< 1 Kings 8 >

1 Solomon then summoned to Jerusalem all the elders of Israel, all the leaders of the tribes, and the leaders of the clans. He wanted them to join in bringing Yahweh’s Sacred Chest from Zion [Hill to the temple], where it was in the part of the city called ‘The City of David’.
Da lod Salomo de Ældste af Israel og alle Stammernes Øverster, Fædrenehusenes Fyrster iblandt Israels Børn forsamle sig til Kong Salomo i Jerusalem, for at føre Herrens Pagts Ark op fra Davids Stad, det er Zion.
2 So all the Israeli leaders came to King Solomon during the Festival of [Living in Temporary] Shelters, in October.
Og alle Israels Mænd samledes til Kong Salomo i Ethanim Maaned paa Højtiden, det er den syvende Maaned.
3 When they had all arrived, the priests lifted up the Sacred Chest
Og alle de Ældste af Israel kom, og Præsterne opløftede Arken.
4 and brought it to the temple. The descendants of Levi [who assisted the priests] helped them to carry to the temple the Sacred Tent and all the sacred things that had been in the tent.
Og de førte Herrens Ark op tillige med Forsamlingens Paulun og alle Helligdommens Redskaber, som vare i Paulunet; Præsterne og Leviterne førte dem op.
5 Then King Solomon and many of the Israeli people who had gathered in front of Yahweh’s Sacred Chest sacrificed a huge amount of sheep and oxen. No one was able to count the sacrifices [because there were so many].
Og Kong Salomo og al Israels Menighed, de som vare forsamlede om ham, stode hos ham foran Arken, de ofrede smaat Kvæg og stort Kvæg, som ikke kunde tælles og ikke regnes for Mangfoldigheden.
6 The the priests then brought the Sacred Chest into the Very Holy Place in the temple, and they placed it under the wings of the [statues of the] winged creatures.
Og Præsterne førte Herrens Pagts Ark til dens Sted, til Koret udi Huset, ind i det allerhelligste hen under Kerubernes Vinger.
7 The wings of those statues spread out over the Sacred Chest and over the poles by which it was carried.
Thi Keruberne udbredte Vingerne imod Arkens Sted, og Keruberne dækkede over Arken og oven over dens Stænger.
8 The poles were so long that the ends of the poles could be seen [by people who were standing] at the entrance to the Most Holy Place, but they could not be seen [by people standing] outside the temple. Those poles are still there.
Og man drog Stængerne langt ud, og Stængernes Knapper saas fra det hellige lige for Koret, men udenfor kunde de ikke ses, og de bleve der indtil denne Dag.
9 The only things that were in the Sacred Chest were the two stone tablets that Moses had put there at Sinai [Mountain], where Yahweh made an agreement with the people after they left Egypt.
Der var intet i Arken uden de to Stentavler, som Mose lagde deri ved Horeb, der Herren gjorde Pagt med Israels Børn, der de vare dragne ud fra Ægyptens Land.
10 When the priests came out of the temple, [suddenly] it was filled with a cloud.
Og det skete, der Præsterne gik ud af Helligdommen, da fyldte Skyen Herrens Hus,
11 It was the glory/radiance of Yahweh that filled the temple, with the result that the priests were not able to continue their work.
saa at Præsterne ikke kunde staa at gøre Tjeneste for Skyen; thi Herrens Herlighed fyldte Herrens Hus.
12 Then Solomon prayed this: “Yahweh, you have placed the sun in the sky, but you have decided that you would live in very dark [clouds].
Da sagde Salomo: Herren sagde, at han vilde bo i Mørket.
13 I have built for you a magnificent temple, a place for you to live in forever.”
Jeg har bygget dig en Boligs Hus, en fast Bolig, at du skal bo deri i al Evighed.
14 Then, while all the people stood there, the king turned around and faced them, and he [asked God to] bless them.
Og Kongen vendte sit Ansigt omkring og velsignede al Israels Forsamling, og al Israels Forsamling stod.
15 He said, “Praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis belong! By his own power he has done what he promised to give to my father David. What he promised was this:
Og han sagde: Lovet være Herren, Israels Gud, som talede med sin Mund til David min Fader og opfyldte det med sin Haand og sagde:
16 ‘From the time that I brought my people out of Egypt, I have never chosen any city in Israel in which a temple should be built for my people to worship me there. But I chose you, David, to rule my people.”
Fra den Dag, da jeg udførte mit Folk Israel at Ægypten, har jeg ikke udvalgt en Stad af alle Israels Stammer, at man skulde bygge et Hus, for at mit Navn skulde være der; men jeg udvalgte David, at han skulde være over mit Folk Israel.
17 [Then Solomon said], “My father David wanted to build a temple in order that we Israeli people could worship Yahweh our God there.
Og det var i min Fader Davids Hjerte, at bygge Herrens, Israels Guds, Navn et Hus.
18 But Yahweh said to him, ‘You have wanted to build a temple for me, and what you wanted to do was good.
Men Herren sagde til David, min Fader: Eftersom det har været i dit Hjerte at bygge mit Navn et Hus, saa gjorde du vel deri, at det var i dit Hjerte.
19 However, you are not the one [who I want] to build it. It is one of your sons, who [I want to] build a temple for me.’
Dog skal du ikke bygge det Hus, men din Søn, han som udgaar af dine Lænder, han skal bygge mit Navn et Hus.
20 And now Yahweh has done what he promised to do. I have become the king of Israel to succeed my father, and I am ruling my people, like Yahweh promised. I have [arranged for] this temple [to be] built for us Israelis to worship Yahweh, the God, to whom we Israelis belong.
Og Herren har opfyldt sit Ord, som han talede; thi jeg er kommen op i Davids, min Faders, Sted og sidder paa Israels Trone, saaledes som Herren talede, og har bygget Herrens, Israels Guds, Navn et Hus.
21 I have also provided a place [in the temple] for the Sacred Chest in which are the two stone tablets [on which are engraved the Ten Commandments of] the agreement that Yahweh made with our ancestors when he brought them out of Egypt.”
Og jeg har beskikket der et Sted til Arken, hvori Herrens Pagt er, som han gjorde med vore Fædre, der han førte dem ud af Ægyptens Land.
22 Then Solomon stood in front of the altar which was facing the Israeli people who had gathered there. He spread out his arms toward heaven,
Og Salomo stod foran Herrens Alter for al Israels Forsamling og udbredte sine Hænder imod Himmelen,
23 and he prayed, “Yahweh, the God whom we Israeli people [belong to/worship], there is no god like you up in heaven or down here on the earth. You solemnly promised that you would faithfully love us. And that is what you have done for us who earnestly do what you want us to do.
og han sagde: Herre, Israels Gud! der er ingen Gud som du i Himmelen oventil eller paa Jorden nedentil, du som holder Pagten og Miskundheden med dine Tjenere, som vandre for dit Ansigt af deres ganske Hjerte;
24 You have done the things that you promised my father David, who served you [very well], that you would do. Truly, you promised to do these things for him, and today we see that by your power you have done them.
du, som har holdt din Tjener David, min Fader, det, som du har tilsagt ham; du har talt det med din Mund og opfyldt det med din Haand, som det ses paa denne Dag;
25 So now, Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [belong to/worship], please do the things that you promised my father that you would do. You told him that there would always be some of his descendants who would rule Israel, if they would conduct their lives as he did.
og nu, Herre Israels Gud! hold din Tjener David, min Fader, det, du har tilsagt ham og sagt: Dig skal ikke fattes en Mand for mit Ansigt, som skal sidde paa Israels Trone, naar ikkun dine Børn bevare deres Vej, at vandre for mit Ansigt, saaledes som du har vandret for mit Ansigt.
26 So now, God of us Israeli people, cause what you promised to do for my father David, who served you [well], to happen.
Og nu, Israels Gud! lad dog dit Ord staa fast, som du talede til din Tjener David, min Fader.
27 But God, you cannot really live on the earth. There is surely not enough space for you in the sky, or even in the heaven. So there is surely not enough space for you to live in this temple that my workers have built.
Thi sandelig, monne Gud skulde bo paa Jorden? Se, Himlene og Himlenes Himle kunne ikke rumme dig, langt mindre dette Hus, som jeg har bygget.
28 But Yahweh, my God, please listen to me while I am praying to you this day,
Men vend dit Ansigt til din Tjeners Bøn og til hans ydmyge Begæring, Herre, min Gud! at høre paa det Raab og paa den Bøn, som din Tjener beder for dit Ansigt i Dag:
29 Please keep protecting this temple night and day. This is the place about which you have said, ‘I will always be there.’ I request that you listen to me whenever I turn toward this temple and pray.
At dine Øjne maa være aabnede over dette Hus Nat og Dag, over dette Sted, om hvilket du har sagt: Mit Navn skal være der, til at høre den Bøn, som din Tjener beder paa dette Sted;
30 I request that when I pray to you and your people pray to you while they turn toward this place, that in your home in heaven you will hear us and forgive us [for the sins that we have committed].
og at du vil høre din Tjeners og dit Folk Israels ydmyge Begæring, som de skulle bede paa dette Sted, og at du vil høre paa det Sted, hvor du bor i Himmelen, og vil høre og forlade.
31 If someone is accused of doing something wrong to another person, and they bring him to your altar outside this holy temple, and if he says, ‘I did not do that; may God punish me if I am not telling the truth,’
Naar nogen synder imod sin Næste, og man paalægger ham en Ed, som han skal sværge, og den Ed kommer for dit Alter i dette Hus:
32 then you listen from heaven, and decide who is telling the truth. Then punish the person who is guilty as he deserves to be punished, and declare that the other person is innocent.
Da vil du høre i Himmelen og gøre derefter og dømme dine Tjenere, saa at du fordømmer den ugudelige og fører hans Vej over hans Hoved og retfærdiggør den retfærdige og giver ham efter hans Retfærdighed.
33 And when your Israeli people are defeated by their enemies [in a battle] because they have sinned against you, [and if they are forced to go to some distant country, ] if they turn away from their sinful behavior and turn toward this temple and admit that you [have justly punished them], and if they plead [that you will forgive them],
Naar dit Folk Israel bliver slaget for Fjendens Ansigt, fordi de have syndet imod dig, og de da omvende sig til dig og bekende dit Navn og bede og bønfalde dig om Naade i dette Hus:
34 listen to them from heaven, and forgive your Israeli people for the sins that they [have committed], and bring them back to this land that you gave to our ancestors.
Da vil du høre i Himmelen og forlade dit Folk Israels Synd og føre dem tilbage i det Land, som du har givet deres Fædre.
35 And when you do not allow any rain to fall on the land because your people have sinned against you, if they turn toward this temple and admit that you [have justly punished them], if they turn away from their sinful behavior and [humbly] pray to you,
Naar Himmelen bliver tillukt, og der vorder ikke Regn, fordi de have syndet imod dig, og de bede paa dette Sted og bekende dit Navn og omvende sig fra deres Synder, fordi du ydmyger dem:
36 listen to them from heaven, and forgive your Israeli people for the sins [that they have committed]. Teach them the right way to conduct their lives. Then send rain on this land that you have given to your people to belong to them [permanently].
Da vil du høre i Himmelen og forlade dine Tjeneres og dit Folk Israels Synd, fordi du viser dem den gode Vej, paa hvilken de skulle vandre, og vil give Regn over dit Land, som du har givet dit Folk til Arv.
37 And when the people of this land experience famines, or if there is a plague/illness that causes many people to become sick, or if [their crops are destroyed by] very hot winds or [by] mildew or [by] locusts or grasshoppers, or when their enemies surround any of their cities [in order to attack them], if any of those bad things happen to them,
Naar der vorder Hunger i Landet, naar der vorder Pest, naar der vorder Tørke, Brand i Korn, Græshopper, Kornorme, naar hans Fjende ængster ham i hans Stæders Land, naar der kommer alle Haande Plage, alle Haande Sygdom:
38 when your Israeli people earnestly plead with you knowing that they are suffering because they [have sinned], and if they stretch out their arms toward this temple and pray,
Al Bøn, al ydmyg Begæring, som sker af hvert Menneske eller af alt dit Folk Israel, som kender hver sit Hjertes Plage og udbreder sine Hænder til dette Hus,
39 listen to them from your home in heaven, and forgive them, and help them. You are the only one who knows what people are thinking, so act toward everyone as they deserve,
den vil du da høre i Himmelen, i den faste Bolig, i hvilken du bor, og forlade og gøre derefter og give enhver efter alle hans Veje, ligesom du kender hans Hjerte; thi du alene kender alle Menneskenes Børns Hjerter;
40 in order that your people may then have an awesome respect for you, all the years that they live in this land that you gave to our ancestors.
paa det de skulle frygte dig alle de Dage, hvilke de leve i Landet, som du har givet vore Fædre.
41 There will be some foreigners who do not belong to your Israeli people who have come here from countries far away because they have heard that you are very great and that you perform great miracles. If they come here to this temple to worship you and pray,
Ja ogsaa den fremmede, som ikke er af dit Folk Israel, naar han kommer fra et langtfra liggende Land for dit Navns Skyld;
(thi de skulle høre om dit store Navn og om din stærke Haand og din udrakte Arm) og nogen kommer og beder mod dette Hus:
43 in your home in heaven, listen to their prayers, and do for them what they request you to do. Do that so that all the people-groups in the world will know about you and revere you, like we your Israeli people do. And then they will know that this temple that I have [caused to be] built to honor you, is where you [should be worshiped].
Ham vil du da høre i Himmelen, i den faste Bolig, i hvilken du bor, og gøre efter alt det, som den fremmede raaber til dig om, paa det at alle Folk paa Jorden kunne kende dit Navn og frygte dig, ligesom dit Folk Israel, og at de skulle vide, at dette Hus, som jeg har bygget, er kaldet efter dit Navn.
44 And if you send your people to go to fight against their enemies, if they pray to you, wherever they are, if they turn toward this city that you have chosen and toward this temple that I have caused to be built for you,
Naar dit Folk drager ud i Krigen imod sin Fjende paa den Vej, hvor du sender dem hen, og de bede til Herren, vendte mod den Stad, som du udvalgte, og imod det Hus, som jeg har bygget til dit Navn:
45 listen in heaven to their prayers; listen to what they plead for you to do, and assist them.
Da vil du høre i Himmelen deres Bøn og deres ydmyge Begæring og skaffe dem Ret.
46 [It is true that] everyone sins. So, if your people sin against you, and you become angry with them, you may allow their enemies to defeat them and capture them and take them away to their enemies’ country, even to countries that are far away.
Naar de synde imod dig, (thi der er intet Menneske, som jo synder) og du bliver vred paa dem og giver dem hen for Fjendens Ansigt, og de, som have fanget dem, føre dem fangne til Fjendens Land, langt borte eller nær hos;
47 If that happens, while they are in those countries to which they were forced to go, if they sincerely repent and plead with you there saying ‘We have sinned and have done things that are very wicked,’
og de tage det igen til Hjerte i Landet, hvori de ere fangne, og omvende sig og bede til dig om Naade i deres Land, som have taget dem fangne, og sige: Vi have syndet og handlet ilde, vi have været ugudelige;
48 if they very sincerely repent, and turn toward this land that you gave to our ancestors, and toward this city that you have chosen [to be the place where we should worship you], and toward this temple that I have [caused to be] built for you, and if they pray,
og de omvende sig til dig af deres ganske Hjerte og af deres ganske Sjæl i deres Fjenders Land, som have taget dem fangne, og de bede til dig, vendte imod deres Land, som du har givet til deres Fædre, imod Staden, som du udvalgte, og Huset, som jeg har bygget for dit Navn:
49 then from your home in heaven listen to them while they plead [for your help], and assist them.
Da vil du høre i Himmelen, i din faste Bolig, i hvilken du bor, deres Bøn og deres ydmyge Begæringer og skaffe dem Ret
50 Forgive them for all the sins that they [have committed] against you, and cause their enemies to be kind to them.
og forlade dit Folk det, som de have syndet imod dig, og alle deres Overtrædelser, som de have begaaet imod dig, og lade dem finde Barmhjertighed for deres Ansigt, som holde dem fangne, at disse maa forbarme sig over dem;
51 Do not forget that the Israelis are your people; they are your special possession; you brought [our ancestors] out of Egypt where [they were greatly suffering as though] they were in a blazing furnace.
thi de ere dit Folk og din Arv, som du udførte af Ægypten, midt ud af Jernovnen;
52 I request that you always listen to your Israeli people and to me, their king, and heed their prayers whenever they call out to you [to help them].
at dine Øjne maa være aabnede til din Tjeners ydmyge Begæring og til dit Folk Israels ydmyge Begæring, at du vil høre dem i alt det, hvori de paakalde dig.
53 You chose them from all the other people-groups in the world to belong to you, which is what you told Moses to tell them when you brought our ancestors out of Egypt.”
Thi du udskilte dig dem af alle Folk paa Jorden til en Arv, saaledes som du talede ved Mose, din Tjener, da du udførte vore Fædre af Ægypten, Herre, Herre!
54 After Solomon had finished praying and pleading to Yahweh [for his help], he stood up in front of the altar where he had been kneeling. He lifted up his arms.
Og det skete, der Salomo havde fuldendt at bede til Herren hele denne Bøn og ydmyge Begæring, da stod han op fra Herrens Alter, fra at knæle paa sine Knæ, med sine Hænder udbredte imod Himmelen,
55 Then he [asked God to] bless all the Israeli people. [He prayed] loudly, saying,
og han stod og velsignede hele Israels Forsamling med høj Røst og sagde:
56 “Praise Yahweh, who has given us his people peace, like he promised that he would do. He has done every one of the good things that he promised to Moses, the man who served him [very well].
Lovet være Herren, som har givet sit Folk Israel Rolighed efter alt det, som han har talt! der blev ikke et Ord til intet af alle hans gode Ord, som han talede ved Mose, sin Tjener.
57 I pray that our God will be with us like he was with our ancestors, and that he will never abandon us.
Herren vor Gud være med os, ligesom han har været med vore Fædre! Han forlade os ikke og overgive os ikke!
58 I pray that he will cause us to loyally serve him, to conduct our lives as he wants us to, and to obey all his commandments and statutes and laws that he gave to our ancestors.
at han vil bøje vort Hjerte til sig, saa at vi vandre i alle hans Veje og holde hans Bud og hans Skikke og hans Befalinger, som han har budet vore Fædre,
59 I pray that Yahweh our God will never forget these words that I have prayed, pleading for his help; I pray that he will think about them by day and by night. I pray that he will always help [us] Israeli people and me, giving us the things that we need day by day.
og at disse mine Ord, som jeg har bedet ydmygeligt med for Herrens Ansigt, maa komme nær for Herren vor Gud Dag og Nat, at han vil skaffe sin Tjener Ret og sit Folk, Israel, Ret, hver Dags Sag paa sin Dag,
60 If he does that, all the people-groups in the world will know that he is the only one who is God, and that there is no other one who is God.
paa det at alle Folk paa Jorden skulle vide, at Herren han er Gud, og ingen ydermere,
61 I pray that you, [his people, ] will always be fully committed to Yahweh, and that you will obey all his statutes and commands, like you are doing now.”
og at eders Hjerter maa være retskafne for Herren vor Gud til at vandre i hans Skikke og til at holde hans Bud som paa denne Dag.
62 Then the king and all the Israeli people who were there offered sacrifices to Yahweh.
Og Kongen og al Israel med ham ofrede Offer for Herrens Ansigt.
63 They sacrificed 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. Then the king and all the people dedicated the temple.
Og Salomo ofrede Takofre, som han ofrede til Herren, to og tyve Tusinde Øksne og Hundrede og tyve Tusinde Faar; saa indviede Kongen og alle Israels Børn Herrens Hus.
64 On that day, the king also dedicated/set apart the middle part of the courtyard that was in front of the temple. Then he offered sacrifices that would be completely burned [in the courtyard], the offerings of grain and the fat of the animals that were sacrificed to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. They sacrificed them there because the bronze altar was not big enough for all those sacrifices to be burned on it [that day].
Paa den samme Dag helligede Kongen den mellemste Part af Forgaarden, som var lige for Herrens Hus; thi han lavede der Brændofret og Madofret og Takofrenes Fedtstykker, fordi det Kobberalter, som stod for Herrens Ansigt, var for lidet til at tage imod Brændofret og Madofret og Takofrenes Fedtstykker.
65 Then Solomon and all the Israeli people celebrated the Festival of [Living in Temporary] Shelters for seven days. There was a huge crowd of people there, some of whom had come from [distant places like] Hamath [in the far north] and the border of Egypt [in the far south].
Og Salomo holdt paa den samme Tid Højtiden og al Israel med ham, en stor Forsamling fra Strækningen mellem Hamath og Ægyptens Bæk, for Herrens vor Guds Ansigt i syv Dage og atter i syv Dage, det var fjorten Dage.
66 On the eighth day, Solomon sent the people to their homes. They all praised him and went home happy because of all the things that Yahweh had done to bless [King] David and his Israeli people.
Paa den ottende Dag lod han Folket fare, og de velsignede Kongen, og de gik glade til deres Telte og vel til Mode i Hjertet over alt det gode, som Herren havde gjort David, sin Tjener, og Israel, sit Folk.

< 1 Kings 8 >