< 1 Kings 17 >

1 Elijah was [a prophet] who lived in Tishbe [town] in [the] Gilead [region]. One day he [went to] King Ahab and said to him, “Yahweh is the God whom we Israelis [worship] and the God whom I worship and serve. Just as certainly as Yahweh lives, there will be no dew or rain for the next few years, if I do not command rain to fall!”
Tišbéjec Elija, ki je bil izmed prebivalcev Gileáda, je rekel Ahábu: » Kakor živi Gospod, Izraelov Bog, pred katerim stojim, tukaj ta leta ne bo niti rose niti dežja, razen glede na mojo besedo.«
2 Then Yahweh said to Elijah,
Gospodova beseda je prišla k njemu, rekoč:
3 “[Because you have made the king angry with you, escape from the king and, ] go to the east, to the Kerith Brook, east of where it flows into the Jordan [River].
»Pojdi od tod in se obrni proti vzhodu in se skrij pri potoku Kerítu, ki je pred Jordanom.
4 You will be able to drink water from the brook, and [you will be able to eat what] the crows [bring to you, because] I have commanded them to bring food to you.”
Zgodilo se bo, da boš pil iz potoka, krokarjem pa sem zapovedal, da te tam hranijo.«
5 So Elijah did what Yahweh commanded him to do. He went and camped alongside Kerith Brook.
Tako je odšel in storil glede na Gospodovo besedo, kajti odšel je in prebival pri potoku Kerítu, ki je pred Jordanom.
6 Crows bought bread and meat to him every morning and every evening, and he drank [water] from the brook.
Krokarji so mu prinašali kruh in meso zjutraj ter kruh in meso zvečer, pil pa je iz potoka.
7 But after a while, the water in the brook dried up, because rain did not fall anywhere in the land.
Čez nekaj časa se je pripetilo, da je potok usahnil, ker v deželi ni bilo dežja.
8 Then Yahweh said to Elijah,
K njemu je prišla beseda od Gospoda, rekoč:
9 “Go and live in Zarephath [village], near Sidon [city]. There is a widow there who will give you food to eat. I have [already] told her what to do about that.”
»Vstani, pojdi v Zarepto, ki pripada Sidónu in prebivaj tam. Glej, tamkajšnji vdovi sem zapovedal, da te podpira.«
10 So [Elijah did what God said]. He went to Zarephath. As he arrived at the gates of the village, he saw a widow who was gathering sticks. He said to her, “Would you please bring me a cup of water?”
Tako je vstal in odšel v Zarepto. Ko je prišel k velikim vratom mesta, glej, je bila tam ženska vdova, ki je nabirala veje. Zaklical je k njej ter ji rekel: »Prinesi mi, prosim te, malo vode v posodi, da lahko pijem.«
11 While she was going to get it, he called out to her, “Bring me a piece of bread, too!”
Ko je šla, da bi to prinesla, je zaklical k njej in rekel: »Prinesi mi, prosim te, grižljaj kruha v svoji roki.«
12 But she replied, “Your God knows that what I am telling you is true: I do not have even one piece of bread in my house. I have only a handful of flour in a jar, and a little [olive] oil in a jug. I was gathering a few sticks to use these to [make a fire and] cook one more meal, and then after my son and I eat that, we will die [from hunger].”
Rekla je: » Kakor Gospod, tvoj Bog, živi, nimam kolača, temveč prgišče moke v sodčku in malo olja v vrču in glej, nabiram dve palici, da lahko grem in to pripravim zase in za svojega sina, da bova to lahko pojedla in umrla.«
13 But Elijah said to her, “Do not be worried! Go home and do what you said that you were going to do. But first, bake me a little loaf of bread and bring it to me. After you do that, take what is left and prepare some food for you and your son.
Elija ji je rekel: »Ne boj se. Pojdi in stôri, kakor si rekla. Toda od tega najprej meni naredi majhen kolač in mi ga prinesi, potem pa naredi zase in za svojega sina.
14 [I know that you will be able to do that, ] because Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], says this: ‘There will always be plenty of flour and [olive] oil left in your containers, until the time when I send rain again [and the crops grow again]!’”
Kajti tako govori Gospod, Izraelov Bog: ›Sodček z moko ne bo pošel niti v vrču ne bo zmanjkalo olja do dneva, ko Gospod pošlje dež na zemljo.‹«
15 So the woman did exactly what Elijah told her to do. And she and her son and Elijah had enough food every day,
Odšla je in storila glede na Elijevo izjavo. Ona, on in njena hiša so jedli mnogo dni.
16 because the flour in the jar was never finished, and the jug of oil was never empty. That happened just like Yahweh had told Elijah that it would happen.
In sodček z moko ni pošel niti olja v vrču ni zmanjkalo, glede na Gospodovo besedo, ki jo je govoril po Eliju.
17 Some time later, the woman’s son became sick. He continued to get worse, and finally he died.
Po teh stvareh se je pripetilo, da se je sin ženske, gospodarice hiše, počutil bolnega, in njegova slabost je bila tako huda, da v njem ni ostalo nobenega diha.
18 So the woman went to Elijah and said to him, “You are a prophet; so why have you done this to me? Have you come here to punish me for my sins by causing my son to die?”
Eliju je rekla: »Kaj imam s teboj, oh ti Božji mož? Ali si prišel k meni, da mi prikličeš moj greh v spomin in da ubiješ mojega sina?«
19 But Elijah replied, “Give your son to me.” So she gave her son to him, and he took the boy’s [body] from her and carried it up [the steps] to the room where he stayed. He laid the boy’s [body] on his bed.
Rekel ji je: »Daj mi svojega sina.« Vzel ga je iz njenega naročja in ga odnesel gor na podstrešje, kjer je prebival in ga položil na svojo lastno posteljo.
20 Then Elijah cried out to Yahweh, “O Yahweh my God, this widow [has kindly allowed] me to stay in her home. So why have you brought this tragedy to her and caused her son to die?” [RHQ]
Klical je h Gospodu in rekel: »Oh Gospod, moj Bog, mar si zlo privedel tudi nad to vdovo, pri kateri se mudim, s pokončanjem njenega sina?«
21 Then Elijah stretched himself on top of the boy’s [body] and called out to Yahweh saying, “Yahweh my God, please allow this boy to become alive again!” He did this three times.
Trikrat se je raztegnil nad otrokom, klical h Gospodu in rekel: »Oh Gospod, moj Bog, prosim te, naj se duša tega otroka ponovno vrne vanj.«
22 Yahweh heard what Elijah prayed, and [he caused] the boy [to] become alive again [DOU].
Gospod je uslišal Elijev glas in otrokova duša se je ponovno vrnila vanj in je oživel.
23 Elijah carried the boy down [the steps] and gave him to his mother. He said, “Look, your son is alive!”
Elija je vzel otroka, ga privedel dol iz sobe v hišo in ga izročil njegovi materi. Elija je rekel: »Poglej, tvoj sin živi.«
24 The woman said to Elijah, “Now I know [for certain] that you are a prophet and that the words that you speak are truly from Yahweh!”
Ženska je rekla Eliju: »Po tem sedaj vem, da si Božji mož in da je Gospodova beseda v tvojih ustih resnična.«

< 1 Kings 17 >