< 1 Chronicles 11 >

1 Then the people of Israel came to David at Hebron [town] and said to him, “Listen, we have the same ancestors [IDM] that you have.
ENTONCES todo Israel se juntó á David en Hebrón, diciendo: He aquí nosotros somos tu hueso y tu carne.
2 In the past, when Saul was our king, it was you who led our Israeli [soldiers in our battles]. You are the one to whom Yahweh our God promised, ‘You will be the leader [MET] of my people; you will be their king.’”
Y además antes de ahora, aun mientras Saúl reinaba, tú sacabas y metías á Israel. También Jehová tu Dios te ha dicho: Tú apacentarás mi pueblo Israel, y tú serás príncipe sobre Israel mi pueblo.
3 So all the Israeli elders came to David at Hebron. And David made a sacred agreement with them while Yahweh was listening. They anointed him [with olive oil to set him apart] to be the king of the Israeli people. That is what Yahweh had previously told [the prophet] Samuel would happen.
Y vinieron todos los ancianos de Israel al rey en Hebrón, y David hizo con ellos alianza delante de Jehová; y ungieron á David por rey sobre Israel, conforme á la palabra de Jehová por mano de Samuel.
4 David and all the Israeli [soldiers] [SYN] went to Jerusalem. [At that time, ] Jerusalem was called Jebus, and the people who lived there were the Jebus people-group.
Entonces se fué David con todo Israel á Jerusalem, la cual es Jebus; y allí era el Jebuseo habitador de aquella tierra.
5 Those people said to David, “Your [soldiers] will not be able to get inside our city!” But David’s [soldiers] captured the city, even though it had strong walls around it, and since then it has been called ‘The City of David’.
Y los moradores de Jebus dijeron á David: No entrarás acá. Mas David tomó la fortaleza de Sión, que es la ciudad de David.
6 [What happened was this: ]: David said [to his soldiers], “The one who leads [our soldiers] to attack the Jebus people-group will become the commander of all my army.” Joab, the son of Zeruiah, led the soldiers, so he became the commander of all the army.
Y David había dicho: El que primero hiriere al Jebuseo, será cabeza y jefe. Entonces Joab hijo de Sarvia subió el primero, y fué hecho jefe.
7 [After they captured] the city which had strong walls around it, David moved there. That is why they named it ‘The City of David’.
Y David habitó en la fortaleza, y por esto le llamaron la ciudad de David.
8 David’s workers rebuilt the city, starting where the land was filled in and extending to the wall that was around the city. Joab’s [men] repaired the other parts of the city.
Y edificó la ciudad alrededor, desde Millo hasta la cerca: y Joab reparó el resto de la ciudad.
9 David became more and more powerful/influential, because the Almighty Commander of the armies of angels was with/helping him.
Y David iba adelantando y creciendo, y Jehová de los ejércitos era con él.
10 Yahweh had promised [that David would become the king]. And all the Israeli people (were happy that David was/supported David as) their king. There were many soldiers/warriors who helped David’s kingdom to remain strong.
Estos son los principales de los valientes que David tuvo, y los que le ayudaron en su reino, con todo Israel, para hacerle rey sobre Israel, conforme á la palabra de Jehová.
11 This is a list of the leaders of David’s [most mighty] warriors: Jashobeam was from the Hacmon clan. He was one of the leaders of David’s most powerful soldiers. One time he fought against 300 enemies and killed them all with his spear.
Y este es el número de los valientes que David tuvo: Jasobam hijo de Hachmoni, caudillo de los treinta, el cual blandió su lanza una vez contra trescientos, á los cuales mató.
12 Another one was Eleazar, who was the son of Dodo from the clan of Ahoh.
Tras de éste fué Eleazar hijo de Dodo, Ahohita, el cual era de los tres valientes.
13 [One day] he was with David at Pas Dammim when the soldiers of Philistia gathered there for the battle. There was a field of barley there. At first the Israeli soldiers ran away from the soldiers of Philistia,
Este estuvo con David en Pasdammin, estando allí juntos en batalla los Filisteos: y había [allí] una suerte de tierra llena de cebada, y huyendo el pueblo delante de los Filisteos,
14 but then David and Eleazar stopped in the middle of the field and fought to defend it and killed [many of] the soldiers of Philistia. Yahweh enabled them to win a great victory on that day.
Pusiéronse ellos en medio de la haza, y la defendieron, y vencieron á los Filisteos; y favoreciólos Jehová con grande salvamento.
15 One time three of David’s thirty most mighty warriors came to David when he was camping next to the huge rock outside the cave near Adullam. At that same time, the army of Philistia had camped in the Rephaim Valley.
Y tres de los treinta principales descendieron á la peña á David, á la cueva de Adullam, estando el campo de los Filisteos en el valle de Raphaim.
16 David was in a fortress, and some of the soldiers of Philistia were occupying Bethlehem.
Y David estaba entonces en la fortaleza, y había á la sazón guarnición de Filisteos en Beth-lehem.
17 [One day] David was very thirsty and said, “I wish that someone would bring me some water from the well near the gate at Bethlehem!”
David deseó entonces, y dijo: ¡Quién me diera á beber de las aguas del pozo de Beth-lehem, que está á la puerta!
18 So those three most outstanding warriors forced their way through the camp of Philistia soldiers and drew some water from the well, and brought it to David. But he would not drink it. Instead, he poured it out [on the ground to be an offering] to Yahweh.
Y aquellos tres rompieron por el campo de los Filisteos, y sacaron agua del pozo de Beth-lehem, que está á la puerta, y tomaron y trajéronla á David: mas él no la quiso beber, sino que la derramó á Jehová, y dijo:
19 He said, “Yahweh, it would certainly not be right for me to drink this water! That would be like [RHQ] drinking the blood of these men who were willing/ready to die for me!” So he refused to drink it. That was one of the things that those three most outstanding warriors did.
Guárdeme mi Dios de hacer esto: ¿había yo de beber la sangre de estos varones con sus vidas, que con [peligro de] sus vidas la han traído? Y no la quiso beber. Esto hicieron aquellos tres valientes.
20 Joab’s [younger] brother Abishai was the leader of the 30 most mighty warriors. [One time] Abishai fought 300 [enemy] soldiers with his spear and killed them.
Y Abisai, hermano de Joab, era cabeza de los tres, el cual blandió su lanza sobre trescientos, á los cuales hirió; y fué entre los tres nombrado.
21 So he became as famous as those three most outstanding warriors. He became their commander, even though he was not one of those three men.
De los tres fué más ilustre que los [otros] dos, y fué el principal de ellos: mas no llegó á los tres [primeros].
22 Jehoiada’s son Benaiah was a brave soldier from Kabzeel [town] who did heroic deeds. He killed two of the best warriors from [the] Moab [people-group]. One day he went down into a pit when snow was falling [on the ground] and killed a lion there.
Benaías hijo de Joiada, hijo de varón de esfuerzo, de grandes hechos, de Cabseel: él venció los dos leones de Moab: también descendió, é hirió un león en mitad de un foso en tiempo de nieve.
23 He also killed a soldier from Egypt who was (7-1/2 feet/2.3 meters) tall. The soldier from Egypt carried a spear that was as long as a weaver’s rod. Benaiah had [only] a club, but he grabbed the other man’s spear and killed him with it.
El mismo venció á un Egipcio, hombre de cinco codos de estatura: y el Egipcio traía una lanza como un enjullo de tejedor; mas él descendió á él con un bastón, y arrebató al Egipcio la lanza de la mano, y matólo con su misma lanza.
24 Those are some of the things that Benaiah did. So he became as famous as the three mighty warriors.
Esto hizo Benaías hijo de Joiada, y fué nombrado entre los tres valientes.
25 He was more honored than the other members of the group of thirty most mighty warriors, but he did not become a member of the group of three most outstanding warriors. David appointed him to be the leader of his bodyguards.
Y fué el más honrado de los treinta, mas no llegó á los tres [primeros]. A éste puso David en su consejo.
26 These are the names of David’s mighty warriors: Asahel, the [younger] brother of Joab; Elhanan, the son of Dodo, from Bethlehem;
Y los valientes de los ejércitos: Asael hermano de Joab, y Elchânan hijo de Dodo de Beth-lehem;
27 Shammah, from [the] Harod [clan]; Helez, from [the] Pelon [clan];
Samoth de Arori, Helles Pelonita;
28 Ira, the son of Ikkesh, from Tekoa [town]; Abiezer, from Anathoth [city];
Ira hijo de Acces Tecoita, Abiezer Anathothita;
29 Sibbecai, from Hushah’s [clan]; Ilai from Ahoh’s clan;
Sibbecai Husatita, Ilai Ahohita;
30 Maharai, from Netophah [town]; Heled, the son of Baanah, also from Netophah [town];
Maharai Nethophathita, Heled hijo de Baana Nethophathita;
31 Ithai, the son of Ribai, from Gibeah [town] in [the land that belonged to] the tribe of Benjamin; Benaiah, from Pirathon [town];
Ithai hijo de Ribai de Gabaath de los hijos de Benjamín, Benaías Phirathita;
32 Hurai, from the valleys near Gaash [Mountain]; Abiel from the clan of Arabah;
Hurai del río Gaas, Abiel Arbathonita;
33 Azmaveth, from Baharum [town]; Eliahba, from Shaalbon [town];
Azmaveth Baharumita, Eliaba Saalbonita;
34 The sons of Hashem from [the] Gizon [clan]; Jonathan the son of Shagee from the Harar [town/clan];
Los hijos de Asem Gizonita, Jonathán hijo de Sajé Hararita;
35 Ahiam the son of Sharar/Sacar, from Harar [town/clan]; Eliphal the son of Ur;
Ahiam hijo de Sachâr Ararita, Eliphal hijo de Ur;
36 Hepher from the Mekerath [clan]; Ahijah from the Pelon [clan/town];
Hepher Mechêrathita, Ahía Phelonita;
37 Hezro from Carmel [city]; Naarai the son of Ezbai;
Hesro Carmelita, Nahari hijo de Ezbai;
38 Joel the [younger] brother of Nathan; Mibhar the son of Hagri;
Joel hermano de Nathán, Mibhar hijo de Agrai;
39 Zelek from the Ammon people-group; Naharai, the man who carried Joab’s weapons, from Beeroth [town];
Selec Ammonita, Naarai Berothita, escudero de Joab hijo de Sarvia;
40 Ira and Gareb from Jattir [town];
Ira Ithreo, Yared Ithreo;
41 Uriah, [Bathsheba’s husband], from the Heth people-group; Zabad the son of Ahlai;
Uría Hetheo, Zabad hijo de Ahli;
42 Adina the son of Shiza, a leader from the tribe of Reuben, who had thirty [soldiers] with him;
Adina hijo de Siza Rubenita, príncipe de los Rubenitas, y con él treinta;
43 Hanan the son of Maacah; Joshaphat from Mithna [town/clan];
Hanán hijo de Maachâ, y Josaphat Mithnita;
44 Uzzia from Ashterath [town]; Shama and Jeiel, the sons of Hotham, from Aroer [city];
Uzzías Astarothita, Samma y Jehiel hijos de Hotham Arorita;
45 Jediael the son of Shimri and his [younger] brother Joha, from Tiz [town/clan];
Jediael hijo de Simri, y Joha su hermano, Thisaita;
46 Eliel from Mahavah [town/clan]; Jeribai and Joshaviah, the sons of Elnaam; Ithmah from [the] Moab [region];
Eliel de Mahaví, Jeribai y Josabia hijos de Elnaam, é Ithma Moabita;
47 Eliel and Obed, and Jaasiel from Zobah [town/clan].
Eliel, y Obed, y Jaasiel de Mesobia.

< 1 Chronicles 11 >