< Mark 5 >

1 Then they came to the other side of the sea, to the region of the Gadarenes.
Sa wa kafa uhuru uraba udang anyimo ama nyanga magasinawa.
2 As Jesus got out of the boat, he was immediately met by a man from the tombs who had an unclean spirit.
Sa ma tuno a nyimo ujirgi me uru nu una gbergene abit sa ma ciki ahira amucau ma e ma kem Yeso.
3 This man lived among the tombs, and no one could bind him, not even with chains.
Ma dusa ma kurzo yeso ni agi ahira mucau muni ahira aticukum ti meme, barki anime unu tirza umeme ma zoni.
4 For he had often been bound with shackles and chains, but he tore the chains apart and broke the shackles in pieces. No one was strong enough to subdue him.
Barki amu tirza me in tizini ma tazi tini tiyorso unu rusa utirza umeme ma zoni.
5 Night and day, on the mountains and among the tombs, he would continually cry out and cut himself with stones.
Ahira amucau acukuno gusi akura ameme niye nan wuyi sarki uhirsa.
6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and bowed down before him.
Sa ma ira Yeso ma aze madusa ma ka rizo aje ameme.
7 Then he cried out with a loud voice and said, “What do yoʋ have to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure yoʋ by God, do not torment me.”
Ma dusa ma wu uhunu magu, “nyanini indi wuzi Yesu, vanaa asere una ninonzo mapata nan na asere. kati gidim.
8 For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of the man, yoʋ unclean spirit!”
Ba yesu magu “suro ani pum ni nu ugeme hu bibe bizenze”
9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is yoʋr name?” He answered, “My name is Legion, for we are many.”
Yesu ma iki me niza ni weme aveni, ma kabirka magu”na za nim gbem barki ti ori.
10 And he earnestly begged Jesus not to send them out of that region.
Magun Yesu nyara kati Yesu ma gidi me a manya ma meme ba.
11 Now there was a large herd of pigs feeding there near the mountain.
Ahira me nigo ni maladu nazi unu kase unu nyara imum yare azeser upana.
12 All the demons begged Jesus, “Send us into the pigs, so that we may go into them.”
Agbergene wa iki Yesu wa gu” tuburko duru anyimo amaladu tika ribe anyimo awe”.
13 So he immediately gave them permission, and the unclean spirits came out and went into the pigs. Then the herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the sea, and were drowned in the sea.
Madusa ma hem unu iko wa agbergene abit me, wa dusa wa suri inti sum sum wa ka ribe anyimo amaladu akuro ukirau, wa dusa wa rizo anyimo uraba udang, mei ma dusa ma ziki we.
14 Those who had been feeding the pigs then ran off and reported it in the city and in the countryside. So the people went out to see what had happened.
Abini me anu me sa wazi unu kasen imaladu me wa dusa unu sum uhana anyimo anipim nan nagiro waka buka imum me sa wa ira. Anu gwardang wa suri wa ha ahira me bati wa ka ira imum me sa Yesu ma wuza.
15 They came to Jesus and saw the man who had been possessed by demons sitting there, clothed and in his right mind—the man who had been possessed by the “Legion”—and they were afraid.
Sa wa aye ahira Yesu me wa iri una agberne agino me sa ma zi maciki a dizi maaduku soki turunga ti riri ani pum ni meme sa wa ira wa dusa wa kunna biyau.
16 Those who had seen it told them what had happened to the man who had been possessed by demons, and they also told them about the pigs.
Andesa wa e wa iri imum me sa ya kem unu agbergene agino me ma buki we imum me vat sa ya kem me nan maladu me.
17 Then the people began begging Jesus to depart from their region.
Wadusa wa gun desa mazin inna gbergene me, ma ceki we manyanga.
18 When Jesus got into the boat, the man who had been possessed by demons begged to go with him.
Sa yesu mazi unu ribe ujirgi umei una agbergene me magu madi tarsi me.
19 But Jesus did not permit him to do so. Instead, he said to him, “Go to yoʋr house and to yoʋr people, and report to them all that the Lord has done for yoʋ and how he has had mercy on yoʋ.”
Yesu daki ma hem ma dusa nan me ba, magun me”dusa akura ashi me ahira anu aweme uka buka imum me sa ugomo Asere ma wuza we.
20 So the man went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis all that Jesus had done for him, and all the people were amazed.
Ba ma dusa unu boo timumum ti dangdang me sa Yesu ma wuza me a nyimo Udikafolis, anu wa kunna biyau vat desa ma kunna.
21 When Jesus had again crossed over in the boat to the other side of the sea, a large crowd was gathered around him, and he was by the sea.
Sa Yesu ma kafa unuhuru uraba udang anyimo ukwale kwale ni'ori na nu gbardang ni e ni kem me sa ma raa ani kira nuraba me.
22 And behold, one of the rulers of the synagogue came, whose name was Jairus. When he saw Jesus, he fell down at his feet
ure una katuma anyimo udenge unigura nahana Asere una niza Yayirus sa ma ira Yesu, ma dusa ma tunguno ina ruu aje ameme.
23 and begged him earnestly, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Please come and lay yoʋr hands on her so that she may be healed. Then she will live.”
Ma vovi tari ahira me ma gun yesu”kusu ucaa um mada zo me uhuma, ma aye mamu iwono, aye tara tari tiwe me ani ce ni meme bati ma huma.
24 So Jesus went with him, and a large crowd followed him and pressed in on him.
Madusa nigome nan me, ni'ori nanu gbardang unu tarsa ume unu haza mamu nan me.
25 Now there was a woman who had suffered from a flow of blood for twelve years.
Ure une maka aye sa ma ziki tiwe ukirau nan tini re unu kpongizo uma ye.
26 She had suffered a great deal under many physicians and had spent all she had, yet received no benefit from it, but had only grown worse.
Ma tarsi ana tika gbardang, ma hu vat imum me sa ma zini, daki ma huma. imum me isabi ikingizi.
27 When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment.
Sa ma kunna abanga Yesu. Madusa ma tarsi me adumo sa mazin intanu, madusa ma dari udibi Yesu.
28 For she said, “If I touch even his garments, I will be healed.”
Ma buki anyimo iriba imeme, “inki ma dara udibi uyesu indidi huma”.
29 Immediately her flow of blood was dried up, and she knew in her body that she had been healed from her affliction.
Sa ma dara udibi me ukpogizo umaye me udusa utonno, ma kunna ani pum nimeme ma huma ma venke ini jasi imeme.
30 Jesus immediately perceived in himself that power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and said, “Who touched my garments?”
Yesu kunna nikara na suro ani pum nimeme. Ma dusa ma gamirka ma iki ni'ori nanu me magu “aveni ma dara udibi um”?
31 His disciples said to him, “Yoʋ see the crowd pressing in on yoʋ, and yet yoʋ say, ‘Who touched me?’”
Ba anu tarsa umeme wagu”wa ira ni'ori na nabu na aka upuru uwe, iduku gu”aveni ma dara we”?
32 But he kept looking around to see who had done it.
Yesu madusa ma gunkuno bati ma iri desa ma dara me.
33 Now the woman was frightened and trembling, knowing what had happened to her, so she came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth.
Uneme sa ma rusi imum me sa ya kem me, madusa unu kira imbiyau. Madusa ma e ma rizi aje Yesu ma buki me kadure me.
34 Then Jesus said to her, “Daughter, yoʋr faith has healed yoʋ. Go in peace, and be healed of yoʋr affliction.”
Madusa ma gun me”uca um nihem ni weme na benki we wa huma. Dusa anyimo iriba irum wa huma.
35 While he was still speaking, some people came from the ruler of the synagogue's house and said, “Yoʋr daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any further?”
Sa ma raa anyimo atize are ana katuma udenge ubirigira, wagu”uca uwe me mamu wono. nyanini ya wuna daki wa kini ba?
36 But when Jesus heard what they said, he immediately said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; just believe.”
Sa Yesu ma kunna imum sa wazi unu boo me, nan ana akatuma udenge ubi unigura,”kati i kunna biyau, hem ni shi”.
37 From that point he did not allow anyone to accompany him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.
Daki ma ceki uye ma tarsi me ba an Bitrus, Yakubu nan Yohana uhenu Yakubu cas ma hem wa tarsi me.
38 When he came to the ruler of the synagogue's house, he saw a commotion, with people weeping and wailing loudly.
Sa wa aye akura una katuma udenge uni gura ma e ma kem anu wazin tiso nan tihunu.
39 Then he went in and said to them, “Why are you making a commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but sleeping.”
Sa ma ribe akura me, ba ma iki we “nyanini ya wuna iriba ishi me ya corno me nyanini ya wuna izin ti soo me? vanaa me daki ma wono ba, moro mani mazini”.
40 And they began laughing at him. But he put them all outside, took the child's father and mother and those who were with him, and went in to where the child was lying down.
Ba ma dusa mazunzuka, ma suso anu me vat amatara, ma ziki aco nan ka a'ino nan an desa wazi nigo me nan me, wa ha ahira sa uca me marari ni.
41 Then he took hold of the child's hand and said to her, “Talitha koumi,” which means, “Little girl, I say to yoʋ, arise.”
Ma yeze tari tikubura me ma gu me “Talitha koum” sa igusa kubura, ma gunan hu hira”
42 Immediately the girl got up and began to walk (for she was twelve years old), and they were overcome with great amazement.
Kubura ku dusa ku hiri ku tubi tanu [tiwe timeme tazi ukirau in tini tire]. Anu wa dusa wa kunna biyau.
43 Then he gave them strict orders not to let anyone know about it, and he told them to give her something to eat.
Madusa hunguko we titui kati wa buki uye ba. Ba ma gu me imum yare mari.

< Mark 5 >