< 1 Chronicles 5 >

1 Reuben was the oldest son of Jacob. Therefore, he should have received the special rights/privileges that belonged to firstborn sons. But he had sex with his father’s slave wife, so [his father] gave the rights if a firstborn son to the sons of Reubers younger brother Joseph. And in the family records, Reuben is not mentioned first, like the firstborn sons always are.
Voici les descendants de Ruben, le premier-né d’Israël. (C’Était, en effet, le premier-né, mais comme il avait profané la couche de son père, son droit d’aînesse fut attribué aux fils de Joseph, fils d’Israël, sans que ce dernier portât, dans les généalogies, le titre d’aîné.
2 Although Judah became more influential than his brothers, and a ruler of the tribe descended from him, Joseph’s family received the rights that belonged to firstborn sons.
Si Juda l’emporta sur ses frères et donna le jour à un prince, c’est à Joseph que fut dévolue l’aînesse.)
3 But Reuben was Jacob’s oldest son. Reuben’s sons were Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
Fils de Ruben, premier-né d’Israël: Hénoc, Pallou, Heçrôn et Karmi.
4 [Another descendant of Reuben was Joel]. Joel’s son was Shemaiah. Shemaiah’s son was Gog. Gog’s son was Shimei.
Fils de Joël: Chemaïa; celui-ci eut pour fils Gog, celui-ci Chimeï,
5 Shimei’s son was Micah. Micah’s son was Reaiah. Reaiah’s son was Baal.
celui-ci Mikha, celui-ci Reaïa, celui-ci Baal,
6 Baal’s son was Beerah. Beerah was a leader of the tribe/descendants of Reuben. But Tiglath-Pileser the king of Assyria captured him and took him to Assyria.
celui-ci Beêra, qu’exila Tilgath Pilneécer, roi d’Assyrie. C’Était un phylarque de Ruben.
7 The names of these clans are listed here according to what is written in their family records. The first [name written was] Jeiel. Then Zechariah,
Ses frères, selon leurs familles, enregistrées d’après leur généalogie, étaient Yeïêl, en tête, puis Zekhariahou,
8 and then Bela. Bela was the son of Azaz, and Azaz was the son of Shema, and Shema was the son of Joel. Reuben’s clan was very large. Some of them lived near Aroer [city] as far [north] as Nebo [town] and Baal-Meon [city].
Béla, fils d’Azaz, fils de Chéma, fils de Joël; Béla demeurait à Aroêr et s’étendait jusqu’à Nebo et Baal Meôn.
9 Some of them lived further east, as far as the edge of the desert [south of] the Euphrates River. [They went there] because they had a huge amount of cattle, [with the result that there was not enough pastureland for them] in [the] Gilead [region].
A l’Est, son habitation atteignait l’entrée du désert, depuis le fleuve de l’Euphrate, car leurs troupeaux s’étaient accrus dans le pays de Galaad.
10 When Saul was king [of Israel], Bela’s clan fought against the descendants of Hagar and defeated them. After that, Bela’s clan lived in the tents that the descendants of Hagar had lived in previously, in all the area east of [the] Gilead [region].
Au temps de Saül, ils avaient fait la guerre avec les Hagriites, qui étaient tombés en leur pouvoir; ils s’étaient installés dans leurs tentes, sur toute la bande orientale attenante au Galaad.
11 The tribe of Gad lived near the tribe of Reuben; they lived in [the] Bashan [region], all the way [east] to Salecah [town].
Les enfants de Gad, à l’opposite, demeuraient dans le pays du Basan jusqu’à Salca.
12 Joel was their chief; Shapham was his assistant; other leaders were Janai and Shaphat.
En tête venait Joël, en second Chafam, puis Yanaï et Chafat dans le Basan.
13 Other members of the tribe belonged to seven clans, whose leaders were Michael, Meshullam, Sheba, Jorai, Jacan, Zia, and Eber.
Leurs frères, classés selon leurs maisons paternelles, étaient: Mikhaêl, Mechoullam, Chéba, Yoraï, Yakân, Zïa et Eber, en tout sept.
14 They were descendants of Abihail. Abihail was Huri’s son. Huri was Jaroah’s son. Jaroah was Gilead’s son. Gilead was Michael’s son. Michael was Jeshishai’s son. Jeshishai was Jahdo’s son. Jahdo was the son of Buz.
Ceux-ci furent les fils d’Abihaïl, fils de Houri, fils de Yaroab, fils de Galaad, fils de Mikhaël, fils de Yechichaï, fils de Yahdo, fils de Bouz.
15 Ahi was Abdiel’s son. Abdiel was Guni’s son. Ahi was the leader of their clan.
Ahi, fils d’Abdiël, fils de Gouni, était le chef de leur clan familial.
16 The descendants of Gad lived in the towns in Gilead and Bashan regions, and on all the pastureland on [the] Sharon [plain].
Ils demeuraient dans le Galaad, le Basan et leurs bourgades, et dans tous les pâturages de Saron formant issues.
17 All of those names were written in the records of the clans of Gad during the time that Jotham was the king of Judah and Jeroboam was the king of Israel.
Tous furent enregistrés au temps de Jotham, roi de Juda, et au temps de Jéroboam, roi d’Israël.
18 There were 44,760 soldiers from the tribes of Reuben and Gad and [the eastern] half of the tribe of Manasseh. They all carried shields and swords and bows [and arrows]. They [were all trained to] fight well in battles.
Les Rubénites, les Gadites et ceux de la demi-tribu de Manassé, qui étaient guerriers, porteurs de boucliers et d’épées, archers et exercés aux combats, formaient un effectif de quarante-quatre mille sept cent soixante soldats.
19 They attacked the descendants of Hagar and the people of Jetur, Naphish, and Nodab [cities].
Ils firent la guerre aux Hagriites et aux gens de Yetour, de Nafich et de Nodab.
20 The men from those three tribes prayed to God during the battles, requesting him to help them. So he helped them, because they trusted in him. He enabled them to defeat [IDM] the descendants of Hagar and all those who were helping them.
Ils furent victorieux et reçurent la soumission des Hagriites et de tous leurs auxiliaires, car ils avaient invoqué Dieu dans le combat et avaient été exaucés pour avoir mis leur confiance en Lui.
21 They took the animals that belonged to the descendants of Hagar: They took 50,000 camels, 250,000 sheep, and 2,000 donkeys. They also captured 100,000 people.
Ils razzièrent leurs troupeaux, leurs chameaux au nombre de cinquante mille, deux cent cinquante mille têtes de menu bétail, deux mille ânes et cent mille personnes.
22 But many descendants of Hagar were killed because God helped the people of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. After that, those three tribes lived in that area until [the army of] Babylonia [captured them and] took them away to Babylon.
Beaucoup avaient succombé dans le combat, car Dieu est le maître de la guerre. Ils occupèrent ces lieux jusqu’à l’exil.
23 There were many people who belonged to the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh. They lived in [the] Bashan [region east of the Jordan River], as far [north] as Baal-Hermon, Senir, and Hermon Mountain.
Ceux de la demi-tribu de Manassé habitaient le pays qui s’étend du Basan à Baal-Hermôn, à Senir et à la montagne de Hermôn. Ils étaient nombreux.
24 Their clan leaders were Epher, Ishi, Eliel, Azriel, Jeremiah, Hodaviah, and Jahdiel. They were all strong, brave, and famous soldiers, and leaders of their clans.
Voici quels furent les chefs de leurs clans familiaux: Efer, Yicheï, Eliël, Azriël, Jérémie, Hodavia et Yahdiël. C’Étaient de vaillants hommes, des gens fameux, que ces chefs de leurs clans familiaux.
25 But they sinned against God, the one whom their ancestors had worshiped. They began to worship the gods/idols that the people of that region had worshiped, the people whom God had enabled them to destroy!
Mais ils devinrent infidèles au Dieu de leurs ancêtres, en se prostituant aux divinités des peuples du pays que Dieu avait exterminés devant eux.
26 So the God whom the Israelis [worshiped] caused Pul, the king of Assyria, to conquer those tribes. Pul’s other name was Tiglath-Pileser. His [army] captured the people of the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the eastern half of the tribe of Manasseh, and took them to [various places in Assyria]: Halah, Habor, Hara and near the Gozan River. [They have lived in those places from that time] to the present time.
Alors le Dieu d’Israël excita l’esprit de Poul, roi d’Assyrie, et celui de Tilgat-Pilnésser, roi d’Assyrie, qui déporta les Rubénites, les Gadites et ceux de la demi-tribu de Manassé et les amena à Halah, Habor, Hara, et près du fleuve de Gozân, où ils sont encore aujourd’hui.

< 1 Chronicles 5 >