< 1 Samuel 27 >

1 But David thought, “Some day Saul will capture me [if I stay around here]. So the best thing that I can do is to escape and go to the Philistia area. If I do that, Saul will stop searching for me here in Israel, and I will be safe.”
داوود با خود فکر کرد: «روزی شائول مرا خواهد کشت. پس بهتر است به سرزمین فلسطینی‌ها بروم تا او از تعقیب من دست بردارد؛ آنگاه از دست او رهایی خواهم یافت.»
2 So David and his 600 men left Israel and went to see Maoch’s son Achish, who was king of Gath [city in the Philistia area].
پس داوود و آن ششصد نفر که همراهش بودند با خانواده‌های خود به جت رفتند تا تحت حمایت اخیش پادشاه (پسر معوک) زندگی کنند. داوود زنان خود، اخینوعم یزرعیلی و ابیجایل کرملی (زن سابق نابال) را نیز همراه خود برد.
3 David and his men and their families started to live there in Gath, the city where king Achish lived. David’s two wives were with him—Ahinoam from Jezreel, and Nabal’s widow Abigail, from Carmel.
4 When someone told Saul that David had run away [and was living] in Gath, he stopped searching for David.
به شائول خبر رسید که داوود به جت رفته است. پس او از تعقیب داوود دست کشید.
5 [One day] David said to Achish, “If you are pleased with us, give us a place in one of the small villages where we can stay. There is no need [RHQ] for us to stay in the city where you are the king.”
روزی داوود به اخیش گفت: «لزومی ندارد ما در پایتخت نزد شما باشیم؛ اگر اجازه بدهید به یکی از شهرهای کوچک می‌رویم و در آنجا زندگی می‌کنیم.»
6 [Achish liked what David suggested]. So that day Achish gave to David Ziklag [town]. As a result, Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah since that time.
پس اخیش، صِقلَغ را به او داد و این شهر تا به امروز به پادشاهان یهودا تعلق دارد.
7 David [and his men] lived in the Philistia area for 16 months.
آنها مدت یک سال و چهار ماه در سرزمین فلسطینی‌ها زندگی کردند.
8 [During that time] David and his men raided the people who lived [in the areas] where the Geshur, Girzi, and Amalek people-groups lived. Those people had lived there a long time. That area extended [south] from Telam to the Shur [Desert] and to [the border of] Egypt.
داوود و سربازانش از آنجا قبایل جشوری و جَرِزی و عمالیقی را مورد تاخت و تاز قرار می‌دادند. (این قبایل از قدیم در سرزمینی که تا شور و مصر امتداد می‌یافت زندگی می‌کردند.)
9 Whenever David’s men attacked them, they killed all the men and women, and they took all the people’s sheep and cattle and donkeys and camels, and even their clothes. Then they would bring those things back home, [and David would go to talk] to Achish.
در این تاخت و تازها، یک نفر را هم زنده نمی‌گذاشتند و گله‌ها و اموال آنها را غارت می‌نمودند، و وقتی نزد اخیش برمی‌گشتند
10 Each time Achish would ask David, “Where did you go raiding today?” David [would lie to him]. Sometimes he would reply that they had gone to the southern part of Judah, and sometimes he would say that they had gone to Jerahmeel, or to the area where the Ken people-group lived.
اخیش می‌پرسید: «امروز به کجا حمله بردید؟» داوود هم جواب می‌داد به جنوب یهودا یا جنوب یَرحَم‌ئیل یا جنوب سرزمین قینی‌ها.
11 David’s men never brought back to Gath any man or woman who was left alive. David thought, “If [we do not kill everyone, some of] them [who are still alive] will go and tell Achish [the truth] about what we really did.” David did that all the time that he [and his men] lived in the Philistia area.
داوود، مرد یا زنی را زنده نمی‌گذاشت تا به جت بیاید و بگوید که او به کجا حمله کرده است. مادامی که داوود در سرزمین فلسطینی‌ها زندگی می‌کرد، کارش همین بود.
12 So Achish believed [what] David [told him], and said to himself, “[Because of what David has done, ] his own people, the Israelis, must now hate him very much. So he will have to [stay here and] serve me forever.”
کم‌کم اخیش به داوود اعتماد پیدا کرد و با خود گفت: «داوود با این کارهایش مورد نفرت قوم خود اسرائیل قرار گرفته، پس تا عمر دارد مرا خدمت خواهد کرد.»

< 1 Samuel 27 >