< 1 Samuel 27 >

1 But David thought, “Some day Saul will capture me [if I stay around here]. So the best thing that I can do is to escape and go to the Philistia area. If I do that, Saul will stop searching for me here in Israel, and I will be safe.”
Men David sagde til sig selv: "Jeg falder dog en skønne Dag for Sauls Hånd. Jeg har ingen anden udvej end at søge Tilflugt i Filisternes Land; så opgiver Saul at søge efter mig nogetsteds i Israels Land, og jeg er uden for hans Rækkevidde!"
2 So David and his 600 men left Israel and went to see Maoch’s son Achish, who was king of Gath [city in the Philistia area].
David brød da op og drog med sine 600 Mænd over til Maoks Søn, Kong Akisj af Gat;
3 David and his men and their families started to live there in Gath, the city where king Achish lived. David’s two wives were with him—Ahinoam from Jezreel, and Nabal’s widow Abigail, from Carmel.
og David boede hos Akisj i Gat tillige med sine Mænd, som havde deres Familier med, ligesom David havde sine to Hustruer med, Ahinoam fra Jizre'el og Abigajil, Karmeliten Nabals Hustru.
4 When someone told Saul that David had run away [and was living] in Gath, he stopped searching for David.
Da Saul fik at vide, at David var flygtet til Gaf, holdt han op at søge efter ham.
5 [One day] David said to Achish, “If you are pleased with us, give us a place in one of the small villages where we can stay. There is no need [RHQ] for us to stay in the city where you are the king.”
Men David sagde til Akisj: "Hvis jeg har fundet Nåde for dine Øjne, lad mig så få et Sted at bo i en af Byerne ude i Landet, thi hvorfor skal din Træl bo hos dig i Hovedstaden?"
6 [Achish liked what David suggested]. So that day Achish gave to David Ziklag [town]. As a result, Ziklag has belonged to the kings of Judah since that time.
Akisj lod ham da med det samme få Ziklag; og derfor tilhører Ziklag endnu den Dag i Dag Judas Konger.
7 David [and his men] lived in the Philistia area for 16 months.
Den Tid, David boede i Filisternes Land, udgjorde et År og fire Måneder.
8 [During that time] David and his men raided the people who lived [in the areas] where the Geshur, Girzi, and Amalek people-groups lived. Those people had lived there a long time. That area extended [south] from Telam to the Shur [Desert] and to [the border of] Egypt.
Og David og hans Mænd drog op og plyndrede hos Gesjuriterne, Gizriterne og Amalekiterne; thi de boede i Landet fra Telam hen imod Sjur og hen til Ægypten;
9 Whenever David’s men attacked them, they killed all the men and women, and they took all the people’s sheep and cattle and donkeys and camels, and even their clothes. Then they would bring those things back home, [and David would go to talk] to Achish.
og når David plyndrede Landet, lod han hverken Mænd eller Kvinder blive i Live, men Småkvæg, Hornkvæg, Æsler, Kameler og Klæder tog han med; når han så vendte tilbage og kom til Akisj,
10 Each time Achish would ask David, “Where did you go raiding today?” David [would lie to him]. Sometimes he would reply that they had gone to the southern part of Judah, and sometimes he would say that they had gone to Jerahmeel, or to the area where the Ken people-group lived.
og han spurgte: "Hvor hærgede I denne Gang?" svarede David: "Idet judæiske Sydland!" eller: "I det jerame'elitiske Sydland!" eller: "I det kenitiske Sydland!"
11 David’s men never brought back to Gath any man or woman who was left alive. David thought, “If [we do not kill everyone, some of] them [who are still alive] will go and tell Achish [the truth] about what we really did.” David did that all the time that he [and his men] lived in the Philistia area.
David lod ingen Mand eller Kvinde blive i Live for ikke at måtte tage dem med til Gat; thi han tænkte: "De kunde røbe os og sige: Det og det har David gjort!" Således bar han sig ad, al den Tid han opholdt sig i Filisternes Land.
12 So Achish believed [what] David [told him], and said to himself, “[Because of what David has done, ] his own people, the Israelis, must now hate him very much. So he will have to [stay here and] serve me forever.”
Derfor fik Akisj Tillid til David, idet han tænkte: "Han har gjort sig grundig forhadt hos sit Folk Israel; han vil tjene mig for stedse!"

< 1 Samuel 27 >