< 1 Peter 5 >

1 [Now I will say this to those among] you who are elders in the congregations: I also am an elder. I am one [of those] who saw Christ when he suffered, and I am also one who will share some of the glory/greatness that Christ has in heaven.
Starszych, którzy są między wami, proszę ja spółstarszy i świadek ucierpienia Chrystusowego, i uczestnik chwały, która ma być objawiona:
2 [I appeal to you elders] to take care of the people who are in your [congregations] [MET] as shepherds [take care of their] flocks of sheep. Do this, not because you must do it, but instead do it willingly, as God desires. Do not be greedy to get a lot [of money for doing it], but instead do it enthusiastically/wholeheartedly.
Paście trzodę Bożą, która jest między wami, doglądając jej nie poniewolnie, ale dobrowolnie; nie dla sprośnego zysku, ale ochotnym umysłem:
3 Do not act like domineering [bosses over] the people [MET] whom God has assigned/entrusted to you, but instead be examples to them by the way in which you conduct your lives.
Ani jako panując nad dziedzictwem Pańskiem, ale wzorami będąc trzody.
4 [If you do that], when Jesus, who is [like] our chief shepherd [MET], appears, he will give each of you a [glorious/wonderful reward] [MET]. [That reward will be like] the wreaths [that are given to victorious athletes], but your reward will never wither [like wreaths do].
A gdy się okaże on książę pasterzy, odniesiecie niezwiędłą koronę chwały.
5 [Now I will say this to] you young men [and women]: [Just like married men and women are] ([to be subject/to submit themselves]) [to their spouses], you must (be subject/submit yourselves) (to the older men/to the leaders) [of the congregation]. And all of you [believers] should act [MET] humbly toward each other, because this proverb is true: God opposes people who are proud, but he acts kindly toward those who are humble.
Także, młodsi! bądźcie poddani starszym, a wszyscy jedni drugim bądźcie poddani. Pokorą bądźcie wewnątrz ozdobieni, gdyż Bóg pysznym się sprzeciwia, a pokornym łaskę daje.
6 Therefore, realizing that God has great power [MTY] [to punish proud people], humble yourselves, in order that he may honor you at the time that [he has determined].
Uniżajcież się tedy pod mocną ręką Bożą, aby was wywyższył czasu swego;
7 Because he takes care of you, let him take care of all the things that you are worried/concerned about.
Wszystko staranie wasze wrzuciwszy na niego, gdyż on ma pieczę o was.
8 Always be fully alert, because the devil, who is your enemy, is going/sneaking around, looking for people [to destroy]. [He is] like [SIM] a lion who roars as it prowls around, seeking someone to [kill and] devour.
Trzeźwymi bądźcie, czujcie; albowiem przeciwnik wasz dyjabeł, jako lew ryczący obchodzi, szukając kogo by pożarł.
9 You must resist him by continuing to firmly trust in [Christ and his message], remembering that your fellow believers all over the world are experiencing similar sufferings [that the devil is bringing to them].
Któremu dawajcie odpór, mocni będąc w wierze, wiedząc, iż się takoweż ucierpienia nad braterstwem waszem, które jest na świecie, wykonywają.
10 God is the one who kindly helps us in every [situation], and [he is the one] who chose us to share his eternal glory/greatness [in heaven] because of our relationship with Christ. [And] after you have suffered for a while [because of things that people do to harm you], he will remove your spiritual defects/imperfections, he will strengthen you [spiritually] [DOU], and he will support you [emotionally]. (aiōnios g166)
A Bóg wszelkiej łaski, który nas powołał do wiecznej chwały swojej w Chrystusie Jezusie, gdy maluczko ucierpicie, ten niech was doskonałymi uczyni, utwierdzi, umocni i ugruntuje; (aiōnios g166)
11 [I pray/desire that] he will [rule] powerfully forever. (May it be so!/Amen!) (aiōn g165)
Jemu niech będzie chwała i panowanie na wieki wieków. Amen. (aiōn g165)
12 Silas has written this letter [for me as I have] ([dictated it to him/told him what to write]). I consider/know that he is a faithful fellow believer. I have written this short letter to you to encourage you, and I want to assure you that [what I have written] is a true message about the things that God kindly does for [us, things that we do not deserve]. Continue to firmly believe this message.
Przez Sylwana wam wiernego brata, jako rozumiem, krótkom pisał, napominając i świadcząc, iż ta jest prawdziwa łaska Boża, w której stoicie.
13 In [this city that is sometimes referred to as] ‘Babylon’ [MET], the believers [SYN], whom [God] has chosen [to belong to him] just like he chose you, (send you [(pl)] their greetings/say that they are thinking affectionately about you). Mark, who is [MET] [like] a son to me, also ([sends you his greetings/says that he is thinking affectionately about you]).
Pozdrawia was spółwybrany zbór, ten, który jest w Babilonie i Marek, syn mój
14 Greet each other with a kiss [on the cheek] to [show that] you love [each other]. [I pray that God will give inner] peace to all of you who have a relationship with Christ.
Pozdrówcie jedni drugich w pocałowaniu miłości. Pokój niech będzie wam wszystkim, którzyście w Chrystusie Jezusie. Amen.

< 1 Peter 5 >