< 1 Samuel 2 >

1 Then Hannah prayed, saying, “I rejoice in [what] you, [, have done]. I am strong [MET] because I belong to you. I (laugh at/ridicule) my enemies, because you, Yahweh have rescued me [from being taunted by them].
Ana oró: “¡Estoy tan feliz en el Señor! ¡Él me ha dado poder! Ahora tengo mucho que decir en respuesta a los que me odian. ¡Celebro su salvación!
2 There is no one who is holy like you, Yahweh. There is no other god like you. There is no one like you, our God, who can protect us [as though you were putting us beneath] a huge rock [where we can hide from danger].
¡No hay nadie santo como el Señor, nadie aparte de ti, ninguna Roca como nuestro Dios!
3 [You people who oppose God], stop boasting! Yahweh is a God who knows [everything], and he will evaluate/judge everyone’s actions. So don’t speak so arrogantly!
“¡No hables con tanta arrogancia! ¡No hablen con tanta arrogancia! Porque el Señor es un Dios que lo sabe todo: ¿acaso no juzga lo que hacen?
4 Yahweh, you break the bows/weapons of mighty soldiers, and you give strength to those who stumble [because of being weak].
“Las armas de los poderosos son destrozadas, mientras que los que tropiezan se vuelven fuertes.
5 Many people who previously had plenty to eat, now have to work for other people [to earn money] to buy food, but many who were always hungry are not hungry any more. The woman who did not have any children before, now has given birth to many/seven children, and the woman who had many children before, now is very lonely [because they have all died].
Los que tenían mucha comida ahora tienen que trabajar para ganarse un mendrugo, mientras que los que tenían hambre ahora han engordado. La mujer que no tenía hijos ahora tiene siete, mientras que la que tenía muchos se desvanece.
6 Yahweh, you cause some people to die, and you restore some people who are almost dead. For some people, [it seems that they will soon] go to where the dead people are, but you cause them to become healthy again. (Sheol h7585)
“El Señor mata y otorga vida; a unos los manda a la tumba, pero a otros los resucita. (Sheol h7585)
7 Yahweh, you cause some people to be poor and you cause some people to be rich, you humble some people and you honor some people.
El Señor empobrece a unos, pero enriquece a otros; abate a unos, pero levanta a otros.
8 [Sometimes] you lift poor people up so that they are no longer [despondent, sitting in the dust, ] or sitting on heaps of ashes; you cause them to sit next to princes; you cause them to sit on chairs/thrones where people who are highly honored sit. Yahweh, you are the one who laid the foundations of the earth, and you have set the whole world on those foundations.
Ayuda a los pobres a levantarse del polvo; saca a los humildes del muladar y los sienta con la clase alta en lugares de gran honor. Porque los cimientos de la tierra son del Señor, y sobre ellos ha colocado el mundo.
9 You will protect your loyal/faithful people [SYN], but you will cause the wicked to die [EUP] and descend to the dark [place where dead people are]. We do not defeat [our enemies] by our own strength;
“Él cuidará de los que confían en él, pero los malvados se desvanecen en las tinieblas, pues el hombre no puede triunfar por sus propias fuerzas.
10 Yahweh, you will break into pieces those who oppose you. You will cause thunder in the sky to show that you (oppose/are angry with) them. Yahweh, you will judge [people everywhere, even those who live in] the most remote places on the earth. You will give strength to the king whom you will appoint, and give him great power [over his enemies].”
El Señor aplasta a sus enemigos, truena desde el cielo contra ellos. Él gobierna toda la tierra; fortalece a su rey y otorga poder al que ha ungido”.
11 Then Elkanah [and his family] returned to Ramah, but Samuel, the little boy, stayed to help Eli the priest serve Yahweh.
Entonces Elcana se fue a su casa en Ramá, mientras el niño se quedó con el sacerdote Elí sirviendo al Señor.
12 Eli’s two [, who were also priests, ] were very wicked. They did not revere (OR, respect/obey) Yahweh.
Los hijos de Elí eran hombres inútiles que no tenían tiempo para el Señor
13 While the people were boiling the meat from their sacrifices [in the huge pot at the temple], one of Eli’s sons, [would send his servant to come with a large three-pronged fork in his hand].
ni para su función como sacerdotes del pueblo. Enviaban a uno de sus siervos con un tenedor cuando alguien venía a ofrecer un sacrificio.
14 [He] would stick the fork into [the meat in] the pot, and whatever meat fastened onto the fork, he would take [and give it] to the priest who sent him. Eli’s sons did this to all the Israeli people who came to Shiloh [to offer sacrifices].
El siervo metía el tenedor en la olla mientras se hervía la carne del sacrificio, y les llevaba a los hijos de Elí la carne que salía en el tenedor. Así trataban a todos los israelitas que llegaban a Silo.
15 Furthermore, before the fat [on the meat] was [cut off and] and burned [as a sacrifice to Yahweh], the servant of the priest would [sometimes] come to the man who was making the sacrifice and say to him, “Give me some meat [now to take] to the priest for him to roast! He wants raw meat; he does not want boiled meat.”
De hecho, incluso antes de que se quemara la grasa del sacrificio, el sirviente venía y exigía al hombre que sacrificaba: “Deme la carne para asarla para el sacerdote. Él no quiere la carne hervida sino cruda”.
16 If the man said to the servant, “Let the priests [cut off and] burn the fat first; then you can take what you want,” the servant would reply, “No, give it to me now; if you do not give it to me, I will take it forcefully!”
El hombre podía responder: “Déjame, primero quemar toda la grasa, y luego puedes tener toda la que quieras”. Pero el criado del sacerdote le contestaba: “No, debes dármela ahora. Si no lo haces, la tomaré por la fuerza”.
17 Yahweh considered that the young [sons of Eli] were committing a very great sin, because they were treating very disrespectfully the offerings that were being given to Yahweh.
Los pecados de estos jóvenes eran extremadamente graves ante los ojos del Señor, porque estaban tratando las ofrendas del Señor con desprecio.
18 As for Samuel, who was still a very young boy, he continued to do work for Yahweh, wearing a little sacred linen vest [like the Supreme Priest wore].
Pero Samuel servía ante el Señor: era un muchacho vestido de sacerdote, con un efod de lino.
19 Each year his mother made a [new] little robe for him and took it to him when she went up [to Shiloh] with her husband to offer a sacrifice.
Cada año, su madre le hacía un pequeño manto y se lo llevaba cuando iba con su marido a ofrecer el sacrificio anual.
20 Then Eli would [ask God to] bless Elkanah and his wife, and he would say to Elkanah, “I hope/desire that Yahweh will enable your wife to give birth to other children, to take the place of the one whom she dedicated to Yahweh.” Then Elkanah and his family would return home.
Elí bendecía a Elcana y a su esposa, diciendo: “Que el Señor le dé hijos de esta mujer para reemplazar al que ella dedicó al Señor”. Luego regresaban a casa.
21 And Yahweh was very kind to Hannah, and enabled her to give birth to three [other] sons and two daughters. Their son Samuel grew up while he was doing work for Yahweh [in the Sacred Tent].
Y el Señor bendijo a Ana con tres hijos y dos hijas. El niño Samuel creció en la presencia del Señor.
22 Eli became very old. He often heard about all the [evil] things that his sons were doing to the Israeli people. He heard that they [sometimes] (slept with/had sex with) the women who worked at the entrance to the tent where [God] spoke to [his people].
Elí era muy anciano, pero se había enterado de todas las cosas que sus hijos hacían con el pueblo de Israel, y de cómo seducían a las mujeres que servían a la entrada del Tabernáculo de Reunión.
23 He said to them, “(It is terrible that you do such things!/Why do you do such things?) [RHQ] Many people keep telling me about the evil things that you do.
Entonces les preguntó: “¿Por qué se comportan de esta manera? Sigo oyendo las quejas de todo el mundo por sus malas acciones.
24 My sons, stop it! The reports [about you] that the people who belong to Yahweh tell others are terrible [EUP]!
No, hijos míos, lo que escucho sobre ustedes de parte del pueblo del Señor no es bueno.
25 If one person sins against another person, God can (intercede/act as a referee) between them. But if someone sins against Yahweh, no one can [RHQ] (intercede/act as a referee) between them!” But Eli’s sons would not listen to what their father said. This was because Yahweh had decided [that someone should] them.
Si un hombre peca contra alguien, Dios puede interceder por él; pero si un hombre peca contra el Señor, ¿quién podrá interceder por él?” Pero no prestaron atención a lo que les dijo su padre, pues el Señor planeaba darles muerte.
26 The boy Samuel continued to grow up, and the things that he did pleased Yahweh and the people.
El niño Samuel crecía en estatura, y también crecía en cuanto a la aprobación del Señor y del pueblo.
27 One day, a prophet came to Eli and told him, “This is what Yahweh has told me: ‘When your ancestors were slaves of the king of Egypt, I appeared to Aaron.
Un hombre de Dios se acercó a Elí y le dijo: “Esto es lo que dice el Señor: ¿Acaso no me revelé claramente a la familia de tu antepasado cuando era gobernado por el faraón en Egipto?
28 From all the tribes of the Israeli people, I chose him [and his male descendants] to be priests for me. I appointed them to go up to my altar, to burn incense, to wear a sacred apron [as they worked] for me. And I declared that they could take [and eat some of the meat] that the Israeli people burned [on the altar].
Yo lo elegí de todas las tribus de Israel como mi sacerdote, para ofrecer sacrificios en mi altar, para quemar incienso y llevar un efod en mi presencia. También le di a la familia de tu antepasado todos los holocaustos de los israelitas.
29 So why do you show disrespect for the sacrifices and offerings that I commanded [the people to bring] to me [RHQ]? You are honoring your sons more than you are honoring me, by allowing them to get fat from eating the best parts of all the sacrifices that the Israeli people bring to me!’
¿Por qué, entonces, has tratado con desprecio mis sacrificios y las ofrendas que he ordenado para mi lugar de culto? Ustedes honran más a sus hijos que a mí, se engordan ustedes con las mejores partes de todas las ofrendas de mi pueblo Israel.
30 “Therefore, this is what Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], declares: ‘I definitely promised that Aaron and his descendants would continue to serve [IDM] me forever.’ But now I declare this: ‘It will not continue like that! I will honor those who honor me, but I will despise those who despise me.
“En consecuencia, esta es la declaración del Señor: Hice la promesa definitiva de que tu familia y la de tu padre me servirían siempre como sacerdotes. Pero ahora el Señor declara: ¡Ya no más! En cambio, honraré a los que me honran, pero trataré con desprecio a los que me desprecian.
31 Listen carefully! There will soon be a time when I will cause all the strong [young men] in your family to die. The result will be that no men in your family will [live long enough to] become old men.
Se acerca el momento en que pondré fin a tu familia y a la de tu padre. Nadie vivirá hasta la vejez.
32 You will be distressed and envious as you see the blessings that I will give to [the other people in] Israel. And [I repeat that] no men in your family will ever live long enough to become old men.
Verás tragedia en el lugar de adoración. Mientras Israel prospere, ninguno en tu familia volverá a vivir hasta la vejez.
33 There is one of your descendants whom I will spare, and not prevent him from serving me as a priest. But he will become blind, and then he will always be sad and grieving. But all your other descendants will die violently.
Cualquiera de tu familia que no haya sido apartado para servir en mi altar, te hará llorar y te causará dolor. Todos tus descendientes morirán aún estando llenos de vida.
34 And your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, will both die on the same day. And that will prove to you [that all that I have said will come true/happen].
He aquí una señal para ti de que esto sucederá con respecto a tus dos hijos Ofni y Finees: ambos morirán el mismo día.
35 ‘have chosen another man to be my priest. He is one who will serve me faithfully: He will do everything I want [DOU] him to do. And I will enable him to have many descendants [IDM] who will be priests and will always serve me by helping the king whom I will choose.
Yo elegiré para mí a un sacerdote digno de confianza que hará lo que realmente quiero, lo que tengo en mente. Me aseguraré de que él y sus descendientes sean dignos de confianza y que siempre sirvan a mi ungido.
36 All of your descendants who remain alive will have to go to that priest and ask him to give them money and food, and they will each have to say, “Please allow me to help the other priests, in order that I may [earn some money to] buy some food.”’”
Cada uno de tus descendientes que quede vendrá y se inclinará ante él, pidiendo dinero y comida, diciendo: ‘Por favor, dame trabajo como sacerdote para que pueda tener comida’”.

< 1 Samuel 2 >