< 1 Kings 11 >

1 King Solomon married many foreign women. First he married the daughter of the king of Egypt. He also married women from the Heth people-group and from the Moab, Ammon, and Edom people-groups, and from Sidon [city].
El rey Salomón amaba a muchas mujeres extranjeras. Además de la hija del faraón, tenía mujeres moabitas, amonitas, edomitas, sidonias e hititas.
2 He married them even though Yahweh had commanded the Israeli people, “Do not marry people from those areas, because if you do that, they will surely persuade you [IDM] to worship the gods that they worship!”
Eran de las naciones de las que el Señor había advertido a los israelitas: “No deben casarse con ellas, porque sin duda los convencerán de que adoren a sus dioses”. Sin embargo, Salomón, debido a su amor por las mujeres, se aferró a ellas.
3 Solomon married 700 women who were kings’ daughters. He also had 300 wives who were his slaves/servants. And his wives caused him to turn away [from worshiping God].
Tuvo setecientas esposas de noble cuna y trescientas concubinas. Y sus esposas lo convencieron de alejarse del Señor.
4 By the time that Solomon became old, they had persuaded him to worship the gods from their countries. He was not completely dedicated/committed to Yahweh his God like his father [SYN] David had been.
Cuando Salomón envejeció, sus esposas lo llevaron a seguir a otros dioses, y no se comprometió de todo corazón con el Señor como lo había hecho su padre David.
5 Solomon worshiped Astarte, the goddess that the people of Sidon [worshiped], and he worshiped Molech, the disgusting god that the Ammon people-group [worshiped].
Salomón adoró a Astoret, diosa de los sidonios, y a Moloc, dios vil de los amonitas.
6 That’s how Solomon did things that Yahweh said were evil. He did not conduct his life like his father David had done; he did not conduct his life as Yahweh wanted him to.
Así fue como Salomón hizo el mal ante los ojos del Señor, y no se entregó completamente al Señor como lo hizo su padre David.
7 On the hill to the east of Jerusalem he built a place to worship Chemosh, the disgusting god that the Moab people-group [worshiped], and a place to worship Molech, the disgusting god that the Ammon people-group [worshiped].
Fue entonces cuando Salomón construyó un alto lugar de culto para Quemos, el vil dios del pueblo de Moab, y para Moloc, el vil dios de los amonitas, en una colina al este de Jerusalén.
8 He also built places where all his foreign wives could burn incense and offer sacrifices to the gods from their own countries.
Construyó lugares de culto para todas sus esposas extranjeras, donde quemaban incienso y sacrificaban a sus dioses.
9 Even though Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis [worshiped], had appeared to Solomon two times, and had commanded him to not worship foreign gods, Solomon refused to obey Yahweh. So Yahweh was angry with Solomon,
Entonces el Señor se enojó con Salomón porque se había alejado de él, el Dios de Israel, que se le había aparecido dos veces.
El Señor le había advertido a Salomón que no debía adorar a otros dioses. Pero Salomón no escuchó la advertencia del Señor.
11 and said to him, “You have chosen to break the agreement that I made with you and to disobey what I commanded you. So I am surely not going to allow you to rule all of your kingdom. I am going to allow one of your officials to rule it.
Así que el Señor le dijo: “Ya que esto es lo que has hecho, y ya que no has guardado mi pacto y mis leyes que ordené, definitivamente te quitaré el reino y se lo daré a tu siervo.
12 But, because of [what I promised] your father David, I will allow you to rule all your kingdom while you are still [living]. [After you die], I will not allow your son to rule the whole kingdom [MTY].
Sin embargo, por el bien de tu padre David, no haré esto en tu vida: se lo quitaré a tu hijo.
13 But I will not take all the kingdom away from him. Instead, I will allow him to rule one tribe [besides the tribe of Judah], because of what I promised to David, who served me [well], and because [I want David’s descendants to rule in] Jerusalem, [where my temple is located].”
Ni siquiera entonces le quitaré todo el reino. Dejaré a tu hijo con una tribu por amor a mi siervo David, y por amor a mi ciudad elegida, Jerusalén”.
14 Yahweh caused Hadad, from the family of the kings in the Edom people-group, to rebel against Solomon.
Entonces el Señor animó a Hadad el edomita de la familia real de Edom a oponerse a Salomón.
15 What happened was that previously, when David’s [army] had conquered the Edom people-group, his army commander Joab had gone there to [help] bury the [Israeli soldiers] who had been killed [in the battle]. Joab and his army remained in the Edom area for six months, and during that time they killed all the males of that area.
Anteriormente, cuando David estaba en Edom, Joab, el comandante del ejército israelita, había ido a enterrar a algunos de sus soldados que habían muerto, y había matado a todos los varones de Edom.
Joab y todo el ejército israelita habían pasado seis meses allí destruyéndolos a todos.
17 Hadad was a young child [at that time], and he had escaped to Egypt, along with some of his father’s servants from the Edom area.
Pero Hadad y algunos edomitas que habían sido funcionarios de su padre habían huido a Egipto; Hadad era sólo un niño en ese momento.
18 They [went to the] Midian [region], and then they went to [the desert area at] Paran. Some other men joined them there. Then they all traveled to Egypt and went to see the king of Egypt. The king gave Hadad some land and ordered his servants to give him some food regularly.
Se macharon de Madián y se fueron a Parán. Luego, junto con algunas personas de Parán, fueron a Egipto, al Faraón, rey de Egipto. Éste proporcionó a Hadad una casa y comida, y también le asignó tierras como regalo.
19 The king liked Hadad. As a result he gave him the sister of his own wife, Queen Tahpenes, to be Hadad’s wife.
El faraón se hizo muy amigo de Hadad, y le dio a la hermana de su propia esposa para que se casara con ella, la hermana de la reina Tapenés.
20 Later Hadad’s wife gave birth to a son named Genubath. The sister of Tahpenes (raised him/brought him up) in the palace, where he lived with the king’s sons.
Ella dio a luz a su hijo llamado Genubat. Y Tapenés lo educó en el palacio del faraón con los propios hijos del faraón.
21 While Hadad was in Egypt, he heard that David had died [EUP], and that Joab, the commander of David’s army, was also dead. So he said to the king of Egypt, “Please allow me to return to my own country.”
Sin embargo, cuando llegó la noticia a Hadad en Egipto de que tanto David como Joab, el comandante del ejército, habían muerto, Hadad le dijo al faraón: “Déjame ir y regresar a mi país”.
22 But the king said to him, “Why do you want to go back to your country? Is there something that you lack that you want me to give to you?” Hadad replied, “No, but please just allow me to go.” [So the king allowed him to leave, and he returned to his own country and became the king of Edom].
El faraón le preguntó: “¿Hay algo que te haya faltado aquí conmigo para que ahora quieras volver a tu país?” “No, no hay nada”, respondió Hadad, “pero por favor, déjame volver a mi país”.
23 God also caused another man named Rezon, the son of Eliada, to rebel against Solomon. Rezon had run away from his master, King Hadadezer of [the] Zobah [area north of Damascus].
Dios también animó a Rezón, hijo de Eliada, a oponerse a Salomón. Había huido de su amo Hadad, rey de Soba. Después de que David destruyó el ejército de Soba,
24 Rezon then became the leader of a group of outlaws. That happened after David’s [army had defeated Hadadezer and] had [also] killed all [his soldiers]. Rezon and his men went to Damascus and started to live there, and [the people there] appointed him to be their king.
Rezón reunió a su alrededor una banda rebelde y se convirtió en su líder. Fueron y se establecieron en Damasco, donde tomaron el control.
25 All during the time that Solomon was alive, while Rezon was ruling [not only Damascus but all of] Syria, he was an enemy of Israel and caused trouble for Israel like Hadad did.
Rezón fue el enemigo de Israel durante toda la vida de Salomón, lo que se sumó a los problemas que causó Hadad. Rezón realmente odiaba a Israel, y era el gobernante de Harán.
26 Another man who rebelled against [IDM] Solomon was one of his officials named Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. He was from Zeredah [town] in [the region where the tribe of] Ephraim [lives]. His mother was a widow named Zeruah.
Además, Jeroboam, hijo de Nabat, se rebeló contra el rey. Uno de los funcionarios de Salomón, era un efraimita de Seredá. Su madre era una viuda llamada Serúa.
27 This is what happened. Solomon’s workers were filling in the land/ground on the east side of Jerusalem and repairing the walls [around the city].
Por eso se rebeló contra el rey: Salomón había construido las terrazas y había cerrado la brecha en la muralla de la ciudad de su padre David.
28 Jeroboam was a very capable young man. So, when Solomon saw that he worked very hard, he appointed him to supervise all the men who were forced to work in the areas where the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim live.
Jeroboam era un hombre hábil, y cuando Salomón se dio cuenta del éxito que tenía en lo que hacía, lo puso al mando de todos los trabajos forzados de las tribus de José.
29 One day when Jeroboam was walking alone along the road outside of Jerusalem, the prophet Ahijah from Shiloh [city] met him. Ahijah was wearing a new robe,
Por aquel entonces, el profeta Ahías, el silonita, se encontró con Jeroboam en el camino cuando salía de Jerusalén.
30 which he took off and tore into twelve pieces.
Ahías se había envuelto en un manto nuevo, y los dos estaban solos en el campo. Ahías tomó el manto nuevo que llevaba puesto y lo rompió en doce pedazos.
31 He said to Jeroboam, “Take ten of these pieces for yourself, because Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], says to you, ‘I am going to tear the kingdom from Solomon, and I am going to enable you to become the ruler of ten of the tribes [of Israel].
Dijo: “Jeroboam, toma diez pedazos. Esto es lo que dice el Señor Dios de Israel. ‘Jeroboam, yo soy el Señor, el Dios de Israel, y voy a quitarle el reino a Salomón y te voy a dar diez de las tribus.
32 Solomon’s [descendants] will still rule one tribe (OR, two tribes), because of [what I promised] David, a man who served me [very well], and because of Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen from all the cities in Israel [to be the city where my people will worship me].
Una tribu quedará por amor a mi siervo David y por amor a Jerusalén, la ciudad que elegí de entre todas las tribus de Israel.
33 I am going to do this because Solomon has rejected me and has been worshiping Astarte, the goddess that the people of Sidon worship, Chemosh, the god that the Moab people-group worship, and Milcom, the god that the Ammon people-group worship. He has not conducted his life as I wanted him to. He has not obeyed my statutes and laws, like his father David did.
Esto se debe a que me han abandonado y se han inclinado a adorar a Astoret, diosa de los sidonios, a Quemos, dios de los moabitas, y a Moloc, dios de los amonitas. No han seguido mis caminos; no han hecho lo que es justo a mis ojos; no han guardado mis mandamientos y mis leyes como lo hizo David, el padre de Salomón.
34 ‘But I will not take the entire kingdom away from him. I will enable him to rule [Judah] all during the years that he is alive. I will do that because of [what I promised to do for] David, whom I chose [to be the king], and who served me [well], and who always obeyed my commandments and laws.
“Aun así, no voy a quitarle todo el reino a Salomón, porque lo hice gobernar durante toda su vida por amor a mi siervo David. Lo elegí porque guardó mis mandamientos y mis leyes.
35 But I will take the [other] ten tribes of his kingdom and give them to you [to rule].
Pero tomaré del reino de su hijo diez tribus y te las daré a ti.
36 I will allow Solomon’s son to rule one tribe, in order that descendants [MET] of David will always rule in Jerusalem, the city that I have chosen to be the place where [my people worship] me [MTY].
A su hijo le daré una tribu, para que mi siervo David tenga siempre un descendiente como una lámpara ante mí en Jerusalén, la ciudad que elegí para ser honrada.
37 I will enable you to become the king of Israel, and you will rule over all the territory that you want to.
Te llevaré, y reinarás sobre todo lo que quieras. Serás rey sobre Israel.
38 If you obey all that I command you to do, and conduct your life as I want you to, and if you do what I say is right by obeying my laws and commandments like David did, I will help you. I will make sure that your descendants will rule after you [die], like I [promised to] do for David.
Si aceptas todo lo que te mando, si sigues mis caminos, si haces lo que es justo a mis ojos, guardando mis leyes y mis mandamientos como lo hizo mi siervo David, entonces estaré contigo. Estableceré para ti una dinastía duradera, como lo hice con David, y te entregaré Israel.
39 Because of [Solomon’s sins], I will punish David’s descendants, but I will not continue to punish them forever.’”
Castigaré a los descendientes de David por esto, pero no para siempre’”.
40 Solomon [found out what Ahijah told Jeroboam], so he tried to kill Jeroboam. But Jeroboam escaped and went to Egypt. He went to Shishak, the king of Egypt, and stayed with him until after Solomon died.
Entonces Salomón trató de matar a Jeroboam. Pero Jeroboam huyó a Egipto, a Sisac, rey de Egipto. Allí permaneció hasta la muerte de Salomón.
41 [A record of] all the other things that Solomon did, and all the wise things that he [said and wrote], was written in the Book Telling what Solomon Did.
El registro del resto de los actos de Salomón, incluyendo todo lo que hizo, y su sabiduría, están escritos en el Libro de los Hechos de Salomón.
42 He was the king in Jerusalem who ruled over all of Israel for 40 years.
Salomón reinó en Jerusalén sobre todo Israel durante un total de cuarenta años.
43 Then Solomon died [EUP], and was buried in the [part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. And his son Rehoboam became the king.
Salomón murió y fue enterrado en la ciudad de su padre David. Su hijo Roboam le sucedió como rey.

< 1 Kings 11 >