< 1 Samuel 13 >

1 Saul was no longer a young man when he became the king. He ruled Israel for 42 years.
Saul var. . Aar, da han blev Konge, og han regerede paa andet Aar over Israel.
2 [Several years after he became king], he chose three thousand men from the Israeli army to go with him [to fight the Philistines]. Then he sent the other soldiers back home. Of the men he chose, 2,000 stayed with Saul at Micmash and in the hilly area near Bethel, and 1,000 stayed with [Saul’s son] Jonathan at Gibeah, in the area where the descendants of Benjamin lived.
Da udvalgte Saul sig tre Tusinde af Israel, og to Tusinde vare med Saul i Mikmas og paa Bethels Bjerg, og tusinde vare med Jonathan i Benjamins Gibea; men de øvrige Folk lod han fare, hver til sine Telte.
3 Jonathan [and the men who were with him] attacked the Philistine soldiers who were camped at Geba. The [other] Philistines heard about that. [So Saul realized that the army of Philistia would probably come to fight the Israelis again]. So Saul [sent messengers to] blow trumpets throughout Israel [to gather the people together and] proclaim to them, “All you Hebrews need to hear [that now the Philistines will start a war with us]!”
Og Jonathan slog Filisternes Besætning, som var paa Højen, og Filisterne hørte det; derfor lod Saul blæse i Trompeten i hele Landet og sige: Lad Hebræerne høre det!
4 The messengers told the rest of the army to gather together with Saul at Gilgal. And all the people in Israel heard the news. People were saying, “Saul’s army has attacked the Philistine camp, with the result that now the Philistines hate us Israelis very much.”
Og al Israel hørte, at der sagdes: Saul har slaget Filisternes Besætning, og Israel har gjort sig forhadt hos Filisterne; da blev Folket sammenkaldt efter Saul til Gilgal.
5 The Philistines gathered together and were given equipment to fight the Israelis. The Philistines had 3,000 chariots, and 6,000 chariot-drivers. Their soldiers [seemed to be as many] as grains of sand on the seashore [HYP]. They went up and set up their tents at Micmash, to the east of Beth-Aven ([which means ‘house of wickedness’, and really referred to Bethel town]).
Og Filisterne samledes til at stride med Israel, tredive Tusinde Vogne og seks Tusinde Ryttere og Folk som Sand, der er ved Havbredden i Mangfoldighed; og de droge op og lejrede sig i Mikmas, Østen for Beth-Aven.
6 The Philistines attacked the Israelis very strongly, and the Israeli soldiers realized that they were in a very bad situation. So many of the Israeli soldiers hid in caves and holes in the ground, or among the rocks, or in pits, or in wells.
Der Israels Mænd saa sig i Nød (thi Folket blev trængt), da skjulte Folket sig i Hulerne og i Tornebuskene og i Klipperne og i de faste Taarne og i Grøfterne.
7 Some of them crossed the Jordan River at a place where it was very shallow. Then they went to the area where the descendants of Gad lived and to [the] Gilead [region]. But Saul stayed at Gilgal. All the soldiers who were with him were shaking [because they were so afraid].
Og Hebræere gik over Jordanen til Gads Land og til Gilead; og Saul var endnu i Gilgal, og alt Folket var forskrækket og fulgte efter ham.
8 Saul waited seven days, which was the number of days that Samuel had told him to wait for him. But Samuel did not come to Gilgal [during that time], so many of the men in Saul’s army began to leave him and run away.
Og han tøvede i syv Dage til den Tid, som var bestemt af Samuel, men Samuel kom ikke til Gilgal; da adspredtes Folket fra ham.
9 So Saul said to the soldiers, “Bring to me an animal to be completely burned [on the altar] and one for the offering to enable us to maintain fellowship [with God].” [So the men did that].
Da sagde Saul: Fører hid til mig Brændofret og Takofrene; og han ofrede Brændofret.
10 And just as he was finished burning those offerings, Samuel arrived. Saul went to greet him.
Og det skete, der han var færdig med at ofre Brændofret, se, da kom Samuel! og Saul gik ud imod ham at hilse paa ham.
11 Samuel [saw what Saul had done, and he] said to Saul, “Why have you done this?” Saul replied, “I saw that my men were leaving me and running away, and that you did not come here during the time that you said that you would come, and that the Philistine army was gathering together at Micmash.
Da sagde Samuel: Hvad har du gjort? og Saul sagde: Da jeg saa, at Folket adspredtes fra mig, og du kom ikke til den bestemte Tid, og Filisterne vare samlede udi Mikmas,
12 “So I thought, ‘The Philistine army is going to attack us here at Gilgal, and I have not yet asked Yahweh to bless/help us.’ So I felt it was necessary to offer the burnt offerings [to seek God’s blessings].”
da sagde jeg: Nu komme Filisterne ned mod mig i Gilgal, og jeg har ikke bedet for Herrens Ansigt; da tog jeg Mod til mig og ofrede Brændofret.
13 Samuel replied, “What you did was very foolish! You have not obeyed what Yahweh, your God, commanded [about sacrifices]. If you had obeyed him, God would have allowed you and your descendants to rule [Israel] for a long time.
Da sagde Samuel til Saul: Du har handlet daarligen; du har ikke holdt Herren din Guds Bud, som han bød dig; saa havde Herren nu stadfæstet dit Kongedømme over Israel evindelig.
14 But now [because of what you have done, you will die, and after you die, ] none of your descendants will rule. Yahweh is seeking for a man [to be king] who will be just the kind of person that he wants him to be, so that he can appoint him to be the leader of his people. Yahweh will do this because you have not obeyed what he commanded.”
Men nu skal dit Kongedømme ikke bestaa; Herren har opsøgt sig en Mand efter sit Hjerte, og ham har Herren budet at være en Fyrste over sit Folk, fordi du ikke har holdt det, som Herren har befalet dig.
15 Then Samuel left Gilgal and went up to Gibeah. Saul stayed at Gilgal with his soldiers. There were only about 600 of them left [who had not run away].
Og Samuel gjorde sig rede og gik op fra Gilgal til Gibea i Benjamin; og Saul talte det Folk, som fandtes hos ham, ved seks Hundrede Mand.
16 Saul and his son Jonathan and the soldiers who were with them went to Geba [city] in the area of the tribe of Benjamin [and set up their tents there]. The Philistine army set up their tents at Micmash.
Og Saul og Jonathan, hans Søn, og det Folk, som fandtes hos dem, bleve i Gibea i Benjamin; men Filisterne havde lejret sig i Mikmas.
17 Three groups of Philistia men soon left the place where their army was staying, and went and (raided the Israeli towns/attacked the Israelis and took their possessions). One group went [north] toward Ophrah [city] in [the] Shual [region].
Og der uddrog en ødelæggende Skare af Filisternes Lejr i tre Hobe; den ene Hob vendte sig ad Vejen imod Ofra, til Landet Sual;
18 One group went [west] to Beth-Horon [city]. The third group went toward the [Israeli] border, above Zeboim Valley, near the desert.
og den anden Hob vendte sig ad Vejen til Beth-Horon; og den tredje Hob vendte sig mod Vejen ved Skellet, der rager frem over Zeboims Dal, ad Ørken til.
19 At that time, there were no men in Israel who (were blacksmiths/could make things from iron). [The people of Philistia would not permit the Israelis to do that, because they were afraid that] they would make iron swords and spears for the Hebrews to fight with.
Og der blev ingen Smed funden i al Israels Land; thi Filisterne sagde: At Hebræerne ikke skulde gøre Sværd eller Spyd.
20 So [whenever the Israelis needed] to sharpen the blades of their plows, or picks, or axes, or sickles, they were forced to take those things to a Philistia man who could sharpen those things.
Derfor maatte al Israel fare ned til Filisterne, at hver kunde faa sit Plovjern og sin Hakke og sin Økse og sin Spade skærpet;
21 They needed to pay (one fourth of an ounce/8 grams) of silver for sharpening a plow, and (an eighth of an ounce/4 grams) of silver to sharpen an axe, or a sickle, or (an ox goad/a pointed rod to jab an ox to make it walk).
og de havde skarpe File til Spader og Hakker og Treforke og Økser, og saa ofte Æggen var sløvet paa Spader, og naar de skulde have en Braad sat ind.
22 So [because the Israelis could not make weapons from iron], on the day that the Israelis fought [against the men of Philistia], Saul and Jonathan were the only Israeli men who had swords. None of the others had a sword; [they had only bows and arrows].
Og det skete paa Stridens Dag, at der ikke blev funden Sværd eller Spyd i nogen af Folkets Haand, som var med Saul og med Jonathan; dog fandtes der hos Saul og hos Jonathan, hans Søn.
23 Before the battle started, some Philistia men went to (the pass/a narrow place between two cliffs) outside Micmash to guard it.
Og Filisternes Besætning drog ud til Kløftvejen ved Mikmas.

< 1 Samuel 13 >