< 1 Samuel 18 >
1 After David finished talking with Saul, [he met Saul’s son, Jonathan.] Jonathan [immediately] liked David; in fact, he began to love/like him as much as he loved/liked himself.
다윗이 사울에게 말하기를 마치매 요나단의 마음이 다윗의 마음과 연락되어 요나단이 그를 자기 생명 같이 사랑하니라
2 From that day, Saul kept David with him, and did not let him return home.
그 날에 사울은 다윗을 머무르게 하고 그 아비의 집으로 다시 돌아가기를 허락지 아니하였고
3 Because Jonathan loved David so much, he made a solemn agreement with David. [They promised each other that they would always be loyal friends].
요나단은 다윗을 자기 생명 같이 사랑하여 더불어 언약을 맺었으며
4 Jonathan took off his own outer robe and gave it to David. He also gave David his soldier’s tunic, his sword, his bow [and arrows], and his belt.
요나단이 자기의 입었던 겉옷을 벗어 다윗에게 주었고 그 군복과 칼과 활과 띠도 그리하였더라
5 [David went wherever Saul sent him. And] whatever Saul told him to do, David did it very successfully. As a result, Saul appointed David to be a commander in the army. All the officers and other men in the army (approved of/were very pleased with) that.
다윗이 사울의 보내는 곳마다 가서 지혜롭게 행하매 사울이 그로 군대의 장을 삼았더니 온 백성이 합당히 여겼고 사울의 신하들도 합당히 여겼더라
6 But, when the men in the army were returning home after David had killed Goliath, the women came out from many [HYP] towns in Israel to meet/greet King Saul. They were singing and dancing very joyfully, playing tambourines and lyres.
무리가 돌아올 때 곧 다윗이 블레셋 사람을 죽이고 돌아올 때에 여인들이 이스라엘 모든 성에서 나와서 노래하며 춤추며 소고와 경쇠를 가지고 왕 사울을 환영하는데
7 As they danced, they sang this song to each other: “Saul has killed 1,000 [enemy soldiers], But David has killed 10,000 [of them].”
여인들이 뛰놀며 창화하여 가로되 `사울의 죽인 자는 천천이요, 다윗은 만만이로다' 한지라
8 [When] Saul [heard them singing that, he] did not like it. He became very angry. He said [to himself], “They are saying that David [killed] 10,000 men, but that I [have killed] only 1,000. Soon they will want to make him their king!” [RHQ]
사울이 이 말에 불쾌하여 심히 노하여 가로되 `다윗에게는 만만을 돌리고 내게는 천천만 돌리니 그의 더 얻을 것이 나라 밖에 무엇이냐?'하고
9 From that time, Saul watched David very closely because he was suspicious [that David would try to become king].
그 날 후로 사울이 다윗을 주목하였더라
10 The next day, an evil spirit sent by God suddenly took control of Saul. He began to act like a madman, inside his house. David was playing the lyre for him, as he did every day. Saul was holding a spear in his hand,
그 이튿날 하나님의 부리신 악신이 사울에게 힘있게 내리매 그가 집 가운데서 야료하는고로 다윗이 평일과 같이 손으로 수금을 타는데 때에 사울의 손에 창이 있는지라
11 and he hurled it [at David], saying to himself, “I will fasten David to the wall with the spear!” He did that two times, but David jumped aside [both times].
그가 스스로 이르기를 `내가 다윗을 벽에 박으리라' 하고 그 창을 던졌으나 다윗이 그 앞에서 두 번 피하였더라
12 Because [it became evident that] Yahweh had abandoned Saul but [that] he was helping David, Saul was afraid of David.
여호와께서 사울을 떠나 다윗과 함께 계시므로 사울이 그를 두려워한지라
13 So he appointed David as a commander of 1,000 soldiers and sent David away from him, [hoping that David would be killed in a battle]. But when David led his soldiers [in their battles],
그러므로 사울이 그로 자기를 떠나게 하고 천부장을 삼으매 그가 백성 앞에 출입하며
14 he always had great success, because Yahweh was helping him.
그 모든 일을 지혜롭게 행하니라 여호와께서 그와 함께 계시니라
15 When Saul heard that David [and his soldiers were] very successful, he became more afraid of David.
사울이 다윗의 크게 지혜롭게 행함을 보고 그를 두려워하였으나
16 But all the people of Israel and of Judah loved David, because he led the soldiers very successfully [in the battles].
온 이스라엘과 유다는 다윗을 사랑하였으니 그가 자기들 앞에 출입함을 인함이었더라
17 One day Saul said to David, “I am ready to give you my oldest daughter, Merab, to be your wife. I will do that if you serve me bravely by fighting battles for Yahweh [against the Philistines]”. He said that because he thought, “I will not try to get rid of David by myself. I will allow the Philistines to do that.”
사울이 다윗에게 이르되 `내 맏딸 메랍을 네게 아내로 주리니 오직 너는 나를 위하여 용맹을 내어 여호와의 싸움을 싸우라' 하니 이는 그가 생각하기를 `내 손을 그에게 대지 말고 블레셋 사람의 손으로 그에게 대게 하리라' 함이라
18 But David said to Saul, “I am not [RHQ] a very important person, and my family is not very important, and my clan is not a very important Israeli clan. So I do not deserve to become your son-in-law.” [RHQ]
다윗이 사울에게 이르되 `내가 누구며 이스라엘 중에 내 친속이나 내 아비의 집이 무엇이관대 내가 왕의 사위가 되리이까?' 하였더니
19 So, when it was time for Merab to be given to David to become his wife, instead, Saul gave her to a man named Adriel, from Meholah [town].
사울의 딸 메랍을 다윗에게 줄 시기에 므훌랏 사람 아드리엘에게 아내로 준 바 되었더라
20 But Saul’s other daughter, Michal, fell in love with David. When they told Saul about that, he was pleased.
사울의 딸 미갈이 다윗을 사랑하매 혹이 사울에게 고한지라 사울이 그 일을 좋게 여겨
21 He thought, “I will let Michal marry him, in order that she may trap him, and the Philistines will be able to kill him.” So he said to David, [“You can marry Michal],” and by saying that, he indicated for the second time that David would become his son-in-law.
스스로 이르되 `내가 딸을 그에게 주어서 그에게 올무가 되게 하고 블레셋 사람의 손으로 그를 치게 하리라' 하고 이에 다윗에게 이르되 `네가 오늘 다시 내 사위가 되리라' 하니라
22 Saul told his servants, “Talk to David privately, and say to him, ‘Listen, the king is pleased with you, and all of us his servants love you. So now [we think that] you should [marry Michal and] become the king’s son-in-law.’”
사울이 그 신하들에게 명하되 `너희는 다윗에게 비밀히 말하여 이르기를 보라 왕이 너를 기뻐하시고 모든 신하도 너를 사랑하나니 그런즉 네가 왕의 사위가 되는 것이 가하니라' 하라
23 So they told that to David. But David said, “It would be a great honor [RHQ] to become the king’s son-in-law. But [I do not think that I should do that, because] I am only a poor and insignificant man.”
사울의 신하들이 이 말로 다윗의 귀에 고하매 다윗이 가로되 `왕의 사위 되는 것을 너희는 경한 일로 보느냐? 나는 가난하고 천한 사람이로라' 한지라
24 When the servants told Saul what David had said,
사울의 신하들이 사울에게 고하여 가로되 `다윗이 여차여차히 말하더이다'
25 Saul replied, “Go and say to David, ‘[In order for] the king [to allow you to marry Michal, he] wants [you to kill] 100 Philistines [and cut off] their foreskins [and bring the foreskins to him to prove that you have killed them]. In that way he will get revenge on his enemies.’” But what Saul wanted was that the Philistines would kill David [while David was trying to kill them].
사울이 가로되 `너희는 다윗에게 이같이 말하기를 왕이 아무 폐백도 원치 아니하고 다만 왕의 원수의 보복으로 블레셋 사람의 양피 일백을 원하신다 하라' 하였으니 이는 사울의 생각에 `다윗을 블레셋 사람의 손에 죽게 하리라' 함이라
26 When the servants told that to David, he was very pleased that he could become the king’s son-in-law [by doing that. The king had said how many days he would allow for David to do that]. But before that time ended,
사울의 신하들이 이 말로 다윗에게 고하매 다윗이 왕의 사위 되는 것을 좋게 여기므로 만기가 되지 못하여서
27 David and his men went and killed, [not 100, but] 200 Philistines! He brought their foreskins to Saul, and counted them [while Saul was watching], in order to prove that he had [done what the king required so that he could become Saul’s son-in-law. So then Saul was obligated] to allow David to marry his daughter Michal.
다윗이 일어나서 그 종자와 함께 가서 블레셋 사람 이백명을 죽이고 그 양피를 가져다가 수대로 왕께 드려 왕의 사위가 되고자 하니 사울이 그 딸 미갈을 다윗에게 아내로 주었더라
28 But when Saul realized that Yahweh was helping David, and that his daughter loved David,
여호와께서 다윗과 함께 계심을 사울이 보고 알았고 사울의 딸 미갈도 그를 사랑하므로
29 he became more afraid of David. So, as long as Saul lived, he was David’s enemy.
사울이 다윗을 더욱 더욱 두려워하여 평생에 다윗의 대적이 되니라
30 The Philistine armies repeatedly came to fight the Israelis, but every time they fought, David and his soldiers were more successful than any of Saul’s other army commanders. As a result, David became very famous.
블레셋 사람의 방백들이 나오면 그들의 나올 때마다 다윗이 사울의 모든 신하보다 더 지혜롭게 행하매 이에 그 이름이 심히 귀중히 되니라