< 1 Kings 18 >
1 For almost three years there was no rain in Samaria. Then Yahweh said this to Elijah: “Go and meet with King Ahab and [tell him that] I will soon send rain.”
И бысть по днех мнозех, и глагол Господень бысть ко Илии в лето третие глаголя: иди и явися Ахааву, и дам дождь на лице земли.
2 So Elijah went to talk to Ahab. In Samaria there was almost no food for anyone to eat.
И иде Илиа ко Ахааву явитися, и бе глад крепок в Самарии.
3 There was a man there named Obadiah. He was in charge of the king’s palace. He greatly revered Yahweh.
И призва Ахаав Авдиа строителя дому: и Авдий бе бояся Господа зело.
4 One time when [Queen] Jezebel had [tried to] kill all Yahweh’s prophets, Obadiah hid 100 of them in two caves. He put 50 prophets in each cave, and he brought food and water to them.
И бысть егда нача избивати Иезавель пророки Господни, и взя Авдий сто мужей пророки и скры я по пятидесяти во двоих вертепех и кормяше их хлебом и водою.
5 [By this time, the (famine/lack of food and water) had become very severe in Samaria]. So Ahab summoned Obadiah and said to him, “We must check/look near every spring and in every valley to see if we can find enough grass to give to some of my horses and mules, so that they will not all die.”
И рече Ахаав ко Авдию: гряди, и прейдем на землю, и на источники водныя, и на вся потоки, да негли како обрящем былие и прекормим кони и мски, да не изгибнут от скот.
6 So they both started walking throughout the land. Obadiah went in one direction by himself, and Ahab went in another direction by himself.
И разделиша себе путь ити по нему: Ахаав иде путем единым един, и Авдий иде путем другим един.
7 While Obadiah was walking along, he saw Elijah coming toward him. Obadiah recognized Elijah and bowed down in front of him and said, “Is it really you, Elijah, my master?”
И бе Авдий един на пути: и прииде Илиа на сретение ему един. И Авдий потщася, и паде на лице свое и рече: ты ли еси сам, господи мой Илие?
8 Elijah replied, “Yes. Now go and tell [Ahab, ] your master, that I am here.”
И рече Илиа ко Авдию: аз есмь: иди и повеждь господину твоему, глаголя: се, Илиа.
9 Obadiah objected. He said, “Sir, I have not [RHQ] harmed you at all. So why are you sending me back to Ahab? He will kill me!
И рече Авдий: что согреших аз, яко предаеши раба твоего в руце Ахаавли еже умертвити мя?
10 Yahweh your God [knows that I am telling the truth when] I solemnly declare that King Ahab has searched in every kingdom all over the world [HYP] to find you. Each time that some king said to him, ‘Elijah is not here,’ Ahab demanded that the king of that country solemnly swear/declare that the king was telling the truth.
Жив Господь Бог твой, аще есть язык или царство, аможе не посла господин мой искати тебе: и реша, несть: и закля царство и страны его, яко не обрете тебе:
11 Now you say to me, ‘Go and tell your master that Elijah is here!’
и ныне ты глаголеши ми: иди, возвести господину твоему: се, Илиа:
12 But as soon as I leave you, the Spirit of Yahweh will carry you away, and I will not know where he will take you. So when [I tell] Ahab [that you are here and he] comes to me and he does not find you here, he will kill me! But [I do not deserve to die because] I have revered Yahweh since I was a boy.
и будет егда аз отиду от тебе, и Дух Господень возмет тя в землю, еяже не вем, и вниду возвестити Ахааву, и не обрящет тебе, и убиет мя: раб же твой есть бояйся Господа от юности своея:
13 My master, have you not heard about what I did when Jezebel wanted to kill all of Yahweh’s prophets? I hid 100 of them in two caves and took food and water to them.
или не возвестися тебе господину моему, яже сотворих, егда убиваше Иезавель пророки Господни, и сокрых пророки Господни сто мужей, по пятидесяти в вертепе, и кормих их хлебом и водою?
14 Now, sir, you say, ‘Go and tell your master that Elijah is here.’ But if I do that, [and he comes and you are not here, ] he will kill me!”
И ныне ты глаголеши ми: иди, повеждь господину твоему: се, Илиа: и убиет мя.
15 But Elijah replied, “Yahweh, the Almighty One whom I serve [IDM], knows that [I am telling the truth as] I solemnly declare that I will go to meet with Ahab today.”
И рече Илиа: жив Господь Сил, емуже предстою пред Ним, яко днесь покажуся ему.
16 So Obadiah went to tell Ahab that Elijah had come. Ahab went to meet with him.
И иде Авдий во сретение Ахааву и возвести ему. И ускори Ахаав и иде во сретение Илии.
17 When he saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is that you, the one who causes trouble for [the people of] Israel?”
И бысть егда узре Ахаав Илию, и рече Ахаав ко Илии: ты ли еси развращаяй Израиля?
18 Elijah replied, “It is not I who have caused trouble for the people of Israel! You and your family are the ones who have caused trouble! You have refused to obey Yahweh’s commands, and you have worshiped the idols of Baal instead.
И рече Илиа: не развращаю аз Израиля, но разве ты и дом отца твоего, егда остависте вы Господа Бога вашего и идосте вслед Ваала:
19 So now, command all the Israeli people to come to Carmel Mountain, and [be sure to] bring all the 450 prophets who worship Baal and the 400 prophets who worship [the goddess] Asherah, the ones to whom [your wife] Jezebel brings food and water.”
и ныне посли и собери ко мне всего Израиля на гору Кармилскую, и пророки студныя Вааловы четыреста и пятьдесят, и пророков дубравных четыреста, ядущих трапезу Иезавелину.
20 So Ahab summoned all his prophets and all the other [Israeli] people to the top of Carmel Mountain, [and Elijah went up there too.]
И посла Ахаав во весь Израиль, и приведе вся пророки на гору Кармилскую.
21 Then Elijah stood in front of them and said, “How long [RHQ] are you going to be undecided [about who is truly God]? If Yahweh is [truly] God, then worship/serve him. If Baal is truly God, then worship/serve him!” But the people said nothing [in reply, because they were afraid of what Jezebel would do to them if they admitted that they worshiped Yahweh].
И приведе ко всем им Илию, и рече им Илиа: доколе вы храмлете на обе плесне вашы? Аще есть Господь Бог, идите вслед Его: аще же Ваал есть, то идите за ним. И не отвещаша людие словесе.
22 Then Elijah said to them, “I am the only true prophet of Yahweh who is left, but Baal has 450 prophets.
И рече Илиа к людем: аз остах пророк Господень един: и пророцы Вааловы четыреста и пятьдесят мужей, и пророков дубравных четыреста.
23 Bring two bulls. The prophets of Baal may choose the one that they want. They must [kill it and] cut it into pieces and lay the pieces on the wood that is on the altar that they have made. But they must not light a fire [under the wood]. [I will kill the other bull and cut it in pieces and lay the pieces on the altar that I make].
(И рече Илиа: ) да дадят нам два вола, и да изберут себе единаго, и да растешут и (на уды), и возложат на дрова, и да не возгнетят огня: и аз растешу вола другаго, и возложу на дрова, и огня не возгнещу:
24 Then they must call to their god [MTY], and I will call to Yahweh. The god who answers by lighting a fire [to the wood that is on that altar] is [the true] God!” Then all the people thought that Elijah’s suggestion was good.
и да призовете имена богов ваших, и аз призову имя Господа Бога моего: и будет Бог, Иже аще послушает огнем, Той есть Бог. И отвещаша вси людие и реша: добр глагол (Илиин), егоже глагола (да будет тако).
25 Then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “You call to Baal first, because there are many of you. Choose one of the bulls and prepare it, and then call to your god. But do not light a fire under the wood!”
И рече Илиа пророком студным: изберите себе юнца единаго, и сотворите вы прежде, яко вас есть множество: и призовите имена богов ваших, и огня не возгнещайте.
26 So they killed one of the bulls and cut it up and placed the pieces on the altar. Then they called out to Baal all morning. They shouted, “Baal, answer us!” But no one answered. There was no reply at all [DOU]. Then they danced wildly around the altar that they had made.
И пояша юнца, и сотвориша (тако), и призываху имя Ваалово от утра до полудне, и реша: послушай нас, Ваале, послушай нас. И не бе гласа, ни послушания. И ристаху около жертвенника, егоже сотвориша.
27 About noontime, Elijah started to make fun of them. He said, “[Surely] Baal is a god, so it seems that you must shout louder! Perhaps he is thinking about something, or perhaps he has gone to the toilet. Or perhaps he is traveling somewhere, or perhaps he is asleep and you need to wake him up!”
И бысть в полудне, и поругася им Илиа Фесвитянин и рече: зовите гласом великим, яко бог есть, яко непраздность ему есть, и негли что ино строит, или спит сам, и востанет.
28 So they shouted louder. Then, doing one of the things that they frequently did [when they worshiped Baal], they slashed/cut themselves with knives and swords until a lot of blood flowed.
И зовяху гласом великим, и крояхуся по обычаю своему ножами, и мнози бишася бичми, до пролития крове своея,
29 They continued calling out to Baal all afternoon. But there was no reply, no answer, no god who paid attention.
и прорицаху, дондеже прейде вечер: и бысть егда прииде время взыти жертве, и не бе гласа, ниже послушания. И рече Илиа Фесвитянин пророком студным, глаголя: отступите ныне, да и аз сотворю жертву мою. И отступиша тии, и умолкнуша.
30 Then Elijah called to the people saying, “Come closer!” So they all crowded around him. Then Elijah repaired the altar of Yahweh that had previously been (ruined/torn down) [by the prophets of Baal].
И рече Илиа к людем: приступите ко мне. И приступиша вси людие к нему.
31 Then he took twelve [large] stones, each one to represent one of the Israeli tribes. The names of those tribes were given to them by their ancestor Jacob.
И взя Илиа дванадесять камений по числу колен Израилевых, якоже глагола к нему Господь, глаголя: Израиль будет имя твое.
32 With these stones he rebuilt Yahweh’s altar. Then around the altar he dug a little ditch that was large enough to hold about (three gallons/12 liters) of water.
И созда камение во имя Господне, и изцели олтарь раскопанный, и сотвори море вмещающее две меры семене окрест олтаря.
33 He piled wood on top of the stones. He killed the bull and cut it in pieces. Then he laid the pieces on top of the wood. Then he said, “Fill four large jars with water, and pour the water on top of the pieces of meat and the wood.” So they did that.
И воскладе дрова на олтарь, егоже сотвори, и растеса на уды всесожегаемая, и возложи на дрова, и воскладе на олтарь.
34 Then he said, “Do the same thing again!” So they did it again. Then he said “Do it a third time!” So they did it again.
И рече Илиа: принесите ми четыри водоносы воды, и возливайте на всесожжение и на полена. И сотвориша тако. И рече: удвойте. И удвоиша. И рече: утройте. И утроиша.
35 As a result, the water flowed down below the altar and filled the ditches.
И прохождаше вода окрест олтаря, и море исполнися воды.
36 When it was time to offer the evening sacrifices, Elijah walked close [to the altar] and prayed. He said, “Yahweh, you who are the God that [our ancestors] Abraham and Isaac and Jacob [worshiped], prove today that you are the God whom the Israeli people [should worship], and prove that I am your servant. Prove that I have done all these things because you told me to do them.
И возопи Илиа на небо и рече: Господи Боже Авраамов и Исааков и Иаковль, послушай мене, Господи, послушай мене днесь огнем, и да уразумеют вси людие сии, яко Ты еси Господь един Израилев, и аз раб Твой, и Тебе ради сотворих дела сия:
37 Yahweh, answer me! Answer me in order that these people will know that you, Yahweh God, [have the power to do what you say that you will do], and that you have caused them to trust in [IDM] you again!”
послушай мене, Господи, послушай мене огнем, и да разумеют вси людие сии, яко Ты еси (един) Господь Бог, и Ты обратил еси сердца людий сих вслед Тебе.
38 Immediately a fire from Yahweh flashed down from the sky. The fire burned up the pieces of meat, the wood, the stones, and the dirt [that was around the altar]. It even dried up all the water in the ditch!
И спаде огнь от Господа с небесе, и пояде всесожегаемая, и дрова, и воду, яже в мори, и камение и персть полиза огнь.
39 When the people saw that, they prostrated themselves on the ground and shouted, “Yahweh is God! Yahweh is God!”
И падоша вси людие на лице свое и реша: воистинну Господь Бог Той есть Бог.
40 Then Elijah commanded them, “Seize all the prophets of Baal! Do not allow any of them to escape!” So the people seized all the prophets of Baal, and took them down the mountain to the Kishon Valley, and Elijah killed them all there.
И рече Илиа к людем: поимайте пророки Вааловы, да ни един скрыется от них. И яша их, и веде я Илиа на поток Киссов, и закла их тамо.
41 Then Elijah said to Ahab, “Go and get something to eat and drink. [But do it quickly, because] it is soon going to rain very hard!”
И рече Илиа ко Ахааву: взыди, и яждь и пий, яко глас есть дождевнаго хождения.
42 So Ahab [and his men] left to prepare a big meal. But Elijah went back up to the top of Carmel Mountain and prayed.
И взыде Ахаав ясти и пити. Илиа же взыде на Кармил, и преклонися на землю, и положи лице свое между коленома своима,
43 Then he said to his servant, “Go and look out toward the sea, [to see if there are any rain clouds.]” So his servant went and looked, [and came back] and said, “I do not see anything.” This happened six times.
и рече отрочищу своему: взыди и воззри на путь морский. И взыде, и воззре отрочищь, и рече: несть ничтоже. И рече Илиа: и ты обратися седмижды.
44 But when the servant went the seventh time, he came back and said, “I saw a very small cloud above the sea. [As I extend my arm, ] the cloud is about the size of my hand/fist.” Then Elijah shouted to him, “Go and tell King Ahab to get his chariot ready and go home immediately! If he does not do that, the rain will stop him!”
И обратися отрочищь седмижды: и бысть в седмое, и се, облак мал, аки след ноги мужеския, возносящь воду из моря. И рече: взыди и рцы Ахааву: впрязи колесницу твою и сниди, да не постигнет тебе дождь.
45 Very soon the sky was full of black clouds. There was a strong wind, and then it began to rain very hard. Ahab got into his chariot and started to return to Jezreel [city].
И бысть до зде и до зде, и небо примрачися облаки и духом, и бысть дождь велий. И плакася, и иде Ахаав до Иезраеля.
46 Yahweh gave extra strength to Elijah. He tucked his cloak into his belt [in order to run fast], and he ran ahead of Ahab’s [chariot] all the way [17 miles/26 km.] to Jezreel.
И рука Господня бысть на Илии, и стягне чресла своя, и тече пред Ахаавом во Иезраель.