< 1 Kings 14 >
1 At that time, Jeroboam’s son Abijah became very sick.
Panguva iyoyo Abhija, mwanakomana waJerobhoamu, akarwara,
2 Jeroboam said to his wife, “Disguise yourself, in order that no one will recognize that you are my wife. Then go to Shiloh [city], where the prophet Ahijah [lives]. He is the one who predicted/prophesied that I would become the king of Israel.
Jerobhoamu akati kumukadzi wake, “Enda undozvivanza, kuti urege kuzivikanwa kuti ndiwe mukadzi waJerobhoamu. Ipapo ugoenda kuShiro. Ahija muprofita ariko ikoko, uya akandiudza kuti ndichava mambo wavanhu ava.
3 Take with you ten [loaves of] bread and some small flat cakes, and a jar of honey, [and give them] to him. [Tell him about] our son, [and] he will tell you what will happen to him.”
Tora zvingwa gumi, makeke negaba rouchi ugoenda nazvo kwaari. Achakuudza zvichaitika kumukomana.”
4 So his wife went to Shiloh, to Ahijah’s house. Ahijah was unable to see, because he was very old and had become blind.
Naizvozvo mukadzi waJerobhoamu akaita sezvaakataura akaenda kumba kwaAhija muShiro. Zvino Ahija akanga asisaoni; meso ake akanga asisaoni nokuti akanga akwegura.
5 But [before she got there, ] Yahweh told Ahijah that Jeroboam’s wife was coming to inquire about their son, who was very sick. And Yahweh told Ahijah what he should tell her. When she came to him, she pretended to be another woman.
Asi Jehovha akaudza Ahija kuti, “Mukadzi waJerobhoamu ari kuuya kuzokubvunza nezvomwanakomana wake, nokuti ari kurwara. Zvino iwe uchamupa mhinduro yokuti neyokuti. Paachasvika achazviita somumwe munhu.”
6 But when Ahijah heard her footsteps as she entered the doorway, he said to her, “Come in, wife of Jeroboam! (Why do you pretend that you are someone else?/It will not help you to pretend that you are someone else.) [RHQ] [Yahweh] has given me bad news to tell you.
Zvino Ahija paakanzwa mutsindo wetsoka dzake pamusuo, akati, “Pinda, mukadzi waJerobhoamu. Sei uchizviita somumwe munhu? Ndatumwa kwauri namashoko asina kunaka.
7 Go and tell Jeroboam that this is what Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], says to you: ‘I chose you from among the common people and enabled you to become the king of my Israeli people.
Enda undoudza Jerobhoamu kuti izvi ndizvo zvinotaura Jehovha, Mwari waIsraeri: ‘Ndakakusimudza kubva pakati pavanhu ndikakuita mutungamiri wavanhu vangu Israeri.
8 I took [most of] the kingdom of Israel away from David’s descendants and gave it to you. But you have not been like David, who served me [very well]. He obeyed all my commandments very sincerely, doing only things that I considered to be right.
Ndakabvarura umambo kubva muimba yaDhavhidhi ndikahupa kwauri, asi hauna kuva somuranda wangu Dhavhidhi, akachengeta mirayiro yangu uye akanditevera nomwoyo wake wose, akaita zvakanaka chete pamberi pangu.
9 But you have done more evil things/deeds than all those [who ruled] before you. You have rejected me, and you have caused me to become very angry by making metal images of other gods so that you [and others] could worship them.
Iwe wakaita zvakaipa kupfuura vose vakararama iwe usati wavapo. Wakazviitira vamwe vamwari, zviumbwa zvakaitwa nesimbi; waita kuti nditsamwe uye ukandirasira shure kwako.
10 ‘So, I am going to cause terrible things to happen to your family. I will cause all your male descendants to die, young ones and old ones. I will completely get rid of your family [MTY]. I will get rid of your family [MTY] just like a man completely burns dung [to cook his food].
“‘Nokuda kwezvinhu izvi ndichauyisa dambudziko paimba yaJerobhoamu. Ndichauraya varume vose vaJerobhoamu nhapwa, neakasununguka. Ndichapisa imba yaJerobhoamu sezvinoita munhu anopisa ndove, kusvikira pasisina chinhu.
11 [The corpses of] any members of your family who die in cities will be eaten by dogs. And [the corpses of] any members of your family who die in the open fields will be eaten by vultures. [This will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said [that it will happen].’
Imbwa dzichadya vose vachafira muguta, uye shiri dzedenga dzichadya avo vachafira kusango. Jehovha ataura!’
12 So go back home. And as soon as you enter the city, your son will die.
“Kana uriwe, dzokera kumba. Panotsika tsoka yako muguta rako, mwanakomana achafa.
13 All the Israeli people will mourn for him and bury him. He is the only one of Jeroboam’s family who will be buried [properly], because he is the only one of Jeroboam’s family with whom Yahweh is pleased.
Israeri yose ichamuchema igomuviga. Ndiye oga waJerobhoamu achavigwa, nokuti ndiye oga mumba maJerobhoamu aonekwa naJehovha, Mwari waIsraeri, kuti ane chakanaka maari.
14 Furthermore, Yahweh will appoint for himself a king to rule over Israel who will get rid of Jeroboam’s descendants. And that [will start to happen] today!
“Jehovha achazvimutsira mambo waIsraeri achaparadza mhuri yaJerobhoamu. Nhasi ndiro zuva racho! Hongu, kana iye zvino.
15 Yahweh will punish the people of Israel; he will shake them like [the wind] shakes the reeds [that grow in] a stream. He will expel the Israeli people from this good land that he gave to our ancestors. He will scatter them into countries east of [the Euphrates] River, because they have caused him to become very angry by [worshiping statues of] the goddess Asherah.
Zvino Jehovha acharova Israeri, zvokuti ichaita setsanga iri kuzungunuswa mumvura. Achadzura Israeri kubva munyika yakanaka iyi yaakapa kumadzitateguru avo agovaparadzira mhiri kwoRwizi, nokuti vakaita kuti Jehovha atsamwe nehasha pavakaitira Ashera mapango.
16 Yahweh will abandon the Israeli people because of the sins that Jeroboam committed, sins which led the Israeli people to commit them.”
Acharamwa Israeri nokuda kwezvivi zvakaitwa naJerobhoamu nezvaakaita kuti Israeri iite.”
17 Jeroboam’s wife returned home to Tirzah [city, the new capital of Israel]. And just as she entered her house, her son died.
Ipapo mukadzi waJerobhoamu akasimuka akaenda, akasvika kuTiza. Achingoti tsikei pachikumbaridzo cheimba, mwanakomana akabva afa.
18 All the Israeli people mourned for him and buried him, which is what Yahweh had told his servant, the prophet Ahijah, would happen.
Vakamuviga, uye Israeri yose yakamuchema, sezvazvakanga zvarehwa naJehovha kubudikidza nomuranda wake muprofita Ahija.
19 Everything else that Jeroboam did, and the record of wars that his [army] fought, and how he ruled, is written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
Zvimwe zvakaitika panguva yokutonga kwaJerobhoamu, hondo dzake namatongero ake, zvakanyorwa mubhuku renhoroondo dzegore negore dzamadzimambo eIsraeri.
20 Jeroboam ruled for 22 years; then he died [EUP] and his son Nadab became king.
Akatonga kwamakore makumi maviri namaviri akazorora namadzibaba ake. Nadhabhi mwanakomana wake akamutevera paumambo.
21 Solomon’s son Rehoboam ruled Judah. He was 41 years old when he started to rule, and he ruled for 17 years. He ruled in Jerusalem, which is the city that Yahweh chose out of all the tribes of Israel to be the place where he should be worshiped [MTY]. Rehoboam’s mother’s name was Naamah; she was from the Ammon people-group.
Rehobhoamu mwanakomana waSoromoni akanga ari mambo munyika yeJudha. Akanga ana makore makumi mana nerimwe chete paakava mambo, uye akatonga kwamakore gumi namanomwe muJerusarema, guta rakanga rasarudzwa naJehovha kubva pamarudzi ose aIsraeri kuti aise Zita rake mariri. Zita ramai vake raiva Naama; vaiva muAmoni.
22 The people of Judah did things that Yahweh considered to be evil. They caused him to become angry because they committed more sins than their ancestors had committed: They worshiped many other gods instead of worshiping only Yahweh.
VaJudha vakaita zvakaipa pamberi paJehovha. Vakamutsa godo rake, kupfuura zvakaitwa namadzibaba avo, nezvivi zvavakaita.
23 They built places to worship those gods; on high hills, and under big trees they set up [stone] pillars to worship the goddess Asherah.
Vakazvivakirawo nzvimbo dzakakwirira, matombo anoera namapango aAshera pazvikomo zvose zvakakwirira napasi pemiti yose mikuru.
24 Also, there were male prostitutes at these places of worship. The Israeli people did the same disgraceful things that had been done by the people whom Yahweh had expelled while the Israelis were advancing through the land.
Kwaivawo navarume vaizviita vakadzi vavamwe varume munyika, vanhu vakaita zvose zvinonyangadza zvaiitwa nendudzi idzo dzakanga dzadzingwa naJehovha pamberi pavaIsraeri.
25 When Rehoboam had been ruling for almost five years, King Shishak of Egypt came [with his army] to attack Jerusalem.
Mugore rechishanu raMambo Rehobhoamu, Shishaki, mambo weIjipiti, akarwisa Jerusarema.
26 They took away all the valuable things in the temple and in the king’s palace, including the gold shields that Solomon’s [workers] had made.
Akatora pfuma yose yetemberi yaJehovha nepfuma yose yomuzinda wamambo. Akatora zvinhu zvose, kusanganisira nenhoo dzose dzegoridhe dzakanga dzagadzirwa naSoromoni.
27 King Rehoboam’s [workers] made bronze shields to replace them and entrusted them to officers who guarded the entrance to the king’s palace.
Naizvozvo Mambo Rehobhoamu akagadzira nhoo dzendarira kuti dzitore nzvimbo yadzo uye akadzipa kuvatungamiri vavarindi vaichengeta suo romuzinda wamambo.
28 Every time that the king went into the temple, those guards carried those shields; and [when he left the temple] they returned the shields to the storeroom.
Nguva dzose paienda mambo kutemberi yaJehovha, varindi vaitakura nhoo, mushure mezvo vachizodzidzosera kuimba yavarindi.
29 Everything else that Rehoboam did is written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
Zvino mamwe amabasa okutonga kwaRehobhoamu nezvose zvaakaita, hazvina kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzegore negore dzamadzimambo eJudha?
30 There were wars continually between [the armies of] Rehoboam and Jeroboam.
Rehobhoamu naJerobhoamu vaingogara vachirwisana.
31 Then Rehoboam died [EUP], and he was buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, where his ancestors were buried. Then his son Abijah became the king.
Rehobhoamu akazorora namadzibaba ake uye akavigwa pavakanga vakavigwa muguta raDhavhidhi. Zita ramai vake raiva Naama; vaiva muAmoni. Abhija mwanakomana wake akamutevera paumambo.