< 1 Peter 1 >
1 I, Peter, who [have been appointed by] Jesus Christ {one whom Jesus Christ [has appointed]} to be an apostle, [am writing this letter] to you believers whom God has chosen to belong to him. [You are living] in [the Roman provinces of] Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. [Just like the Jews who lived in Israel long ago were] scattered [to other countries far from their homes] [MET], you now live [far from] heaven, which is [your true home].
Pierre, apôtre de Jésus-Christ, aux élus qui vivent comme des étrangers dans la Dispersion, dans le Pont, la Galatie, la Cappadoce, l'Asie et la Bithynie,
2 God our Father previously chose you, and his Spirit has set you apart in order that you would obey Jesus Christ. He did that in order that [just like Moses] sprinkled [the Israelites with blood when God established the old covenant] [MET], [Jesus would establish his new covenant with you] with the blood [that flowed from his body when he died]. May God act very kindly to you, and may he give you much [inner] peace.
selon la prescience de Dieu le Père, dans la sanctification de l'Esprit, afin que vous obéissiez à Jésus-Christ et que vous soyez aspergés de son sang: Que la grâce et la paix vous soient multipliées.
3 Praise God, who is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! Because he has been very merciful to [us, he has given us new life] [MET]. Because he has caused Jesus Christ to become alive again after he died, he has enabled us to live very confidently; that is, to fully expect to receive the things [that God/he has promised to give us].
Béni soit le Dieu et Père de notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ, qui, selon sa grande miséricorde, nous a fait renaître à une espérance vivante par la résurrection de Jésus-Christ d'entre les morts,
4 He has enabled us to expect to receive an absolutely imperishable/indestructible [TRI] inheritance that has been {that [God] has} preserved in heaven for us.
pour un héritage incorruptible, inaltérable et impérissable, qui vous est réservé dans les cieux,
5 God, by his mighty power, is guarding you as you trust in Jesus. [He is keeping you safe so] that he may, at the end of the time in which we now live (OR, when Jesus returns), completely deliver you [from Satan’s power].
vous qui, par la puissance de Dieu, êtes gardés par la foi pour un salut prêt à être révélé au dernier moment.
6 You rejoice because of what will happen then, but now you are grieving for a short time while [God is allowing] you to be tested {[various things to] test you [MET]}, [as precious metals are tested] {[someone tests precious metals]} [to see if they are pure]. [These trials that you are experiencing are necessary]
C'est là votre grande joie, bien que pour un peu de temps encore, s'il le faut, vous ayez été affligés par diverses épreuves,
7 to prove that you really do trust in Jesus. His proving that will be more valuable than gold, [which does not last forever even] though it is purified [by being put] {someone tries to make it pure by [putting it]} [in a hot] fire. As a result of your passing the test [and proving that you really do trust in Jesus], God will honor you very highly [TRI] when Jesus Christ comes again.
afin que l'épreuve de votre foi, qui est plus précieuse que l'or périssable, même si elle est éprouvée par le feu, donne lieu à la louange, à la gloire et à l'honneur, lors de la révélation de Jésus-Christ,
8 You love [Jesus], although you have not seen him. Although you do not see him now, you rejoice very much [DOU]
que vous aimez sans le connaître. En lui, bien que maintenant vous ne le voyiez pas, mais en croyant, vous vous réjouissez d'une joie indicible et pleine de gloire,
9 because you are experiencing the result of your believing in him; that is, [God] is saving you [SYN] [from the guilt of your sins].
recevant le résultat de votre foi, le salut de vos âmes.
10 As for those who [long ago] spoke messages that God had revealed to them about how God would act kindly toward you in ways which you did not deserve, they (investigated very carefully/tried very hard to learn) [DOU] about how God would save you.
Pour ce qui est de ce salut, les prophètes ont cherché et cherché avec soin. Ils ont prophétisé la grâce qui vous sera accordée,
11 They wanted to know whom the Spirit of Christ that was in them was referring to, and what time he was talking about, when he told beforehand that the Messiah would suffer [and die], and that glorious/wonderful things would happen [to him and to us] afterwards.
cherchant à savoir à qui ou à quel moment l'Esprit du Christ qui était en eux se référait lorsqu'il prédisait les souffrances du Christ et les gloires qui les suivraient.
12 It was revealed to {[God] told} them that it was not for their own sake that he was revealing these things to them, but that it was for your sake. It was these things that were proclaimed to you by those who told you the message [about Christ {that those who told you the message about Christ proclaimed to you]}. They proclaimed these things to you because the Holy Spirit whom [God] sent from heaven [enabled them to do that]. And even angels would like to know more about these [truths about how God saves us].
Il leur a été révélé qu'ils ne se servaient pas eux-mêmes, mais vous, dans ces choses qui vous ont été annoncées maintenant par ceux qui vous ont annoncé la Bonne Nouvelle par l'Esprit Saint envoyé du ciel, choses que les anges veulent examiner.
13 Therefore, [prepare your minds] [MET] [as people] fasten their belts around their waists [to prepare to work]. [What I mean is that] you should (discipline your minds/control what you think about), and by doing that conduct your lives fully and confidently expecting to receive the good things that [God will] kindly [do for you] when Jesus Christ returns [from heaven].
Préparez donc vos esprits à l'action. Soyez sobres, et mettez toute votre espérance dans la grâce qui vous sera accordée lors de la révélation de Jésus-Christ -
14 [And because you should obey your heavenly Father] [SIM], as children [ought to] obey their fathers [here on earth], do not do the evil things that you used to desire to do when you did not know [God’s truth].
comme des enfants obéissants, ne vous conformant pas à vos anciennes convoitises comme dans votre ignorance,
15 Instead, just like God, the one who chose you [to belong to him], is (holy/separate from evil), you also must be (holy/separate from evil) in everything that you do,
mais, comme celui qui vous a appelés est saint, vous aussi, soyez saints dans toute votre conduite,
16 because it is {[someone/Moses] has} written [in the Scriptures that God said], “You must be (holy/separate from evil) because I am (holy/separate from evil).”
car il est écrit: « Vous serez saints, car je suis saint. »
17 God is the one who (impartially/without favoritism) judges what each person does. Since you call him ‘Father’, live (reverently/with great respect for him) during the time that you are living here on earth. [While you are living here, you are] like exiles/foreigners [MET] [because you are away from heaven, which is your true home].
Si vous l'invoquez comme Père, lui qui, sans acception de personnes, juge selon l'œuvre de chacun, passez ici le temps de votre vie d'étrangers dans une crainte respectueuse,
18 [Live reverently] because you know that it was not with things that will not last forever, things like gold and silver, that [God] bought you to free you from your useless life-style that you learned from your ancestors.
sachant que vous avez été rachetés, non avec des choses corruptibles, comme l'argent ou l'or, du mode de vie inutile transmis par vos pères,
19 Instead, [it was] with the precious blood of Christ [that flowed from his body when he died that God bought you. Christ’s death was a perfect sacrifice for us] [MET], [like] the lambs that [the Jewish priests sacrificed were] perfect, without any blemishes/defects/flaws or spots [DOU].
mais par un sang précieux, comme celui d'un agneau sans défaut ni tache, le sang de Christ,
20 Christ was chosen [by God] {[God] chose Christ} before the world was created {[he] created the world}. But it was not until now, when the time [in which we are living will soon] end, that he was revealed for your sake.
qui était déjà connu avant la fondation du monde, mais qui a été révélé dans ce dernier siècle à cause de vous,
21 Because of what Christ has done, you are trusting in God, who caused Christ to become alive again after he died, and greatly honored him. As a result, God is the one in whom you are trusting and confidently expecting [that he will do great things for you].
vous qui, par lui, croyez en Dieu, qui l'a ressuscité des morts et lui a donné la gloire, afin que votre foi et votre espérance soient en Dieu.
22 Because you have been made pure by obeying the truth, with the result that you sincerely love your fellow believers, continue to love each other earnestly and sincerely/wholeheartedly.
Ayant purifié vos âmes en obéissant à la vérité par l'Esprit, dans une affection fraternelle sincère, aimez-vous les uns les autres de tout votre cœur avec ferveur,
23 [I ask you to do this, because you now have] a new life [MET]. It was not [by means of] something that will perish that you received this new life. Instead, it was [by means of] something that will last forever; that is, by believing the life-giving and enduring message of God. (aiōn )
étant nés de nouveau, non d'une semence corruptible, mais d'une semence incorruptible, par la parole de Dieu, qui vit et demeure éternellement. (aiōn )
24 [We know that this is true] because, [as the prophet Isaiah wrote], All people [will die] [SIM], like grass [dies]. And all the greatness/honor that people have [will not last forever], like the flowers [SIM] [that grow up] in the grass [do not last long]. The grass withers and the flowers die,
Car, « Toute chair est comme l'herbe, et toute la gloire de l'homme comme la fleur dans l'herbe. L'herbe se fane, et sa fleur tombe;
25 but God’s message endures/lasts forever. This message [that endures/lasts] is the message [about Christ] that was proclaimed to you. (aiōn )
mais la parole du Seigneur dure à jamais. » C'est la parole de la Bonne Nouvelle qui vous a été annoncée. (aiōn )