< 1 Corinthians 3 >

1 My fellow believers, [when I was with you previously], I was not able to teach you as [I would teach people who are controlled by the Holy] Spirit {[whom the Holy] Spirit [controls]}. Instead, [I had to teach you as I would teach] people whom their self-directed nature controls. [I taught very simple concepts to you who had recently believed] in Christ, [as a parent would speak very simple words] to a baby.
Tudi jaz, bratje, nisem mogel govoriti vam kakor duhovnim, nego kakor mesenim, kakor neučenim v Kristusu.
2 I did not [teach] you [things that were difficult for you to understand, just like a woman does not] give [her baby] solid food [that the baby cannot chew and digest]. [And just like a woman] ([gives her baby milk/breast-feeds her baby]), [I taught you simple spiritual concepts], because at that time you were not able to understand difficult things. And you are still not able to understand difficult concepts,
Z mlekom sem vas napojil in ne z jedjo, kajti še niste mogli in tudi še sedaj ne morete,
3 because you are still controlled by your self-directed nature. Some of you are jealous and quarreling. (That shows that your self-directed nature is controlling you!/Does not that prove your self-directed nature is controlling you?) [RHQ] It shows that [you are acting like] unbelievers act.
Ker ste še meseni: kajti kjer so med vami zavist in prepir in nezložnosti, niste li meseni, in postopate po človeku?
4 By some of you saying, “I am [loyal to] Paul,” and others saying, “I am [loyal to] Apollos,” (you show that [you are acting like] unbelievers./does not it show that [you are acting like] unbelievers?) [RHQ]
Ker kedar kdo pravi: "Jaz sem Pavlov", a drugi: "Jaz sem Apolov," niste li meseni?
5 [So what you really ought to think about] Apollos and me [RHQ] is that we(dl) are merely men who serve God. As a result of our [telling you the message about Christ], you trusted in him. Both of us [(dl)] are merely doing the work that the Lord appointed us to do.
Kdo je torej Pavel, a kdo Apolo, nego služabnika, po kterih ste vero prejeli in kakor je vsakemu Gospod dal?
6 I was [the first one who preached God’s message to you. I was like] [MET] someone who plants seeds. [Later], Apollos [taught you more of God’s message. That was like] [MET] someone who waters plants [after they start to grow]. But it is God who [enables people to grow spiritually, just like he is the one who] causes [plants] to grow.
Jaz sem posadil, Apolo je polil, ali Bog je dal, da je zraslo.
7 So [the person who first preaches God’s message to people is not important, and the person who later teaches people more of God’s message is not important, just like] [MET] it is not the person who plants [the seeds] or the person who waters [the plants] who is important. Instead, it is God, who causes plants to grow [and who causes people to grow spiritually, who is important].
Tako ni ne tisti kaj, kteri sadi, ne kteri poliva, nego kteri daje rasti, Bog.
8 The person [who first preaches God’s message to people and the one who later teaches them more of God’s message] [MET] both (are [trying to reach the] same [goal]/have the same [purpose]). And [God] will reward each of them according to how they served him.
A ta, kteri sadi in kteri poliva, sta eno; vsak pa bo lastno plačo prejel po lastnem trudu;
9 Remember that Apollos and I are both working together for God. [You do not belong to us]. Just like a field [belongs to its owner, not to those who work in it], you belong to God, [not to us who work for him]. 1 Corinthians 3:9b-15 Also, a house belongs to its owner. [It does not belong to the man who built it. Similarly, God is the one to whom you belong].
Kajti Božji sodelalci smo; Božja njiva, Božje poslopje ste.
10 [Just like] a skilled person puts a foundation in the ground [before he builds a house], as a result of God kindly helping me [MET], [I was the first one who declared the message about Christ to you. And, just like] others build a house on its foundation, there were [others who later taught you more about Christ]. But [just like each person who builds a house] must be careful about what materials he uses to build it [MET], each person [who teaches God’s truth must be careful about what he teaches].
Po milosti Božjej, ktera mi je dana, položil sem, kakor moder zidar podstavo, a drugi na njo zida; ali vsak naj gleda, kako na njo zida.
11 Just like people can put in [only] one foundation [for a house] [MET], [there is only one message that we can give to people. That message is about] Jesus Christ.
Kajti druge podstave nikdor ne more položiti razen položene, ktera je Jezus Kristus.
12 Furthermore, people can build a house on its foundation [with materials that are valuable and do not burn easily, such as] gold, silver, and expensive jewels. Or they could build a house with [materials that are not valuable and that burn easily, such as] wood, hay, and straw.
Če pa kdo zida na tej podstavi zlato, srebro, drago kamenje, drva, seno, strn;
13 Later it will become clear/evident what kind of material they used to build the house. [Similarly, when people teach others God’s truth], it will later become clear [what kind of things they taught]. [God] will make that clear/evident at the time [when he judges us] [MTY].
Vsakega delo bo očito poslalo; kajti dan bo razodel, ker se bo v ognji odkrilo, in delo vsakega, kakošno je, ogenj bo izkusil.
14 When a fire [starts burning a house], it becomes clear whether the builders used [materials in their] work [that will burn, or materials that will not burn]. Similarly [MET], when God judges us, it will be clear whether we taught others things that were long-lasting and valuable or not. If [the materials that are used to] build a house [are materials that] do not burn, the builder will receive a reward [MET]. [Similarly, if we have taught others things that are valuable and long-lasting, God will give us a reward].
Če ostane koga delo, ktero je nazidal, prejel bo plačo.
15 If [the things that we have taught] are not valuable and long-lasting [MET], [we will not get a reward]. We will be saved {[God] will save us} [from hell], but [that is all that we will get. We will be like a man who] escapes from a fire [without saving any of his possessions]. (questioned)
Če koga delo izgori, kvaren bo; sam pa se bo zveličal, ali tako, kakor po ognji.
16 You need to remember that God [is present among] you [(pl) as he was present in the] Temple [in Jerusalem]. [RHQ] God’s Spirit lives within you.
Ne veste, da ste tempelj Božji, in duh Božji prebiva v vas?
17 So, [just like] God will destroy anyone who tries to destroy his Temple, [he will destroy anyone who destroys the unity of a congregation. He will do that] because [he has set] you, [his people, apart for himself, just like he set] his Temple [apart for himself].
Če kdo pokvari tempelj Božji, pokvaril bo tega Bog, kajti je tempelj Božji svet, kteri ste vi.
18 Some among you think that you are wise because unbelievers thought you were wise previously. Stop deceiving yourselves. [If you really want to be wise, by accepting what God considers to be wise] you should [be willing to let unbelievers consider that you are] foolish [IRO]. (aiōn g165)
Nikdor naj sebe ne ukanjuje; če kdo misli, da je moder med vami v tem veku, naj neumen postane, da postane moder. (aiōn g165)
19 You should do that because things that unbelievers [consider to be] [IRO] wise, God considers to be foolish. [We can learn from] the Scriptures [what God says about] that: Those who think that they are [IRO] wise, he messes up their plans by the mistakes they make!
Kajti modrost tega sveta je neumnost pri Bogu, ker je pisano: "Kteri grabi modre v njih lastnej zvijači."
20 And [we can learn from] these words of Scripture, The Lord considers as useless the thoughts of [humans who think that they are] [IRO] wise.
In zopet: "Gospod pozna misli modrih, da so prazne."
21 So, stop boasting about [how good one Christian leader is or how good another Christian leader is]. All [of us(exc) exist as leaders only to help] you!
Tako naj se nikdor ne hvali z ljudmi, kajti vse je vaše,
22 Specifically, do not boast about me, or about Apollos, or about Peter! Everything in the world exists to [benefit] you [believers]. Whether you live or whether you die, the things that are happening now or the things that will happen in the future, they are all to benefit you.
Bodi si Pavel, bodi Apolo, bodi Kefa, bodi svet, bodi življenje, bodi smrt, bodi sedanje ali bodoče; vse je vaše,
23 [You should boast about] Christ, [not about your leaders, because] you belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.
Vi pa Kristusovi, a Kristus Božji.

< 1 Corinthians 3 >