< 1 Corinthians 1 >

1 I, Paul, [am writing this letter]. Sosthenes, our fellow believer, is with [me as I write it]. [God] appointed me to be an apostle of Christ Jesus because that is what God desired.
Pọl, onye a kpọrọ ịbụ onyeozi Jisọs Kraịst site nʼọchịchọ Chineke, na nwanna anyị nwoke Sostenis,
2 [I am sending this letter] to all you who are God’s believers in Corinth [city]. You have been set apart [by God] {[God] has set you apart} for himself because (of your close relationship with/you belong to) Christ Jesus. God has appointed you to be his people and to live in a morally pure way, just like he has appointed all the people everywhere who belong to him to live in a morally pure way. You and they have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ [MTY]. He is their sovereign Lord as well as the sovereign Lord of all of us [(inc)] who have trusted in him.
Ọ bụ unu nzukọ Chineke dị na Kọrint ka a na-edere akwụkwọ a, ndị e doro nsọ nʼime Kraịst Jisọs, na ndị a kpọrọ ibi ndụ dị nsọ, tinyere ndị ahụ niile na-akpọku aha Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst, onye bụ Onyenwe ha na Onyenwe anyị:
3 We [(exc)] desire that God, who is our [heavenly] Father, and Jesus Christ, who is our sovereign Lord, will continue to act kindly toward you and cause you to experience [inner] peace.
Ka amara na udo nke sitere na Chineke Nna anyị, na Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst dịrị unu.
4 I very often [HYP] thank God for you because he has acted toward you kindly, acting in ways that you do not deserve. He has done this because of your (having a close relationship with/being united to) Christ Jesus.
Ana m ekele Chineke ekele nʼihi onyinye amara niile o nyere unu site na Kraịst Jisọs.
5 That is, [God] has [HYP] helped you spiritually very much because of your (having a close relationship with/being united to) Christ. Specifically, God has very much [HYP] enabled you to speak messages [that his Spirit revealed to you], and he has very much enabled you to know many things [HYP] that his Spirit revealed to you.
Nʼihi na e emeela ka unu baa ụba nʼụzọ niile, nʼime ya, ma nʼokwu unu ma na nghọta unu. O meekwala ka unu nwee nghọta zuru ezu banyere eziokwu niile. Ọ na-emekwa ka unu nwee ike na-ekwupụta okwu banyere oziọma ya.
6 In that way, [he] confirmed to you that what we [(exc)] proclaimed about Christ is true.
Nʼihi na ịgba akaebe banyere Kraịst pụtara ihe, guzosiekwa ike na ndụ unu.
7 As a result, while you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to return, within your group you truly have [LIT] every ability that [God’s] Spirit gives [to believers].
Otu ihe si dị, ọ dịghị onyinye mmụọ fọdụrụ unu nke unu na-enweghị, ka unu nọrọ na-eche mgbe Chineke ga-egosipụta Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst.
8 God will also cause you to steadfastly [trust Christ to the very end of your lives] [EUP]. The result will be that God will not consider you guilty [of any sin] when our Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth [MTY].
Ọ ga-eme ka unu dị ike ruo na mgbe ikpeazụ, meekwa ka unu bụrụ ndị na-enweghị ịta ụta nʼụbọchị Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst.
9 You can depend on God to do that. He is the one who chose you to become intimately associated with his Son, Jesus Christ, who is our Lord.
Chineke, onye kpọbatara unu ka unu na Ọkpara ya bụ Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst, na-enwe mmekọrịta kwesiri ntụkwasị obi.
10 My fellow believers, by the authority of [MTY] our Lord Jesus Christ, I urgently appeal to all of you to agree with one another. What I mean is, stop dividing into groups. Instead, be united [MET] concerning what you understand [about spiritual matters], and be united in what you decide.
Ụmụnna m, eji m aha Onyenwe anyị Jisọs Kraịst na-arịọ unu, ka unu niile na-ekwekọrịta nʼihe ọbụla unu kwuru, ka nkewa ọbụla gharakwa ịbata nʼetiti unu. Ana m arịọkwa unu ka unu dị nʼotu, nʼechiche obi unu na nʼizu unu.
11 My fellow believers, [I urge this] because some members of Chloe’s household have told me that you are quarreling among yourselves.
Nʼihi na ụmụnna m, esi m nʼọnụ ndị si nʼezinaụlọ Kloyi bịara nʼebe a nụta na esemokwu dị nʼetiti unu.
12 That is, some of you say, “Paul is the one to whom we [are loyal],” and others say, “Peter is the one to whom we [are loyal],” and still others say, “Christ is the one to whom we [are loyal].”
Anụrụ m na ịkpa iche iche abatala nʼetiti unu. Na ụfọdụ nʼime unu na-asị, “Abụ m onye na-eso Pọl”; ndị ọzọ na-asịkwa, “Abụ m onye na-eso Apọlọs”; ndị ọzọkwa na-asị, “Ana m eso Sefas”; ma ndị ọzọ na-asịkwa, “Ọ bụ Kraịst ka m na-eso.”
13 [It is ridiculous that] [RHQ] [you are quarreling and] dividing up [into groups instead of being loyal to] Christ alone. Christ certainly has not divided himself into parts and distributed those parts out [to groups of people who oppose each other]! [MET, RHQ] I, Paul, certainly did not die on the cross for you! [RHQ] When you were baptized {When someone baptized you}, you certainly did not promise that you were submitting to me! [RHQ]
Kraịst, ọ dị abụọ? Ọ bụ Pọl ka a kpọgidere nʼobe nʼihi unu? Ọ dị onye e mere baptizim nʼaha Pọl?
14 I thank [God] that Crispus and Gaius were the only ones from among you whom I baptized.
Ana m ekele Chineke ekele na ọ dịghị onye ọbụla nʼime unu m mere baptizim, ewezugakwa Krispọs na Gaiọs.
15 As a result, no one [there in Corinth except those two] can say, “Paul baptized me so that I would become (his disciple/submissive to him).”
Ya mere, ọ dịghị onye nʼime unu ga-asị na e mere ya baptizim nʼaha m.
16 [Now I remember that] I also baptized the household of Stephanas, but I do not remember baptizing anyone else [there].
(Ahaa! Emekwara m Stefanas na ezinaụlọ ya baptizim. Ewezuga ndị a, amaghị m ma m ga-echetakwa onye ọzọ m mere baptizim nʼonwe m.)
17 Christ sent me not [primarily] to baptize people but to preach the good message about him. When I do that, he does not want me to use words that human philosophers [consider] wise [IRO]. I do not want the message about [what] he [accomplished when he was nailed to] the cross [MTY] to lose its power.
Nʼihi na Kraịst ezighị m ime ndị mmadụ baptizim. O zitere m iji okwu dị mfe kwusaa oziọma ya. Ọ bụghị iji okwu oke mmụta na amamihe nke mmadụ ka ike nke obe Kraịst ghara ịbụ ihe efu.
18 Those who are perishing spiritually [because they do not believe that message consider] that the message [about what Christ accomplished when he was nailed to the] cross [MTY] [is] foolish. But to us who are being saved {whom [God] is saving} [spiritually because we believe that message], it [demonstrates that] God acts powerfully [in order to save us].
Nʼihi na okwu maka obe bụ ihe nzuzu nye ndị na-efu efu, ma nye anyị ndị a na-azọpụta, ọ bụrụ anyị ike nke Chineke.
19 [It is like what God said that] a prophet wrote long ago, [By the things that I will do], I will show that the ideas of those who [think] [IRO] they are wise are completely useless. I will ignore the ideas that they think are [IRO] so smart.
E dere ya, “Aga m emebi amamihe ndị maara ihe. Aga m emekwa ka oke nghọta nke ndị maara ihe bụrụ ihe efu.”
20 So, do you know [what God thinks] about what [RHQ] people who [IRO] consider themselves to be wise and scholars and philosophers say? [He does not pay attention to what they say, because] [RHQ] he has shown clearly that what unbelievers [think is] [IRO] wise is [not wise at all], but is really foolish. (aiōn g165)
Olee ebe ndị oke amamihe nọ? Olee ebe ndị ode akwụkwọ nọ? Olee ebe ndị oke ịrụ ụka nke oge a nọ? Chineke o mebeghị ka amamihe nke ụwa a bụrụ ihe efu? (aiōn g165)
21 God, acting very wisely, made it impossible for unbelievers to know God by doing what they thought was [IRO] wise. Instead, he was happy to save those who trust [in Christ] as the result of their hearing [the message that] was proclaimed to them, a message that others consider to be foolish.
Ma ebe ọ bụ site nʼamamihe nke Chineke, ụwa enweghị ike ịmata Chineke site na amamihe nke ya, ọ dị Chineke ezi mma isite nʼoziọma nke a na-ekwusa nke ndị mmadụ na-akpọ ihe nzuzu zọpụta ndị kweere.
22 The Jews want [people to prove, by performing] miracles, [that their message is true]. The non-Jews want to hear only messages consisting of talk that they consider to be very wise.
Ndị Juu chọrọ ịhụ ihe ịrịbama, ndị Griik na-achọkwa amamihe.
23 As for us, we proclaim [the message about what] Christ [accomplished for us when] he was nailed {[when they] nailed him} to the cross. That message offends Jews [because they do not think that the Messiah will die, and] non-Jews think it is [IRO] a foolish message.
Ma anyị onwe anyị na-ekwusa Kraịst, onye a kpọgburu nʼobe, onye bụ ihe mgbochi nʼebe ndị Juu nọ, ma na ntị ndị mba ọzọ, ọ dị ka okwu nzuzu.
24 But to us whom God has chosen to belong to himself, both Jews and non-Jews, that message shows that God acted powerfully and wisely [by sending] Christ [to die] for us.
Ma nye ndị niile a kpọrọ, ma ndị Juu ma ndị Griik, Kraịst bụ ike nke Chineke bụrụkwa amamihe nke Chineke.
25 [Unbelievers may think] [IRO] [that] God was [acting] foolishly [by doing that], but [the truth is that] he was acting more wisely than unbelievers who [just think that] [IRO] they are wise. And unbelievers may think that God was [acting] weakly [by sending his son to die], but he was acting more powerfully than unbelievers who [just think] [IRO] [that they] act powerfully.
Nʼihi na nzuzu Chineke dị mma karịa amamihe niile nke mmadụ, adịghị ike Chineke dịkwa ukwuu karịa ike niile nke mmadụ.
26 My fellow believers, remember what [kind of people you] were when God chose you. [Not many of you] whom he chose are people whom [unbelievers considered to be] wise. Very few of you were considered to be important. Very few of you came from families with a high social standing.
Ụmụnna m, chetakwanụ ihe unu bụ mgbe a kpọrọ unu. Chetanụ na ọ bụ ole na ole nʼime unu bụ ndị maara ihe nʼusoro ogugo mmadụ, ndị dị ike, na ndị a maara aha ha nʼobodo.
27 Instead, it was [usually] those whom [unbelievers considered to be] foolish whom God chose. He did that in order to shame/discredit those whom [unbelievers consider] [IRO] wise. It was [usually] those [whom unbelievers] considered [IRO] unimportant whom God chose, in order to shame/discredit those whom unbelievers consider important.
Ma lee na ọ bụ ihe ahụ ụwa gụrụ dịka ihe nzuzu, ka Chineke họrọ iji mee ka ihere mee ndị amamihe. Ọ bụkwa ihe ha gụrụ dịka ihe na-adịghị ike ka Chineke họọrọ iji mee ka ihere mee ndị dị ike.
28 It was usually those who are despised and considered {whom [unbelievers] despise and consider} worthless whom God chose, in order to make completely ineffective [what unbelievers consider to be important].
Nʼihi na Chineke họọrọ ihe dịkarịrị ala nke ụwa, na ihe a jụrụ ajụ, jiri ha mee ka ihe ụwa chere na ọ baghị uru, bụrụ ihe bara uru.
29 [He did that] in order that no one could boast to God about being wise or important.
Ka mmadụ ọbụla ghara ịnya isi nʼebe Chineke nọ.
30 It is because of what God [has done] that you (have a close relationship with/belong to) Christ Jesus. God [put into effect] his wise [plan to save us] by what Christ did for us. As a result of what Christ did, God erases the record of our sins, sets us apart for himself, and frees us from our being guilty [for our sins].
Ma ọ bụ nʼihi ya ka unu ji nọrọ nʼime Kraịst Jisọs, onye ghọrọ isi amamihe nye anyị site na Chineke, nke bụ ezi omume anyị na nke ido anyị nsọ, na onye mgbapụta anyị.
31 So, it is the Lord whom we should boast about, [not about one spiritual leader being better than another]. We should do as ([a prophet/Jeremiah]) wrote [in the Scriptures that we should do]: Those who boast should boast [only] about what the Lord [has done].
Ya mere, dịka e dere ya nʼakwụkwọ nsọ, “Onye ọbụla na-anya isi, ya nyaa nʼime Onyenwe anyị.”

< 1 Corinthians 1 >