< 1 Samuel 15 >

1 [One day] Samuel said to Saul, “Yahweh sent me to appoint you to be the king of the Israeli people. So now listen to this message from Yahweh:
Şamuelee Şauluk'le eyhen: – Rəbbee zı g'axuvuna, q'ış qadğu vake Cune milletıs İzrailis paççah ha'as. Həşde ğu Rəbbee eyhençıl k'ırı alixhxhe.
2 Yahweh, [the commander] of the armies [of angels] has declared this: ‘I am going to punish [the descendants of] Amalek for [attacking] the Israeli people after the Israelis left Egypt.
Xəəne G'oşunbışde Rəbbee, inıd eyhe: «İzrailybı Misireençe əlyhəəmee, Amalekaaşe manbışda yəq avqu. Zı mançil-alla manbışilqa yiğbı allya'as.
3 So now go [with your army] and attack the Amalek people-group. Destroy them completely—destroy them and everything that belongs to them—the men and women, their children and infants, their cattle and sheep and camels and donkeys. Do not (spare any of them/allow any of them to remain alive)!’”
Hoora, hark'ın Amalekaar gyapxe. Manbışiqa vodunmeen gırgın kar giyxvər he'e, coyub oot'al-ooxal he'e. Manbı qivmiykkan, manbışin adamerıb, yedarıb, uşaxarıb, gyooqanbıb gyapt'e. Manbışin yatsbıd, vəq'əbıd, devabıd, əməlerıd gyat'e».
4 So Saul summoned the army, and they gathered at Telaim [town]. There were 200,000 soldiers. 10,000 of them were from Judah, [and the others were from the other Israeli tribes].
Şaulee millet qot'ul, manbı Telaim eyhene şaharee qəbəqqənbı: maa'ar q'öd vəş aazır İzrailyne eskerıle hexxana, Yahudeeşina yits'ıd aazır eskerır eyxhena.
5 Then Saul went [with his army] to a town where some of the Amalek people-group lived. [His army prepared to attack them suddenly by] hiding in the valley.
Şaul Amalekaaşine şaharısqana qarı, maane q'adaalil manbı gyapt'asva dyugul eyxhe.
6 Then Saul sent this message to the Ken people-group [who lived in that area]: “You acted kindly toward all our Israeli [ancestors] when they left Egypt. But we are going to kill all of the Amalek people-group, [because they opposed/attacked our ancestors]. So move away from where the Amalek people-group live. [If you do not move away], you will be killed when they are killed.” So [when] the Ken people-group [heard that, they immediately] left that area.
Mang'vee Genbışik'le eyhen: – Amalekaaşisse hudoora, manbışike cureepxhe. Şunab manbışika sacigee gidyapt'as. Şu, İzrailybı Misirğançe qığəəmee, manbışis yugvallaniy hav'u. Genbı Amalekaaşike cureepxha avayk'ananbı.
7 Then Saul’s [army] slaughtered the Amalek people-group, from Havilah [town in the east] to Shur [town in the west]. Shur was at the border [between Israel and] Egypt.
Şaul Xavila eyhene şahareençe girğıl, Misirne şargılyne Şur eyhene şaharılqamee Amalekbı gyabat'a ıxha.
8 Saul’s army captured Agag, the king of the Amalek people-group, but they killed everyone else.
Mang'vee Amalekaaşina paççah Agag üç'ürra aqqaqqa, mang'un milletmee, gırgıda g'ılıncıke alğayhe.
9 They not only (spared/did not kill) Agag, but they also took the best sheep and goats and cattle. They took everything that was good. They destroyed only the animals that they considered to be worthless.
Amalekaaşina paççah Agagiy manbışin nekke yugun vəq'əbı, yatsbı, kokuiyn q'ıkariy urgbı Şaulusiy cune milletıs qiykkın, gyat'u ak'an ha'a deş. Amalekaaşin gıranın, yugun karbıd manbışis qiykkın, haq'var-hiyxvər ha'as ıkkiykan deş. Nimeeniy Amalekaaşiqa karaı'dəən, pisın kar vod İzrailybışe giyxvər hı'ı ak'an ha'an.
10 Then Yahweh said to Samuel,
Mane gahıl Rəbbee Şamuelik'le inəxüd eyhe:
11 “I am sorry that I appointed Saul to be your king, because he has turned away from me and has not obeyed what I commanded him to do.” Samuel was very disturbed/upset [when he heard that], and he cried out to Yahweh all that night.
– Zı Şauluke paççah hı'ı paşmanxhana. Mang'vee Zalqa yı'q' sak'al hı'ı, Yizın cuvab ç'iyelqa g'a'aççu. Mançike Şamuelis qəl vuxha, xəmvolle Rəbbilqa düə haa'a.
12 Early the next morning, Samuel got up and went to talk with Saul. But someone told Samuel, “Saul went to Camel [city], where he has set up a monument to honor himself. Now he has left there and gone down to Gilgal.”
Şamuel miç'eeqana Şaul g'acesva suğotsumee, mang'uk'le şavame eyhen: – Şaul Karmel eyhene şahareeqa ark'ın. Maa'ab mang'vee, cus haykal gyuvxhu, mançer Gilgalqa ayk'an.
13 When Samuel arrived [at Gilgal] he approached Saul, and Saul said to him, “I wish/desire that Yahweh will bless you! I have obeyed what Yahweh told me to do.”
Şamuel Şauluqa avarq'ılymee, Şaulee eyhen: – Hasre Rəbbee vas xayir-düə hevlecen! Zı Rəbbee eyhen hı'iyn.
14 But Samuel replied, “If that is true, why is it that I hear cattle mooing and I hear sheep bleating?”
Şamueleeme mang'uk'le eyhen: – Nya'a manke yizde k'ıriysqa vəq'əbışiniy yatsbışin heghan sesbı qöö?
15 Saul replied, “The soldiers took them from the Amalek people-group. They saved the best sheep and cattle, in order to offer them as sacrifices to Yahweh, your God. But we have completely destroyed all the others.”
Şaulee eyhen: – Manbı Amalekaaşike adı. Milletıs vəq'əbıyiy yatsbı qiykkıniynbı, manbışe inekke yugunbı Rəbbis, yiğne Allahıs, q'urbanna allya'as havacı. İnsanar gyapt'ıynbı, mansa axuyn karbımee giyxvər hı'ı.
16 Samuel said to Saul, “Stop [talking]! Allow me to tell you what Yahweh said to me last night.” Saul replied, “Tell me [what he said].”
Şamuelee Şaulık'le eyhen: – Ç'əv, g'iyna xəmde Rəbbee zak'le uvhuyn, zı vak'le eyhes. Şaulee, «Eyheva» cuvab qele.
17 Samuel said, “Previously you did not think that you were important. But now you have become [RHQ] the leader of the tribes of Israel. Yahweh appointed you to be their king.
Şamuelee eyhen: – Ğucar vasqa k'ırra qööng'ə, nya'a vake İzrailyne nasılbışda xərna ıxha dişde? Rəbbee, q'ış qadğu, vake İzrailyna paççah hı'ı dişde?
18 And Yahweh sent you to do something [for him]. He said to you, ‘Go and get rid of all those sinful people, the Amalek people-group. Attack them and kill all of them.’
Rəbbee ğu g'ıxelemee, inva dişde uvhu: «Hark'ın bınahıka gyavts'uyne milletıkın Amalekaaşikın he'e, manbı gırgıba gyapt'e. Manbışde gırgınbışikın ha'asdesmee, dəv'ə hee'e».
19 So why did you not obey Yahweh [RHQ]? Why did your men take the best animals [RHQ]? Why did you do what Yahweh said was evil?” [RHQ]
Nya'a ğu Rəbbil k'ırı ilydiyxhı? Manbışike g'ayşuyne karal qıxha, Rəbbee ilydyaat'asın kar hı'ı?
20 Saul replied to Samuel, “Hey, I did what Yahweh sent me to do! I brought back King Agag, but we killed everyone else!
Şaulee Şamuelik'le eyhen: – Zı Rəbbee eyhençil k'ırı gyaqqıyn. Mang'vee eyhene cigeeqa hark'ınna. Manbışda paççah Agag aqqı inyaqa qarı, gırgın Amalekbı gyapt'ıynbı.
21 My men brought back only the best sheep and cattle and other things, in order to sacrifice them to Yahweh your God here at Gilgal.”
Saccu eskeraaşe şenbışike g'ayşuyne çavra-vəq'əyke, gyat'u ak'an ha'asınçike, nekke yugun yatsbıyiy vəq'əbı g'əyxı' Rəbbis, yiğne Allahıs, Gilgalee q'urbanbı allya'asva havacı.
22 But Samuel replied, “Which [do you think] pleases Yahweh more, animals that are completely burned [on the altar] and other sacrifices, or people obeying him [SYN]? It is better to obey [Yahweh] than [to offer] sacrifices [to him]. It is better to pay attention to what he says than [to burn] the fat of rams, [even though God said they should be sacrificed to him].
Şamueleeme mang'uk'le eyhen: – Gyoxhxhan ha'aneyiy menne q'urbanbışile geed, Rəbbis Cune cuvabıl k'ırı alixhxhıniy ıkkan. Rəbbine cuvabıl k'ırı alixhxhiy, q'urbanbışileeyiy nekke kokun g'argbışile nimeexheyid yugdaniy vod.
23 To rebel [against God] is as sinful as doing sorcery/black magic, and being stubborn is as sinful as worshiping idols. So, because you disobeyed what Yahweh told you to do, he has declared that you will no longer be king.”
Rəbbee eyhen hidi'iyna bınah, cadubı hı'iyna xhineecab vob. Culed-alqan karbı hı'iyid, byuttyaaşis ı'bəədat ha'an xhineecad vod. Ğu Rəbbin cuvab əq'əna qı'ı, Mang'veeyir ğu paççahiyvalike hı'ı.
24 Then Saul said to Samuel, “[Yes], I have sinned. I disobeyed what you told me to do, which is what Yahweh commanded. I did that because I was (afraid of/worried about) what my men would say [if I did not do what they wanted]. So I did what they demanded.
Şaulee Şamuelik'le eyhen: – Zı bınah hav'u, Rəbbine əmrıliy, yiğne cuvabıl k'ırı ilydiyxhı. Zı yizde g'oşunule qərq'ı'nna, dişe manbışil k'ırı alixhxhı.
25 But now, please forgive me for having sinned. And come back with me [to where the people are] in order that I may worship Yahweh.”
Hucoona ixhes, həşde ğu yizde bınahıle ilyheç'e, qora zaka yıq'əlqa sak'le, zı Rəbbis ı'bəədat ha'as.
26 But Samuel replied, “No, I will not go back with you. You have rejected/disobeyed what Yahweh commanded you to do. So he has rejected you, [and declared that you will no longer] be the king of Israel. [So I do not want to talk any more with you].”
Şamuelee Şauluk'le eyhen: – Zı vaka sak'alas deş. Ğu Rəbbee uvhuyn hı'ı deş, Mang'veeyib vasse İzrailyna paççahiyvalla g'avşuna.
27 As Samuel turned to leave, Saul tried to stop him by grabbing the edge of Samuel’s robe, and it tore.
Şamuel mançe əlyhəəsva sak'ımee, Şaulee mana plaşike aqqaqqa, manıd qoxan.
28 Samuel said to him, “[You tore my robe! And] today Yahweh has torn away from you the kingdom of Israel! He will appoint someone else to be king, someone who is a better man than you are.
Şamuelee mang'uk'le eyhen: – Nəxdiy ğu yizın plaş qotxu məxbı'b g'iyna Rəbbee yiğne xılençe İzrailyna paççahiyvalla qooxas. Mang'vee vas k'anerıng'une, vale yugung'une xılyaqa qevles.
29 And since the one who is the glorious [God] of the Israeli people does not lie, he will not change (his mind/what he has said). Humans sometimes change their minds, but God does not do that, because he is not a human.”
İzrail Ğamaa'ane Allahee, horbıd ha'a deş, fıkırıb badal haa'a deş, Mana insan deş vor fıkır badal haa'as.
30 Then Saul [pleaded again. He] said, “I know that I have sinned. But please honor me in front of the leaders of the Israeli people and in front of all the other Israeli people by coming back [to them] with me in order that I may worship Yahweh your God.”
Şaulee eyhen: – Zı bınah hav'u. Hucoona ixhes, həşde xalq'ıne ağsaqqalaaşineyiy İzrailyne ögil zas hı'rmat givxhe. Zakasana sak'le, yiğne Allahıs, Rəbbis, ı'bəədat ha'as.
31 So Samuel finally agreed to do that, and they went together back [to where the people were], and Saul worshiped Yahweh there.
Şamuel Şauluqar qihna qaraylena, Şauleeyid Rəbbis ı'bəədat ha'a.
32 Then Samuel said, “Bring King Agag to me.” So they brought Agag to him. Agag was confidently expecting that they would spare him/not kill him. He was thinking, “Surely I will not have to endure an agonizing death!”
Şamuelee eyhen: – Amalekaaşina paççah Agag inyaqa yizde k'anyaqa qale. Agagır vuççud dexhesda xhinne qaraylena. Agagee culed-alqa eyhe ıxha: – Mıts'an, zı qik'uyke g'attirxhınna.
33 But Samuel said to him, “You have killed the sons of many women with your sword, so now your mother will no longer have a son.” And Samuel cut Agag into pieces [with his sword], there at Gilgal, in the presence of Yahweh.
Şamuelee eyhen: – Yiğne g'ılıncın nəxübiy yedar kulyfatbı dena g'alyav'u, yiğna yedir həməxür kulyfat dena eexvas. Şamuelee Gilgalee, Rəbbine ögil Agag gyaraxana.
34 Then Samuel left there and returned to his home in Ramah, and Saul went to his home in Gibeah.
Mançile qiyğa Şamuel ayk'anna Ramayeeqa, Şaulur Giveayeene, cune xaaqa siyk'al.
35 Samuel never saw Saul again, but he was very sad about [what] Saul [had done]. And Yahweh was very sorry that he had appointed Saul to be the king of Israel.
Şamuelee, Şaulna geeb haa'a, geed uts'ur ts'ıts'a'a. Mang'uk'le mana qik'asmee, g'ece deş. Rəbbir Şauluke İzrailyna paççah hı'ıva paşman eyxhena.

< 1 Samuel 15 >