< 1 Samuel 22 >

1 David [and his men] left Gath and went [east] to hide in a cave on a hill at Adullam [city]. Soon his [older] brothers and all his other relatives came and stayed with him there.
Abiit ergo David inde, et fugit in speluncam Odollam. Quod cum audissent fratres ejus, et omnis domus patris ejus, descenderunt ad eum illuc.
2 Then other men came there. Some were men who had caused trouble, some were men who owed money, and some were men who were not content [IDM] [with the government]. They continued to come until there were 400 men there, and David was their leader.
Et convenerunt ad eum omnes qui erant in angustia constituti, et oppressi ære alieno, et amaro animo: et factus est eorum princeps, fueruntque cum eo quasi quadringenti viri.
3 Later they left there and went [east] to Mizpah [city] in the Moab region. There David requested the king of Moab, “Please allow my father and mother to live here with you until I know what God is going to do for me.”
Et profectus est David inde in Maspha, quæ est Moab: et dixit ad regem Moab: Maneat, oro, pater meus et mater mea vobiscum, donec sciam quid faciat mihi Deus.
4 [The king gave him permission, ] so David’s parents stayed with the king of Moab all the time that David and the men who were with him were hiding [in that area].
Et reliquit eos ante faciem regis Moab: manseruntque apud eum cunctis diebus quibus David fuit in præsidio.
5 One day the prophet Gad told David, “Leave (your fortress/this area) and return to Judah.” So David and his men went to Hereth forest [in Judah].
Dixitque Gad propheta ad David: Noli manere in præsidio: proficiscere, et vade in terram Juda. Et profectus est David, et venit in saltum Haret.
6 One day, someone told Saul that David and his men had arrived in Judah. On that day, Saul was sitting underneath the tamarisk tree on a hill at Gibeah [town]. He was holding his spear, and was surrounded by his army officers.
Et audivit Saul quod apparuisset David, et viri qui erant cum eo. Saul autem cum maneret in Gabaa, et esset in nemore quod est in Rama, hastam manu tenens, cunctique servi ejus circumstarent eum,
7 He shouted to them, “You men of the tribe of Benjamin, listen to me! Do you think that the son of Jesse will give all of you fields and vineyards [if he becomes your king]? Will he appoint all of you to become generals and captains [in his army] [RHQ]?
ait ad servos suos qui assistebant ei: Audite nunc, filii Jemini: numquid omnibus vobis dabit filius Isai agros et vineas, et universos vos faciet tribunos et centuriones?
8 Is that why you have all conspired against me [RHQ]? None of you told me when my son [Jonathan] made a solemn agreement with that son of Jesse. None of you feels sorry for me. That son of Jesse was my servant, but now my son is encouraging him to hide in order to (ambush me/attack me suddenly), as he is doing today!”
quoniam conjurastis omnes adversum me, et non est qui mihi renuntiet, maxime cum et filius meus fœdus inierit cum filio Isai. Non est qui vicem meam doleat ex vobis, nec qui annuntiet mihi: eo quod suscitaverit filius meus servum meum adversum me, insidiantem mihi usque hodie.
9 Doeg, a man from the Edom people-group, was standing there with Saul’s officers. He said to Saul, “When I was at Nob, I saw that son of Jesse talking to Ahimelech, the priest.
Respondens autem Doëg Idumæus, qui assistebat, et erat primus inter servos Saul: Vidi, inquit, filium Isai in Nobe apud Achimelech filium Achitob sacerdotem.
10 Ahimelech asked Yahweh what David should do. Then Ahimelech gave to David some food and the sword of Goliath, [the giant] from the Philistia people-group.”
Qui consuluit pro eo Dominum, et cibaria dedit ei: sed et gladium Goliath Philisthæi dedit illi.
11 Then Saul summoned Ahimelech and all Ahimelech’s relatives who were priests at Nob. So they all came to the king.
Misit ergo rex ad accersendum Achimelech sacerdotem filium Achitob, et omnem domum patris ejus, sacerdotum qui erant in Nobe, qui universi venerunt ad regem.
12 Saul said to Ahimelech, “You son of Ahitub, listen to me!” Ahimelech answered, “Yes, sir!”
Et ait Saul ad Achimelech: Audi, fili Achitob. Qui respondit: Præsto sum, domine.
13 Saul said, “Why are you and Jesse’s son conspiring to get rid of me? You gave him some bread and a sword. You requested God to tell David what he should do. David has rebelled against me, and right now he is [hiding somewhere], waiting [to attack me].”
Dixitque ad eum Saul: Quare conjurastis adversum me, tu et filius Isai, et dedisti ei panes et gladium, et consuluisti pro eo Deum, ut consurgeret adversum me, insidiator usque hodie permanens?
14 Ahimelech replied, “[I do not understand why you are saying that, because] David, your son-in-law, the captain of your bodyguards, is very loyal to you. No one is more loyal to you than David! Everyone in your household respects him very much.
Respondensque Achimelech regi, ait: Et quis in omnibus servis tuis sicut David, fidelis, et gener regis, et pergens ad imperium tuum, et gloriosus in domo tua?
15 Furthermore, this was certainly not [RHQ] the first time that I requested God to say what he wanted David to do. And it is not right for you to accuse me or any of my relatives [of trying to get rid of you], because I do not know anything about [anyone wanting to do that].”
num hodie cœpi pro eo consulere Deum? absit hoc a me: ne suspicetur rex adversus servum suum rem hujuscemodi, in universa domo patris mei: non enim scivit servus tuus quidquam super hoc negotio, vel modicum vel grande.
16 The king then shouted, “Ahimelech, you and your all your relatives are going to be executed right now!”
Dixitque rex: Morte morieris Achimelech, tu et omnis domus patris tui.
17 Then he commanded his bodyguards, “Kill these priests of Yahweh, because they are allies of David, and they are conspiring with David against me! They knew that David was trying to run away from me, but they did not tell me!” But Saul’s bodyguards refused to kill Yahweh’s priests.
Et ait rex emissariis qui circumstabant eum: Convertimini, et interficite sacerdotes Domini, nam manus eorum cum David est: scientes quod fugisset, et non indicaverunt mihi. Noluerunt autem servi regis extendere manus suas in sacerdotes Domini.
18 Then the king said to Doeg, “You kill them!” So Doeg, the man from the Edom people-group, went out and struck them with his sword. On that day he killed eighty-five men who were wearing the sacred vests [because they were God’s priests].
Et ait rex ad Doëg: Convertere tu, et irrue in sacerdotes. Conversusque Doëg Idumæus, irruit in sacerdotes, et trucidavit in die illa octoginta quinque viros vestitos ephod lineo.
19 He also went and killed many people in Nob, the city where the priests lived. He killed men, women, children, babies, cattle, donkeys, and sheep there.
Nobe autem civitatem sacerdotum percussit in ore gladii, viros et mulieres, et parvulos et lactentes, bovemque, et asinum, et ovem in ore gladii.
20 But Abiathar, Ahimelech’s son, escaped. He ran away and joined David [and the men who were with him].
Evadens autem unus filius Achimelech filii Achitob, cujus nomen erat Abiathar, fugit ad David,
21 He told David that Saul had commanded [Doeg] to kill Yahweh’s priests.
et annuntiavit ei quod occidisset Saul sacerdotes Domini.
22 Then David said to him, “That man from the Edom people-group, Doeg, was there at Nob on the day [that I was there]. I knew that he would surely tell Saul [what happened]. So it is my fault that your father and all of his family have been killed.
Et ait David ad Abiathar: Sciebam in die illa quod cum ibi esset Doëg Idumæus, procul dubio annuntiaret Sauli: ego sum reus omnium animarum patris tui.
23 You stay with me, and do not be afraid. The man who wants to kill you wants to kill me also, but you will be safe if you stay with me.”
Mane mecum: ne timeas: si quis quæsierit animam meam, quæret et animam tuam, mecumque servaberis.

< 1 Samuel 22 >