< 1 John 5 >
1 All those who believe that Jesus is the (Messiah/person God sent [to rescue us]) are ones who [have truly] become children of God. And everyone who loves [a man who is] someone’s father will [be expected to] love that man’s children as well. [Similarly, those who love God, who has caused them to become his children] [MET], [should love their fellow believers, whom God has also caused to become his children].
Todo aquele que crê que Jesus é o Cristo é nascido de Deus; e todo aquele que ama ao que o gerou também ama ao que dele é nascido.
2 The way we can be sure that we [truly] love God’s children is this: We are loving them when we love God and do what he commands [us to do].
Nisto conhecemos que amamos os filhos de Deus, quando amamos a Deus e guardamos os seus mandamentos.
3 [I say this] because our obeying what God commands [us to do] is [the same as] loving him. And it is not burdensome/difficult for [us to do] what God commands [us to do].
Porque esta é a caridade de Deus: que guardemos os seus mandamentos; e os seus mandamentos não são pesados.
4 All of us whom God has caused to become his children have been able to successfully resist (doing what/conducting our lives like) the people [MTY] [who] oppose God do. It is [only] by our trusting [in Christ] that we are able to (resist doing what/conducting our lives like) people in the world who are opposed to God [MTY] do.
Porque todo o que é nascido de Deus vence o mundo; e esta é a vitória que vence o mundo, a nossa fé.
5 ([I will tell you] who are the ones who are able to resist doing what the people who are opposed to God do./Do you know who are the ones who are able to resist conducting their lives like the people who are opposed to God [MTY] do? [RHQ]) It is those who believe that Jesus is (God’s Son/the man who is also God).
Quem é aquele que vence o mundo, senão aquele que crê que Jesus é o Filho de Deus?
6 [Think about] Jesus Christ. He is the one who came [to earth from God]. [God showed that he had truly sent Jesus when Jesus was baptized] in water [MTY] and [when Jesus’] blood [flowed from his body when he died]. [God showed this] not only [when Jesus was baptized] [MTY], but also when Jesus’ blood flowed [from his body when he died]. And [God’s] Spirit declares [truthfully that Jesus Christ came from God]. The Spirit always [speaks what] is true.
Este é aquele que veio por água e sangue, Jesus, o Cristo: não só por água, mas por água e por sangue. E o espírito é o que testifica, porque o espírito é a verdade.
7 There are three [ways] by which we know [that Christ came from God].
Porque três são os que testificam no céu: o Pai, a Palavra, e o Espírito Santo; e estes três são um
8 [Those three ways are: What God’s] Spirit [tells us, what God said when Jesus was baptized] [MTY] [in/with] water, and [Jesus’] blood [that flowed from his body when he died on the cross]. These three things all tell us the same thing, [that Jesus came from God].
E três são os que testificam na terra: o espírito, e a água, e o sangue; e estes três concordam num.
9 We [usually] believe what [other] people say. But what God says is more [reliable/trustworthy than what people say]. So [we must believe] what God has said is true [about] (his Son/the one who is also God).
Se recebemos o testemunho dos homens, o testemunho de Deus é maior; porque é este o testemunho de Deus, que de seu Filho testificou.
10 Those who trust in the Son of God know within their (inner beings/hearts) that [what God] says [about his Son is true. But] those who refuse to believe that [what] God says is true are saying that God is a liar, because they refuse to believe what God has said about (his Son/the one who is also God).
Quem crê no Filho de Deus, em si mesmo tem o testemunho: quem a Deus não crê mentiroso o fez: porquanto não creu no testemunho que Deus de seu Filho deu
11 This is what [God] says [to us]: “I have given you eternal life!” We will live forever if we have a close relationship with his Son. (aiōnios )
E o testemunho é este: que Deus nos deu a vida eterna; e esta vida está em seu Filho. (aiōnios )
12 Those who have [a close relationship with God’s] Son (OR, who have accepted what God’s Son [has done for them]) have [already] begun to live [forever]. [But] those who do not have a relationship with (God’s Son/the one who is also God) (OR, who have not accepted what God’s Son has done for them) have not begun [to] live [forever].
Quem tem o Filho tem a vida: quem não tem o Filho de Deus não tem a vida.
13 I have written this [letter] to you who believe that Jesus is [MTY] (God’s Son/the one who is also God) in order that you may know that you have eternal life. (aiōnios )
Estas coisas vos escrevi, a vós que credes no nome do Filho de Deus, para que saibais que tendes a vida eterna, e para que creiais no nome do Filho de Deus. (aiōnios )
14 Because we have a close relationship with him, we are very confident that he hears us when we ask him [to do anything] that is in accordance with (his will/what he desires).
E esta é a confiança que temos para com ele, que, se pedirmos alguma coisa, segundo a sua vontade, ele nos ouve.
15 [And] since we know that he hears whenever we ask [him for something], we [also] know that [it is as though] he has [already] done what we requested him [to do].
E, se sabemos que nos ouve em tudo o que pedimos, sabemos que alcançamos as petições que lhe pedimos.
16 Those who see one of their fellow believers sinning in a way that does not result in being eternally separated from God should ask [God to help that fellow believer]; and [as a result God] will help that fellow believer and enable him or her to live [eternally. But some people] sin [in a manner that causes them] to be separated from God eternally. I am not saying that [you should] ask [God to help] people who sin like that.
Se alguém vir pecar seu irmão pecado que não é para morte, orará, e Deus dará a vida àqueles que não pecarem para morte. há pecado para morte, pelo qual não digo que ore
17 Everyone who does what is wrong is sinning, but there are some sins that do not cause a person to be separated from God.
Toda a iniquidade é pecado: e há pecado que não é para morte.
18 We know that if a person has new life from God [MET], that person does not continue sinning. Instead, the (Son of/one who is also) God protects him so that [Satan], the evil one, does not harm him [spiritually].
Sabemos que todo aquele que é nascido de Deus não peca; mas o que de Deus é gerado conserva-se a si mesmo, e o maligno não lhe toca.
19 We know that we belong to God, and [we know] that the evil one controls all [the evil people in] [MTY] the world.
Sabemos que somos de Deus, e que todo o mundo jaz no maligno.
20 We also know that (God’s Son/the one who is also God) has come [to us], and [we know] that he has enabled us to know God, the one who is really/truly God. So now we have a close relationship with [God because] we belong to Jesus Christ, the one who is the (Son of/man who is also) God. Jesus Christ is truly God, and [he is the one who enables us to have] eternal life. (aiōnios )
Porém sabemos que já o Filho de Deus é vindo, e nos deu entendimento para conhecermos o que é verdadeiro; e no que é verdadeiro estamos, em seu Filho Jesus Cristo. Este é o verdadeiro Deus e a vida eterna. (aiōnios )
21 [I say to] you who are very dear to me, guard/keep yourselves from [worshipping] gods [that have no real power]!
Filhinhos, guardai-vos dos ídolos. amém.