< 1 Chronicles 26 >

1 This is a list of the groups of men who guarded the temple gates: From the descendants of Korah, there was Meshelemiah, the son of Kore, who was one of the sons of Asaph.
Per le classi dei portieri. Dei Coriti: Meselemia, figlio di Core, dei discendenti di Ebiasaf.
2 The oldest son of Meshelemiah was Zechariah. His other sons were Jediael, Zebadiah, Jathniel,
Figli di Meselemia: Zaccaria il primogenito, Iediael il secondo, Zebadia il terzo, Iatnièl il quarto,
3 Elam, Jehohanan, and Eliehoenai.
Elam il quinto, Giovanni il sesto, Elioènai il settimo.
4 [Another guard] was Obed-Edom. His oldest son was Shemaiah. His other sons were Jehozabad, Joah, Sacar, Nethanel,
Figli di Obed-Edom: Semaia il primogenito, Iozabàd il secondo, Iaoch il terzo, Sacar il quarto, Netaneèl il quinto,
5 Ammiel, Issachar, and Peullethai. It was because God had blessed him that he had many sons.
Ammièl il sesto, Issacar il settimo, Peulletài l'ottavo, poiché Dio aveva benedetto Obed-Edom.
6 Obed-Edom’s son Shemaiah also had sons. They were leaders in their father’s family because they were capable of doing many things well.
A Semaia suo figlio nacquero figli, che signoreggiavano nel loro casato perché erano uomini valorosi.
7 The sons of Shemaiah were Othni, Rephael, Obed, and Elzabad. Shemaiah’s relatives Elihu and Semakiah were also capable men.
Figli di Semaia: Otni, Raffaele, Obed, Elzabàd con i fratelli, uomini valorosi, Eliu e Semachia.
8 All of those descendants of Obed-Edom and their sons and relatives were capable people and strong workers. Altogether there were 62 of them.
Tutti costoro erano discendenti di Obed-Edom. Essi e i figli e i fratelli, uomini valorosi, erano adattissimi per il servizio. Per Obed-Edom: sessantadue in tutto.
9 Another guard was Meshelemiah. He and his sons and relatives were also capable people. There were 18 of them altogether.
Meselemia ne aveva diciotto tra figli e fratelli, tutti uomini valorosi.
10 Another guard was Hosah’s son Shimri, a descendant of Merari. Hosah appointed Shimri to be the leader, even though he was not Hosah’s oldest son.
Figli di Cosà, dei discendenti di Merari: Simri, il primo; non era primogenito ma suo padre lo aveva costituito capo.
11 Hosah’s other sons were Hilkiah, Tabaliah, and Zechariah. Altogether there were 13 sons and relatives of Hosah.
Chelkia era il secondo, Tebalia il terzo, Zaccaria il quarto. Totale dei figli e fratelli di Cosà: tredici.
12 Those men were leaders of the groups of men who guarded the gates of the temple. They worked at the temple like their relatives did.
Queste classi di portieri, cioè i capigruppo, avevano l'incarico, come i loro fratelli, di servire nel tempio.
13 By casting lots, the leader of each family chose one gate for their group to guard. [All of them, including] young men and old men (OR, including leaders of large families and small families), cast lots.
Gettarono le sorti, il piccolo come il grande, secondo i loro casati, per ciascuna porta.
14 Shelemiah’s group was selected to guard the East Gate. The group of Shelemiah’s son Zechariah, who was a wise counselor, was selected to guard the North Gate.
Per il lato orientale la sorte toccò a Selemia; a Zaccaria suo figlio, consigliere assennato, in seguito a sorteggio toccò il lato settentrionale,
15 Then Obed-Edom’s group was selected to guard the South Gate, and his sons were selected to guard the [entrances to the temple] storerooms.
a Obed-Edom quello meridionale, ai suoi figli toccarono i magazzini.
16 Then Shuppim’s group and Hosah’s group were selected to guard the West Gate and the Shalleketh Gate on the upper road [to the temple]. The work for the guards was divided evenly.
Il lato occidentale con la porta Sallèchet, sulla via della salita, toccò a Suppim e a Cosà. Un posto di guardia era proporzionato all'altro.
17 Each day there were six descendants of Levi who guarded the East Gate, four who guarded the North Gate, four who guarded the South Gate, and two at a time who guarded the entrances to the storerooms.
Per il lato orientale erano incaricati sei uomini ogni giorno; per il lato settentrionale quattro al giorno; per quello meridionale quattro al giorno, per ogni magazzino due.
18 At the West gate there were two men who guarded the courtyard and four who guarded the road outside the courtyard.
Al Parbàr a occidente, ce n'erano quattro per la strada e due per il Parbàr.
19 Those were the groups of men who were descendants of Korah and Merari who guarded the gates [of the temple].
Queste le classi dei portieri discendenti di Core, figli di Merari.
20 Other descendants of Levi were in charge of the chests that contained the money that was dedicated to Yahweh, money that the people brought to the temple.
I leviti loro fratelli, addetti alla sorveglianza sui tesori del tempio e sui tesori delle cose consacrate,
21 [One of those men was] Ladan, a descendant of Gershon. He was the ancestor of several family groups. Jehiel was the leader of one of those family groups.
erano figli di Ladan, ghersoniti secondo la linea di Ladan. Capi dei casati di Ladan il Ghersonita erano gli Iechieliti.
22 Others who had that work were Zetham and his [younger] brother Joel, who were the sons of Jehiel.
Gli Iechieliti Zetan e Gioele, suo fratello, erano addetti ai tesori del tempio.
23 Others who did that work were descendants of Amram, Izhar, Hebron and Uzziel.
Fra i discendenti di Amram, di Isear, di Ebron e di Uzziel:
24 [From the descendants of Amram], Shubael, a descendant of Moses’s son Gershom, was the leader who was in charge of the money chests.
Subaèl figlio di Gherson, figlio di Mosè, era sovrintendente dei tesori.
25 [Others who did that work were] the descendants of [Gershom’s younger brother] Eliezer. Those men were Eliezer’s son Rehabiah, Rehabiah’s son Jeshaiah, Jeshaiah’s son Joram, Joram’s son Zicri, and Zicri’s son Shelomith.
Tra i suoi fratelli, nella linea di Eliezer: suo figlio Recabia, di cui fu figlio Isaia, di cui fu figlio Ioram, di cui fu figlio Zikri, di cui fu figlio Selomìt.
26 Shelomith and his relatives were in charge of all the valuable things that had been dedicated [to Yahweh] by King David, by the leaders of the family groups, by the army commanders of 1,000 soldiers and commanders of 100 soldiers, and by other army commanders.
Questo Selomìt con i fratelli era addetto ai tesori delle cose consacrate, che il re Davide, i capi dei casati, i capi di migliaia e di centinaia e i capi dell'esercito
27 Some of the things that those army officers had taken [from Israel’s enemies] in battles they dedicated for the repair of the temple of Yahweh.
avevano consacrate, prendendole dal bottino di guerra e da altre prede, per la manutenzione del tempio.
28 And Shelomith and his relatives were also in charge of everything that had been dedicated [to Yahweh] by the prophet Samuel, by King Saul, and by [David’s two army commanders] Ner and Joab.
Inoltre c'erano tutte le cose consacrate dal veggente Samuele, da Saul figlio di Kis, da Abner figlio di Ner, e da Ioab figlio di Zeruià; tutti questi oggetti consacrati dipendevano da Selomìt e dai suoi fratelli.
29 From the descendants of Izhar, Kenaniah and his sons were given work outside [the temple area]. They were officials and judges in [various places] in Israel.
Fra i discendenti di Isear: Chenania e i suoi figli erano addetti agli affari esterni di Israele come magistrati e giudici.
30 From the descendants of Hebron, Hashabiah and his relatives were responsible for the work done for Yahweh and for the king in all the area west of the Jordan [river]. There were 1,700 of them who were able to do their work well.
Fra i discendenti di Ebron: Casabià e i suoi fratelli, uomini valorosi, in numero di millesettecento, erano addetti alla sorveglianza di Israele, dalla Transgiordania all'occidente, riguardo a ogni cosa relativa al culto del Signore e al servizio del re.
31 It was written in the records of the descendants of Hebron that Jeriah was their leader. When David had been ruling for almost 40 years, they searched in those records, and they found [names of] capable men descended from Hebron who were at Jazer [city] in the Gilead [region].
Fra i discendenti di Ebron c'era Ieria, il capo degli Ebroniti divisi secondo le loro genealogie; nell'anno quarantesimo del regno di Davide si effettuarono ricerche sugli Ebroniti; fra di loro c'erano uomini valorosi in Iazer di Gàlaad.
32 Jeriah had 2,700 relatives who were able to do their work well, and who were leaders of their families. King David put them in charge of governing the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and [the eastern] half of the tribe of Manasseh, to be sure that all the people did what God and the king told them to do.
Tra i fratelli di Ieria, uomini valorosi, c'erano duemilasettecento capi di casati. Il re Davide diede a costoro autorità sui Rubeniti, sui Gaditi e su metà della tribù di Manàsse per ogni questione riguardante Dio o il re.

< 1 Chronicles 26 >