< 1 Samuel 11 >

1 About a month later, King Nahash of Ammon [led his army across the Jordan River, and they] surrounded Jabesh [city] in [the] Gilead [region]. But all the men of Jabesh [went and] said to Nahash, “Make an agreement/treaty with us [not to kill us], and then we will let you rule us.”
Nahashi muAmoni akakwidza akaenda kundorwisa Jabheshi Gireadhi. Zvino varume vose veJabheshi vakati kwaari, “Ita chibvumirano nesu tigova pasi pako.”
2 Nahash replied, “I will do that if you do one thing. Allow us to gouge out all the right eyes of your people. By doing that we will cause the people [in other countries] to despise all you Israeli people.”
Asi Nahashi muAmoni akapindura achiti, “Ndichaita chibvumirano nemi bedzi kana ndabvisa ziso rokurudyi romumwe nomumwe wenyu mose saizvozvo ndigonyadzisa Israeri yose.”
3 The leaders of Jabesh replied, “Do not attack us for the next seven days. During that time, we will send messengers throughout Israel [to tell them what you are demanding]. If no one will help us, then we will (surrender to you/allow you to do to us whatever you want).”
Vakuru veJabheshi vakati kwaari, “Tipe mazuva manomwe kuti tigotuma nhume muIsraeri yose; kana pashaya mumwe chete anouya kuzotinunura, tichazvipa kwamuri.”
4 [Being very confident that his army was very superior, Nahash agreed. So the leaders of Jabesh sent messengers throughout Israel]. When the messengers came to Gibeah, which was [the city] where Saul lived, and they told the people there about the situation, everyone started to cry.
Nhume padzakauya kuGibhea yaSauro vakaudza vanhu zvisungo izvi vose vakachema zvikuru.
5 At that time, Saul was plowing in the field. When he returned home, he asked, “Why are all the people [crying]?” So they told him what the messengers from Jabesh had reported.
Panguva iyoyo Sauro akanga achibva kuminda, ari shure kwehando dzake, akabvunza achiti, “Vanhu vaita sei? Vari kuchemeiko?” Ipapo vakarondedzerazve zvakanga zvataurwa navarume veJabheshi.
6 Then God’s Spirit came powerfully upon Saul, and he became very angry [because of what Nahash wanted to do].
Sauro paakanzwa mashoko aya, mweya waMwari wakauya pamusoro pake nesimba, akatsva nehasha.
7 He took two of his oxen [and killed them] and cut them into pieces. Then he sent messengers [carrying those pieces] throughout Israel to tell people this message: “Saul says that [he cut this ox in pieces, and that he] will do the same thing to the oxen of anyone who refuses to come with him and Samuel to fight [the army from Ammon]!” Then Yahweh caused all the people of Israel to be afraid of what Saul might do to them (OR, of what Yahweh might do to them) [if they did not go and help Saul]. So the men all gathered together.
Akatora hando mbiri, akadzicheka-cheka, akatumidzira zvidimbu izvi nenhume muIsraeri yose, namashoko okuti, “Izvi ndizvo zvichaitwa kuhando dzaani naani asingateveri Sauro naSamueri.” Ipapo kutya kwaMwari kwakawira pamusoro pavanhu, vakauya somunhu mumwe chete.
8 When Saul gave them all weapons at Bezek, he saw that there were 300,000 Israeli men there, as well as 30,000 men from the tribe of Judah.
Sauro paakavaunganidza paBhezeki, varume veIsraeri vaisvika mazana matatu ezviuru uye varume veJudha zviuru makumi matatu.
9 So Saul sent messengers back to the people at Jabesh to tell them, “We will rescue/save you by noontime tomorrow.” When the people of Jabesh heard that message, they were very joyful/happy.
Vakaudza nhume dzakanga dzauya kuti, “Muti kuvarume veJabheshi Gireadhi, ‘Mangwana kana zuva ropisa muchanunurwa.’” Nhume padzakaenda dzikandotaura izvi kuvarume veJabheshi, vakafara kwazvo.
10 Then the men of Jabesh told [Nahash], “Tomorrow we will surrender to you, and then you can do to us whatever you want to.”
Vakati kuvaAmoni, “Mangwana tichazvipira kwamuri, uye muchaita kwatiri zvose zvinenge zvakakunakirai.”
11 But before the sun rose the next morning, Saul [and his army arrived. He] divided them into three groups. They rushed into the camp of the soldiers from Ammon, and attacked them. By noontime they had killed most of them, and those who were not killed scattered. Each of them who ran away ran away alone.
Zuva raitevera, Sauro akaisa vanhu vake muzvikwata zvitatu; panguva yemambakwedza vakapinda mumusasa wavaAmoni vakavauraya kusvikira zuva ropisa. Vakararama vakapararira, zvokuti hapana vaviri vavo vakasara vari pamwe chete.
12 Then the people [of Jabesh] said to Samuel, “Where are those men who said that they did not want Saul to be our king? Bring them here, and we will kill them!”
Ipapo vanhu vakati kuna Samueri, “Ndiani akabvunza achiti, ‘Sauro achatitonga here?’ Uyai navarume ava kwatiri tivauraye.”
13 But Saul replied, “[No], we are not going to execute anyone today, because this is the day that Yahweh has saved us Israeli people. [It is a day to rejoice, not to kill anyone].”
Asi Sauro akati, “Hapana munhu achaurayiwa nhasi, nokuti nhasi Jehovha anunura Israeri.”
14 Then Samuel said to the people, “Let’s all go to Gilgal, and there we will again proclaim [that Saul is] our king.”
Zvino Samueri akati kuvanhu, “Uyai tiende kuGirigari tindosimbisa umambo ikoko zvakare.”
15 So they went to Gilgal. There, knowing that Yahweh was watching, they proclaimed that Saul was their king. Then they offered sacrifices to enable them to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. And Saul and all the other Israeli people were very happy.
Saka vanhu vose vakaenda kuGirigari vakasimbisa Sauro samambo pamberi paJehovha. Ipapo vakabayira zvipo zvokuwadzana pamberi paJehovha, uye Sauro navaIsraeri vose vakava nokupemberera kukuru.

< 1 Samuel 11 >