< 1 Chronicles 29 >
1 Then King David said to all the people who had gathered there, “My son Solomon, the one whom God has chosen [to be the next king], is young and does not have much experience. This work [of building the temple] is great/important, because this glorious building will not be to [honor] people, but to honor Yahweh our God.
locutusque est David rex ad omnem ecclesiam Salomonem filium meum unum elegit Deus adhuc puerum et tenellum opus autem grande est neque enim homini praeparatur habitatio sed Deo
2 From all the things that I possess, I have provided [what will be needed] to [build] the temple of my God—the gold for the things to be made of gold, the silver for the things to be made of silver, bronze for the things to be made of bronze, iron for the things to be made of iron, wood for the things to be made of wood, and large amounts of onyx and turquoise and other valuable stones of various colors, and marble and all kinds of valuable stones.
ego autem totis viribus meis praeparavi inpensas domus Dei mei aurum ad vasa aurea et argentum in argentea aes in aenea ferrum in ferrea lignum ad lignea lapides onychinos et quasi stibinos et diversorum colorum omnem pretiosum lapidem et marmor parium abundantissime
3 In addition to all these things that I have given for the temple, I am giving treasures of gold and silver, because I very much desire that this holy temple for my God be built.
et super haec quae obtuli in domum Dei mei de peculio meo aurum et argentum do in templum Dei mei exceptis his quae paravi in aedem sanctam
4 I am giving 110 tons of gold from Ophir and 260 tons of refined silver to cover the walls of the buildings,
tria milia talenta auri de auro Ophir et septem milia talentorum argenti probatissimi ad deaurandos parietes templi
5 for making the other items of gold and silver, and for the other work to be done by the craftsmen. So now, [I ask you], are there others willing to show [by contributing other gifts for the building of the temple] [EUP] that they have dedicated themselves to Yahweh?”
ut ubicumque opus est aurum de auro et ubicumque opus est argentum argenti opera fiant per manus artificum et si quis sponte offert impleat manum suam hodie et offerat quod voluerit Domino
6 Then the leaders of the families/clans, the leaders of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of 1,000 soldiers and the commanders of 100 soldiers, and the officials who supervised the work that the king wanted done, gave gifts (willingly/because they wanted to give them).
polliciti sunt itaque principes familiarum et proceres tribuum Israhel tribuni quoque et centuriones et principes possessionum regis
7 For the work at the temple they gave 190 tons and (185 pounds/84 kg.) of gold, 375 tons of silver, 675 tons of bronze, and 3,750 tons of iron.
dederuntque in opera domus Dei auri talenta quinque milia et solidos decem milia argenti talenta decem milia et aeris talenta decem et octo milia ferri quoque centum milia talentorum
8 And any people who owned valuable stones gave them to be put in the storeroom of the temple. Jehiel, a descendant of Gershon, was appointed to be in charge of them.
et apud quemcumque inventi sunt lapides dederunt in thesaurum domus Domini per manum Ieihel Gersonitis
9 The people were happy to see that their leaders wanted to give those things, because [they knew that] their leaders were happy and enthusiastic to give those things to Yahweh. And King David also was very happy.
laetatusque est populus cum vota sponte promitterent quia corde toto offerebant ea Domino sed et David rex laetatus est gaudio magno
10 Then, while all the people there were listening, David prayed, saying, “We praise you, Yahweh, the God whom our ancestor Jacob worshiped. We will praise you forever!
et benedixit Domino coram universa multitudine et ait benedictus es Domine Deus Israhel patris nostri ab aeterno in aeternum
11 You alone are great and powerful; only you are truly glorious and majestic and wonderful. [And that is true] because everything in heaven and on the earth is yours. You are the king of all the people in this world; you are the ruler of everything.
tua est Domine magnificentia et potentia et gloria atque victoria et tibi laus cuncta enim quae in caelo sunt et in terra tua sunt tuum Domine regnum et tu es super omnes principes
12 Because you are very powerful [DOU], you are able to cause anyone to be great and strong.
tuae divitiae et tua est gloria tu dominaris omnium in manu tua virtus et potentia in manu tua magnitudo et imperium omnium
13 So now, our God, we thank you, and we praise you [MTY] for being very great.
nunc igitur Deus noster confitemur tibi et laudamus nomen tuum inclitum
14 But my people and I are not really able to give anything to you, because everything [that we have] comes from you, and what we have given to you are only the things that we have received from you [MTY].
quis ego et quis populus meus ut possimus haec tibi universa promittere tua sunt omnia et quae de manu tua accepimus dedimus tibi
15 [In this land] we are like [MET] foreigners and strangers, like our ancestors were. Our time here on this earth is like [SIM] a shadow [that disappears quickly]; [we know that there is] nothing [that] can enable us [to escape dying].
peregrini enim sumus coram te et advenae sicut omnes patres nostri dies nostri quasi umbra super terram et nulla est mora
16 Yahweh our God, we have gathered all these things to use in building your [MTY] temple, but all of it really belongs to you, and you have given it to us [MTY].
Domine Deus noster omnis haec copia quam paravimus ut aedificaretur domus nomini sancto tuo de manu tua est et tua sunt omnia
17 My God, I know that you test us people, and you are pleased if you find out that we do what is right. All these things I have given to you because I wanted to. And now I have seen that your people have also joyfully and generously given things to you.
scio Deus meus quod probes corda et simplicitatem diligas unde et ego in simplicitate cordis mei laetus obtuli universa haec et populum tuum qui hic reppertus est vidi cum ingenti gaudio tibi offerre donaria
18 Yahweh, the God whom our ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worshiped, I desire/hope that your people will continue to desire [to do things like this] forever, and that they will always be loyal to you.
Domine Deus Abraham et Isaac et Israhel patrum nostrorum custodi in aeternum hanc voluntatem cordis eorum et semper in venerationem tui mens ista permaneat
19 And now, please enable my son Solomon to faithfully and sincerely [DOU] obey your commands and laws and decrees [DOU] and to do everything that is needed to build this beautiful building for which I have provided [all these things].”
Salomoni quoque filio meo da cor perfectum ut custodiat mandata tua testimonia tua caerimonias tuas et faciat universa et aedificet aedem cuius inpensas paravi
20 Then David said to all the people who were gathered there, “Praise Yahweh our God!” So they all praised Yahweh the God whom their ancestors ([also worshiped/belonged to]). They prostrated themselves on the ground in front of Yahweh and in front of the king.
praecepit autem David universae ecclesiae benedicite Domino Deo nostro et benedixit omnis ecclesia Domino Deo patrum suorum et inclinaverunt se et adoraverunt Deum et deinde regem
21 The next day the people offered sacrifices to Yahweh. They presented many animals to be completely burned [on the altar]: 1,000 bulls, 1,000 rams, 1,000 male sheep, plus offerings of wine, and many other sacrifices on behalf of all [the people of] Israel.
immolaveruntque victimas Domino et obtulerunt holocausta die sequenti tauros mille arietes mille agnos mille cum libaminibus suis et universo ritu abundantissime in omnem Israhel
22 On that day the people were joyful and ate and drank while Yahweh was watching. Then for the second time they declared that Solomon was now the king. While Yahweh was watching, they anointed him [with olive oil] to be the king, and they anointed Zadok to be the Supreme Priest.
et comederunt et biberunt coram Domino in die illo cum grandi laetitia et unxerunt secundo Salomonem filium David unxerunt autem Domino in principem et Sadoc in pontificem
23 So Solomon sat on the throne [because Yahweh wanted him to be] the king to succeed his father David. [During the following years] Solomon prospered, and all the Israeli people obeyed him.
seditque Salomon super solium Domini in regem pro David patre suo et cunctis placuit et paruit illi omnis Israhel
24 King David’s other sons and all the officers and mighty warriors accepted Solomon as their king, and they solemnly promised to obey him.
sed et universi principes et potentes et cuncti filii regis David dederunt manum et subiecti fuerunt Salomoni regi
25 Yahweh caused Solomon to be highly respected by all the Israeli people, and they honored him very much. No king of Israel was honored as much as Solomon was.
magnificavit ergo Dominus Salomonem super omnem Israhel et dedit illi gloriam regni qualem nullus habuit ante eum rex Israhel
26 Jesse’s son David was the king who ruled all of Israel.
igitur David filius Isai regnavit super universum Israhel
27 He ruled for 40 years: Seven years in Hebron [city] and 33 years in Jerusalem.
et dies quibus regnavit super Israhel fuerunt quadraginta anni in Hebron regnavit septem annis et in Hierusalem triginta tribus
28 He became an old man who was very rich and greatly honored by all the people. Then he died, and his son Solomon became the king [of Israel].
et mortuus est in senectute bona plenus dierum et divitiis et gloria regnavitque Salomon filius eius pro eo
29 A record of all the things that King David did while he ruled, from the beginning to the end, was put on scrolls written by the prophets Samuel, Nathan, and Gad.
gesta autem David regis priora et novissima scripta sunt in libro Samuhel videntis et in libro Nathan prophetae atque in volumine Gad videntis
30 They told about his powerful rule [HEN], and all the things that happened to him and to the people of Israel and in the nearby kingdoms [while he was ruling Israel].
universique regni eius et fortitudinis et temporum quae transierunt sub eo sive in Israhel sive in cunctis regnis terrarum