< 1 Kings 21 >
1 King Ahab had a palace in Jezreel [city]. Near the palace was a vineyard owned by a man from that city whose name was Naboth.
Passados estes negócios, aconteceu que Nabote de Jezreel tinha em Jezreel uma vinha junto ao palácio de Acabe rei de Samaria.
2 One day, Ahab [went to] Naboth and said to him, “Your vineyard is close to my palace. I would like to buy it, so that I can plant some vegetables there. In exchange, I will give you a better vineyard [somewhere else], or if you prefer, I will pay you for your vineyard.”
E Acabe falou a Nabote, dizendo: Dá-me tua vinha para uma horta de legumes, porque está próxima, junto a minha casa, e eu te darei por ela outra vinha melhor que esta; ou se melhor te parecer, te pagarei seu valor em dinheiro.
3 But Naboth replied, “That land belonged to my ancestors, [so I want to keep it]. I hope that Yahweh will never allow me to give that land to you!”
E Nabote respondeu a Acabe: Guarde-me o SENHOR de que eu te dê a ti a propriedade de meus pais.
4 So Ahab became very sullen and angry because of what Naboth had said. He went home and lay down on his bed. He turned his face toward the wall, and he refused to eat anything.
E veio Acabe à sua casa triste e irritado, pela palavra que Nabote de Jezreel havia lhe respondido, dizendo: Não te darei a propriedade de meus pais. E deitou-se em sua cama, e virou seu rosto, e não comeu pão.
5 His wife Jezebel came in and asked him, “Why are you so depressed? Why are you refusing to eat anything?”
E veio a ele sua mulher Jezabel, e disse-lhe: Por que está tão triste teu espírito, e não comes pão?
6 Ahab replied, “I talked to Naboth, that man from Jezreel. I told him that [I wanted] his vineyard. [I said, ] ‘I will buy it from you, or I will give you another vineyard for it.’ But he refused [to let me have it].”
E ele respondeu: Porque falei com Nabote de Jezreel, e disse-lhe que me desse sua vinha por dinheiro, ou que, se mais quisesse, eu lhe daria outra vinha por ela; e ele respondeu: Eu não te darei minha vinha.
7 His wife replied, “You are [RHQ] the king of Israel, [so you can get whatever you want] Get up, and eat some food and do not worry [about what Naboth said]. I will get Naboth’s vineyard for you.”
E sua mulher Jezabel lhe disse: És tu agora rei sobre Israel? Levanta-te, e come pão, e alegra-te: eu te darei a vinha de Nabote de Jezreel.
8 Then Jezebel wrote some letters, and she signed Ahab’s name on them. She used his official seal to seal them. Then she sent them to the older leaders and other important men who lived in Naboth’s town.
Então ela escreveu cartas em nome de Acabe, e selou-as com seu anel e enviou-as aos anciãos e aos principais que moravam em sua cidade com Nabote.
9 This is what she wrote in the letters: “Proclaim a day when all the people will [gather together and] (fast/abstain from eating food). Give to Naboth an important place to sit among them.
E as cartas que escreveu diziam assim: Proclamai jejum, e ponde a Nabote em posição de destaque do povo;
10 Then find two men who always cause trouble. Give them places to sit opposite/facing him. Tell these men to testify that they heard Naboth say things that criticized God and the king. Then take Naboth out of the city and kill him by throwing stones at him.”
E ponde dois homens perversos diante dele, que testemunhem contra ele, e digam: Tu blasfemaste a Deus e ao rei. E então o tirai, e apedrejai-o, e morra.
11 The leaders [received the letters and] did what Jezebel had written in the letters for them to do.
E os de sua cidade, os anciãos e os principais que moravam em sua cidade, o fizeram como Jezabel lhes mandou, conforme o escrito nas cartas que ela lhes havia enviado.
12 They declared a day on which the people would all (fast/abstain from food). And they gave Naboth a seat in a place where honored people sat, in front of the people.
E promulgaram jejum, e assentaram a Nabote em posição de destaque do povo.
13 Two men who always caused trouble sat opposite/facing Naboth. While everyone was listening, they stated that they had heard Naboth say things that criticized God and the king. So the people seized Naboth. They took him outside the city and killed him [by throwing] stones at him.
Vieram então dois homens perversos, e sentaram-se diante dele: e aqueles homens de Belial testemunharam contra Nabote diante do povo, dizendo: Nabote blasfemou a Deus e ao rei. E tiraram-no fora da cidade, e apedrejaram-no com pedras, e morreu.
14 Then those leaders sent a message to Jezebel, saying “We have executed Naboth.”
Depois enviaram a dizer a Jezabel: Nabote foi apedrejado e morto.
15 When Jezebel found out that Naboth had been killed, she told Ahab, “Naboth is dead. Now you can go and take possession of the vineyard that he refused to sell to you.”
E quando Jezabel ouviu que Nabote havia sido apedrejado e morto, disse a Acabe: Levanta-te e possui a vinha de Nabote de Jezreel, que não te a quis dar por dinheiro; porque Nabote não vive, mas sim que está morto.
16 When Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, he got up and went to the vineyard to claim that he now owned it.
E ouvindo Acabe que Nabote era morto, levantou-se para descer à vinha de Nabote de Jezreel, para tomar possessão dela.
17 Then Yahweh spoke to Elijah the prophet. He said,
Então veio a palavra do SENHOR a Elias Tisbita, dizendo:
18 “Go to Samaria and talk to Ahab, the king of Israel. He is in the vineyard of a man named Naboth. He has gone there to claim that he now owns it.
Levanta-te, desce a encontrar-te com Acabe rei de Israel, que está em Samaria: eis que ele está na vinha de Nabote, à qual desceu para tomar possessão dela.
19 Tell Ahab that this is what I, Yahweh, say to him: ‘You have murdered Naboth and taken his land.’ So I am telling you this: ‘In the same place where [Naboth died and] dogs came and licked up Naboth’s blood, [you will die and] the dogs will lick up your blood, too!’”
E falar-lhe hás, dizendo: Assim disse o SENHOR: Não mataste e também possuíste? E voltarás a falar-lhe, dizendo: Assim disse o SENHOR: No mesmo lugar de onde lamberam os cães o sangue de Nabote, os cães lamberão também teu sangue, o teu mesmo.
20 So when Elijah met with Ahab, Ahab said to him, “You, my enemy, have found me!” [RHQ] Elijah answered, “Yes, I have found you. You have never stopped doing the things that Yahweh says are wrong.
E Acabe disse a Elias: Achaste-me, inimigo meu? E ele respondeu: Eu te encontrei, porque te vendeste a fazer o mal diante do SENHOR.
21 So this is what Yahweh says to you: ‘I will soon get rid of you. I will kill you, and I will also kill every male in your household, including those who are slaves and those who are not slaves.
Eis que eu trago mal sobre ti, e varrerei tua posteridade, e exterminarei de Acabe todo macho, ao escravo e ao livre em Israel:
22 Your family will all be killed, just like the family of King Jeroboam and like the family of King Baasha were killed. I will get rid of you because you have caused me to become very angry, and you have also led the Israeli people to sin.’
E eu porei tua casa como a casa de Jeroboão filho de Nebate, e como a casa de Baasa filho de Aías; pela provocação com que me provocaste à ira, e com que fizeste pecar a Israel.
23 Yahweh has also told me that [your wife] Jezebel [will be killed, and] dogs in Jezreel will eat her corpse.
De Jezabel também falou o SENHOR, dizendo: Os cães comerão a Jezabel no muro de Jezreel.
24 The [dead bodies of the] members of your family who die in this city [will not be buried, they] will be eaten by dogs, and [the corpses of] those who die in the fields will be eaten by vultures.”
O que de Acabe for morto na cidade, cães lhe comerão: e o que for morto no campo, comê-lo-ão as aves do céu.
25 There was no man no man like Ahab who always did things that Yahweh considered to be evil. His wife Jezebel incited/urged him to do [many of] those things.
(À verdade ninguém foi como Acabe, que se vendeu a fazer o mal aos olhos do SENHOR; porque Jezabel sua mulher o incitava.
26 The most abominable/detestable thing that Ahab did was to worship idols, just like the Amor people-group had done. And that is why Yahweh took the Amor people’s land from them and gave it to the Israelis.
Ele foi em grande maneira abominável, caminhando após o os ídolos, conforme a tudo o que fizeram os amorreus, aos quais lançou o SENHOR diante dos filhos de Israel.)
27 After Elijah finished talking to Ahab, Ahab tore his clothes [to show that he was sorry for all the sins that he had committed]. He put on rough clothes that were made from sacks, and he refused to eat anything. He even wore those rough clothes made from sacks when he slept, to show that he was sorry.
E aconteceu quando Acabe ouviu estas palavras, que rasgou suas roupas, e pôs saco sobre sua carne, e jejuou, e dormiu em saco, e andou humilhado.
28 Then Yahweh said this to Elijah:
Então veio a palavra do SENHOR a Elias Tisbita, dizendo:
29 “I have seen [RHQ] that Ahab is now very sorry for all the evil things that he has done. So the things that I promised to do to his [family] will not happen while he is still alive. I will cause them to happen after his son becomes king. Then those things will happen to his family.” [MTY]
Não viste como Acabe se humilhou diante de mim? Pois porquanto se humilhou diante de mim, não trarei o mal em seus dias: nos dias de seu filho trarei o mal sobre sua casa.