< 1 Corinthians 14 >
1 You must want to love others more [than you want anything else]. But you should [also] eagerly desire the abilities that [God’s] Spirit [gives to believers]. And you should desire most of all to have the ability to speak messages that come directly from God [MTY].
Sekvu amon; tamen deziregu spiritajn donacojn, sed prefere, ke vi profetadu.
2 [I say that] because those who speak messages that come directly from God [are speaking in languages that they and the other believers in the congregation know, and so] they are able to strengthen them [spiritually] and to encourage and comfort them. But those who speak in languages [MTY] [that they have not learned] are not speaking to people. Instead, they are [only] speaking to God. No one understands them. By [the power/guidance of God’s] Spirit (OR, From within [their own] spirit) they speak things that others do not know.
Ĉar tiu, kiu per lingvo parolas, ne al homoj parolas, sed al Dio; ĉar neniu komprenas, sed en la spirito li parolas misterojn.
Sed la profetanto parolas al homoj edifon kaj konsilon kaj konsolon.
4 Those who speak in languages [that they have not learned] are receiving a blessing for themselves, but those who speak messages that come directly from God are giving a blessing to [all the believers in] the congregation [because they are speaking in a language that the congregation knows].
Tiu, kiu per lingvo parolas, edifas sin mem; sed la profetanto edifas la eklezion.
5 I would like you all to have the ability to speak in languages [MTY] [you have not learned]. But I would like even more for you to have the ability to speak messages that come directly from God. People can speak messages in a language that they have not learned, but if there is no one there who can explain the meaning, that situation is not as helpful to the congregation as speaking messages that come directly from God [in the language that the congregation knows].
Mi volas, ke vi ĉiuj parolu per lingvoj, sed prefere, ke vi profetadu; kaj pli granda estas la profetanto, ol la per lingvoj parolanta, krom se li ankaŭ interpretas, por ke la eklezio ricevu edifon.
6 My fellow believers, suppose I came and spoke to you in a language that none of you knows [and I did not explain the meaning of what I told you]. Even if I told you something that God had revealed to me, or told you some message that had come directly from him, or taught you something that you needed to know, (that certainly would not help you!/how would that help you?) [RHQ]
Sed nun, fratoj, se mi venus al vi, parolante per lingvoj, kiel mi vin helpus, se mi ne parolus al vi, aŭ en formo de malkaŝado, aŭ de sciado, aŭ de profetado, aŭ de instruado?
7 [It is like] lifeless [musical instruments], like flutes and harps for example. When they are played, if the notes are not played {if [those playing those instruments] do not play the notes} clearly, no one will know what tune is being played {what tune they are playing}. [RHQ]
Eĉ la senvivaĵoj, kiuj produktas sonon, ĉu fluto, ĉu harpo, se ili ne donas diferencon en la sonoj, kiel oni scios, kio estas flutata aŭ harpata?
8 If someone playing the trumpet [wants to signal that the soldiers should prepare to fight a battle], [the soldiers] certainly will not get ready if [the call to battle] is not played {he does not play [the call to battle]} clearly. [RHQ]
Ĉar se la trumpeto donos necertan voĉon, kiu pretiĝos por batalo?
9 It is the same with you! If you do not speak words that other people can understand, (no one will know what you are saying./how will anyone know what you are saying?) [RHQ] [It will be as though] you are just speaking to the air!
Tiel ankaŭ vi, se vi per la lango ne donas parolon facile kompreneblan, kiel oni scios, kio estas parolata? ĉar en la aeron vi parolus.
10 There are many different languages in the world, and all of them convey meaning [LIT] [to the people who know those languages].
Eble estas tiom da specoj de voĉoj en la mondo, kaj nenia estas sensignifa.
11 But if we do not understand the language that others are speaking, [it will be as though] they are foreigners to us, and we will be foreigners to them.
Se do mi ne scios la signifon de la voĉo, mi estos, rilate la parolanton, barbaro, kaj la parolanto estos por mi barbaro.
12 So [I say this to] you: Because you are eager to have the abilities that God’s Spirit gives, earnestly desire those abilities that will do the most to help [all the believers in] the congregation.
Tiel same ankaŭ vi, dum vi fervore deziras spiritajn donacojn, klopodu, ke vi havu abunde por la edifo de la eklezio.
13 So, those who have the ability to speak in languages [MTY] [that they have not learned] should pray that [God will give them the ability to] explain the meaning of what they say.
Tial kiu parolas per lingvo, tiu preĝu, ke li interpretu.
14 If they pray in a language [MTY] [that they have not learned], their spirits are praying, but they are not using their minds.
Ĉar se mi preĝas per lingvo, mia spirito preĝas, sed mia intelekto estas senfrukta.
15 So I will tell you [RHQ] what we should do. [At times] we may pray, [using] only our spirits, [in languages we have not learned. And at other times] we should pray using our minds, [thinking about the words that we are praying. Similarly], at times we may sing using only our spirits, using languages that we have not learned, and at other times we should sing using our minds, [thinking about the words that we are singing].
Kio do estas? Mi preĝos spirite, kaj mi preĝos ankaŭ intelekte; mi kantos spirite, kaj mi kantos ankaŭ intelekte.
16 Suppose that any one of you praises God (OR, thanks God for what he has done), using only your [(sg)] spirit [and not using your mind]. Maybe some people [will be present who] do not know about [the abilities that God’s Spirit gives to believers]. Because they do not know what you are saying, after you thank God, they will not [RHQ] know when to say “Amen!/I agree!”
Alie, se vi benas spirite, kiamaniere tiu, kiu okupas la lokon de la malklerulo, diros Amen ĉe via dankesprimo? ĉar li ne scias, kion vi diras.
17 You may be thanking God very well, but you are not helping them.
Ĉar vi ja bone dankesprimas, sed la alia ne estas edifata.
18 I thank God that I speak in languages [MTY] [that I have not learned] more than any of you do.
Mi dankas Dion, mi parolas per lingvoj pli ol vi ĉiuj;
19 But during a worship service, [in order that others will understand what I am saying], I would prefer to speak five words using my mind, in order that I may teach others, rather than to speak 10,000 words in a language [MTY] [that is not understood by the congregation].
tamen en la eklezio mi preferus paroli kvin vortojn per mia intelekto, por ke mi instruu ankaŭ aliajn, ol dek mil vortojn per lingvo.
20 My fellow believers, stop being like little children in the way that you think [about these abilities that God’s Spirit gives]. Instead, think about them in a mature way. If you really want to be like little children, do as few wicked things as babies do!
Fratoj, ne estu infanoj en viaj mensoj; tamen en malico estu infanetoj, sed en la mensoj estu plenaĝuloj.
21 [When the Jews long ago refused to obey God, he warned them about what would happen when he allowed their enemies to punish them]. In the Scriptures it is written {[the prophet Isaiah] wrote} what the Lord [God] said [about that], [They didn’t listen to prophets speaking their own language, so I will send] people from foreign [lands to attack] my people. Those foreigners will speak languages that my people do not know [DOU]. [In that way], I will warn my people, but they will still not pay attention to what I say.
En la leĝo estas skribite: Per balbutantaj lipoj kaj per lingvo fremda Mi parolos al ĉi tiu popolo; kaj tamen tiel ili ne volos aŭskulti Min, diras la Eternulo.
22 If we speak in languages [MTY] [that we have not learned], unbelievers [who are there will realize that the Spirit of God is truly among us]. That will warn them [that they need to fear God]. But believers do not [need such a warning].
Tial la lingvoj estas kiel signo, ne al la kredantoj, sed al la nekredantoj; sed la profetpovo estas kiel signo, ne al la nekredantoj, sed al la kredantoj.
23 Suppose during the worship service everyone started to speak in languages [MTY] [that they have not learned]. If unbelievers or people who do not know [about the abilities that God’s Spirit gives to believers] come in [and hear that], they will surely think that you are crazy. [RHQ]
Se do la tuta eklezio kunvenos, kaj ĉiuj parolos per lingvoj, kaj tien envenos nekleruloj aŭ nekredantoj, ĉu ili ne diros, ke vi frenezas?
24 But if an unbeliever or someone who does not know [about those abilities] comes in while all of you believers are [one by one] speaking messages that come directly from God, everything that you [say] will show that person that he is a sinner and that [God] will punish him [if he does not turn from his sinful behavior].
Sed se ĉiuj profetos, kaj envenos nekredanto aŭ neklerulo, li estos konvinkata de ĉiuj, li estos juĝata de ĉiuj;
25 He will realize that [God knows the evil things that he has done that], things that other people do not know. Then he will kneel down and worship God and say, “God is truly among you!”
la sekretoj de lia koro estos elmontrataj; kaj sekve li falos sur sian vizaĝon kaj adoros Dion, deklarante, ke Dio ja estas ĉe vi.
26 So, my fellow believers, I will tell you [RHQ] what I think that you should be doing. When you come together [to worship God], some of you may have a hymn to sing. Others may have something to teach [the congregation]. Others may have [something to say that God has] revealed to them. Others may give messages in languages [that they have not learned]. Others will explain the meaning of those messages. Make sure that all of these things that you do will make the congregation become more mature spiritually.
Kio do estas, fratoj? Kiam vi kunvenas, ĉiu havas psalmon, havas instruon, havas malkaŝaĵon, havas lingvon, havas interpretaĵon. Ĉio fariĝu por edifo.
27 [It is all right] if two people, or at the most three people, speak in languages [MTY] [that they have not learned]. But they must speak one at a time, and someone must explain the meaning of what the others have said.
Se oni parolas per lingvo, tio estu duope, aŭ triope je plejmulto, kaj laŭvice; kaj unu interpretu;
28 If [those who want to speak in a language that they have not learned realize that] there is no one [there] who will be able to explain the meaning [of what they will say], they should not speak in that language during the meeting. Instead, they should speak to God by themselves, [somewhere else].
sed se ne ĉeestas interpretanto, oni silentu en la eklezio; kaj li parolu al si kaj al Dio.
29 [During a meeting], two or three people should speak messages that come directly from God, and others who are there should think carefully about what those people have said.
Kaj la profetoj parolu duope aŭ triope, kaj la aliaj interdiferencigu.
30 If someone receives a new message directly from God while someone else is speaking, the one who is speaking should stop speaking [and let the other person tell what God has revealed to him].
Sed se al alia apudsidanta io malkaŝiĝos, la unua silentu.
31 You can all, one by one, speak messages that have come directly from God, in order that you can teach others and all be encouraged {encourage everyone}.
Ĉar vi ĉiuj povas profeti unuope laŭvice, por ke ĉiuj lernu, kaj ĉiuj ricevu konsilon;
32 Those who speak messages that come directly from God are in control of their own spirits, [so they can wait for their turn to speak].
kaj la spiritoj de la profetoj estas submetataj al la profetoj;
33 Remember that God does not desire that things be done in a disorderly way [during your worship services]. Instead, he desires that everything be done in an orderly way. Just like it happens in all the other congregations of believers,
ĉar Dio estas Dio ne de konfuzo, sed de paco; kiel en ĉiuj eklezioj de la sanktuloj.
34 the women should not be permitted {do not permit the women} [to interrupt the meeting by] asking [questions]. They must keep quiet. They must be subject [to their husbands]. What Moses wrote [PRS] [about how God created the first two people] suggests [that the women should do that].
La virinoj silentadu en la eklezioj; ĉar ne estas permesate al ili paroli, sed ili submetiĝu, kiel ankaŭ diras la leĝo.
35 If they want to know [more] about something [that a speaker said], they should ask their husbands when they get home, for it is disgraceful for women to [interrupt a service by] asking [such questions].
Kaj se ili volas lerni ion, ili demandu al siaj edzoj hejme; ĉar estas honte por virino paroli en la eklezio.
36 [If you do not agree with these things that I have been telling you], remember that [RHQ] the message from God did not first come from you [people in Corinth]. Also, you are not [RHQ] the only ones who have heard it! [Many others have heard it and accepted it, so you should not act as though you are the only believers who have heard the message from God].
Kio? ĉu el vi la vorto de Dio eliris? ĉu ĝi venis al vi solaj?
37 Those of you who think that you have the ability to speak messages that come directly from God, or think that you have some other ability [that God’s] Spirit gives, should realize that the things that I have written about in this letter are things that the Lord has commanded.
Se iu ŝajnas al si esti profeto aŭ laŭspirita, li sciiĝu pri tio, kion mi skribas al vi, ke ĝi estas la ordono de la Sinjoro.
38 But if they are not willing to accept [my authority], [God] will not accept them (OR, they will not be accepted [by the congregation]).
Sed se iu ne scias, li ne sciu.
39 So, my fellow believers, be eager to speak messages that come directly from God, and do not prevent anyone from speaking in a language [that he has not learned].
Tial, fratoj, deziregu profeti, kaj ne malpermesu paroli per lingvoj.
40 But make sure [that] everything that you do [during the worship services] is done in a proper and orderly way.
Sed ĉio fariĝu konvene kaj laŭorde.