< 1 Chronicles 28 >

1 David summoned all the leaders of Israel to come to Jerusalem. He summoned the leaders of the tribes, the leaders/commanders of the groups that worked for the king, the commanders of 100 soldiers, the commanders of 1,000 soldiers, those who were in charge of the property and livestock that belonged to the king and his sons, all the palace officials, and his mighty soldiers and bravest warriors.
و داود جميع رؤساي اسرائيل را از رؤساي اسباط و رؤساي فرقه هايي که پادشاه را خدمت مي کردند و رؤساي هزاره و رؤساي صده و ناظران همه اندوخته ها و اموال پادشاه و پسرانش را با خواجه سرايان و شجاعان و جميع مردان جنگي در اورشليم جمع کرد.۱
2 David stood up and said, “My fellow Israelis, listen to me. I wanted [IDM] to build a temple to be a place where we would put the Sacred Chest of Yahweh, where it would stay permanently. And I made plans to build it.
پس داود پادشاه برپا ايستاده، گفت: « اي برادرانم و اي قوم من! مرا بشنويد! من اراده داشتم خانه اي که آرامگاه تابوت عهد خداوند و پاي انداز پايهاي خداي ما باشد بنا نمايم، و براي بناي آن تدارک ديده بودم.۲
3 But God said to me, ‘You are not the one who will [arrange to] build a temple for me [MTY], because you are a warrior and you have killed many people [MTY] [in battles].’
ليکن خدا مرا گفت: تو خانه اي به جهت اسم من بنا نخواهي نمود، زيرا مرد جنگي هستي و خون ريخته اي.۳
4 “But Yahweh, the God to whom we Israelis belong, had chosen me and my descendants to be the kings of Israel forever. [First] he chose the tribe of Judah, and from the people [MTY] of Judah he chose my family, and from my father’s sons he chose me to be the king over all of Israel.
ليکن يهُوَه خداي اسرائيل مرا از تمامي خاندان پدرم برگزيده است که بر اسرائيل تا ابد پادشاه بشوم، زيرا که يهودا را براي رياست اختيار کرد و از خاندان يهودا خاندان پدر مرا و از فرزندان پدرم مرا پسند کرد تا مرا بر تمامي اسرائيل به پادشاهي نصب نمايد.۴
5 Yahweh has given me many sons, but from them he chose my son Solomon to be the next king to rule [MTY] the kingdom of Israel.
و از جميع پسران من (زيرا خداوند پسران بسيار به من داده است)، پسرم سليمان را برگزيده است تا بر کرسي سلطنت خداوند بر اسرائيل بنشيند.۵
6 He said to me, ‘Solomon your son is the one who will [arrange to] build my temple and the courtyards around it, because I have chosen him to be [like] my son and I will be [like] [MET] his father.
و به من گفت: پسر تو سليمان، او است که خانه مرا و صحن هاي مرا بنا خواهد نمود، زيرا که او را برگزيده ام تا پسر من باشد و من پدر او خواهم بود.۶
7 I will enable his kingdom to endure forever if he continues to obey my laws and commands, like you are doing now.’
و اگر او به جهت بجا آوردن فرايض و احکام من مثل امروز ثابت بماند، آنگاه سلطنت او را تا به ابد استوار خواهم گردانيد.۷
8 “So now, while all [you people of] Israel, all of you who belong to Yahweh, are watching, and while God is listening, I command you [leaders] to carefully obey all the commands of Yahweh our God, in order that you may continue to possess this good land and enable your descendants to inherit it forever.
پس الآن در نظر تمامي اسرائيل که جماعت خداوند هستند و به سمع خداي ما متوجه شده، تمامي اوامر يهُوَه خداي خود را بطلبيد تا اين زمين نيکو را به تصرف آورده، آن را بعد از خودتان به پسران خويش تا به ابد به ارثيت واگذاريد.۸
9 “And you, my son Solomon, must know God like I know him, and you must serve him faithfully and because you want to. You must do that because he knows what everyone is thinking and he understands the reasons that people do what they do. If you seek [to know] him, he will heed your prayers. But if you abandon/reject him, he will abandon/reject you forever.
« و تو اي پسر من سليمان خداي پدر خود را بشناس و او را به دل کامل و به ارادت تمام عبادت نما زيرا خداوند همه دلها را تفتيش مي نمايد و هر تصور فکرها را ادراک مي کند؛ و اگر او را طلب نمايي، او را خواهي يافت؛ اما اگر او را ترک کني، تو را تا به ابد دور خواهد انداخت.۹
10 Yahweh has chosen you to [arrange to] build a temple for him. So think about [what I have said], and be strong and do what [he is wanting you to do].”
حال با حذر باش زيرا خداوند تو را برگزيده است تا به خانه اي به جهت مَقدَسِ او بنا نمايي. پس قوي شده، مشغول باش.»۱۰
11 Then David gave to his son Solomon [the scroll on which were written] the plans for the main rooms of the temple, its porch, its storerooms, all the other upper and lower rooms, and the Very Holy Place where God would forgive the sins that people had committed.
و داود به پسر خود سليمان نمونه رواق و خانه ها و خزاين و بالاخانه ها و حُجره هاي اندروني آن و خانه کرسي رحمت،۱۱
12 David wrote for him the plans that God’s Spirit had put into his mind for building the courtyards and all the rooms that surrounded the temple, including the room where the money and other valuable things that were dedicated to God would be kept.
و نمونه هر آنچه را که از روح به او داده شده بود، براي صحن هاي خانه خداوند و براي همه حجره هاي گرداگردش و براي خزاين خانه خدا و خزاين موقوفات داد.۱۲
13 He gave Solomon instructions for the groups of priests and other descendants of Levi, about all the work that they must do to serve in Yahweh’s temple, and about taking care of all the things that would be used in the work at the temple.
و براي فرقه هاي کاهنان و لاويان و براي تمامي کار خدمت خانه خداوند و براي همه اسباب خدمت خانه خداوند.۱۳
14 He wrote down how much gold and how much silver should be used to make all the items in the temple:
و از طلا به وزن براي همه آلات طلا به جهت هر نوع خدمتي و از نقره به وزن براي همه آلات نقره به جهت هر نوع خدمتي.۱۴
15 how much gold for making the gold lampstands and the lamps, how much silver to make the silver lamps and lampstands,
و طلا را به وزن به جهت شمعدانهاي طلا و چراغهاي آنها به جهت هر شمعدان و چراغهايش، آن را به وزن داد و براي شمعدانهاي نقره نيز نقره را به وزن به جهت هر چراغدان موافق کار هر شمعدان و چراغهاي آن.۱۵
16 how much gold for making the table on which [the priests would put] the sacred bread, how much silver to use to make the other tables,
و طلا را به وزن به جهت ميزهاي نان تَقدِمه براي هر ميز عليحده و نقره را براي ميزهاي نقره.۱۶
17 how much pure gold for the meat forks and the bowls and the cups, how much gold for each gold dish, how much silver for each silver dish,
و زر خالص را براي چنگالها و کاسها و پياله ها و به جهت طاسهاي طلا موافق وزن هر طاس و به جهت طاسهاي نقره موافق وزن هر طاس.۱۷
18 and how much pure gold to make the altar for [burning] incense. He also gave to Solomon his plans for making the golden statues of winged creatures that would be above the Sacred Chest of Yahweh, [like] a chariot for him.
و طلاي مصفّي را به وزن به جهت مذبح بخور و طلا را به جهت نمونه مرکب کروبيان که بالهاي خود را پهن کرده، تابوت عهد خداوند را مي پوشانيدند.۱۸
19 Then David said, “I have written [all these plans] while Yahweh was directing [MTY] me. He has enabled me to understand all the details of his plan [for the temple that is to be built].”
(و داود گفت): «خداوند اين همه را يعني تمامي کارهاي اين نمونه را از نوشته دست خود که بر من بود به من فهمانيد.»۱۹
20 David also said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and do this work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, because Yahweh our God will be with/helping you. He will not fail [to help] you or abandon you until you finish all the work of making his temple.
و داود به پسر خود سليمان گفت: « قوي و دلير باش و مشغول شو و ترسان و هراسان مباش، زيرا يهُوَه خدا که خداي من مي باشد، با تو است و تا همه کار خدمت خانه خداوند تمام نشود، تو را وا نخواهد گذاشت و تو را ترک نخواهد نمود.۲۰
21 The groups of priests and [other] descendants of Levi are ready to begin their work at the temple, and every man who has a special skill will help you in all the work. And my officials and the other people will obey you, whatever you command them to do.”
اينک فرقه هاي کاهنان و لاويان براي تمام خدمت خانه خدا (حاضرند) و براي هر گونه عمل همه کسان دلگرم که براي هر صنعتي مهارت دارند، با تو هستند و سروران و تمامي قوم مطيع کامل اوامر تو مي باشند.»۲۱

< 1 Chronicles 28 >