< 1 Kings 12 >

1 All [HYP] the people of [northern] Israel went to Shechem [city] in order to appoint Rehoboam to be their king. So Rehoboam also went there.
Roboam ode u Šekem, jer su u Šekem došli svi Izraelci da ga zakralje.
2 When Jeroboam, who was still in Egypt, heard about that, he returned from Egypt [to Israel].
Čim to ču Nebatov sin Jeroboam - koji još bijaše u Egiptu, kamo je pobjegao pred kraljem Salomonom - vrati se iz Egipta, jer
3 The [leaders of the northern tribes] summoned him, and they went together [to talk] to Rehoboam. They said to him,
bijahu poslali po nj i dozvali ga. Kad dođoše Jeroboam i sav zbor Izraelov, rekoše Roboamu:
4 “Your father [Solomon] forced us to work very hard [MET] for him. If you (lighten these loads/do not force us to work that hard), and if you charge us less taxes than we were paying to him, we will serve you [faithfully].”
“Tvoj nam je otac nametnuo teški jaram. Ti nam sada olakšaj tešku službu svoga oca, teški jaram koji metnu na nas, pa ćemo ti služiti!”
5 He replied, “Go away, and come back three days from now [and I will give you my answer].” So those leaders and Jeroboam left.
A on im odgovori: “Za tri dana dođite opet k meni.” I narod ode.
6 Then King Rehoboam consulted the older men who had advised his father Solomon while he was still living. He asked them, “What shall I say to answer those men?”
Tada se kralj Roboam posavjetova sa starcima koji su služili njegovu ocu Salomonu dok je bio živ i upita ih: “Što savjetujete da odgovorim ovome narodu?”
7 They replied, “If you want to serve your people well, speak kindly to those men when you reply to them. If you do that, your people will always serve you faithfully.”
Oni mu odgovoriše: “Ako danas udovoljiš tim ljudima, budeš im blagonaklon i odgovoriš im lijepim riječima, oni će ti uvijek ostati sluge.”
8 But he ignored what the older men advised him to do. Instead, he consulted the younger men who had grown up with him, who were now (his advisors/the ones who told him what would be good to do).
Ali on odbaci savjet što mu ga dadoše starci i posavjetova se s mladićima koji su odrasli s njim i bili mu u službi.
9 He said to them, “What should I say to the men who are asking me to reduce the [work and taxes] that my father required from them?”
Upita ih: “Što savjetujete da odgovorim ovome narodu koji mi reče: 'Olakšaj jaram što nam ga nametnu tvoj otac?'”
10 They replied, “This is what you should tell them: ‘My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist.
Mladići koji bijahu s njime odrasli odgovoriše mu: “Narodu koji ti reče: 'Tvoj nam je otac nametnuo jaram, a ti nam ga olakšaj', uzvrati ovako: 'Moj je mali prst deblji od bedara moga oca!
11 What I mean is that my father required you [to work hard and pay high taxes]. But I will make those loads heavier. [It was as though] my father whipped you, but [it will be as though] I will whip you with whips that have pieces of metal in them.’”
Eto, moj vam je otac nametnuo teški jaram, a ja ću još otežati vaš jaram; moj vas je otac šibao bičevima, a ja ću vas šibati bičevima sa željeznim štipavcima.'”
12 So three days later, Jeroboam and all the leaders came to Rehoboam again, as he had told them to do.
A treći dan dođe sav narod k Roboamu, kako im bijaše zapovjedio kralj rekavši im: “Vratite se k meni trećega dana.”
13 The king ignored the advice of the older men and spoke harshly to the Israeli leaders.
Kralj im oštro odgovori, odbacivši savjet koji mu dadoše stariji.
14 [He told them what the younger men had advised.] He said, “My father put heavy burdens [of work and taxes] on you, but I will put heavier burdens on you. [It was as though] he beat you with whips, but I will beat you with whips that have pieces of metal in them!”
I reče im po savjetu mladih: “Moj je otac otežao vaš jaram, a ja ću još dodati na nj; moj vas je otac šibao bičevima, a ja ću vas šibati bičevima sa željeznim štipavcima.”
15 So the king did not pay any attention to the Israeli leaders. But this happened in order that what Yahweh wanted would occur, what he had told the prophet Ahijah about Jeroboam [becoming king of the ten tribes].
Kralj dakle ne htjede poslušati naroda, jer tako upriliči Jahve da se ispuni riječ što je preko Ahije iz Šila kaza Nebatovu sinu Jeroboamu.
16 When the Israeli leaders realized that the king did not pay any attention to what they said, they shouted, “We do not [RHQ] want anything to do with this descendant of King David! We will not pay attention to what this grandson of Jesse says! You people of Israel, let’s go home! As for this descendant of David [MTY], he can rule his own kingdom [MTY]!” So the Israeli leaders returned to their homes.
Kad Izraelci vidješe gdje se kralj oglušio, odgovori mu narod: “Kakav dio mi imamo s Davidom? Mi nemamo baštine s Jišajevim sinom. U šatore, Izraele! A sad se, Davide, brini za svoj dom!” I sav Izrael ode pod svoje šatore.
17 And [after that, ] the [only Israeli] people whom Rehoboam ruled over were those who lived in the territory of [the tribe of] Judah.
Roboam zavlada samo nad Izraelovim sinovima koji su živjeli po judejskim gradovima.
18 Then King Rehoboam sent Adoniram [to talk to the Israeli people]. Adoniram was the man who supervised [all the men who were] forced to work [for Rehoboam]. But the Israeli people killed him by throwing stones at him. When that happened, King Rehoboam quickly got in his chariot and escaped to Jerusalem.
Potom kralj Roboam posla Adorama, nadstojnika za tlaku, ali ga Izraelci kamenovaše i on umrije; a kralj se Roboam brže-bolje pope na kola i pobježe u Jeruzalem.
19 Ever since that time, the people of [the northern tribes of] Israel have been rebelling against the descendants [MTY] of [King] David.
Tako se Izrael odijelio od doma Davidova sve do danas.
20 When the Israeli people heard that Jeroboam had returned [from Egypt], they invited him to come to a meeting, and there they appointed him to be the king of Israel. Only the people of the tribes of Judah [and Benjamin] continued to be loyal to [the kings descended from King] [MTY] David.
Kada su Izraelci doznali da se vratio Jeroboam, pozvaše ga u zajednicu i postaviše ga kraljem nad svim Izraelom. Uz kuću Davidovu nije pristajao nitko, osim samoga plemena Judina.
21 When Rehoboam arrived in Jerusalem, he gathered 180,000 of the best soldiers from the tribes [MTY] of Judah and Benjamin. He wanted them to fight against the northern tribes of [MTY] Israel [and defeat them], in order that he could [rule all the tribes of] his kingdom again.
Došavši u Jeruzalem, Roboam skupi sav dom Judin i pleme Benjaminovo, sto i osamdeset tisuća vrsnih ratnika, da udare na dom Izraelov i da vrate kraljevstvo Roboamu, sinu Salomonovu.
22 But God spoke to the prophet Shemaiah and said this to him:
Ali dođe Jahvina riječ Božjem čovjeku Šemaji:
23 “Go and tell this to [Solomon’s son] Rehoboam, the king of Judah, and to all the people of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and the people from the northern tribe who live in Judah:
“Kaži Salomonovu sinu Roboamu, judejskom kralju, i svem domu Judinu i Benjaminovu i ostalom narodu:
24 ‘Yahweh says that you must not go to fight against your own relatives, the people of Israel. All of you must go home. What has happened is what Yahweh wanted to happen.’” [So Shemaiah went and told that to them, ] and they all paid attention to what Yahweh had commanded them to do, and they went home.
Ovako veli Jahve: 'Ne idite se tući s braćom, djecom Izraelovom! Neka se svatko vrati svojoj kući, jer je ovo poteklo od mene.'” I oni poslušaše riječ Jahvinu i vratiše se kako im reče Jahve.
25 Then Jeroboam’s workers built [walls around] Shechem [city] in the hilly area [where the descendants] of Ephraim [lived], and he ruled from there for a while. He and his workers then left there and went to Peniel [town], and they built walls around that town.
Jeroboam utvrdi Šekem u Efrajimovoj gori i ondje se nastani. Poslije izađe odatle i utvrdi Penuel.
26 Then Jeroboam said to himself, “If my people [continue to] go to Jerusalem and offer sacrifices to Yahweh at the temple there, soon they will again become loyal to Rehoboam, the king of Judah [DOU], and they will kill me.”
Jeroboam reče u svom srcu: “Sad bi se kraljevstvo moglo vratiti domu Davidovu.
Ako ovaj narod bude nastavio uzlaziti u Dom Jahvin u Jeruzalemu da prinosi žrtve, srce će se naroda vratiti svome gospodaru, Roboamu, kralju judejskome, i mene će ubiti.”
28 So he consulted [his advisors, and then he did what they suggested]. He [told his workers to] make gold [statues of] two calves. Then he said to the people, “You have been going to Jerusalem [to worship] for a long time. It is a big trouble for you to continue going there. You people of Israel, look! These statues are the gods that brought our [ancestors] up from Egypt! [So you can worship these, here!]”
Pošto se kralj posavjetovao, načini dva zlatna teleta i reče narodu: “Dosta ste uzlazili u Jeruzalem! Evo, Izraele, tvoga boga koji te izveo iz zemlje egipatske.”
29 He [told his workers to] place one of the statues in Bethel [city in the south] and one in Dan [city in the north].
Zatim postavi jedno tele u Betelu, a drugo smjesti u Dan.
30 So [what Jeroboam did caused] the people [to] sin. Some of them went and worshiped the calf at Bethel, and others went and worshiped the other calf at Dan.
To je bila prigoda za grijeh: narod je odlazio jednome u Betel i drugome u Dan.
31 [Moses had declared that only men from the tribe of Levi would be priests, but] Jeroboam also told his workers to build shrines on hilltops, and then he appointed men who were not from the tribe of Levi to be priests.
I podiže Jeroboam hram na uzvišicama i postavi iz puka svećenike koji nisu bili sinovi Levijevi.
32 He also appointed Adonijah and two priests, Elishama and Jehoram. They had a celebration at the end of October, like the celebration [of Living in Temporary Shelters] that occurred in Judah [each year]. On the altar [that they built] in Bethel, he offered sacrifices to the gold statues of calves that they had made, and he stationed the priests there at the shrines that his workers had built.
Zatim je Jeroboam uveo blagdan u osmom mjesecu, petnaestoga dana tog mjeseca, kao što je blagdan koji se slavi u Judeji, i uzađe k žrtveniku. Tako je učinio u Betelu, žrtvujući teocima koje je načinio. U Betelu je postavio i svećenike uzvišica što ih bijaše podigao.
33 Jeroboam went up to that altar on that day in October which he himself had chosen. There on that altar he burned incense [to be a sacrifice]. And he declared that the people should celebrate that festival [on that same day every year].
I uzađe k žrtveniku koji je načinio, petnaestoga dana osmog mjeseca, mjeseca koji je sam izabrao; i ustanovi blagdan za Izraelce i uzađe k žrtveniku da prinese kad.

< 1 Kings 12 >