< 1 Samuel 23 >

1 One day someone told David, “You need to know that the Philistia army is attacking Keilah [town] and they are stealing grain from where men are threshing it.”
Informaron a David: ¡Mira, los filisteos atacan a Queila y saquean los graneros!
2 David asked Yahweh, “Should my men and I go to fight against those men from the Philistia people-group?” Yahweh answered, “Yes, go. Attack them, and rescue the people of Keilah.”
Entonces David consultó a Yavé: ¿Iré y atacaré a estos filisteos? Y Yavé contestó a David: Vé, ataca a los filisteos y libera a Queila.
3 But David’s men said to him, “We are afraid [that Saul will attack us] here in Judah. We will be more afraid if we go to Keilah where the Philistia army is!”
Pero los hombres de David le dijeron: Si aquí en Judá vivimos con temor, ¡cuánto más si vamos a Queila contra los escuadrones de los filisteos!
4 So David asked Yahweh again [if they should go to Keilah]. Yahweh answered, “Yes, go down to Keilah. I will help you to defeat the men of the Philistia people-group.”
De nuevo David consultó a Yavé, Quien le respondió: Levántate, baja a Queila, pues entregaré a los filisteos en tu mano.
5 So David and his men went to Keilah. They fought against the men of the Philistia people-group and captured many of their cattle. David and his men killed many of the Philistia men and rescued the people of Keilah.
David y sus hombres fueron a Queila y pelearon contra los filisteos. Él se llevó los ganados de ellos y les infligió una gran derrota. Así David liberó a los habitantes de Queila.
6 Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech, fled to be with David at Keilah, and he brought the sacred vest with him [to use it to determine what God wanted to be done].
Cuando Abiatar, hijo de Ahimelec, huyó a Queila, donde estaba David, llevó el efod con él.
7 Soon Saul found out that David was at Keilah. So he said, “That is good! God is enabling me to capture him! He has trapped himself in that town, because it has high walls with gates around it.”
Cuando informaron a Saúl que David fue a Queila, Saúl dijo: ¡ʼElohim lo desamparó en mi mano, pues se encerró al entrar en una ciudad de puertas y barras!
8 So Saul summoned his army, and they prepared to go down to Keilah to attack David and his men.
Por tanto Saúl convocó a todo el pueblo a la batalla para bajar a Queila y sitiar a David y a sus hombres.
9 But David found out that Saul was planning [for his army] to attack him. So he said to Abiathar the priest, “Bring [here] the sacred vest.”
Pero David supo que Saúl tramaba el mal contra él y dijo al sacerdote Abiatar: Trae el efod.
10 [So when Abiathar brought it, ] David prayed, “Yahweh, God of us Israelis, I have heard that Saul is planning to come here [with his army] and destroy Keilah because I am here.
Y David dijo: Oh Yavé, ʼElohim de Israel. Tu esclavo sabe ciertamente que Saúl procura venir a Queila para destruir la ciudad por causa de mí.
11 Will Saul come down [here to Keilah], as people reported to me? Will the leaders of Keilah enable Saul to capture me? Yahweh, God of us Israelis, please tell me!” Yahweh answered, “Yes, Saul will come down.”
¿Me entregarán los hombres de Queila en su mano? ¿Bajará Saúl, como tu esclavo oyó? Oh Yavé ʼElohim de Israel, te ruego que lo declares a tu esclavo. Y Yavé respondió: Sí, bajará.
12 Then David asked, “Will the leaders of Keilah enable Saul’s army to capture me and my men [if we stay here]?” [By means of the stones in the sacred vest], Yahweh replied, “Yes, they will.”
David preguntó: ¿Me entregarán los hombres de Queila en mano de Saúl, a mí y a mis hombres? Y Yavé respondió: Te entregarán.
13 So David and his 600 men left Keilah. They continued to move from one place to another, [wherever they thought that Saul would not find them]. And when Saul found out that David had escaped from Keilah, he did not go there.
Entonces David se levantó con su gente, unos 600 hombres, y salieron de Queila. Anduvieron sin dirección determinada. Y fue dado aviso a Saúl que David escapó de Queila, por lo cual desistió de salir.
14 David and his men stayed in hiding places in the desert and in the hills of Ziph Desert. Every day Saul [sent men to] search for David, but Yahweh did not allow them to capture David.
David permaneció en el desierto, en lugares de difícil acceso en las montañas de la región despoblada de Zif. Saúl lo buscaba todos los días, pero ʼElohim no lo entregó en su mano.
15 While David and his men were at [a place named] Horesh in Ziph desert, he found out that Saul was coming there to kill him.
Al ver David que Saúl salía en busca de su vida, se quedó en Hores, la región despoblada de Zif.
16 But Saul’s son Jonathan went to David at Horesh, and encouraged him to continue to trust [God].
Jonatán, hijo de Saúl, se levantó y fue a donde David estaba en Hores. Lo reconfortó en ʼElohim
17 Jonathan told him, “Do not be afraid, because my father will not be able to harm [IDM] you. [Some day] you will be the king of Israel, and I will be the second [most important man in Israel]. My father Saul also knows that.”
y le dijo: No temas, que la mano de mi padre Saúl no te hallará. Tú reinarás sobre Israel, y yo seré segundo después de ti. Aun mi padre Saúl sabe esto.
18 Then the two of them repeated their solemn promise that Yahweh [had heard them make previously, that they would always be loyal to each other]. Then Jonathan went home, but David stayed at Horesh.
Ambos hicieron un pacto delante de Yavé. David se quedó en Hores, y Jonatán fue a su casa.
19 Some people from Ziph went to Saul when he was at Gibeah, and they told him, “David [and his men] are hiding in our land [RHQ]! They are hiding in places at Horesh on Hakilah Hill, south of [a place named] Jeshimon.
Entonces subieron los zifeos a Saúl en Gabaa, y le dijeron: ¿No está David escondido en nuestra tierra en las peñas de Hores, en la colina de Haquila, al sur de Jesimón?
20 So, O king, come down there any time that you want to. It is our duty to capture him and turn him over to you.”
Ahora pues, conforme a todo tu deseo, oh rey, baja pronto, y nosotros lo entregaremos en la mano del rey.
21 Saul replied, “I hope/desire that Yahweh will bless you [for telling that to me].
A lo cual Saúl respondió: ¡Benditos sean por Yavé, porque se compadecieron de mí!
22 Go back and find out more about him. Find out exactly where he is staying, and find out who has seen him there. People tell me that he is very clever, [so we need to be clever also to be able to capture him].
Vayan ahora y averigüen aún más. Verifiquen el lugar de su escondite y quién lo vio allí, pues me dijeron que él es muy astuto.
23 Find out all the places where he and his men hide. Then come back and tell me everything that you have found out. Then I will [take my army and] go there with you. If David is in any of the clans/caves of Judah, we will search for him [and find him]!”
Así que observen todos los escondites donde se oculta, y vuelvan a mí con certidumbre. Yo iré con ustedes, y si él está en esa tierra, lo buscaré entre todos los millares de Judá.
24 So those people went back to Ziph before Saul went there. At that time David and his men were in Maon Desert, south of Jeshimon.
Entonces se levantaron y fueron adelante de Saúl a Zif, pero David y sus hombres ya estaban en el desierto de Maón en el Arabá, al sur de Jesimón.
25 Saul and his soldiers went to search for David, but David heard about that. So he and his men went further [south] to a rocky hill/peak in the Maon Desert. When Saul heard about that, he and his men followed David and his men to the Maon Desert.
Luego Saúl salió con sus hombres a buscarlo, de lo cual David recibió informe. Bajó a la roca y vivió en la región despoblada de Maón. Cuando Saúl se enteró, persiguió a David por la región despoblada de Maón.
26 Saul and his soldiers were walking along one side of the hill/peak, and David and his men were on the other side. David and his men were hurrying to escape from Saul’s soldiers, because Saul and his soldiers were coming much closer.
Saúl iba por un lado de la montaña, y David con sus hombres por el otro lado. David se daba prisa para escapar de Saúl, pero Saúl y sus hombres encerraron a David y a sus hombres para capturarlos.
27 But then a messenger came to Saul and said to him, “Come quickly! The Philistia army is attacking the people in our land!”
Entonces llegó un mensajero a Saúl, quien dijo: ¡Date prisa y ven, porque los filisteos irrumpieron en el país!
28 So Saul stopped pursuing David, and he [and his soldiers] went to fight against the Philistia army. That is the reason that people call that place ‘Escape Rock’.
Así que Saúl regresó de perseguir a David, para ir a enfrentar a los filisteos. Por eso llamaron aquel lugar La Roca de Escape.
29 David and his men also left the Maon Desert and went to places to hide safely at En-Gedi.
Entonces David subió de allí y permaneció en los refugios de Engadí.

< 1 Samuel 23 >