< 1 Kings 1 >

1 When King David was very old [IDM, DOU], even though his servants put many blankets on top of him, he was unable to become warm.
Manghai David tah a kum khaw patong la om coeng tih himbai neh a khuk uh akhaw anih ham bae voel pawh.
2 So they said to him, “Your Majesty, allow us to search for a young virgin who can stay with you and take care of you. She can sleep close to you and enable you to become warm.”
Te dongah anih te a sal rhoek loh, “Mamih kah boei manghai ham hula, oila pakhat tlap uh mai saeh. Te vaengah manghai mikhmuh ah mop uh saeh lamtah anih ham hmaiben la om saeh. Te daengah ni na rhang dongah yalh vetih ka boei manghai ham a bae pa eh,” a ti uh.
3 [The king gave them permission, ] so they searched throughout Israel for a beautiful young woman. They found a woman named Abishag, from Shunem [town], and brought her to the king.
Te phoeiah hula sakthen te Israel khorhi khui boeih ah a tlap uh. Te vaengah Shunam nu Abishag te a hmuh uh tih anih te manghai taengla a khuen uh.
4 She was [truly] very beautiful. She took care of [DOU] the king, but the king did not have sexual relations with her.
Te hula tah bahoeng a sakthen tih manghai ham hmaiben la om tih manghai te a khut. Tedae manghai loh anih te a hmaiben moenih.
5 [After Absalom died], David’s oldest surviving son was Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith. He was a very handsome/good-looking man. But David had never rebuked him about anything he did. [After Absalom died, Adonijah thought that he would become king]. So he started to boast, saying “I will become king [now].” Then he provided for himself some chariots, and men to drive them, and horses [to pull them], and 50 men to run [as his bodyguards] in front of those chariots [wherever he went].
Te vaengah Haggith capa Adonijah te phuel uh tih, “Kai ka manghai pawn ni,” a ti. Te dongah amah hamla leng neh marhang caem neh a hmaiah aka yong la hlang sawmnga te a hmoel.
Tedae a napa kah a tue vaengah, “Balae tih te tlam te na saii,” a ti nah dawk neh anih te a noih moenih. Anih khaw a suisak bahoeng then tih Absalom hnukah a sak.
7 One day he conferred with Joab, [David’s army commander], and Abiathar the priest, and they promised/agreed to help/support Adonijah.
Zeruiah capa Joab nen khaw, khosoih Abiathar nen khaw ol a khueh coeng dongah Adonijah te a bom rhoi.
8 But Zadok, who was also a priest, Benaiah [who had supervised David’s bodyguards], Nathan the prophet, Shimei and Rei, and David’s most capable soldiers refused to help/support Adonijah.
Tedae khosoih Zadok, Jehoiada capa Benaiah, tonghma Nathan, Shimei, Rei neh David taengkah hlangrhalh rhoek long tah Adonijah taengah om uh pawh.
9 One day Adonijah went to Snake Rock near En-Rogel [Spring, which is near Jerusalem], to sacrifice some sheep and oxen and fattened cattle. He invited most of his brothers, King David’s other sons, to come. He also invited all of the king’s officials from Judah to come to the celebration.
Adonijah loh boiva neh saelhung a puetsuet te Enrogel kah, a kaep Zoheleth lungnu ah a ngawn. Te vaengah manghai koca khuikah a manuca boeih neh manghai kah sal rhoek, Judah hlang boeih te a khue.
10 But he did not invite Nathan or Benaiah or the king’s most capable soldiers or his [younger/half]-brother Solomon.
Tedae tonghma Nathan, Benaiah, a manuca Solomon neh a hlangrhalh rhoek tah khue pawh.
11 Nathan [found out what they were doing, so he went to] Solomon’s mother Bathsheba [and] asked her, “Have you not heard that Haggith’s son Adonijah is declared himself to be the king? And King David does not know about it!
Te dongah Nathan loh Solomon manu Bathsheba te a voek tih, “Haggith capa Adonijah te manghai coeng tih mamih kah boeipa David loh a ming pawt te na yaak moenih a?
12 So if you want to save yourself and your son Solomon from being killed, allow me to tell you what you should do.
Te dongah halo lamtah cilsuep neh namah kang uen mai pawn eh. Namah kah hinglu khaw, na capa Solomon kah hinglu khaw hlawt laeh.
13 Go immediately to King David. Say to him, ‘Your Majesty, you solemnly promised me [RHQ] that my son Solomon would become the king after you [die], and that he would sit on your throne [and rule]. So why is it that Adonijah [has said that he] is now the king?’
Halo lamtah manghai David te paan laeh. Te vaengah amah te, ‘Ka boei manghai namah loh na salnu taengah ol na caeng tih: “Na capa Solomon tah kamah hnukah manghai vetih ka ngolkhoel dongah ngol ni” rhep na ti moenih a? Balae tih Adonijah vik a manghai?’ ti nah.
14 Then, while you are still talking to the king, I will come in and tell him that what you are saying to him [about Adonijah] is true.”
Manghai ham na thui pah li vaengah namah hnukah tloep ka kun saeh lamtah nang ol te cawt kan duel eh,” a ti nah.
15 So Bathsheba went to see the king in his bedroom. He was very old, and Abishag was taking care of him.
Te dongah Bathsheba loh manghai te imkhui la thaeng a paan. Te vaengah manghai tah bahoeng patong coeng tih Shunam nu Abishag tah manghai taengah a thohtat pah.
16 Bathsheba bowed very low in front of the king, and the king asked her, “What do you want?”
Bathsheba te buluk tih manghai te a bawk vaengah tah manghai loh, “Nang te balae?” a ti nah.
17 She replied, “Your Majesty, you solemnly promised me, knowing that Yahweh our God [was listening] [IDM], that my son Solomon would become king after you [die], and that he would sit on your throne [and rule].
Te phoeiah anih te, “Ka boei namah long ni BOEIPA na Pathen te na toem na ngam. Na salnu taengah khaw, ‘Na capa Solomon tah kamah hnukah manghai vetih ka ngolkhoel dongah ngol ni,’ na ti.
18 But now, believe it or not, Adonijah has become king, and you do not know anything about it.
Tedae Adonijah a manghai coeng ke ka boei manghai long khaw na ming moenih a?
19 He has sacrificed a lot of oxen and fattened cattle and sheep, and he has invited all of your other sons to the celebration. He has also invited Abiathar the priest and Joab the commander of your army, but he did not invite your son Solomon.
Vaito a puetsuet neh boiva muep a ngawn tih manghai koca boeih, khosoih Abiathar neh caempuei mangpa Joab te a khue. Tedae na sal Solomon tah a khue moenih.
20 Your Majesty, all the people [SYN] of Israel are expecting you to tell them who is the one who will become king after you are no longer the king.
Ka boei manghai nang, Israel pum kah a mik he nang pum dongla a hoi coeng. Amah yuengla ka boei manghai kah ngolkhoel dongah aka ngol ham te amih taengah thui pah laeh.
21 If you do not do that, what will happen is that after you die [EUP] people will consider that my son Solomon and I are rebelling, [and they will execute us because we did not help Adonijah to become king].”
Ka boei manghai te a napa rhoek taengla a khoem uh vaengah tah kamah neh ka capa Solomon te hlangtholh la vik om ve,” a ti nah.
22 While she was still talking to the king, Nathan came [to the palace].
Manghai taengah a thui li vaengah tonghma Nathan te pakcak ha pawk.
23 The king’s servants/advisors told David, “Nathan the prophet has come.” So [Bathsheba left, and] Nathan went into where the king was and knelt down, with his face on the ground.
Te dongah manghai taengla puen uh tih, “Tonghma Nathan ke,” a ti na uh. Te daengah manghai kah mikhmuh la kun tih manghai taengah a maelhmai neh diklai la a bakop pah.
24 Then Nathan said, “Your Majesty, have you declared that Adonijah will become king after you are no longer the king?
Te phoeiah Nathan loh, “Ka boei manghai namah loh, ‘Adonijah tah kamah yueng la manghai vetih, anih ni ka ngolkhoel dongah aka ngol eh,’ na ti tang a?
25 [I say that] because today he has gone down [to En-Rogel Spring] and has sacrificed a lot of oxen, fattened cattle, and sheep. And he has invited all of your other sons, Joab the army commander, and Abiathar the priest. They are all eating and drinking with him and saying ‘We hope/desire that King Adonijah will live a long time!’
Tihnin ah suntla mai tih vaito a puetsuet neh boiva khaw muep a ngawn. Manghai koca rhoek boeih neh caempuei mangpa khaw, khosoih Abiathar khaw a khue. Amih te amah neh a caak a ok uh tih, ‘Manghai Adonijah tah hing pai saeh,’ a ti uh ke.
26 But he did not invite me or Zadok the priest or Benaiah or Solomon.
Tedae na sal kai kamah neh khosoih Zadok, Jehoiada capa Benaiah, na sal Solomon tah a khue moenih.
27 Did you, as the king, say that they should do this without telling your other officials who you want to become king [MTY] after you are no longer the king?”
Tahae kah olka he ka boei manghai taeng lamkah ni a phuet atah na sal khaw na ming sak van kolla. A hnukah ka boei manghai kah ngolkhoel dongah ulae aka ngol eh?” a ti nah.
28 Then [after Nathan left the room, ] King David said [to one of his servants], “Tell Bathsheba to come in here again.” So [he went and told her, and] she came in and stood in front of the king.
Te phoeiah manghai David loh a doo tih, “Bathsheba te kamah taengla hang khue,” a ti nah. Te dongah manghai mikhmuh la ha moe tih manghai kah mikhmuh ah a pai pah.
29 Then the king said, “Yahweh has rescued me from all my troubles. I promised you, with Yahweh the God whom we Israelis [worship] listening, that your son Solomon would be king after I am no longer the king. Today, as surely as Yahweh lives, [I solemnly declare that] I will do what I promised.”
Te vaengah manghai loh a toemngam tih, “BOEIPA kah hingnah dongah citcai cungkuem lamloh ka hinglu a lat coeng.
Israel Pathen BOEIPA rhang neh nang taengah rhep ka toemngam bangla, ‘Na capa Solomon tah kai hnukah manghai ni,’ rhep ka ti. Te dongah anih ni kai yueng la ka ngolkhoel dongah a ngol eh. Te tlam ni tahae khohnin ah khaw ka saii eh,” a ti nah.
31 Bathsheba knelt down with her face on the ground and said, “Your Majesty, I hope/desire that you will live for many more years [HYP]!”
Te vaengah Bathsheba tah a maelhmai neh diklai la buluk tih manghai taengah a bakop pah. Te phoeiah, “Ka boei manghai David tah kumhal duela hing pai saeh,” a ti nah.
32 Then King David said, “Summon Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah.” [So someone went and summoned them.] When they came in,
Te phoeiah manghai David loh, “Khosoih Zadok, tonghma Nathan, Jehoiada capa Benaiah te kamah taengla hang khue lah,” a ti. Te dongah amih khaw manghai kah mikhmuh la ha pawk uh.
33 he said to them, “Put my son Solomon on my mule. Take him with my officials down to Gihon [Spring].
Te phoeiah manghai loh amih taengah, “Na boei kah sal rhoek te namah neh puei uh lamtah, kamah kah laak dongah ka capa Solomon te ngol sak. Te phoeiah anih te Gihon la suntlak puei.
34 There, you two, Zadok and Nathan, should anoint him, [with olive oil to appoint him to be] the king of Israel. Then you must blow trumpets, and [all the people there must] shout, ‘We hope/desire that King Solomon will live for many years!’
Anih te khosoih Zadok neh tonghma Nathan loh Israel manghai la koelh saeh. Te vaengah tuki te ueng lamtah, ‘Manghai Solomon tah hing pai saeh,’ ti uh.
35 Then follow him back here, and he will come and sit on my throne. He will then become king instead of me. I have appointed him to be the ruler of [all the people of] Israel and of Judah.”
Te phoeiah anih te nang khuen tih ha pawk vaengah ka ngolkhoel dongah ngol saeh lamtah kamah yueng la manghai saeh. Anih te ni Israel so neh Judah soah rhaengsang la om ham ka uen,” a ti nah.
36 Benaiah replied, “We will do that! We hope/wish that Yahweh, who is your God [and our God], will cause it to happen!
Jehoiada capa Benaiah loh manghai te a doo tih, “Amen, ka boei Pathen Yahovah long khaw, ‘Manghai ni,’ ti pai saeh.
37 King David, Yahweh has helped you; we hope/wish that he will also help Solomon and enable him to become a greater king than you have been.”
Ka boei manghai taengah Yahovah a om vanbangla Solomon taengah khaw om rhoe om van saeh. A ngolkhoel khaw ka boei manghai David kah ngolkhoel lakah rhoeng ngai saeh,” a ti.
38 So Zadok, Nathan, Benaiah, and the two groups of men who were the king’s bodyguards went and put Solomon on King David’s mule and escorted him down to Gihon [Spring].
Te phoeiah khosoih Zadok, tonghma Nathan, Jehoiada capa Benaiah, Kerethi, neh Phelethi te suntla uh. Solomon te manghai David kah laak dongah a ngol sak uh tih Gihon la cet uh.
39 There Zadok took the container of [olive] oil from the Sacred Tent and (anointed/poured some oil on) Solomon. Then the trumpets were blown, and all the people shouted, “We hope/wish that King Solomon will live for many years!”
Te phoeiah khosoih Zadok loh situi ki te dap khui lamloh a loh tih Solomon te a koelh. Te vaengah tuki te a ueng uh tih pilnam boeih loh, “Manghai Solomon tah hing pai saeh,” a ti uh.
40 Then all the people followed him back up [to the city], shouting joyfully and playing flutes. They shouted very loudly, with the result that the ground shook.
Pilnam khaw anih hnukah boeih cet uh. Te vaengah pilnam tah phitphoet aka tum neh kohoenah dongah bahoeng a kohoe uh. Amih ol dongah diklai khaw thulh uet.
41 When Adonijah and all (his guests/the people whom he had invited) were finishing eating at their celebration, they heard the noise. When Joab heard the sound of the trumpets, he asked, “What is causing all that noise in the city?”
Adonijah neh a taengkah a khue rhoek boeih loh a yaak uh vaengah buh caak te pak a toeng uh. Tuki ol te Joab loh a yaak vaengah, “Khorha aka hut te ba ol lae?” a ti.
42 While he was still speaking, Jonathan, the son of Abiathar the priest, arrived. Adonijah said, “Come in! You are a man whom we can trust, so you must be bringing us good news!”
A thui li vaengah khosoih Abiathar capa Jonathan te pakcak ha pawk. Te dongah Adonijah loh, “Halo lah namah hlang tatthai long ni a then khaw na phong,” a ti nah.
43 Jonathan replied, “No, [I do not have good news]! His Majesty, King David, has caused Solomon to be the king!
Jonathan loh a doo tih Adonijah taengah, “Pawh, mamih kah boeipa manghai David loh Solomon te a manghai sak coeng.
44 He sent Zadok, Nathan, Benaiah, and his own group of bodyguards to go with Solomon. They put Solomon on King David’s mule.
Anih te manghai loh khosoih Zadok, tonghma Nathan, Jehoiada capa Benaiah, Kerethi neh Phelethi te a tueih pah tih manghai kah laak dongah a ngol sak uh.
45 They [went down to] Gihon [Spring], and there Zadok and Nathan anointed him to become the king. Now they have returned from there to the city, shouting joyfully. That is why there is that great/loud noise that you are hearing.
Anih te khosoih Zadok neh tonghma Nathan loh Gihon ah manghai la a koelh coeng. Te lamloh kohoe la a caeh uh dongah khorha kah a pang a ngawl ol te ni na yaak uh.
46 So Solomon is now our king [MTY].
Tedae Solomon tah mangpa ngolkhoel dongah ngol bal pueng.
47 Furthermore, the palace officials came to His Majesty, King David, to tell him that they approved of what he had done. They said, ‘We wish/hope that our God will enable Solomon [MTY] to become more famous than you have been and enable him to be a better king than you have been.’ When they said that, the king, lying on his bed, bowed his head to worship [Yahweh].
“Te vaengah manghai kah sal rhoek tah ka boei rhoek kah manghai David te uem ham ha pawk uh tih, ‘Namah kah Pathen, Pathen amah loh nang ming lakah Solomon ming te thang sak saeh. A ngolkhoel te na ngolkhoel lakah pueh pah saeh,’ a ti uh vaengah manghai tah thingkong dongah bakop.
48 Then he said, ‘I praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], because he has allowed one of my sons to become the king today, and has permitted me to see it happen.’”
Te vaengah manghai long khaw, ‘Ka ngolkhoel dongah aka ngol tih ka mik loh hmuh ham khohnin aka pae Israel Pathen BOEIPA tah a yoethen pai,’ a ti,” a ti nah.
49 Then all of Adonijah’s guests (trembled/were afraid), so they all immediately got up and left and scattered.
Te vaengah Adonijah neh a khue boeih khaw lakueng neh thoo uh tih hlang boeih loh amah longpuei la cet uh.
50 Adonijah was afraid of what Solomon [would do], so he went [to the Sacred Tent] and grabbed the projections at the corners of the altar, [because he knew that no one would kill him there].
Adonijah tah a rhih coeng dongah Solomon mikhmuh lamloh thoo. Te phoeiah cet tih hmueihtuk ki te a tuuk.
51 But someone told Solomon, “Hey/Listen, Adonijah is afraid of you, so he [has gone to the Sacred Tent and] is holding on to the corners of the altar. He is saying, ‘[Before I leave, ] I want King Solomon to solemnly promise that he will not command that I be executed.’”
Te dongah Solomon taengah a puen pah tih, “Adonijah loh manghai Solomon te a rhih coeng ke. Hmueihtuk ki te a tuuk tih, ‘Tihnin kah bangla kai taengah toemngam saeh lamtah manghai Solomon loh a sal te cunghang neh duek sak pawt khaming,’ a ti ne,” a ti nah.
52 Solomon replied, “If he proves that he is loyal to me, I will not harm him at all [IDM]. But if he does anything that is wrong, he will be executed.”
Te vaengah Solomon loh, “Tatthai ca la a om atah a sam te diklai la rhul mahpawh. Tedae a khuikah boethae te a tueng daengah ni a duek eh,” a ti nah.
53 So King Solomon sent [some men to Adonijah], and they brought him back from the altar. He came to Solomon and bowed down in front of him. Then Solomon said to him, “Go home.”
Manghai Solomon loh a tah daengah hmueihtuk dong lamloh amah rhum tih kun. Tedae manghai Solomon taengah a bakop vaengah tah anih te Solomon loh, “Namah im la cet,” a ti nah.

< 1 Kings 1 >