< 1 Samuel 28 >

1 Some time later, the people of Philistia gathered their army to attack the Israelis [again]. King Achish told David, “I am expecting that you and your men will join with my men to attack [the Israelis].”
En aquellos días, los filisteos reunieron sus fuerzas para hacer la guerra a Israel. Y Aquis dijo a David: Ciertamente, tú y tus hombres saldrán conmigo a la lucha.
2 David replied, “[We will go with you, and then] you will see for yourself what we can do!” Achish said, “Okay, I will appoint you to be my bodyguard permanently.”
Y David dijo a Aquis: Ahora verás lo que hará tu siervo. Y Aquis dijo a David: Entonces te haré parte de mi guardia personal para siempre.
3 [While Samuel was still alive, Saul did many things that pleased Yahweh. One of the good things that] Saul [did was to] expel from Israel all the people who were fortune-tellers or who talked to the spirits of dead people. But Samuel had died, and all the Israeli people had mourned for him. Then they had buried him in Ramah, his hometown. [After that, Saul did not try to please Yahweh any more].
Ahora Samuel estaba muerto, y todo Israel, después de llorar por él, enterraron su cuerpo en Ramá, su ciudad. Y Saúl había expulsado de la tierra todos los adivinos, hechiceros y los que se comunicaban con los muertos.
4 The army of Philistia gathered and set up their tents at Shunem [city, in the north of Israel]. Saul gathered the Israeli army and set up their tents at Gilboa [in the eastern part of the same valley].
Y los filisteos se reunieron y pusieron sus fuerzas en posición en Sunem; y Saúl reunió a todo Israel y tomaron sus posiciones en Gilboa.
5 When Saul saw the army of Philistia, he became so afraid that his heart pounded/shook.
Y cuando Saúl vio al ejército filisteo, se turbó, y su corazón fue dominado por él miedo.
6 He prayed to Yahweh, but Yahweh did not answer him. Yahweh did not [tell Saul what he should do by] giving him a dream, or by [having the priest throw] the marked stones [that were in his sacred vest], or by [giving a message about Saul to] any prophet.
Y cuando Saúl buscaba direcciones al Señor, el Señor no le respondió, ni por un sueño ni por el Urim ni por los profetas.
7 Then Saul said to his servants, “Find for me a woman who talks to the spirits of dead people, in order that I can ask her [what will happen].” His servants replied, “There is a woman in Endor [town] who does that.”
Entonces Saúl dijo a sus siervos: Consígame una mujer que tenga el control de un espíritu para que pueda ir a ella y obtener instrucciones. Y sus criados le dijeron: Hay una mujer así en En-dor.
8 So Saul [took off the clothes that showed that he was the king, and he] put on ordinary clothes (to disguise himself/so that people would not recognize who he was). Then he and two of his men went during the night to talk to that woman. Saul said to her, “I want you to talk to a spirit [of someone who has died]. Cause to appear the person whose name I will [give to you].”
Entonces Saúl, que se cambió de ropa, para que no se le viera como rey, tomó a dos hombres con él y fue a ver a la mujer por la noche; Y él dijo: Ahora, con la ayuda del espíritu que tienes, haz que aparezca la persona cuyo nombre yo te daré.
9 But the woman replied, “You surely know what Saul has done. He expelled from this land all the people who talk to spirits of dead people and all fortune-tellers. I think that you are trying to trap me, in order that I will be executed [for doing something that is not permitted].”
Y la mujer le dijo: Pero tienes conocimiento de lo que Saúl ha hecho, cómo ha sacado de la tierra a los adivinos, hechiceros y los que invocan a los muertos. ¿por qué, por un truco, me pones en peligro de muerte?
10 Saul replied, solemnly asking Yahweh to listen to what he was saying, “Just as surely as Yahweh lives, you will not be punished for doing this.”
Y Saúl le hizo un juramento por parte del Señor, diciendo: Por el Señor viviente, ningún castigo te llegará por esto.
11 Then the woman said, “Whom do you want me to cause to appear?” Saul replied, “Cause Samuel to appear.”
Entonces la mujer dijo: ¿A Quién quieres que haga venir? Y él dijo: Haz que Samuel venga.
12 [So] the woman [did that. But] when she saw Samuel, she screamed. She said, “You have tricked me [RHQ]! You are Saul! [You will execute me for doing this]!”
Y la mujer vio a Samuel, y ella dio un fuerte grito, y le dijo a Saúl: ¿Por qué has usado el engaño? porque tú eres Saúl.
13 Saul said to her, “Do not be afraid. What do you see?” The woman said, “I see a god/spirit coming up out of the ground.”
Y el rey le dijo: No temas -¿qué ves? Y la mujer le dijo a Saúl. Veo a un dios que sale de la tierra.
14 Saul said, “What does he look like?” The woman replied, “An old man wearing a robe is appearing.” Then Saul knew that it was Samuel. So he bowed down with his face touching the ground.
Y él le dijo: ¿Cuál es su forma? Y ella dijo: Es un anciano que viene cubierto con una túnica. Y Saúl vio que era Samuel, y con su rostro inclinado hacia la tierra, le dio honor.
15 Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you bothered/disturbed me by causing me to appear?” Saul said, “I am very worried. The army of Philistia is about to attack my army, and God has abandoned me. He does not answer my questions any more. He does not give me dreams [to tell me what to do] or give messages to prophets [to tell me what to do]. That is the reason that I came to see you. So you tell me what I should do!”
Entonces Samuel dijo a Saúl: ¿Por qué me has hecho subir, y me has molestado? Y Saúl, en respuesta, dijo: Estoy en gran peligro; porque los filisteos me están haciendo la guerra, y Dios se ha alejado de mí y ya no me responde, ni por los profetas ni por los sueños. Por eso te he llamado para que me aclares lo que debo hacer.
16 Samuel said, “Yahweh has abandoned you and has become your enemy. So why do you ask me [what you should do]? [RHQ]
Entonces Samuel dijo: ¿Por qué me preguntas a mí, ya que Dios se ha alejado de ti y está del lado de quien está en contra tuya?
17 He has done what he told me [previously] that he would do to you. He has torn the kingdom away from you, and he is giving it to someone who is another Israeli—David.
Y el Señor mismo ha hecho lo que él dijo por medio de mí: el Señor tomó el reino de tus manos y se lo dio a tu prójimo David;
18 You did not obey Yahweh. Yahweh was very angry with the Amalek people-group. You did not [kill all of their animals], with the result that you did not show that he was very angry with them. That is the reason that he has done this to you today.
Porque no hiciste lo que el Señor dijo, y no le hiciste efecto a su ira ardiente contra Amalec. Así que el Señor te ha hecho esto hoy.
19 Yahweh will enable the Philistia army to defeat you and all the other Israeli soldiers. And tomorrow you and your sons will be with me [in the place where spirits of dead people are]. Yahweh will cause the whole Israeli army to be defeated by the Philistia army.” [And after Samuel said that, he disappeared].
Y más que esto, el Señor entregará a Israel contigo en manos de los filisteos. Mañana tú y tus hijos estarán conmigo y el Señor entregará el ejército de Israel en manos de los filisteos.
20 Saul immediately fell flat on the ground. He was so afraid because of what Samuel had said that he became paralyzed. He was also very weak because he had not eaten anything all that day and night.
Entonces Saúl se desmayó y se cayó de largo en el suelo y se llenó de temor a causa de las palabras de Samuel, y no tuvo fuerzas en él, porque no había comido nada durante todo el día ni toda la noche.
21 The woman saw that he was extremely worried/terrified. She said to him, “Listen to me! I have done what you requested me to do. I could be executed for doing that.
Y la mujer vino a Saúl y vio que él estaba en un gran problema, y le dijo: Mira, tu sierva ha escuchado tus palabras, y he puesto mi vida en peligro al hacer lo que dijiste.
22 So now please pay attention to what I say. Allow me to give you some food, in order that you will [eat it and] get enough strength to go back [to your army].”
Ahora, escucha la voz de tu sierva, y déjame darte un poco de pan y toma algo de comida para darte fuerza cuando sigas tu camino.
23 But Saul refused. He said, “No, I will not eat anything.” Then Saul’s servants also urged him [to eat something], and finally he heeded what they said. He got up from the ground and sat on the bed.
Pero él no quiso, diciendo: No deseo comer. Pero sus siervos, junto con la mujer, lo hicieron comer, y les dio paso. Entonces se levantó de la tierra y se sentó en la cama.
24 The woman had a fat calf close to her house. She quickly slaughtered it [and cooked it]. She took some flour and mixed it [with olive oil], and baked it without putting in any yeast.
Y la mujer tenía en la casa un ternero engordado; y ella lo mató de inmediato; y ella tomó la comida y la mezcló e hizo pan sin levadura;
25 She placed the food in front of Saul and his servants, and they ate some of it. Then that night they got up and left.
Y ella lo puso delante de Saúl y sus siervos, y comieron. Luego se levantaron y se fueron esa misma noche.

< 1 Samuel 28 >