< 1 Samuel 6 >

1 The people of Philistia kept God’s sacred chest in their area for seven months.
L'arche de l'Éternel resta sept mois dans le pays des Philistins.
2 Then they summoned their priests and their (diviners/men who practice rituals to find out what would happen in the future). They asked them, “What should we do with the sacred chest of Yahweh? Tell us how we should send it back to its own land.”
Les Philistins appelèrent les prêtres et les devins et dirent: « Que ferons-nous de l'arche de l'Éternel? Montre-nous comment nous devons l'envoyer à sa place. »
3 Those men replied, “Send with it an offering [to show Yahweh that you know that you are] guilty [for having captured the chest], in order that the plague will stop. If you do that, and then if you are healed, you will know that Yahweh is the one who caused you to experience the plague.”
Ils dirent: « Si tu renvoies l'arche du Dieu d'Israël, ne la renvoie pas à vide, mais renvoie-lui une offrande. Alors tu seras guéri, et tu sauras pourquoi sa main ne s'est pas retirée de toi. »
4 The people of Philistia asked, “What kind of offering should we send?” The men replied, “Make five gold models of the tumors on your skin, and five gold models of rats. Make five of each because that is the same number as the number of your kings, and because the plague has struck both you people and your five kings.
Et ils dirent: « Quelle sera l'offrande d'expiation que nous lui rendrons? » Ils dirent: « Cinq tumeurs d'or et cinq souris d'or, pour le nombre des princes des Philistins; car une seule plaie vous a frappés tous, vous et vos princes.
5 Make models that represent the rats and the tumors that are ruining your land. Make them in order to honor the god of the Israeli people. If you do that, perhaps he will stop punishing [IDM] you, and your gods, and your land.
C'est pourquoi vous ferez des images de vos tumeurs et des images de vos souris qui souillent le pays, et vous rendrez gloire au Dieu d'Israël. Peut-être relâchera-t-il sa main de vous, de vos dieux et de votre pays.
6 Do not be [RHQ] stubborn [IDM] like the Egyptians and their king were. [They did not do what the Israelis’ god told them to do, so he punished them]. After the Israelis’ god finished punishing them very severely, they were glad to allow the Israelis to leave their country [RHQ].
Pourquoi donc endurcissez-vous votre cœur comme les Égyptiens et Pharaon ont endurci leur cœur? Quand il avait fait des merveilles au milieu d'eux, n'ont-ils pas laissé aller le peuple, qui s'en est allé?
7 “So you must build a new cart. Then get two cows that have very recently given birth to calves. They must be cows that have never been hitched to a cart [MTY]. Hitch those cows to the new cart, and take the calves away from their mothers.
« Maintenant, prenez et préparez vous-mêmes un chariot neuf et deux vaches à lait sur lesquelles il n'y a pas de joug; attachez les vaches au chariot, et ramenez leurs veaux à la maison;
8 Put the Israelis’ god’s sacred chest on the cart. Also put in the cart the five gold models of the tumors on your skin and the five gold models of rats. Put them in a small box alongside the sacred chest. They will be an offering to show that you know that you deserved to be punished [for capturing the sacred chest]. Then send [the cows] down the road, [pulling] the cart.
prenez l'arche de Yahvé et posez-la sur le chariot. Mets dans un coffret, à côté d'elle, les bijoux d'or que tu lui rends comme offrande de culpabilité, et envoie-la, pour qu'elle monte.
9 [Watch the cart as the cows pull it]. If they pull it to Beth-Shemesh [town] in Israel, we will know that it was the Israelis’ god who caused us to experience this plague. But if they do not take it there, we will know that it was not the god [MTY] of the Israelis who has punished us. We will know that it just happened.”
Voici, s'il monte par le chemin de sa frontière jusqu'à Beth Shemesh, il nous a fait ce grand mal; sinon, nous saurons que ce n'est pas sa main qui nous a frappés. C'est un hasard qui nous a frappés. »
10 So the people did what the priests and men who predicted what would happen in the future told them to do. They [made] a cart [and] hitched two cows to it. They took the calves from their mothers.
Les hommes firent ainsi, prirent deux vaches laitières et les attachèrent au chariot, et enfermèrent leurs veaux à la maison.
11 They put in the cart Yahweh’s sacred chest and the box with the models of the gold rats and the tumors.
Ils mirent l'arche de Yahvé sur le chariot, et la boîte avec les souris d'or et les images de leurs tumeurs.
12 Then the cows started walking, and they went straight toward Beth-Shemesh. They stayed on the road, and were mooing all the time. They did not turn to the left or to the right. The five kings of the Philistia area followed the cows until they reached the edge of Beth-Shemesh.
Les vaches prirent le chemin droit par le chemin de Beth Shemesh. Elles suivirent la route, en mugissant, sans se détourner ni à droite ni à gauche, et les princes des Philistins les poursuivirent jusqu'à la frontière de Beth Shemesh.
13 At that time, the people of Beth-Shemesh were harvesting wheat in the valley [outside the city]. [When the cows came along the road], they looked up and saw the sacred chest. They were extremely happy to see it.
Les habitants de Beth Shemesh moissonnaient leur blé dans la vallée; ils levèrent les yeux et virent l'arche, et ils se réjouirent de la voir.
14 The cows pulled the cart into the field of a man named Joshua, and they stopped alongside a large rock. Several men from the tribe of Levi lifted from the cart the sacred chest and the box containing the gold models of the rats and the tumors, and they put them all on the large rock. Then the people smashed the cart and kindled a fire with the wood [from which the cart had been made]. They slaughtered the cows and burned their bodies/carcasses on the fire to be an offering for Yahweh that would be completely burned. That day the people of Beth-Shemesh offered to Yahweh [many] sacrifices that were completely burned, and [other] sacrifices.
Le chariot entra dans le champ de Josué de Beth Shemesh, et s'arrêta là où il y avait une grande pierre. Ils fendirent le bois du char et offrirent les vaches en holocauste à Yahvé.
Les Lévites descendirent l'arche de l'Éternel et le coffret qui l'accompagnait, dans lequel se trouvaient les bijoux d'or, et ils les posèrent sur la grande pierre; et les hommes de Beth Shemesh offrirent des holocaustes et des sacrifices à l'Éternel le même jour.
16 The five kings from the Philistia area watched all this, and then they returned to Ekron, that same day.
Lorsque les cinq princes des Philistins l'eurent vu, ils retournèrent à Ekron le même jour.
17 The five gold models of tumors that they sent to be an offering to Yahweh to show that they knew that they deserved to be punished were gifts from [those five kings who were rulers of] Ashdod, Gaza, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron [cities].
Voici les tumeurs d'or que les Philistins offrirent en sacrifice de culpabilité à Yahvé: une pour Asdod, une pour Gaza, une pour Askalon, une pour Gath, une pour Ekron,
18 The models of the five gold rats were gifts from the people of those five cities and the surrounding towns. The large rock at Beth-Shemesh, on which the [men of the tribe of Levi] set the sacred chest, is still there in the field that belonged to Joshua. When people see it, they remember [what happened there].
et les souris d'or, selon le nombre de toutes les villes des Philistins appartenant aux cinq seigneurs, villes fortes et villages, jusqu'à la grande pierre sur laquelle ils posèrent l'arche de Yahvé. Cette pierre est restée jusqu'à ce jour dans le champ de Josué de Beth Shemesh.
19 But seventy men from Beth-Shemesh looked into Yahweh’s sacred chest, and because of that, Yahweh caused them to die. Then the people mourned very much because Yahweh punished [IDM] those men like that.
Il frappa les hommes de Beth Shemesh, parce qu'ils avaient regardé dans l'arche de Yahvé, il frappa cinquante mille soixante-dix hommes. Et le peuple se lamenta, car l'Éternel avait frappé le peuple d'une grande défaite.
20 They said, “No one [RHQ] can (resist the power of/stand in the presence of) Yahweh, our holy God, [and remain alive]! Where can we send the sacred chest?”
Les hommes de Beth Shemesh dirent: « Qui peut tenir devant l'Éternel, ce Dieu saint? Vers qui montera-t-il de notre part? »
21 They sent messengers to the people of Kiriath-Jearim [city] to tell them, “The people of Philistia have returned Yahweh’s sacred chest to us! Come here and take it away!”
Ils envoyèrent des messagers aux habitants de Kiriath Jearim, en disant: « Les Philistins ont ramené l'arche de Yahvé. Descendez et faites-la monter jusqu'à vous. »

< 1 Samuel 6 >