< 1 Kings 10 >

1 The queen [who ruled the] Sheba [area] heard that Yahweh had caused Solomon to become famous, so she traveled to Jerusalem to ask him questions that were difficult [to answer].
Kwathi indlovukazi yeShebha isizwile udumo lukaSolomoni ngebizo leNkosi yeza ukumhlola ngemibuzo enzima.
2 She came with a large group of wealthy/influential people, and she brought camels that were loaded with spices, and valuable gems, and a lot of gold. When she met Solomon, she asked him questions about all the topics/things in which she was interested.
Yasifika eJerusalema lodwendwe olukhulu kakhulu, lamakamela ethwele amakha legolide elinengi kakhulu lamatshe aligugu; isifikile kuSolomoni yamtshela konke okwakusenhliziyweni yayo.
3 Solomon answered all her questions. He explained everything that she asked about, even things that were very difficult.
USolomoni waseyichasisela zonke indaba zayo; kwakungelalutho olwayicatshelayo inkosi engayichasiselanga lona.
4 The queen realized that Solomon was very wise. She saw his palace;
Indlovukazi yeShebha isibonile yonke inhlakanipho kaSolomoni, lendlu ayeyakhile,
5 she saw the food that was served on his table [every day]; she saw where his officials lived (OR, how his officials were seated at the table), their uniforms, the servants who served the food and wine, and the sacrifices that he took to the temple to be offered. She was extremely amazed.
lokudla kwetafula lakhe, lokuhlala kwezinceku zakhe, lokuma kwezisebenzi zakhe, lezigqoko zazo, labaphathinkezo bakhe, lokwenyuka kwakhe enyuka ngakho endlini yeNkosi, kakusabanga lamoya kuyo.
6 She said to King Solomon, “Everything that I heard in my own country about you and about how wise you are is true!
Yasisithi enkosini: Umbiko wawuliqiniso engawuzwa elizweni lami ngamazwi akho langenhlakanipho yakho.
7 But I did not believe it was true until I came here and saw it myself. But really, what they told me is only half [of what they could have told me about you]. You are extremely wise and rich, more than what people told me.
Kodwa kangiyikholwanga leyomibiko ngaze ngafika lamehlo ami abona. Khangela, bengingatshelwanga ingxenye; wengezelele inhlakanipho lokulunga embikweni engiwuzwileyo.
8 Your wives are very fortunate! Your officials who are constantly standing in front of you and listening to the wise things that you say are also fortunate!
Bayathokoza abantu bakho, ziyathokoza lezizinceku zakho ezimi njalo phambi kwakho zisizwa inhlakanipho yakho!
9 Praise Yahweh, your God, who has shown that he is pleased with you by causing you to become the king of Israel! God has always loved the Israeli people, and therefore he has appointed you to be their king, in order that you will rule them fairly and righteously.”
Kayibusiswe iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho eyathokoza ngawe, ukukubeka phezu kwesihlalo sobukhosi sikaIsrayeli. Ngoba iNkosi yamthanda uIsrayeli kuze kube phakade, ngakho ikubekile waba yinkosi ukuze wenze isahlulelo lokulunga.
10 Then the queen gave to the king [the things that she had brought. She gave him] almost five tons of gold and a large amount of spices and valuable gems. Never again did King Solomon receive more spices than the queen gave him at that time.
Yasinika inkosi amathalenta alikhulu lamatshumi amabili egolide, lamakha amanengi kakhulu, lamatshe aligugu. Kakuzange kusabuya amakha ngobunengi njengalawo indlovukazi yeShebha eyawanika inkosi uSolomoni.
11 In the ships that belonged to King Hiram, in which they had previously brought gold from Ophir, they also brought a large amount of juniper wood and gems/valuable stones.
Futhi lemikhumbi kaHiramu eyayithwala igolide livela eOfiri yaletha izigodo ezinengi kakhulu zomkampa, lamatshe aligugu, kuvela eOfiri.
12 King Solomon told his workers to use that wood to make railings/supports in the temple of Yahweh and in the king’s palace and also to make harps and lyres for the (musicians/men who played musical instruments). That wood was the largest amount of (OR, the finest) wood that had ever been seen [in Israel]. And no one since then has ever seen so much wood of that kind.
Ngezigodo zomkampa inkosi yasisenza insika zendlu kaJehova lezendlu yenkosi, lamachacho lezigubhu zezintambo kwabahlabeleli; kakuzanga kulethwe kumbe kubonwe ngokunjalo izigodo zomkampa kuze kube lamuhla.
13 King Solomon gave to the queen from Sheba everything that she wanted. He gave her those gifts in addition to the gifts that he always gave [to other rulers who visited him]. Then she and the people who came with her returned to her own land.
Inkosi uSolomoni yasinika indlovukazi yeShebha sonke isiloyiso sayo, eyakucelayo, ngaphandle kwalokho eyayinika khona njengokuphana kwenkosi uSolomoni. Yasiphenduka yaya elizweni layo, yona lenceku zayo.
14 Each year there was brought to Solomon a total of 25 tons of gold.
Njalo isisindo segolide elalifika kuSolomoni ngomnyaka owodwa sasingamathalenta angamakhulu ayisithupha lamatshumi ayisithupha lesithupha,
15 That was in addition to [the taxes] paid to him by the merchants and traders, and the annual taxes paid by the kings of Arabia and by the governors of [the regions in] Israel.
ngaphandle kokuvela kubathengisi, lempahleni zabathengisi bezinongo, lemakhosini wonke eArabhiya, lakubabusi belizwe.
16 King Solomon’s workers [took this] gold and hammered it into thin sheets and covered 200 large shields with those thin sheets of gold; they put (almost 15 pounds/more than 6 kg.) of gold on each shield.
Inkosi uSolomoni yasisenza izihlangu ezinkulu ezingamakhulu amabili ngegolide elikhandiweyo, amashekeli angamakhulu ayisithupha egolide esihlangwini esisodwa esikhulu.
17 His workers made 300 smaller shields. They covered each of them with (almost 4 pounds/1.5 kg.) of gold. Then the king put those shields in the Hall of the Forest of Lebanon.
Lamahawu angamakhulu amathathu egolide elikhandiweyo; amamane amathathu egolide ehawini elilodwa. Inkosi yasiwafaka endlini yegusu leLebhanoni.
18 His workers also made for him a large throne. [Part of it was] covered with (ivory [decorations made from)] tusks of elephants and [part of it was covered] with very fine gold.
Inkosi yenza lesihlalo sobukhosi esikhulu ngempondo zendlovu, yasihuqa ngegolide elicwengekileyo.
19 There were six steps in front of the throne. There was a statue of a lion on both sides of each step. So altogether there were twelve statues of lions. The back of the throne was rounded at the top. At each side of the throne there was an armrest, and alongside each armrest there was a small statue of a lion. No throne like that had ever existed in any other kingdom.
Isihlalo sobukhosi sasilezikhwelo eziyisithupha, lesihloko sesihlalo sobukhosi sasiyisigombolozi emuva, lezeyamelo zengalo ngapha langapha kuze kube sendaweni yokuhlala, lezilwane ezimbili zimi eceleni kwezeyamelo zezingalo.
Lezilwane ezilitshumi lambili zazimi lapho ezikhwelweni eziyisithupha, ngapha langapha. Kakwenziwanga okunjalo kuwo wonke umbuso.
21 All of Solomon’s cups were made of gold, and all the various dishes in the Hall of the Forest of Lebanon were made of gold. They did not make things from silver, because during the years that Solomon [ruled], silver was not considered to be valuable.
Lazo zonke inkezo zokunatha zenkosi uSolomoni zazingezegolide, lazo zonke izitsha zendlu yegusu leLebhanoni zazingezegolide elicwengekileyo; kwakungelasiliva, lalingabalwa santo ensukwini zikaSolomoni.
22 The king had a (fleet/large number) of ships that sailed with the ships that King Hiram owned. Every three years the ships returned [from the places to which they had sailed], bringing gold, silver, ivory, monkeys, and baboons (OR, peacocks).
Ngoba inkosi yayilemikhumbi yeThashishi olwandle kanye lemikhumbi kaHiramu; kanye ngeminyaka emithathu limikhumbi yeThashishi yeza ithwele igolide lesiliva, impondo zezindlovu lezinkawu lamaphigaga.
23 King Solomon became richer and wiser than any other king.
Ngakho inkosi uSolomoni yaba nkulu kulawo wonke amakhosi omhlaba enothweni lenhlakanipheni.
24 People from all over the world wanted to come and listen to the wise things that Solomon said, things that God had put into his mind.
Umhlaba wonke wasudinga ubuso bukaSolomoni ukuzwa inhlakanipho yakhe uNkulunkulu ayeyinike enhliziyweni yakhe.
25 All the people who came to him brought presents: They brought things made from silver or gold, or robes, or weapons (OR, myrrh), or spices, or horses, or mules. The people continued to do this every year.
Basebeletha, ngulowo isipho sakhe, izitsha zesiliva, lezitsha zegolide, lezembatho, lezikhali, lamakha, amabhiza, lezimbongolo; into yomnyaka ngomnyaka wayo.
26 Solomon acquired 1,400 chariots and 12,000 men who rode [on the horses] (OR, [in the chariots]). Solomon put some of them in Jerusalem and some of them in other cities where he kept his chariots.
USolomoni wasebuthanisa izinqola labagadi bamabhiza; wayelezinqola ezingamakhulu alitshumi lane, labagadi bamabhiza abazinkulungwane ezilitshumi lambili; wakubeka emizini yezinqola njalo kulenkosi eJerusalema.
27 During the years that Solomon was king, silver became as common in Jerusalem as stones; and [lumber from] cedar trees in the foothills of Judah was as plentiful as [lumber from] fig trees.
Inkosi yasisenza isiliva eJerusalema laba njengamatshe, lemisedari wayenza yaba njengemikhiwa yesikhamore esesihotsheni, ngobunengi.
28 Solomon’s agents bought horses and supervised the men who brought them into Israel from the areas of Musri and Cilicia [that were famous for breeding horses].
Wasengenisa ngokuthenga amabhiza avela eGibhithe, ayengekaSolomoni, lelembu elicolekileyo; labathengi benkosi babelithatha ilembu elicolekileyo ngentengo.
29 In Musri they bought chariots and horses; they paid 600 pieces of silver for each chariot and 150 pieces of silver for each horse. They brought them to Israel. Then they sold many of them to the kings of the Heth people-group and the kings of Syria.
Inqola yasisenyuka yaphuma eGibhithe ngamashekeli esiliva angamakhulu ayisithupha, lebhiza ngekhulu lamatshumi amahlanu. Langokunjalo bawakhuphela wonke amakhosi amaHethi lamakhosi eSiriya ngesandla sabo.

< 1 Kings 10 >