< 1 Samuel 10 >

1 Then Samuel took a small jar of olive oil and poured [some of] it on Saul’s head. Then he kissed Saul [on the cheek], and told him, “I am doing this because Yahweh has chosen you to be the leader of his Israeli people.
TOMANDO entonces Samuel una ampolla de aceite, derramóla sobre su cabeza, y besólo, y díjole: ¿No te ha ungido Jehová por capitán sobre su heredad?
2 [And this will prove it to you]: When you leave me today, when you arrive near Rachel’s tomb at Zelzah, in the area where the descendants of Benjamin live, you will meet two men. They will say to you, ‘The donkeys have been found, but now your father is worrying about you, and he is asking people, “Have you seen my son?’”
Hoy, después que te hayas apartado de mí, hallarás dos hombres junto al sepulcro de Rachêl, en el término de Benjamín, en Selsah, los cuales te dirán: Las asnas que habías ido á buscar, se han hallado; tu padre pues ha dejado ya el negocio de las asnas, si bien está angustioso por vosotros, diciendo: ¿Qué haré acerca de mi hijo?
3 When you arrive at the [large] oak tree at Tabor [town], you will see three men coming toward you. They will be on their way to [worship] God at Bethel [town]. One of them will be leading three young goats, one will be carrying three loaves of bread, and one will be carrying a container of wine.
Y como de allí te fueres más adelante, y llegares á la campiña de Tabor, te saldrán al encuentro tres hombres que suben á Dios en Beth-el, llevando el uno tres cabritos, y el otro tres tortas de pan, y el tercero una vasija de vino:
4 They will greet you, and they will offer you two of the loaves of bread. Accept them.
Los cuales, luego que te hayan saludado, te darán dos panes, los que tomarás de manos de ellos.
5 When you arrive at the hill [where people worship] God near Gibeah [town], where there is the camp where the Philistine soldiers stay, you will meet a group of prophets who will be coming down from the altar on top of the hill. There will be people in front of them who will be playing [various musical instruments]: a harp, a tambourine, a flute, and a lyre. And all of them will be speaking messages that come directly from God.
De allí vendrás al collado de Dios donde está la guarnición de los Filisteos; y cuando entrares allá en la ciudad encontrarás una compañía de profetas que descienden del alto, y delante de ellos salterio, y adufe, y flauta, y arpa, y ellos profetizando:
6 At that time the Spirit of Yahweh will come upon you, and you also will speak messages that come directly from God. (You will be changed/The Spirit of Yahweh will change you), so that you will become like a different person.
Y el espíritu de Jehová te arrebatará, y profetizarás con ellos, y serás mudado en otro hombre.
7 After those things occur, do whatever you think is right to do, and God will (be with/help) you.
Y cuando te hubieren sobrevenido estas señales, haz lo que te viniere á la mano, porque Dios es contigo.
8 Then go ahead of me, down to Gilgal [city], and wait for me there, for seven days. Then I will join you there, to burn sacrifices and offer other sacrifices to enable you to maintain fellowship with God. When I arrive there, I will tell you what [other] things you should do.”
Y bajarás delante de mí á Gilgal; y luego descenderé yo á ti para sacrificar holocaustos, é inmolar víctimas pacíficas. Espera siete días, hasta que yo venga á ti, y te enseñe lo que has de hacer.
9 As Saul started to leave there, God changed Saul’s inner being. And all the things that Samuel had predicted happened on that day.
Y fué que así como tornó él su hombro para partirse de Samuel, mudóle Dios su corazón; y todas estas señales acaecieron en aquel día.
10 When Saul and his servant arrived at Gibeah, they saw some prophets who were [speaking messages that came directly from God. As the prophets were] approaching Saul and his servant, God’s Spirit came upon Saul powerfully, and he also began to speak messages from God.
Y cuando llegaron allá al collado, he aquí la compañía de los profetas [que venía] á encontrarse con él, y el espíritu de Dios lo arrebató, y profetizó entre ellos.
11 When people who had known Saul previously heard him speaking messages from God as the prophets were doing, they said to each other, “What has happened to this son of Kish? Is he now really one of the (prophets/men who speak messages from God)?”
Y aconteció que, cuando todos los que le conocían de ayer y de antes, vieron como profetizaba con los profetas, el pueblo decía el uno al otro: ¿Qué ha sucedido al hijo de Cis? ¿Saúl también entre los profetas?
12 One of the men who lived there replied, “[Saul cannot be a prophet, because] all prophets receive their power to speak messages from God, not from their parents.” And that is why, [when people hear about a report of someone prophesying, they think about what happened to Saul and] say, “[We are surprised about that person becoming a prophet, like] we were surprised to hear that Saul had really become one of the prophets.”
Y alguno de allí respondió, y dijo: ¿Y quién es el padre de ellos? Por esta causa se tornó en proverbio: ¿También Saúl entre los profetas?
13 When Saul finished speaking the messages that God gave him, he went to the place where the people offered sacrifices.
Y cesó de profetizar, y llegó al alto.
14 Later, Saul’s uncle [saw him there, and] asked him, “Where did you go?” Saul replied, “We went to look for the donkeys. When we could not find them, we came here to ask Samuel [if he could tell us where they were].”
Y un tío de Saúl dijo á él y á su criado: ¿Dónde fuisteis? Y él respondió: A buscar las asnas; y como vimos que no parecían, fuimos á Samuel.
15 Saul’s uncle replied, “What did Samuel tell you?”
Y dijo el tío de Saúl: Yo te ruego me declares qué os dijo Samuel.
16 Saul replied, “He assured us that the donkeys had been found.” But he did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about him becoming the king [of Israel].
Y Saúl respondió á su tío: Declarónos expresamente que las asnas habían parecido. Mas del negocio del reino, de que Samuel le había hablado, no le descubrió nada.
17 [Later] Samuel summoned the people of Israel to gather at Mizpah to [hear a message from] Yahweh.
Y Samuel convocó el pueblo á Jehová en Mizpa;
18 After they arrived, he said to them, “This is what Yahweh, the God we Israeli people [worship], says: I brought you Israeli people out of Egypt. I rescued your [ancestors] from the power of the rulers of Egypt and from all the other kings who oppressed them.
Y dijo á los hijos de Israel: Así ha dicho Jehová el Dios de Israel: Yo saqué á Israel de Egipto, y os libré de mano de los Egipcios, y de mano de todos los reinos que os afligieron:
19 I am the one who saves you from all your troubles and difficulties. But today you have rejected me, your God, and you have said, ‘We don’t care! Give us a king!’ So [I will do what you want]. Now have [representatives of] your tribes and [of] your clans stand here in the presence of Yahweh.’”
Mas vosotros habéis desechado hoy á vuestro Dios, que os guarda de todas vuestras aflicciones y angustias, y dijisteis: No, sino pon rey sobre nosotros. Ahora pues, poneos delante de Jehová por vuestras tribus y por vuestros millares.
20 When those representatives came near to Samuel, [God indicated that] he had chosen someone from the tribe descended from Benjamin.
Y haciendo allegar Samuel todas las tribus de Israel, fué tomada la tribu de Benjamín.
21 Then Samuel told representatives of the tribe of Benjamin to come forward, and God indicated that [from that tribe] he had chosen someone from the family of Matri, and then God indicated that [from the family of Matri] he had chosen Saul, the son of Kish. But when they looked for Saul, they could not find him.
E hizo llegar la tribu de Benjamín por sus linajes, y fué tomada la familia de Matri; y [de ella] fué tomado Saúl hijo de Cis. Y le buscaron, mas no fué hallado.
22 So they asked Yahweh, “Where is Saul?” Yahweh replied, “He is hiding among the army equipment.”
Preguntaron pues otra vez á Jehová, si había aún de venir allí aquel varón. Y respondió Jehová: He aquí que él está escondido entre el bagaje.
23 So they quickly went there [and found him, ] and brought him [in front of all the people]. They could see that [truly] he was a head taller than anyone else.
Entonces corrieron, y tomáronlo de allí, y puesto en medio del pueblo, desde el hombro arriba era más alto que todo el pueblo.
24 Then Samuel said to all the people there, “This is the man whom Yahweh has chosen to be your king. Among all us Israeli people, there is no one like him!” Then all the people shouted, “We hope that this king will live a long time!”
Y Samuel dijo á todo el pueblo: ¿Habéis visto al que ha elegido Jehová, que no hay semejante á él en todo el pueblo? Entonces el pueblo clamó con alegría, diciendo: Viva el rey.
25 Then Samuel told the people what things the king would force them to do, and all the things the king was required to do. He wrote all those things on a scroll, and then he put it in a sacred place in the temple. Then Samuel sent all the people home.
Samuel recitó luego al pueblo el derecho del reino, y escribiólo en un libro, el cual guardó delante de Jehová.
26 When Saul returned to his home in Gibeah [town], a group of men decided to continually accompany Saul. They did that because God (motivated them/put it in their minds) to do that.
Y envió Samuel á todo el pueblo cada uno á su casa. Y Saúl también se fué á su casa en Gabaa, y fueron con él el ejército, el corazón de los cuales Dios había tocado.
27 But some worthless men said, “(How can this man save us [from our enemies]?/This man will not be able to save us [from our enemies].)” [RHQ] They despised him, and refused to give him any gifts [to show that they would be loyal to him]. But Saul did not say anything [to rebuke them].
Pero los impíos dijeron: ¿Cómo nos ha de salvar éste? Y tuviéronle en poco, y no le trajeron presente: mas él disimuló.

< 1 Samuel 10 >