu engikhulume kuwe ngaye; uzabusa abantu bami.”
18 Saul saw Samuel as he was sitting at the town gateway [but he did not know that it was Samuel]. He went over to him and asked him, “Can you tell me, where is the house of the man who sees [(visions from God/all that God sees)]?”
USawuli wasondela kuSamuyeli wabuza wathi, “Ake ungitshele ukuthi indlu yomboni ingaphi.”
19 Samuel replied, “I am that man. Go ahead of me with your servant to the place where the people make sacrifices. Both of you will eat with me today. Tomorrow morning I will tell you what you are wanting to know, and then I will send you home.
USamuyeli waphendula wathi, “Umboni yimi. Hamba phambi kwami uye endaweni ephakemeyo, ngoba lamhla uzakudla lami, ekuseni ngizakuyekela uhambe njalo ngizakutshela konke okusenhliziyweni yakho.
20 Also, do not worry any more about those donkeys that wandered away three days ago. (Someone has found them/They have been found). But [what you need to know is that] it is you and your family that all the Israeli people are wanting!” [RHQ]
Obabhemi abalahlekileyo ensukwini ezintathu ezedluleyo, ungakhathazeki ngabo; sebebonakele. Njalo kungubani izifiso zonke zika-Israyeli ezikhangele kuye nxa kungasuwe lendlu yonke kayihlo na?”
21 Saul replied, “I am from the tribe of Benjamin [RHQ]. That is the smallest tribe in Israel [RHQ]! And my family is the least important family in our tribe! So why are you talking to me like this, [about the Israeli people wanting me and my family]?”
USawuli waphendula wathi, “Kodwa mina kangisuye yini wakoBhenjamini, isizwana esincinyane kulazo zonke ko-Israyeli, njalo lendlu yakwethu kayincinyane kulazo zonke izindlu zesizwe sakoBhenjamini na?”
22 Then Samuel brought Saul and the servant into the big dining room, and told them to sit at the head [of the table, indicating that he was] honoring them more than he was honoring the 30 people who had been invited.
USamuyeli wasengenisa uSawuli lenceku yakhe endlini enkulu wabahlalisa phambi kwalabo ababenxusiwe babengaba ngamatshumi amathathu ubunengi babo.
23 Then Samuel told the cook, “Bring to me the special piece [of meat] that I told you to set aside.”
USamuyeli wasesithi kumpheki wakhe, “Letha iqatha lenyama engikuphe lona, leliyana engithe uligcine.”
24 So the cook brought the leg and the meat that was on it, and set it in front of Saul, [even though those portions were for only the priest to eat]. Samuel said to Saul, “Start eating it. I told the cook to save this for you, so that you could eat it at this time, when all these people whom I invited are here.” So Saul and Samuel ate together.
Ngakho umpheki wathatha umlenze lalokho okwakuphezu kwawo, wakubeka phambi kukaSawuli. USamuyeli wasesithi, “Nanku okube kugcinelwe wena. Dlana, ngoba kade kubekelwe wena kulelithuba, kusukela ngesikhathi ngisithi, ‘Ngilabemzini abanxusiweyo.’” USawuli wadla loSamuyeli ngalolosuku.
25 After they finished eating, they returned to the town. Then Samuel took Saul up to the [flat] roof [of his house], and fixed a bed for him.
Sebehlile endaweni ephakemeyo ukuya emzini, uSamuyeli wakhuluma loSawuli bephezu kophahla lwendlu yakhe.
26 As the sun was rising the next morning, Samuel called up to Saul, “Get up! It is time for me to send you on the road back home.” So Saul got up, and [later] Samuel and Saul left the house together.
Bavuka ngezikhathi zemadabukakusa, uSamuyeli wabiza uSawuli phezu kophahla wathi, “Lunga ngikuqhube ohanjweni lwakho.” USawuli eselungile, yena loSamuyeli baphuma bonke.
27 When they got to the edge of the town, Samuel told Saul to send his servant ahead. After the servant left, Samuel said to Saul, “Stay here for a few minutes, in order that I can give you a message I received from God.”
Ekuhambeni kwabo besehlela emaphethelweni omuzi, uSamuyeli wathi kuSawuli, “Tshela inceku yakho iqhubeke phambi kwethu” lakanye inceku yenza njalo “kodwa wena sala lapha okwesikhatshana ukuze ngikutshele ilizwi elivela kuNkulunkulu.”