< 1 Corinthians 6 >

1 [Now another matter]: When any of you [believers] accuses another believer about some matter, he takes that matter to judges who are not believers, [for them to decide the case], instead of asking God’s people [to decide it]. (That is disgusting!/Why do you do that?) [RHQ]
Śmież kto z was, mając sprawę z drugim, sądzić się przed niesprawiedliwymi, a nie przed świętymi?
2 [I want] you to know that [we who are] God’s people will [some day] judge those who are unbelievers. [RHQ] So, since you will be judging unbelievers, you certainly are capable of judging between [believers who disagree on] small matters! [RHQ]
Azaż nie wiecie, iż święci będą sądzili świat? A jeźli świat od was będzie sądzony, czyliście niegodni, abyście sądy mniejsze odprawiali?
3 (You should keep in mind that we will even judge angels!/Do you not know that we will even judge angels?) [RHQ] So we certainly should be able to judge about [matters that relate to how we] conduct our lives here on earth!
Azaż nie wiecie, iż Anioły sądzić będziemy? A cóż tych doczesnych rzeczy?
4 Therefore, when you [believers] have a dispute, you should certainly not choose as judges [to decide your case] people whom the congregation cannot respect [because those judges are not believers]! [RHQ]
Przeto jeźlibyście mieli sądy o rzeczy doczesne, tych, którzy są najpodlejsi we zborze, na sąd wysadzajcie.
5 I am saying this to make you ashamed. Surely there is someone among you who is wise enough to judge disputes between believers! [RHQ]
Ku zawstydzeniu waszemu to mówię. Nie maszże między wami mądrego i jednego, który by mógł rozsądzić między braćmi swoimi?
6 But instead, some believers [among you] accuse other believers in a legal court. And what is worse, you let the cases be judged by unbelievers {unbelievers judge the cases}!
Ale się brat z bratem prawuje, i to przed niewiernymi?
7 The fact that you have any lawsuits among you [shows that] you have completely failed [as Christians] (OR, [allowed Satan to] defeat you). You should [allow other believers] to wrong you [without taking them to court!]! [RHQ] You should not accuse them when [they] cheat you! [RHQ]
Już tedy zapewne jest między wami niedostatek, że się z sobą prawujecie. Czemuż raczej krzywdy nie cierpicie? Czemuż raczej szkody nie podejmujecie?
8 But [what is happening is that] some of you are cheating others and doing wrong to them. [That is bad]. But you are doing that to fellow believers, [and that is worse]!
Owszem wy krzywdzicie i do szkody przywodzicie, a to braci.
9 (You should keep in mind that wicked people will not become [members of] the group over whom God will rule./Do you not know that wicked people will not become [members of] the group over whom God will rule?) [RHQ] Do not be deceived {Do not deceive yourselves} [by thinking wrongly about these matters]. People who are sexually immoral, or who worship idols, or who (commit adultery/have sex with someone to whom they are not married), or who happily allow others to commit homosexual acts with them, or who take the initiative in committing homosexual acts,
Azaż nie wiecie, iż niesprawiedliwi królestwa Bożego nie odziedziczą? Nie mylcie się: ani wszetecznicy, ani bałwochwalcy, ani cudzołożnicy, ani pieszczotliwi, ani samcołożnicy,
10 or who are thieves, or who desire and forcefully seize things that belong to others, or who are drunkards, or who slander others, or who are swindlers, will not enter the place where God rules.
Ani złodzieje, ani łakomcy, ani pijanicy, ani złorzeczący, ani ździercy królestwa Bożego nie odziedziczą.
11 Some of you previously did things like that. But [God] has freed/cleansed you [MET] [from your sinful behavior]. [He] has set you apart for himself. [He] has erased the record of your sins [because you trusted] [MTY] in the Lord Jesus Christ and because of what the Spirit of our God [has done for you].
A takimiście niektórzy byli; aleście omyci, aleście poświęceni, aleście usprawiedliwieni w imieniu Pana Jezusa i przez Ducha Boga naszego.
12 [Some of you may say], “God allows us to do anything [that he does not forbid].” But [I would reply], “[That is true], but not everything that God permits us to do helps us.” [Yes, as some of you say], God permits us to do anything [that he does not forbid]. But as for me, I will not let anything make me [its slave; that is, I will not do anything that will gain control over me in such a way that I will not be able to stop doing it].
Wszystko mi wolno, ale nie wszystko pożyteczno; wszystko mi wolno, ale ja się nie dam zniewolić żadnej rzeczy.
13 [Some of you may also say], “Food is just for [us to put in] the stomach, and the stomach is just for [us to put] food [in]. And since God will do away with food and stomachs [when he gives us our new bodies, what we do with our bodies sexually does not affect us any more than eating food does.” But what you have concluded is wrong, because] the Lord does not [want us to use] our bodies to do sexually immoral things. Instead, the Lord [wants us to use our bodies in ways that please him]. Also, the Lord [wants us to do what is good] for our bodies.
Pokarmy brzuchowi należą, a brzuch pokarmom; ale Bóg i brzuch i pokarmy skazi; lecz ciało nie należy wszeteczeństwu ale Panu, a Pan ciału.
14 God, by his power, caused the Lord [Jesus] to live again after he died, and he will cause us to live again after we die, [which shows that he is very concerned about our bodies].
Bo Bóg i Pana wzbudził, i nas wzbudzi mocą swoją.
15 You should keep in mind that your bodies belong to Christ. [RHQ] So, should I [or any other believer] [RHQ] take our body, which belongs to Christ, and join it [sexually] to a prostitute? No, certainly not!
Azaż nie wiecie, iż ciała wasze są członkami Chrystusowymi? Wziąwszy tedy członki Chrystusowe, czyli je uczynię członkami wszetecznicy? Nie daj tego Boże!
16 When a man has sexual relations [EUP] with a prostitute, [it is as though] their two bodies become one body. (You should never forget that!/Do you not know that?) [RHQ] What [Moses] wrote [about people who join together sexually is], “The two of them will become [as though they are] one body.”
Azaż nie wiecie, iż ten, co się złącza z wszetecznicą, jednem ciałem z nią jest? albowiem mówi: Będą dwoje jednem ciałem.
17 But anyone who is united {who joins himself} to the Lord becomes one with him spiritually.
A kto się złącza z Panem, jednym duchem jest z nim.
18 Always (run away from/avoid) committing sexually immoral acts. Other sins that people commit do not affect their bodies, but those who commit sexually immoral acts sin against their own bodies.
Uciekajcie przed wszeteczeństwem. Wszelki grzech, który by człowiek popełnił, oprócz ciała jest; lecz kto wszeteczeństwo płodzi, przeciwko swemu własnemu ciału grzeszy.
19 (Keep in mind that your bodies are [like] [MET] temples of the Holy Spirit./Do you not know that your bodies are [like] [MET] temples of the Holy Spirit?) [RHQ] The Spirit, whom God gave you, lives within you. You do not belong to yourselves. You belong to God,
Azaż nie wiecie, iż ciało wasze jest kościołem Ducha Świętego, który w was jest, którego macie od Boga? a nie jesteście sami swoi;
20 [because when his Son died for you it was as though] [MET] [God] paid a price for you. So honor God by [how you use] your bodies!
Albowiemeście drogo kupieni. Wysławiajcież tedy Boga w ciele waszym i w duchu waszym, które są Boże.

< 1 Corinthians 6 >