< 1 Corinthians 8 >

1 Now [I will answer what you asked] about [us believers] eating meat that has been sacrificed to idols. [We know what some of you say, that God has enabled] all of us [to] know [the truth about things such as idols. But often we become] proud because we say that we know [all those things]. But instead of being proud about what we know, we should show that we love [our fellow believers by helping them to] become spiritually mature.
Mit Bezug auf das Götzenopferfleisch (schreibt ihr in euerm Brief): "Wir wissen, daß wir alle (die rechte) Erkenntnis haben." (Bedenkt indes: ) Die Erkenntnis (allein) macht stolz, die Liebe aber sucht andere zu fördern.
2 Those who think that they thoroughly know something do not yet know it as they should.
Wer sich mit seiner Erkenntnis brüstet, der hat die wahre Erkenntnis noch gar nicht erlangt.
3 But as for those who love God, they know that they belong to him.
Wer aber Gott liebt, der ist von ihm (als sein Eigentum) erkannt.
4 So [I will tell you] about eating meat that people have sacrificed to idols. We know that it is true, [as you say], that idols are not really alive. We also know that there is only one real God.
Also über den Genuß des Götzenopferfleisches (schreibt ihr mir): "Wir wissen: es gibt überhaupt keine Götzen in der Welt, sondern es gibt nur einen Gott.
5 It is true that there are gods whom people think live in the heavens or whom they think live on earth. Truly, there are many beings that [people] call gods, and whom [they] call lords.
Denn es mag auch (nach dem Glauben der Heiden) sogenannte Götter im Himmel und auf Erden geben — wie sie ja wirklich viele Götter und viele Herren verehren —,
6 But for us [believers] there is only one real God. He is [our heavenly] Father who created everything. He is the one whom we [worship and serve]. Also, for us believers Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord. He is the one whom [God caused] to create everything. It is because of what he [has done for us on the cross] that we have [spiritual] life.
so kennen wir (Christen) doch nur einen Gott, den Vater, von dem alles geschaffen ist, und für dessen Dienst wir bestimmt sind, und nur einen Herrn, Jesus Christus, durch den alles geschaffen ist, und durch den wir leben."
7 Nevertheless, some people do not understand [that idols are not really alive]. In the past, some among you who are believers now were accustomed to believing that idols [were really alive]. As a result, when they eat such meat [now], they still think that it was sacrificed to an idol [that is alive]. They are not sure [that God allows believers to eat meat that has been offered to idols]. So, [when they eat such meat], they think that they have sinned.
(Ganz richtig!) Doch nicht alle haben diese Erkenntnis. Sondern es gibt manche unter euch, die nach alter Gewohnheit das Götzenopferfleisch noch immer in dem Gedanken essen, als wäre es wirklich einem Götzen geopfert. Dadurch wird dann ihr Gewissen, schwach wie es ist, befleckt.
8 But God will not think more highly about us [if we eat certain] foods, or if we do not eat [certain foods]. That is, we are not more acceptable to God if we do not eat certain foods, nor are we more acceptable to him if we eat those foods.
Nun ist's zwar wahr: "Die Speise, die wir essen, hat keinen Einfluß auf unser Verhältnis zu Gott. Ob wir dies oder jenes essen oder nicht, das macht uns in Gottes Augen nicht besser oder schlechter."
9 However, be sure that you do not do anything that God allows you to do, if by doing that you would encourage any of [your fellow believers to do something that] they are not sure [God allows them to do]. As a result, you would be causing them to sin.
Seht aber zu, daß diese eure Freiheit den Schwachen keinen Anstoß gebe!
10 For example, you know [that idols are not really alive]. Suppose that in a temple [where they worship] idols you eat [food that has been sacrificed to idols]. Suppose that someone who is not sure whether God allows us to eat that food sees you eating it. [You] would be encouraging him to eat it, too. [RHQ]
Du nimmst bei deiner rechten Erkenntnis (über das Götzenopfer) in einem heidnischen Tempel an einem Opfermahl teil. Da sieht dich nun einer (aus der Gemeinde, der diese Erkenntnis nicht hat). Muß da nicht sein Gewissen, obwohl er schwach ist, dazu verleitet werden, (gegen seine Überzeugung) auch von dem Götzenopferfleisch zu essen?
11 As a result, you who know that [idols are not really alive], might cause that fellow believer, one for whom Christ died, (to be ruined [spiritually]/to stop believing [in Christ]).
So wird dann durch deine Erkenntnis der Schwache ins Verderben gebracht — der Bruder, für den doch Christus gestorben ist.
12 By sinning against your fellow believer by causing him to do something that he thinks God does not allow us to do, [it is as though] you are sinning against Christ himself!
Wenn ihr euch aber in solcher Weise an den Brüdern versündigt und ihr schwaches Gewissen verwundet, so versündigt ihr euch gegen Christus.
13 So if [I, Paul, think that by] eating a certain food I might cause a fellow believer to be ruined spiritually, I will never eat such food again. I do not want to cause any fellow believer (to be ruined spiritually/to stop believing in Christ). [And you should] ([do as I do/imitate my example]). (aiōn g165)
Verleite ich deshalb durch das Essen einer Speise meinen Bruder zur Sünde, so will ich in Zukunft überhaupt kein Fleisch mehr essen, um meinen Bruder nicht zur Sünde zu verführen. (aiōn g165)

< 1 Corinthians 8 >