< 1 Chronicles 10 >

1 The army of Philistia [again] fought against the Israelis. The Israeli soldiers ran away from them, and many Israelis were killed {the soldiers of Philistia killed many Israelis} on Gilboa Mountain.
Or i Filistei vennero a battaglia con Israele, e gl’Israeliti fuggirono dinanzi ai Filistei, e caddero morti in gran numero sul monte Ghilboa.
2 The soldiers of Philistia caught up with Saul and his sons, and they killed his sons Jonathan, Abinadab, and Malchishua.
I Filistei inseguirono accanitamente Saul e i suoi figliuoli, e uccisero Gionathan, Abinadab e Malkishua, figliuoli di Saul.
3 The fighting was very fierce around Saul, and the (archers/men who shot arrows) shot Saul and wounded him severely.
Il forte della battaglia si volse contro Saul; gli arcieri lo raggiunsero, ed egli si trovò in grande angoscia a motivo degli arcieri.
4 Saul said to the man who was carrying his weapons, “Take out your sword and kill me with it, in order that these heathen Philistines will not be able to injure me [further] and make fun of me [while I am dying].” But the man who was carrying Saul’s weapons was terrified and refused to do that. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it [and died].
E Saul disse al suo scudiere: “Sfodera la spada e trafiggimi, affinché questi incirconcisi non vengano a trafiggermi ed a farmi oltraggio”. Ma lo scudiere non volle farlo, perch’era còlto da gran paura. Allora Saul prese la propria spada e vi si gettò sopra.
5 When the man carrying his weapons saw that Saul was dead, he also threw himself on his own sword and died.
Lo scudiere di Saul, vedendolo morto, si gettò anche egli sulla propria spada, e morì.
6 So Saul and three of his sons all died, and none of his descendants ever became king.
Così morirono Saul e i suoi tre figliuoli; e tutta la sua casa perì nel medesimo tempo.
7 When the Israelis who were living in the valley saw that their army had run away and that Saul and his three sons were dead, they left their towns and ran away. Then the soldiers from Philistia came and (occupied/lived in) those towns.
E tutti gl’Israeliti che abitavano nella valle quando videro che la gente d’Israele s’era data alla fuga e che Saul e i suoi figliuoli erano morti, abbandonarono le loro città, e fuggirono; e i Filistei andarono ad abitarle.
8 The next day, when the Philistines came to take away the weapons of the dead [Israeli soldiers], they found the corpses of Saul and his three sons on Gilboa Mountain.
L’indomani i Filistei vennero a spogliare gli uccisi, e trovarono Saul e i suoi figliuoli caduti sul monte Ghilboa.
9 They took the clothes off Saul’s corpse and [cut off] his head and took it and Saul’s armor.
Spogliarono Saul, e portaron via la sua testa e le sue armi, e mandarono all’intorno per il paese de’ Filistei ad annunziare la buona notizia ai loro idoli ed al popolo;
10 Then they sent messengers throughout their land, to proclaim the news throughout their own area, to their idols and to the other people. They put Saul’s armor in the temple where their idols were, and they hung Saul’s head in the temple of [their god] Dagon.
e collocarono le armi di lui nella casa del loro dio, e inchiodarono il suo teschio nel tempio di Dagon.
11 All the people who lived in Jabesh in [the] Gilead [region] heard what the Philistines had done to Saul’s [corpse].
Tutta la gente di Jabes di Galaad udì tutto quello che i Filistei avean fatto a Saul,
12 So the bravest men/soldiers of Jabesh went and got the corpses of Saul and his sons and brought them back to Jabesh. They buried their bones under a large tree in Jabesh. Then the people of Jabesh (fasted/abstained from eating food) for seven days.
e tutti gli uomini valorosi si levarono, presero il cadavere di Saul e i cadaveri dei suoi figliuoli, e li portarono a Jabes; seppellirono le loro ossa sotto alla tamerice di Jabes, e digiunarono per sette giorni.
13 Saul died because he did not faithfully obey what Yahweh told him to do. He even went to a woman who talks to the spirits of dead people and asked her what he should do,
Così morì Saul, a motivo della infedeltà ch’egli avea commessa contro l’Eterno col non aver osservato la parola dell’Eterno, ed anche perché aveva interrogato e consultato quelli che evocano gli spiriti,
14 instead of asking Yahweh what he should do. So Yahweh caused him to die, and he appointed David, the son of Jesse, to be the king [of Israel].
mentre non avea consultato l’Eterno. E l’Eterno lo fece morire, e trasferì il regno a Davide, figliuolo d’Isai.

< 1 Chronicles 10 >