< 1 Samuel 8 >

1 When Samuel became old, he appointed his two sons, Joel and Abijah, to lead/rule the people of Israel.
Şamuel q'əs qıxhamee, dixbışike İzrailis haakimar haa'a.
2 They judged people’s disputes/cases in Beersheba [town].
Mang'une ts'erriyne duxayn do Yoel, q'ör'esıng'unud Aviya ıxha. Manbışe Beer-Şevee haakimiyvalla haa'a vuxha.
3 But they were not like their father. They wanted only to get a lot of money. They accepted bribes, and they did not make honest decisions about people’s disputes/cases.
Dixbı dekkıne yəqqı'n avayk'an deş. Manbı haramne pılıqab qihna gyabak'a, ruşvatbı alyaat'a, qotkuda deşin q'aralybı hele ıxha.
4 Finally, the Israeli leaders met at Ramah [town to discuss the matter] with Samuel.
Gırgın İzrailin ağsaqqalar Ramayeeqa sabı, Şamuelyne k'anyaqa abı,
5 They said to him, “Listen! You are now old, and your sons are not like you. Appoint a king to rule over us, like the kings that other countries have!”
mang'uk'le eyhen: – Ğu q'əs qıxha, yiğın dixbımee yiğne yəqqı'n əlyhəə deş. Həşdeme menne milletbışika nəxürnayiy, şasdar həməxürna sa paççah gixhxhe. Şas xəbvalla hee'ecen.
6 Samuel was very unhappy with them for requesting that, so he prayed to Yahweh about it.
Manbışe: «Şasdar sa paççah gixhxhe, mang'vee şas xəbvalla hee'ecenva» uvhuyng'a, Şamuelis manbışe uvhuyn ıkkiykan deş. Mang'vee Rəbbis düə haa'a.
7 Yahweh replied, “Do what they have requested you to do. But ([do not think/the truth is not]) that you are the one whom they are really rejecting. I have been their king, and I am the one they are really rejecting.
Rəbbee Şamuelik'le eyhen: – Milletın eyhene gırgınçil k'ırı alixhxhe. Manbışe ğu deş, Zı əq'əna qa'a. Manbışis Zı cona Paççah ıxha ıkkan deş.
8 Ever since I brought them out of Egypt, they have rejected me, and they have worshiped other gods. And now they are also rejecting you in the same way.
Zı manbı Misirğançe qığav'uyne yiğıle, g'iyniyne yiğılqamee manbışe menne allahaaşis ı'bəədatbı hı'ı. Məxüb manbı Zake əq'əna qeepxha. Zak hı'iyn kar, manbışe həşded vak ha'a.
9 Do what they are asking you to do. But warn/tell them about how their kings will act toward them!”
Ğu manbışe eyhençil k'ırı alixhxhıyle qiyğa, ğu manbışilqa yugda hixhar he'e, cos xəbvalla haa'asde paççahee xəbvalla nəxübiy haa'as.
10 So Samuel told those people what Yahweh had said.
Şamuelee cuke paççah heqqane milletılqa, Rəbbee uvhuyn cuvab hixhar ha'an.
11 He said, “If a king rules over you, this is what he will do to you: He will force many of your sons to join the army. He will make [some of] them run in front of his chariots [to clear people out of his way].
Mang'vee eyhen: – Şos xəbvalla haa'asde paççahee, xəbvalla inəxüb haa'as: mang'vee vuşun dixbı sav'u, quvkeesınbı. Dəv'əyne daşk'abışiliy balkanaaşil cus g'ullux haa'as alivkas. Manbıb mang'une daşk'abışde ögee g'adaaxvanas.
12 [Some of] them will be commanders of his soldiers, but others will work for him like slaves. He will force some of them to plow his fields and [then later] harvest his crops. He will force others to make his weapons and equipment for his chariots.
Manbışde sanbışike aazırıng'us, sanbışikeb xhots'aling'us ç'ak'ınbı haa'as. Mansanbıb cun cigabı ezas, şagav sa'as g'axuvles. Avxuynbışisqad silahiy dəv'əyne daşk'abışis kara'alesın karbı ha'as alikkas.
13 The king will take [some of] your daughters [from you and force them] to make perfumes for him and cook food for him and bake [bread for him].
Mang'vee vuşun yişba ətirbıyiy otxhuniybı ha'as, gıneybı qecesva vukkees.
14 He will take your best fields and vineyards and olive tree groves/orchards, and give them to his own officials.
Mang'vee vuşun inekke yugun çolbıyiy t'ımıllığbı, zeytunun bağbı xılençe g'ayşu, cune insanaaşis heles.
15 He will take a tenth of your harvests and distribute it among the officers and servants [who work in] his [palace].
Mang'vee vuşde sukukeyiy t'ımılike yits'ıb'esda pay alyapt'ı, məmuraaşisiy cune insanaaşis hevles.
16 He will take from you your male and female servants, your best cattle and donkeys, and force them to work for him.
Vuşun g'ular – adamer, yadar – vuşun mek'vunbı, vuşun əməlerıd çikana mang'vee cus alyaat'as.
17 He will take one tenth of your sheep and goats. And you will become his slaves!
Vuşde vəq'əbışda yits'ıb'esda pay mang'vee cus alyapt'as, şunab mang'un nukarar vuxhes.
18 When that time comes, you will complain loudly to the king, the king that you yourselves have chosen, but Yahweh will not (pay attention to/help) you.”
Yiğ qalesın, şu g'əyxı'yne paççahne xıleençe, Allahılqa şucad xıleppı aaqas, Mang'vee şu g'attivxhan hee'ecenva. Rəbbeemee mane gahıl şos cuvab qeles deş.
19 But the people refused to pay attention to what Samuel said. They said, “We do not [care what you say]! We want a king!
Milletısmee, Şamuelyne cuvabıl k'ırı alixhxhes diykkın, eyhen: – De'eş, şal oğa paççah ıxha şas ıkkan.
20 We want to be like the other nations. We want a king to rule us and to lead our soldiers when they go to fight.”
Havaasre menne milletbışis nəxübiy, şasıb paççahee xəbvalla hee'ecen. Dəv'ə gipxhımeeyib, yişde ögee hooracen.
21 When Samuel told Yahweh what the people had said,
Milletın eyhen gırgın yik'el aqqı, qiyğale man Şamuelee Rəbbis yuşan ha'a.
22 Yahweh replied, “Do what they are telling you to do. Give them a king!” [So Samuel agreed], and then he sent the people home.
Rəbbee Şamuelik'le eyhen: – Manbışe eyhençil k'ırı alixhxhı, manbışis sa paççah gixhxhe. Manke Şamuelee İzrailybışik'le «Gırgınbı vuşde şaharbışeeqa savk'leva» eyhe.

< 1 Samuel 8 >