< 1 Chronicles 19 >
1 Some time later, Nahash, the king of the Ammon people-group, died. Then his son Hanun became their king.
Accidit autem ut moreretur Naas rex filiorum Ammon, et regnaret filius ejus pro eo.
2 [When] David [heard about that, he] thought [to himself], “Nahash was kind to me, so I will be kind to his son.” So David sent some officials there, to tell Hanun that he was sorry to hear that Hanun’s father [had died]. But when David’s officials came to Hanun in the land where the Ammon people-group lived,
Dixitque David: Faciam misericordiam cum Hanon filio Naas: præstitit enim mihi pater ejus gratiam. Misitque David nuntios ad consolandum eum super morte patris sui. Qui cum pervenissent in terram filiorum Ammon ut consolarentur Hanon,
3 the leaders of the Ammon people-group said to Hanun, “Do you think that it is really to honor your father that King David is sending these men to say that he is sorry that your father died? [We think that] his men have come to (look around/spy) our city in order to determine how his [army] can conquer us.”
dixerunt principes filiorum Ammon ad Hanon: Tu forsitan putas, quod David honoris causa in patrem tuum miserit qui consolentur te: nec animadvertis quod ut explorent, et investigent, et scrutentur terram tuam, venerint ad te servi ejus.
4 Hanun [believed what they said, so he commanded some soldiers to] seize the officials whom David had sent, and shave off their beards, and [insult them by] cutting off the lower part of their robes, and then send them away. [So his soldiers did that].
Igitur Hanon pueros David decalvavit, et rasit, et præcidit tunicas eorum a natibus usque ad pedes, et dimisit eos.
5 The officials were greatly humiliated/ashamed. When David found out about what had happened to his officials, he sent some messengers to them to tell them, “Stay at Jericho until your beards have grown again, and then return home.”
Qui cum abiissent, et hoc mandassent David, misit in occursum eorum (grandem enim contumeliam sustinuerant) et præcepit ut manerent in Jericho, donec cresceret barba eorum, et tunc reverterentur.
6 Then the [leaders of the] Ammon people-group realized that they had greatly insulted [IDM] David. So Hanun and some of his officials sent about (37,000 pounds/34,000 kg.) of silver to hire chariots and chariot-drivers from [the] Aram-Naharaim, Aram-Maacah and Zobah [regions of Syria northeast of Israel].
Videntes autem filii Ammon quod injuriam fecissent David, tam Hanon quam reliquus populus, miserunt mille talenta argenti, ut conducerent sibi de Mesopotamia, et de Syria Maacha, et de Soba currus et equites.
7 They hired 32,000 chariots and chariot-drivers, as well as the king of [the] Maacah [region] and his army. They came and set up their tents near Medeba [town in Moab region]. The soldiers from the Ammon people-group also marched out and (stood in their positions/arranged themselves for battle) [at the entrance to their capital city, Rabbah].
Conduxeruntque triginta duo millia curruum, et regem Maacha cum populo ejus. Qui cum venissent, castrametati sunt e regione Medaba. Filii quoque Ammon congregati de urbibus suis venerunt ad bellum.
8 When David heard about that, he sent Joab and all his army.
Quod cum audisset David, misit Joab, et omnem exercitum virorum fortium:
9 The soldiers of the Ammon people-group came out of their city and lined up for battle at the entrance to [their capital city, Rabbah]. Meanwhile, the other kings who had come [with their armies] stood in their positions in the open fields.
egressique filii Ammon, direxerunt aciem juxta portam civitatis; reges autem, qui ad auxilium ejus venerant, separatim in agro steterunt.
10 Joab saw that there were groups of enemy soldiers in front of his troops and behind his troops. So he selected some of the best Israeli troops and put them in positions to fight against the soldiers of Syria.
Igitur Joab, intelligens bellum ex adverso et post tergum contra se fieri, elegit viros fortissimos de universo Israël, et perrexit contra Syrum.
11 He appointed his [older] brother Abishai to be the commander of his other soldiers and he told them to (stand in their positions/arrange themselves) in front of [the army of] the Ammon people-group.
Reliquam autem partem populi dedit sub manu Abisai fratris sui: et perrexerunt contra filios Ammon.
12 Joab said to them, “If the soldiers from Syria are too strong for us to defeat them, then your soldiers must come and help us. But if the soldiers from the Ammon people-group are too strong for you to defeat them, then my soldiers will come and help your men.
Dixitque: Si vicerit me Syrus, auxilio eris mihi: si autem superaverint te filii Ammon, ero tibi in præsidium.
13 We must be strong/courageous, and fight hard to [defend] our people and our cities (that belong to/where we worship) our God. I will pray that Yahweh will do what he considers to be good.”
Confortare, et agamus viriliter pro populo nostro, et pro urbibus Dei nostri: Dominus autem, quod in conspectu suo bonum est, faciet.
14 So Joab and his troops [advanced to] fight the army of Syria, and the soldiers from Syria ran away from them.
Perrexit ergo Joab et populus qui cum eo erat, contra Syrum ad prælium: et fugavit eos.
15 And when the soldiers of the Ammon people-group saw that the soldiers from Syria were running away, they also started to run away from Abishai and his army, and they retreated back inside the city. So Joab [and his army] returned to Jerusalem.
Porro filii Ammon videntes quod fugisset Syrus, ipsi quoque fugerunt Abisai fratrem ejus, et ingressi sunt civitatem: reversusque est etiam Joab in Jerusalem.
16 After [the leaders of the army of] Syria realized that they had been defeated by [the army of] Israel, they sent messengers to [another part of Syria on] the east side of the [Euphrates] river, and brought troops from there [to the battle area], with Shophach, the commander of Hadadezer’s army, leading them.
Videns autem Syrus quod cecidisset coram Israël, misit nuntios, et adduxit Syrum, qui erat trans fluvium: Sophach autem princeps militiæ Adarezer erat dux eorum.
17 When David heard about that, he gathered all the Israeli soldiers, and they crossed the Jordan [River]. They advanced and took their battle positions to attack the army of Syria.
Quod cum nuntiatum esset David, congregavit universum Israël, et transivit Jordanem, irruitque in eos et direxit ex adverso aciem, illis contra pugnantibus.
18 But the army of Syria ran away from the soldiers of Israel. However, David’s soldiers killed 7,000 of their chariot-drivers and 40,000 other soldiers. They also killed Shophach, their army commander.
Fugit autem Syrus Israël, et interfecit David de Syris septem millia curruum, et quadraginta millia peditum, et Sophach exercitus principem.
19 When the kings who had been ruled by Hadadezer realized that they had been defeated by the Israeli army, they made peace with David, and agreed to allow him to rule them. So the rulers of Syria did not want to help the rulers of the Ammon people-group any more.
Videntes autem servi Adarezer se ab Israël esse superatos, transfugerunt ad David, et servierunt ei: noluitque ultra Syria auxilium præbere filiis Ammon.