< 1 Chronicles 17 >

1 After David began to live in his palace, he said to the prophet Nathan, “[It does not seem right that] I am here living in a palace made of cedar [wood], but Yahweh’s Sacred Chest is kept inside a tent!”
Cum autem habitaret David in domo sua, dixit ad Nathan prophetam: Ecce ego habito in domo cedrina: arca autem fœderis Domini sub pellibus est.
2 Nathan replied to David, “Whatever you are thinking about doing, do it, because God is with/guiding you.”
Et ait Nathan ad David: Omnia quæ in corde tuo sunt, fac: Deus enim tecum est.
3 But that night God spoke [MTY] to Nathan. He said,
Igitur nocte illa factus est sermo Dei ad Nathan, dicens:
4 “Go and tell my servant David that this is what I, Yahweh, am saying to him: ‘You are not the one who should build a temple for me to live in.
Vade, et loquere David servo meo: Hæc dicit Dominus: Non ædificabis tu mihi domum ad habitandum.
5 I have not lived in any building, from the day that I brought the people of Israel up [out of Egypt] until now. Instead, I have [lived in a tent], moving from one place to another with [the Israelis] when they moved to other places [DOU].
Neque enim mansi in domo ex eo tempore quo eduxi Israël usque ad diem hanc: sed fui semper mutans loca tabernaculi, et in tentorio
6 Wherever I went with all the Israelis [as they traveled], I never [RHQ] said to any of their leaders whom I appointed to lead [MET] them, “Why have you not built me a temple made of cedar [wood]?”’
manens cum omni Israël. Numquid locutus sum saltem uni judicum Israël, quibus præceperam ut pascerent populum meum, et dixi: Quare non ædificastis mihi domum cedrinam?
7 Therefore, this is what you should say to my servant David: ‘I, the Almighty Commander of the armies of angels, took you from a pasture where you were taking care of sheep, [and I appointed you] to be the ruler of my Israeli people.
Nunc itaque sic loqueris ad servum meum David: Hæc dicit Dominus exercituum: Ego tuli te, cum in pascuis sequereris gregem, ut esses dux populi mei Israël:
8 I have (been with/helped) you wherever you have gone, and I have gotten rid of all your enemies as you advanced. And now I will cause you to become very famous, as well-known as the names of the greatest men [who have ever lived] on the earth.
et fui tecum quocumque perrexisti, et interfeci omnes inimicos tuos coram te, fecique tibi nomen quasi unius magnorum qui celebrantur in terra.
9 Formerly, during the time that I appointed leaders for my Israeli people, many violent groups oppressed them. But this will not happen any more. I have chosen a place where my Israeli people can live [peacefully] and no one will disturb them any more. I will give not allow them to [be attacked by] their enemies. And I will defeat all your enemies. I declare to you that I, Yahweh, will enable your descendants to rule after you [die].
Et dedi locum populo meo Israël: plantabitur, et habitabit in eo, et ultra non commovebitur: nec filii iniquitatis atterent eos, sicut a principio,
ex diebus quibus dedi judices populo meo Israël, et humiliavi universos inimicos tuos. Annuntio ergo tibi, quod ædificaturus sit tibi Dominus domum.
11 When your life ends [EUP], and you [die and] go to be with your ancestors [who have died], I will appoint one of your sons to become king, and I will enable his kingdom to (be strong/resist all their enemies).
Cumque impleveris dies tuos ut vadas ad patres tuos, suscitabo semen tuum post te, quod erit de filiis tuis: et stabiliam regnum ejus.
12 He is the one who will [arrange for] a temple to be built for me. And I will enable his descendants to be kings [MTY] of Israel forever.
Ipse ædificabit mihi domum, et firmabo solium ejus usque in æternum.
13 I will be [like] a father to him, and [it will be as though] he [is] a son to me. I stopped loving [Saul, ] the one who was the king before you became king, but I will never stop loving your son.
Ego ero ei in patrem, et ipse erit mihi in filium: et misericordiam meam non auferam ab eo, sicut abstuli ab eo qui ante te fuit.
14 I will cause him to rule over my people [MTY], and his kingdom will endure forever [DOU].’”
Et statuam eum in domo mea, et in regno meo usque in sempiternum: et thronus ejus erit firmissimus in perpetuum.
15 So Nathan reported to David everything that Yahweh had revealed to him.
Juxta omnia verba hæc, et juxta universam visionem istam, sic locutus est Nathan ad David.
16 Then David went [into the Sacred Tent] and sat in the presence of Yahweh, and prayed this: “Yahweh my God, I am certainly not [RHQ] worthy for you to have done all these things for me, and my family is not worthy, either.
Cumque venisset rex David, et sedisset coram Domino, dixit: Quis ego sum, Domine Deus, et quæ domus mea, ut præstares mihi talia?
17 “And O God, now, in addition to everything else, you have spoken about what will happen to my descendants in the future for many generations. Yahweh my God, you have acted toward me as though I was the most important man [on the earth]!
sed et hoc parum visum est in conspectu tuo, ideoque locutus es super domum servi tui etiam in futurum: et fecisti me spectabilem super omnes homines, Domine Deus.
18 “What more can I, David, say to you [for honoring me]? Although you know very well what I am like,
Quid ultra addere potest David, cum ita glorificaveris servum tuum, et cognoveris eum?
19 Yahweh, for my sake and because it is what you wanted to do, you have done these great things [for me], and you have revealed to me these things [that you are promising to do].
Domine, propter famulum tuum juxta cor tuum fecisti omnem magnificentiam hanc, et nota esse voluisti universa magnalia.
20 “Yahweh, you are great. There is no one like you. Only you are God, which is what we have always heard.
Domine, non est similis tui, et non est alius deus absque te, ex omnibus quos audivimus auribus nostris.
21 And there is no nation in the world like Israel [RHQ]. Israel is the only nation on the earth whose people you rescued. You performed great and awesome miracles, rescuing our ancestors from [being slaves in] Egypt, and expelling the people of other people-groups [who were in Canaan].
Quis enim est alius, ut populus tuus Israël, gens una in terra, ad quam perrexit Deus ut liberaret et faceret populum sibi, et magnitudine sua atque terroribus ejiceret nationes a facie ejus, quem de Ægypto liberarat?
22 You have caused us your Israeli people to belong to you forever, and you, Yahweh, have become our God!
Et posuisti populum tuum Israël tibi in populum usque in æternum, et tu, Domine, factus es Deus ejus.
23 “And now Yahweh, I pray that you will cause the things that you have promised to do for me and my descendants [MTY] to be fulfilled forever.
Nunc igitur Domine, sermo quem locutus es famulo tuo et super domum ejus confirmetur in perpetuum, et fac sicut locutus es.
24 When that happens, you [MTY] will be famous forever. And people will exclaim, ‘The Almighty Commander of the armies of angels, is the God who rules Israel!’ And you will cause that forever there will be descendants [MTY] of mine who will rule.
Permaneatque et magnificetur nomen tuum usque in sempiternum, et dicatur: Dominus exercituum Deus Israël, et domus David servi ejus permanens coram eo.
25 “You, my God, have revealed to me that you will cause [some of] my descendants to become kings. So I am brave enough to pray like this to you.
Tu enim, Domine Deus meus, revelasti auriculam servi tui, ut ædificares ei domum: et idcirco invenit servus tuus fiduciam, ut oret coram te.
26 Yahweh, you are God! You have promised to do these good things for me.
Nunc ergo Domine, tu es Deus, et locutus es ad servum tuum tanta beneficia.
27 And now you, Yahweh, have [promised to] bless my descendants [MTY], in order that they will continue to rule forever. That will happen because you, Yahweh, are the one who has blessed them, and you will keep blessing them forever.”
Et cœpisti benedicere domui servi tui, ut sit semper coram te: te enim, Domine, benedicente, benedicta erit in perpetuum.

< 1 Chronicles 17 >