< 1 John 4 >

1 Dear friends, many people [who have a false message] are teaching it to people [MTY]. So do not trust every [message that someone claims/says that God’s] Spirit [MTY] [gave to him]. Instead, (test/think carefully about) the teachings that [you hear] in order to know whether they are from God or not.
Abokaina ƙaunatattu, ba kowane ruhu za ku gaskata ba, sai dai ku gwada ruhohi don ku ga ko daga Allah ne, domin annabawan ƙarya da yawa sun fito duniya.
2 [I will tell] you how to recognize [teachings that come from] the Spirit of God: Those who affirm/say that Jesus Christ came [from God] to become a human [like us] are [teaching a message] that is from God.
Ga yadda za ku gane Ruhun Allah, duk ruhun da ya yarda cewa Yesu Kiristi ya zo cikin jiki, to, daga Allah yake.
3 But those who do not affirm/say [that about] Jesus are not [teaching a message] from God. [They are teachers who] oppose Christ. You have heard that people like that are coming [to be among us]. Even now they are already here!
Amma duk ruhun da bai yarda da Yesu ba, ba daga Allah ba ne, ruhun magabcin Kiristi ne, wanda kuka ji yana zuwa, har ma ya riga ya shigo duniya.
4 As for you who are very dear to me, you belong to God, and you have refused [the false messages] that those people [teach], because [God], who enables you [to do what he wants], is (greater/more powerful) than ([Satan/the devil]), who enables (godless people/people who conduct their lives in a way that displeases God) [MTY].
Ku,’ya’yana ƙaunatattu, ku daga Allah ne, kun kuma yi nasara a kan magabtan Kiristi, domin wanda yake a cikinku ya fi wanda yake a duniya girma.
5 As for [those who are teaching what is false], they are (godless people/people whose lives are displeasing to God) [MTY]. Because of that, they teach what (godless people/people whose lives are displeasing to God) [MTY] want to hear. That is why the (godless people/people whose lives displease God) [MTY] listen to them.
Su daga duniya ne saboda haka suke magana yadda duniya take ganin abubuwa, duniya kuwa tana sauraronsu.
6 As for us [(exc)], [because] we belong to God, whoever (knows/has a close relationship with) God listens to us. [But] those who do not belong to God do not listen to us. That is how we can know whether [the things that people are teaching] [MTY] are true or whether they are false, and deceiving [people].
Mu daga Allah ne, kuma duk wanda ya san Allah yakan saurare mu. Amma duk wanda ba daga Allah ba, ba ya sauraronmu. Ta haka ne muke gane Ruhun gaskiya, da kuma ruhun ƙarya.
7 Dear friends, we must love each other, because God [enables us] to love [each other], and because those who love [their fellow believers] have become God’s children and (know/have a close relationship with) him.
Abokaina ƙaunatattu, mu ƙaunaci juna, domin ƙauna tana zuwa daga Allah ne. Duk mai ƙauna, haifaffe ne na Allah, ya kuma san Allah.
8 God’s [nature] is to love [all people]. So those who do not love [their fellow believers] do not (know/have a relationship with) God.
Duk wanda ba ya ƙauna, bai san Allah ba, domin Allah ƙauna ne.
9 I will tell you how God has shown us [that he] loves us: He sent (his only Son/the only one who was also God) [to live] on the earth to enable us to live [eternally] as a result of [our trusting in what] he [accomplished for us by dying for us].
Ga yadda Allah ya nuna ƙaunarsa a cikinmu, Allah ya aiki makaɗaici Ɗansa zuwa duniya domin mu rayu ta wurinsa.
10 [And God] has shown [us what it means to] love [another person]: [It does] not [mean] that we loved God, but [it means] that God loved us and sent (his Son/the one who was also God) to sacrifice [his life] in order that [our sins might be forgiven] {[he might forgive] our sins}.
Wannan ita ce ƙauna, wato, ba mu ne muka ƙaunaci Allah ba, sai dai shi ne ya ƙaunace mu, ya kuma aiko Ɗansa yă zama hadaya ta kafara saboda zunubanmu.
11 Dear friends, since God loves us like that, we certainly ought to love each other!
Abokaina ƙaunatattu, da yake Allah ya ƙaunace mu haka, ya kamata mu ma mu ƙaunaci juna.
12 No one has ever seen God. [Nevertheless], if we love each other, [it is evident that] God lives within us and that we love others just like he [intends/wants us to do].
Ba wanda ya taɓa ganin Allah; amma in muna ƙaunar juna, Allah yana raye a cikinmu, ƙaunarsa kuwa ta zama cikakkiya a cikinmu ke nan.
13 [I will tell you] how we can be sure that we have a close relationship with God and that God is within us: He has put his Spirit within us.
Mun san cewa muna rayuwa a cikinsa shi kuma a cikinmu, domin ya ba mu Ruhunsa.
14 We [apostles] have seen (God’s Son/the one who is also God), and [we tell people] that the Father sent him to save [the people in] the world [MTY] [from being punished for their sins].
Mun gani, mun kuma shaida cewa Uba ya aiko Ɗansa domin yă zama Mai Ceton duniya.
15 [So] those who affirm/say that Jesus is the (Son of/one who is also) God, God is within them, and they have a close relationship with God.
Duk wanda ya yarda cewa Yesu Ɗan Allah ne, Allah yana raye a cikinsa, shi kuma a cikin Allah.
16 We have experienced how God loves us and we believe that he loves us. [As a result, we love others. Because] God’s [nature] is to love people, those who continue to love [others] have a close relationship with God, and God has a close relationship with them.
Ta haka muka sani, muke kuma dogara ga ƙaunar da Allah yake mana. Allah ƙauna ne. Duk wanda yake rayuwa cikin ƙauna, yana rayuwa a cikin Allah ne, Allah kuma a cikinsa.
17 We [should] love others completely. And if we do that, when the time comes for [him to] judge us, we will be confident [that he will not condemn us] (OR, [that we have a close relationship with him]). [We will be confident of that] because of our [conducting our lives] in this world as Christ did.
Ta haka, ƙauna ta zama cikakkiya a cikinmu domin mu kasance masu ƙarfin hali a ranar shari’a, domin a wannan duniya muna kama da shi.
18 We will not be afraid [of God] if we [truly] love [him], because those who love [God] completely cannot possibly be afraid [of him]. [We would be] afraid only [if we thought that he would] punish us. So those who are afraid [of God certainly] are not loving [God] completely.
Babu tsoro cikin ƙauna. Cikakkiyar ƙauna dai takan kawar da tsoro, domin hukunci ne yake kawo tsoro. Mai jin tsoro ba cikakke ba ne a cikin ƙauna.
19 We love [God and our fellow believers] because God loved us first.
Muna ƙauna, domin ya ƙaunace mu da farko.
20 [So] those who say “I love God” but hate a fellow believer are lying. Those who do not love one of their fellow believers, whom they have seen, certainly cannot be loving God, whom they have not seen.
Duk wanda ya ce, “Ina ƙaunar Allah,” amma yana ƙin ɗan’uwansa, maƙaryaci ne. Gama duk wanda ba ya ƙaunar ɗan’uwansa da yake gani, ba zai iya ƙaunar Allah wanda ba ya gani ba.
21 Keep in mind that this is what God has commanded us: If we love him, we must also love our fellow believers.
Ya kuma ba mu wannan umarni cewa duk wanda yake ƙaunar Allah, dole yă ƙaunaci ɗan’uwansa.

< 1 John 4 >