< 1 Samuel 15 >

1 [One day] Samuel said to Saul, “Yahweh sent me to appoint you to be the king of the Israeli people. So now listen to this message from Yahweh:
Alò, Samuel te di a Saül: “SENYÈ a te voye mwen pou onksyone ou wa sou pèp Li a, sou Israël. Pou sa, koute pawòl a SENYÈ a.
2 Yahweh, [the commander] of the armies [of angels] has declared this: ‘I am going to punish [the descendants of] Amalek for [attacking] the Israeli people after the Israelis left Egypt.
Konsa pale SENYÈ dèzame yo: ‘Mwen va pini Amalek pou sa li te fè Israël la, jan li te opoze li nan chemen an pandan li t ap vini sòti an Égypte la.
3 So now go [with your army] and attack the Amalek people-group. Destroy them completely—destroy them and everything that belongs to them—the men and women, their children and infants, their cattle and sheep and camels and donkeys. Do not (spare any of them/allow any of them to remain alive)!’”
Alò, ale frape Amalek e detwi tout sa li genyen. Pa fè li gras, men mete a lanmò ni gason, ni fanm, ni timoun ni tibebe, bèf, mouton, chamo ak bourik.’”
4 So Saul summoned the army, and they gathered at Telaim [town]. There were 200,000 soldiers. 10,000 of them were from Judah, [and the others were from the other Israeli tribes].
Epi Saül te pase lòd rasanble pèp la e te konte yo nan Thelaïm, de-san-mil sòlda apye yo, di-mil mesye Juda yo.
5 Then Saul went [with his army] to a town where some of the Amalek people-group lived. [His army prepared to attack them suddenly by] hiding in the valley.
Saül te rive kote vil Amalek yo, e li te òganize yon anbiskad nan vale a.
6 Then Saul sent this message to the Ken people-group [who lived in that area]: “You acted kindly toward all our Israeli [ancestors] when they left Egypt. But we are going to kill all of the Amalek people-group, [because they opposed/attacked our ancestors]. So move away from where the Amalek people-group live. [If you do not move away], you will be killed when they are killed.” So [when] the Ken people-group [heard that, they immediately] left that area.
Saül te di a Kenyen yo: “Ale, sòti kite Amalekit yo pou m pa detwi nou ansanm avèk yo; paske nou te montre favè nou anvè tout fis Israël yo lè yo te monte soti an Égypte.” Konsa, Kenyen yo te sòti nan mitan Amalekit yo.
7 Then Saul’s [army] slaughtered the Amalek people-group, from Havilah [town in the east] to Shur [town in the west]. Shur was at the border [between Israel and] Egypt.
Konsa, Saül te bat Amalekit yo soti nan Havila pou rive Schur, ki te bò lès a Égypte la.
8 Saul’s army captured Agag, the king of the Amalek people-group, but they killed everyone else.
Li te kaptire vivan Agag, wa a Amalekit yo e te detwi nèt tout pèp la avèk lam nepe.
9 They not only (spared/did not kill) Agag, but they also took the best sheep and goats and cattle. They took everything that was good. They destroyed only the animals that they considered to be worthless.
Men Saül avèk pèp la te lese Agag viv ansanm avèk pi bèl nan mouton yo, bèf yo, bèt gra yo, jenn mouton yo, tout sa ki te bon, e li pa t dakò pou detwi yo nèt. Men tout sa ki te meprize e san valè, yo te vin detwi nèt.
10 Then Yahweh said to Samuel,
Alò, pawòl SENYÈ a te vini a Samuel e te di:
11 “I am sorry that I appointed Saul to be your king, because he has turned away from me and has not obeyed what I commanded him to do.” Samuel was very disturbed/upset [when he heard that], and he cried out to Yahweh all that night.
“Mwen regrèt ke M te fè Saül wa, paske li te vire fè bak nan swiv Mwen, e li pa t akonpli lòd Mwen yo.” Konsa, Samuel te vin twouble e li te kriye fò a SENYÈ a pandan tout nwit lan.
12 Early the next morning, Samuel got up and went to talk with Saul. But someone told Samuel, “Saul went to Camel [city], where he has set up a monument to honor himself. Now he has left there and gone down to Gilgal.”
Samuel te leve granmmaten pou rankontre Saül. Yo te pale a Samuel, e te di: “Saül te vini nan Carmel e vwala, li te fè monte yon moniman pou tèt li, e li te vire kontinye desann vè Guilgal.”
13 When Samuel arrived [at Gilgal] he approached Saul, and Saul said to him, “I wish/desire that Yahweh will bless you! I have obeyed what Yahweh told me to do.”
Samuel te vini kote Saül, e Saül te di li: “Beni se ou menm pa SENYÈ a! Mwen te akonpli lòd SENYÈ a.”
14 But Samuel replied, “If that is true, why is it that I hear cattle mooing and I hear sheep bleating?”
Men Samuel te di li: “Men ki mouton ke m tande k ap blete nan zòrèy mwen la a e ki rèl a bèf ke m tande la a?”
15 Saul replied, “The soldiers took them from the Amalek people-group. They saved the best sheep and cattle, in order to offer them as sacrifices to Yahweh, your God. But we have completely destroyed all the others.”
Saül te di: “Yo te mennen yo soti nan Amalekit yo, paske pèp la te kite pi bèl nan mouton avèk bèf yo pou fè sakrifis bay SENYÈ a, Bondye pa w la. Men tout rès nou te genyen an nou te detwi l nèt.”
16 Samuel said to Saul, “Stop [talking]! Allow me to tell you what Yahweh said to me last night.” Saul replied, “Tell me [what he said].”
Alò, Samuel te di: “Tann e kite mwen menm di ou sa ke SENYÈ a te di mwen yèswa.” Epi li te di li: “Pale”!
17 Samuel said, “Previously you did not think that you were important. But now you have become [RHQ] the leader of the tribes of Israel. Yahweh appointed you to be their king.
Samuel te di: “Èske se pa vrè, ke malgre ou te piti nan pwòp zye pa ou, ke ou te devni gran chèf a tribi Israël yo?
18 And Yahweh sent you to do something [for him]. He said to you, ‘Go and get rid of all those sinful people, the Amalek people-group. Attack them and kill all of them.’
Epi ke SENYÈ a te voye ou fè yon misyon e te di: ‘Ale detwi pechè yo nèt; Amalekit yo, e batay kont yo jiskaske yo fin disparèt.’
19 So why did you not obey Yahweh [RHQ]? Why did your men take the best animals [RHQ]? Why did you do what Yahweh said was evil?” [RHQ]
Pou sa, poukisa ou pa t obeyi vwa SENYÈ a; men ou te kouri sou piyaj la, e te fè sa ki mal nan zye SENYÈ a?”
20 Saul replied to Samuel, “Hey, I did what Yahweh sent me to do! I brought back King Agag, but we killed everyone else!
Alò Saül te di a Samuel: “Mwen te obeyi vwa SENYÈ a e te fè misyon nan sila SENYÈ a te voye mwen an e te mennen retounen Agag, wa Amalek la, e mwen te detwi nèt tout Amalekit yo.
21 My men brought back only the best sheep and cattle and other things, in order to sacrifice them to Yahweh your God here at Gilgal.”
Men pèp la te pran nan piyaj mouton avèk bèf yo, pi bèl nan sa ki te anba ve pou destriksyon an, pou fè sakrifis bay SENYÈ a, Bondye ou a nan Guilgal.”
22 But Samuel replied, “Which [do you think] pleases Yahweh more, animals that are completely burned [on the altar] and other sacrifices, or people obeying him [SYN]? It is better to obey [Yahweh] than [to offer] sacrifices [to him]. It is better to pay attention to what he says than [to burn] the fat of rams, [even though God said they should be sacrificed to him].
Samuel te di: “Èske SENYÈ a twouve menm fòs plezi nan ofrann brile yo avèk sakrifis yo ke li jwenn nan obeyi vwa SENYÈ a? Veye byen, obeyisans pi bon ke sakrifis e koute pase grès a belye yo.
23 To rebel [against God] is as sinful as doing sorcery/black magic, and being stubborn is as sinful as worshiping idols. So, because you disobeyed what Yahweh told you to do, he has declared that you will no longer be king.”
Paske rebelyon se tankou peche divinasyon e refize swiv lòd se tankou inikite avèk idolatri. Akoz ou te refize pawòl SENYÈ a, Li osi te gentan refize ou kòm wa.”
24 Then Saul said to Samuel, “[Yes], I have sinned. I disobeyed what you told me to do, which is what Yahweh commanded. I did that because I was (afraid of/worried about) what my men would say [if I did not do what they wanted]. So I did what they demanded.
Alò, Saül te di a Samuel: “Mwen te peche; Mwen te vrèman transgrese kòmand SENYÈ a e pawòl a ou menm yo; paske mwen te pè pèp la e mwen te koute vwa pa yo.
25 But now, please forgive me for having sinned. And come back with me [to where the people are] in order that I may worship Yahweh.”
Alò, pou sa, souple, padone peche mwen e retounen avè m pou m kapab adore SENYÈ a.”
26 But Samuel replied, “No, I will not go back with you. You have rejected/disobeyed what Yahweh commanded you to do. So he has rejected you, [and declared that you will no longer] be the king of Israel. [So I do not want to talk any more with you].”
Men Samuel te di a Saül: “Mwen p ap retounen avè w; paske ou te rejte pawòl a SENYÈ a e SENYÈ a te gentan rejte ou kòm wa sou Israël.”
27 As Samuel turned to leave, Saul tried to stop him by grabbing the edge of Samuel’s robe, and it tore.
Lè Samuel te vire pou l sòti, Saül te sezi bò manto li, e li te vin chire.
28 Samuel said to him, “[You tore my robe! And] today Yahweh has torn away from you the kingdom of Israel! He will appoint someone else to be king, someone who is a better man than you are.
Epi Samuel te di li: “SENYÈ a te dechire wayòm ou an, e Li te bay li a vwazen ou an, ki pi bon pase ou.
29 And since the one who is the glorious [God] of the Israeli people does not lie, he will not change (his mind/what he has said). Humans sometimes change their minds, but God does not do that, because he is not a human.”
Anplis, Glwa Israël La p ap manti, ni chanje tèt Li. Paske Li pa yon nonm pou Li ta chanje tèt Li.”
30 Then Saul [pleaded again. He] said, “I know that I have sinned. But please honor me in front of the leaders of the Israeli people and in front of all the other Israeli people by coming back [to them] with me in order that I may worship Yahweh your God.”
Alò li te di: “Mwen te peche; souple, onore mwen koulye a devan ansyen a pèp mwen yo ak devan Israël e retounen avè m, pou m kapab adore SENYÈ a, Bondye ou a.”
31 So Samuel finally agreed to do that, and they went together back [to where the people were], and Saul worshiped Yahweh there.
Konsa, Samuel te swiv Saül retounen e Saül te adore SENYÈ a.
32 Then Samuel said, “Bring King Agag to me.” So they brought Agag to him. Agag was confidently expecting that they would spare him/not kill him. He was thinking, “Surely I will not have to endure an agonizing death!”
Alò, Samuel te di: “Mennen ban m Agag, wa Amalekit yo.” Epi Agag te vin kote li avèk kè kontan. Akoz Agag t ap di: “Asireman gou anmè lanmò a gen tan pase.”
33 But Samuel said to him, “You have killed the sons of many women with your sword, so now your mother will no longer have a son.” And Samuel cut Agag into pieces [with his sword], there at Gilgal, in the presence of Yahweh.
Men Samuel te di: “Menm jan ke nepe ou te fè fanm yo vin manke pitit; konsa, manman ou va vin manke pitit pami fanm yo.” Epi Samuel te koupe Agag an mòso devan SENYÈ a nan Guilgal.
34 Then Samuel left there and returned to his home in Ramah, and Saul went to his home in Gibeah.
Samuel te ale Rama; men Saül te monte vè lakay li nan Guibea ki pou li.
35 Samuel never saw Saul again, but he was very sad about [what] Saul [had done]. And Yahweh was very sorry that he had appointed Saul to be the king of Israel.
Samuel pa t wè Saül ankò jis jou li te mouri an. Paske Samuel te gen anpil tristès akoz Saül. Epi SENYÈ a te regrèt ke Li te fè Saül wa sou Israël.

< 1 Samuel 15 >